University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Paul Johnsgard Collection Papers in the Biological Sciences 1-1989 Social Behavior of North American Owls Paul A. Johnsgard University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/johnsgard Part of the Ornithology Commons Johnsgard, Paul A., "Social Behavior of North American Owls" (1989). Paul Johnsgard Collection. 27. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/johnsgard/27 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Papers in the Biological Sciences at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Paul Johnsgard Collection by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF NORTH AMERICAN OWLS by Paul A. Johnsgard Photographs by the Author ocial behaviors in animals include a very When cornered and facing an opponent, or Swide range of interindividual communica­ when protecting a nest, the posture assumed tions, both within and between species. by owls is entirely different. Here, instead of They include such rather generalized social re- presenting the minimum surface area to view, sponses as social flocking or roosting behavior, exactly the opposite response occurs, with the as well as much more individualized and com- feathers of the head and body fully fluffed, the plex interactions such as courtship, aggression, tail often spread, and the wings both spread and and parental behaviors. Regardless of their raised above the back or variably drooping. This complexity, social interactions involve some remarkable posture is somewhat similar to the level of communication or the transmission and two-wing stretching behavior of owls and per­ interpretation of social signals. These signals haps represents a ritualized derivative of it. can be transmitted in any of several sensory In this posture the bird may hiss menaCingly, channels, which in owls are most likely to in­ clatter its beak, and in some species sway back clude visual, acoustic, and tactile modes of and forth in a snakelike hypnotic rhythm while communication. directly facing its opponent. Most and perhaps all owls show distinctive That this is an innate response is indicated by postures when they are alarmed and when in the fact that I have seen nestlings of eastern threat. The typical alarm posture of perched screech-owls and barred owls perform this pos­ owls is one that emphasizes their remarkable ture perfectly like adults on seeing a peregrine capacity for remaining immobile and blending falcon (Falco peregrinus) for the first time, even into their environment. This apparently con­ though at that time their wings were only par­ cealing posture, appropriately called the Tarn- tially grown and their bodies were still mostly stellung (camouflage pose) in German, is down-covered. Similar intense defensive re­ mbodied silence, velvet one in which the owl typically stands sponses have been reported in hand-raised Esoft, the owl slips through vertically upright, often against an up­ great horned and barn-owls upon initial expo­ the night. With Wisdom's eyes, right tree trunk if it is available, with the sure to snakes. In the common barn-owl this Athena's bird turns darkness wing nearer the object of fear drawn side- defensive posture is typically associated with into light. (Joel Peters, "The ways and upward toward the bill, often seemingly almost unending cycles of head Birds of Wisdom") hiding most or all of the relatively pale swaying alternated with head shaking, accom­ and often conspicuous underpart colora- panied by puffing or beak-snapping (appar­ tion. The eyes are often almost entirely shut so ently actually tongue-clicking) sounds. A simi­ as to form slanted slits, even in species having lar posture to this is assumed by both adult dark-colored eyes. However, in some species barn-owls and their fledged owlets when such as the great gray owl and long-eared owl threatening one another, and this display is the eyes remain fully open, and they may even probably more offensive than defensive in be blinked in the case of the long-eared owl. motivation. At times this same species may also Additionally, if any ear tufts are present they become prostrate and motionless when it is are erected to their utmost, and the forehead actually picked up by a human, but such "play­ feathers as well as the "eyebrows" are usually ing dead" behavior does not seem to be typical spread, often tending to make these areas less of North American owls generally. conspicuously contrasting. This feather realign­ An important social behavior for many, and ment also often causes a pair of dark lines to perhaps most, owls is mutual preening (allo­ pass down from the ear tufts past or through preening). Even small owlets sometimes per­ the nearly closed eyes, making them con­ form this behavior, so it is not necessarily a kind siderably less conspicuous than normally is the of courtship, but it is certainly engaged in pri­ case. In species such as the scops owl and marily by paired birds and almost certainly is an screechowls the flattened forehead and eye­ extremely important pair-forming and pair­ brow feathers have a color pattern remarkably bonding type of activity. In the common barn­ similar to that of lichen-covered tree bark, pro­ owl mutual preening occurs regularly between ducing an extremely effective facial camouflage. pair members throughout winter, the female Finally, the rictal (mouth) bristles forming the usually approaching the male while uttering "moustache" are sometimes pushed forward in squeaks or whistles and preening him all over, such a way as to hide or nearly hide the beak. but especially around the face and the back of Continued on page 8 6 TERRA, Vol. 27, No. 3· jan.lFeb.1989 Continued from page 6 the head and neck. The preened bird responds cially to the smaller males, is probably an im­ "with apparent pleasure" by uttering twittering portant aspect of pair-bonding behavior in noises and chirrups. Often the two birds doze owls, and it has been suggested that one advan­ for a time following such a period of tage of the reversed sexual dimorphism typical e [the scritch-owl] preening. In the great gray owl allopreen­ of most owls is that it allows female dominance "H keepeth ever in the ing is one of the strongest behavior pat- to be established at the time of pair formation deserts and loveth not only terns evident during pair bonding. It can with a minimum of dangerous aggressive en­ such unpeopled places, but also be readily elicited by humans from adult counters between the two birds, which is obvi­ those that are horribly hard of wild owls of both sexes, as well as from ously advantageous to both sexes. access." (Pliny, Natural History) subadults, by approaching the bird with For probably most owls, a major part of court­ the top of one's head (hairy, not bald!) ship signalling and territorial advertisement toward its face, which stimulates the preening consists of calling behavior. This usually occurs response, even in badly injured birds. Mutual during evening and night hours, even in the preening in this species probably serves to relatively diurnal species such as the burrow­ reduce aggressiveness between individuals and ing owl, although in high-latitude breeders of may provide for both sexual recognition and course it regularly occurs during daylight. Prob­ pair-bond maintenance. It has been suggested ably in most owls these advertisement calls are that although allopreening is known to occur in at least initiated by the male, and are predomi­ numerous owl species, its function is still rather nantly performed by them, either from perches uncertain, but it may represent ritualized ag­ scattered around the male's territory or as gressive biting behavior. It probably is not im­ "song-flights" from above it, as in the common portant as a means of achieving either sexual or barn-owl. Unmated females are probably at­ individual recognition. tracted to such calls and often have distinctive Reduction of danger to both sexes, but espe- answering calls by which they probably gain entrance into the male's territory and begin to The long-eared owl establish individualized contact. Vocal duetting in defensive posture. is not uncommonly performed by presumably Defensive wing­ raising is typical of paired owls and, for example, occurs in such nearly all owls. diverse groups as some fish owls (Ketupa) and scops and screech-owls (Otus spp.), as well as in tawny, long-eared, little and spectacled (Pul­ satrix perspicillata) owls. Although monogamy is certainly the normal mating pattern in owls, scattered instances of polygamy (bigyny) have been reported in the snowy owl, Tengmalm's owl, and northern hawk-owl. Courtship displays in owls often involve aer­ ial activities. In the short-eared owl a major courtship display is an aerial wing-clapping display. Like the snowy owl, this open-country species occupies territories that have few if any available elevated perches from which to hoot, and flight displays are an ecologically appropri­ ate type of advertisement behavior. Wing clap­ ping is performed by the male short-eared owl while circling in the vicinity of his territory and occurs before pair formation, thus serving to advertise his availability for mating as well as his being a territory-holder. CourtShip calling may often occur during this aerial phase of display, but it was also observed to be uttered by a perched male shortly before copulation. Courtship feeding also often immediately pre­ cedes copulation, and in some cases the female 8 TERRA, Vol. 27, No. 3' Jan.lFeb. 1989 flew to the prey-carrying male, whereupon the male performed a food-begging display (open­ ing his wings and fluttering them while pre­ senting the prey in his mouth to the female).
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