v“-. '^•r-7 *' . •< - *7"'* • W e r a B b a j c r d a t , m a y 8. i m AVBBAW DAXLT CnOCLATIOM fbr the mooth of April, 19S7 THE WEATHBB tha nmrth Dagrea of _______ _ Feteeast of 0. B. Westbar ABOUT TOWN CADETOtranniK VFW STAC PARTY wbo-wlli later atend the t.e enUie fpup-year course of study Hartford Campbell Ooimdl will have OVEN SURPRISE n u t r r at the college. ’The award was won 5 . 8 9 2 SBr. >>a !!>■. G«ors« B. JolmaoB I RIVERSIDE HONORS candidates for the degraa tomor­ HIGH SCHOOL’S OUN by Jaraea O’Loaty ta 1982 aad MANCHESTER Misrtm of tha Ao6K 1 1 W «T |Hb>Iow atrtA ar* •ptadiiic row. ON 25TB ANNIVERSARY Horace Burr to 19lM>. Bnreaa of drenkitisus . at Wasma. Pa. They AT ROME TONIGHT Filndpal Edaon M. Bailey of m e m o r ia l HOSPITAL tiM MotlMn* L It is flva yaara stooe them has been an exempllflcatlco of the RECORD IS SHARED Maacbestar High feela that the Anniia] Meeting ot M at Vau«y rorr* I I^ocal Stndent at Gewgta MiO- recqnltioo gained by graduates of. Fourth degree In Connecticut aad Mr. and Mrs. Stanlay Krajew- Ihe . Corpdrafioii. of^Jhe VOL. LVL, NO. 188 SSy^n. 1 '^***^ .**• *"y Academy Is Listed On as a result there la expectad to the local school la a high compli­ Advevtiatag oa Pags U ) ski of Starkweather Street ment to the school and its *»«-h*Tig ounchester MemorisI S S U ^ J b J S ^ " ‘ I H«.««.n. Sea Food Dinoer to Be a large number of to- (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THRBB CENTS morrow. Since tha appointment of -Are Gnests in Pulaski Han. Local School and Haddon- staff. Otter former students here Hospital wlO be held at the ft ■■■■' have won numerous similar awards hospital on Monday, ftlay -■■ y***jP ^ ^ ^t*** CJonmilB-1 GaineavUle, Qa,, May S— Accord- Serred in Style Cbainnan William J. Mulligan as of at other Institutions of higher learn­ jM sy W alty r*iy> er New Haven, I tag to announcemenU lust luued, tha Fourth degraa he has given Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Krajewakl ing that reflect high credit oa the 10th, 1937, at 8: o’clock more attention to the srork them Bold* N. J., H ^ HaTO Won Huey’s Heirs Vole Winnera ■BnldMw or tha Maaebeater Trunlcidet Ward B. Green, Jr, of Man- of U Starkweather stroat ware courses of tastnictioa aad the P. M. for the purpose of aad Sana Oqm K company, to aell cheater, Onm, la Uated on the Honor Harry Pearson Says. some of the former Masters' with thoroughness of their appkcaUoa at electing trustees to fiH va­ AMERICAN FLIERS ACTORS GUILD aad1 eenvagreoBvay tealtaal ai^and penpnalpanonal prop- RoU of fUveraide HUltary Academy the result that a large «•■«— is as­ guests of honor at a surprlsa party H re e Sodi F^rizei Manchester High. e t^ owned by tha bank. Senate mn { of thU city. Cadet Green received sured for tomorrow's gathering. In Pulaski hall North strsat a weak cancies on the board of ago last Monday, bald In honor of trustees and transacting ROSENDAHL DESCRIBES •66 was reported favorably In the I public commendation upon hla fine Anderson-Shea Post, Veterans of In addition to the class of candi­ WINS IN MOST their twenty-fifth wedding annlver- Sanato yaatmday by the Commit* I record In malctag a minimum gener- Foreign Wars will hold Its annual dates many of the present members DANCOra EVERY SATURDAY any other, business proper REACH LONDON ON tea on fneorporatlona. I al average of nlnety-flve per cent sary. Manchester High shares a unique 'Stag Party" at the Green Home of the degree will be present and tenor with HaddonOeld High of NIGHT AT THE to come before this meet­ — I which placed him on this list. will stay over for the banquet Iraey received bouquets of rosM ing of said corporation; Kobert J, Smith, owner aad de- tonlf^L Harry Pearson la chair­ from their daughter, Steffis Krajew- HaddonfWd, N. J„ la that theae' are • MAPLE GROVE INN OFBI^TUDIOS skl, sad a nepbtw, John Zatkowaki Ue only schools la the United F. A. VERPLANCK, ealOMr of Elisabeth Park has sold a man of the committee and has prom­ ^ t e s that ha^ been represented Stafford Springe, Conn. FIRST BURST OF FLAME of Holyoke. Guests from Hartford, TRANS OCEAN TRIP baSdlag lot on the south aide of I nA| If ft fAITDT ised the vets plenty of shore food th m times each In the award of “Bn»le" Rock aad Hie Urcbestrs. Secretary. Tanner street to Helen D. McComb. | I U Lll/lj i/U U ll I TWO HERE TO TAKE New Britain, Rockvilla aad Maa- Including clams In several ways, cheater preeentod the couple with a Olia Scbolushlps at Wasleyaa Unl- No Mlnlnniml No Covert May 3rd, 1937 OAers Most Also Agree to chowder and a full evening of fun. cheat of silver, a cocktail shaker, aa A number of boys from other BAR EXAMINATIONS urn set and smaller, ailver artlclea. scholarship has been to existence. Dick Merrill and Jack Lambie A fine of 1100 and coets was im­ poatj In this vicinity are expected to was subataaUated y ^ r - Guild Demands or Under* I posed by Judge Raymond A. John­ day by Wesleyan officials anw a BASQUE WOMEN FROM THE HINDENBURG 6 0 SEEK POSTAL attend the affair. son in police court this morning on Lawrence Redman, chairman of careful check of the records. irced Down 15 Miles Jacob E. Robinow and Herman William SInnamon. a member of go Strike; Film Crafts to John Genilaltus, 20, of East Wind­ the poet pistol team, will have the R. Ynlyea to Seek Admission SPECIAL MOIBER'S DAY INSIDE FURNACE DELIVERY JOB sor Hill who pleaded guilty to a range ready for use tonight There Manchester High’s mid-year g ^ u ” DONTM ISSI roin Goal Becaose of DIG TRENCHES charge of drunken driving. Police­ are 40 members already signed up — Exams On Next Friday. Uon ciM thla year, la the lateet Declare Theater Boycott. PROGRAM AT O T A D a local student to receive the honor I SAFE IN STORMS men Joseph A Prentice and Laester for pistol competition and plans are AMERICAN AIR EXPERT Bebrend arrested him late last night being made to secure national rec­ which carries an award of $2,000 for Jacob B. Rublnow, of 192 ISast ^fonble Witk Their Radio. WITHTHEMEN Engrineer Declares This Is on Oakland street. Dr, D. C. Y. ognition and affiliation with the Na­ Hollywood, May lO—(AP) — The Application Most Be Ffled Moore, police surgeon, pronounced tional Rifle Association. Center street, and Herman Robert 'J special Mother’s Day program baa Safest Place In the Home him under the Influence of liquor and Yulyes, of 91 Florence street, have been arranged for 9^0 a .-a i.-to ­ Blghest Qnallty Oerttfled ominous threat of a film actors' Duringr An Electrical Dis­ UNABLE TO GIVE CAUSE unlit to safely operate an automo­ filed applications for examination RADIO REVEL Croydon Airdrome, Eng., May 10. strike, with production paralyzed, by Monday; Hrst Exam morrow at the Salvation Army Sun­ Bflbao Sets Up ttew D efoise turbance. bile. for admission to the Connecticut day school. ’The yotmg people will SEED POTATOES FBATCRINQ —(AP)-—’The American Coronation theater programs curtailed and a Edward R. Heller. S6, of 80 New KNIGHTS FOURTH DEGREE Bar In the County building, Hart­ sad Fertillaer ffiers, Dick Merrill and Jack Lambie give s very Interesting program CooDcfl; An Astrorian $1,750,000 weekly payroll in toe Montreal, May 10.—(AP) — in Fire Tearsw Park avenue, Hartford, for driving ford. Rubtaow Is a graduate of v.ith Mrs. Arthur Kittle as chair­ landed at Croydon at 6:38 p. m. movie capital stopped, gave way to­ TeUs Federal Probers He Knew Big Ship Was Doomed an automobile without a license, was Harvard and Yulyes of Yale Unlver. man. Major Bowes Winner! Take toe word of K. B. Mc- Frank V.WiUiams (13:38 p. m,, e. a L) to complete the day to a working agreement between Ekutaron, research engineer, toe lined flO and costs. Ho was arrest- EXEMPUHED TOMORROW slty. ’The bar examinations will be ’There will also be a special pro­ TeL 7967 producers and toe screen Actors’ held at 9:45 a. m. In the County >•; eastward leg of an ambitious trans­ Brigade Retakes Mock o safest place during a lightning Slaty appHcaUons are on file fo r l^ ^ t !^ gram given at the evening servlca at Guild. Six of the nine major studios atorm la inside a furnace. When He Saw Flames; Tells How Fire Spread Rapidir, Building, Hartford. Friday, May 14. 7:80 by the 'jand. oceanic flight that may put them granted the primarly demands ot the looa] OvU Service examlnaUon A charge of speeding on Center Expect 500 at RilDallstic Cere­ - JOHN ENGELS - back In New York by ’Thursday. Ml SoDobe Ground Los toe guild from Guild shop, improved McElacbron told toe Electri­ fbr dark-carrier In the Manchester I street We^esday noon against Dr. cal Club a human body com­ First Rope Dropped Groanded Static Electricity, He mony in the Hotel Bond To­ working conditions and better pay pletely surrounded by metal poatomee. A number of persons I Edward H. Crosby of 50 Farmington London. Mayao.— (AP) — Dick for extras. Heads of these studios »*>o have planned to take the exam-1 avenue, Hartford, was nolled on rec- morrow Afternoon.
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