A-12 •* THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. expense trip tb the 35th I SATURDAY, NOVF.MBi.ft 24, I»M 4-H Boy and Win National Actress Discloses Girl 4-H Club Congress opening in RATIOMAL—LAST tB TIMES! “murica’b Citizenship Contest Chicago Sunday. * riatT theater" THE >»•*• «:3«. Met,. Wed, end get. *:3B PASSING SHOW Secret Marriage CHICAGO, 24 (IP). 1 Nov. —A SPECIAL t P.M. SUNDAY (#),— SHOW I HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 24 ; Georgia girl and a Tennessee NOV. BA. Benefit Actor.' Find. 1 Actress Carol Ohmart and Actor >».ao. 3.80, 4,46 end t ea. | , boy yesterday were named win- 1 William Preston disclosed yes- THt PUTWaiGNTS' COMPANY This . (% rremd Young Old Vic terday they were married Thurs- ners of the National 4-H Club *Tlld* Y day but hoped to keep it secret. citizenship contest. Lauahal f Vf,-. THMIt DAMME 110 I Miss Ohmart. onetime Miss ! Patricia Venable, 19. of Jes- • Will Visit Capital Utah In the Miss America con- GOMEZ STEELE -NICOL ! ferson, Ga., and Billy O’Brien, x test, said they were married at By JAY CARMODY St. Mary’s Lutheran Church m i 19, of Afton, Tenn„ each won a » i Dram a Editor of The Star) San Francisco on Thanksgiving : S3OO scholarship and an all- til ELIA KAZAN NEW YORK. Nov. 24 —The man who has sampled It here morning. YgTfflpfltjgWpil ¦ l>,,<,cli " " promise Washington eye aJJ can drama lovers an and ear filling Mr. Preston’s real name is: NOW DEC. Old Shakespearean fortnight Strange. THRU 9th Vic this coming midwinter at the William He Is a one- 1 MATINEE TOPAT National. time electronics engineer from: 2:30 The renowned English company will be >¦ ? \ Laramie, Wyo. in the Nation’s ,- W laM Capital for the two weeks beginning January 28 to give four Miss Ohmart formerly lived in performances each of the four Salt Lake City and Seattle. I KANJ-UJA Open 10:43 Box Otttco Open Id AM. to t:»l PJU plays in this season’s repertory. of Richard's tumultous politics, Wash. She and Mr. Preston were ! ! Tickets in Ballantyne’s, lfith near F. City r Phone reservations District 7-858 M. The quartet has been chosen Indispensable to this tragic friends in Salt Lake but ! orders. i \ y *' Mail t:uth and D Sts. N.W. with an Old Vic eye to balance, , portrait of a weak and willful mr W didn’t start dating until they i. arerttn stfMMfc which is to say, to show Shake- King is frame fabricated of both were signed by the same a agent Twtntv-tixth end D Sts. N.W Opulent, Extravagant speare’s versatility and the virile powerful subordinate perform- here. “THt Most Motion Picture at young company's stunning gloss. ers. If Richard is to know the MilJMk, All Tima—the Quintissinee as DeMille—it is the To be thanked for this clas- depths of doom, to hit the pitch Wf A—l sically cultural boon is Sol Hu- of frenzied frustration in his —> ULii:, ! Sheerest Specimen of Cinema Showmanship.” rok, the art importer, whose ’’Here, cousin, SEIZE the crown,” P-1 Ii L-i>Jj Bolingbroke says present display case is New the to whom he .V JAY CARMODY, STAR York’s Winter Garden theater. it must be a towering figure. 2 Today He it is who has lured the clas- This. Bolingbroke most cer- sic English company from * its ( tainly is In the remorseless right- London home for the first visit eousness of stalwart Charles to America in 10 years. And with 1 Gray. POP .CONCERT it such bright new stars as Paul His Is the cut and quality of Rogers Claire Bloom and John j those who play the principals In BROADWAY MUSICALS this [ / DAILY Neville. youthful production of AI.L SCATS RFSFRVFD L .. ' , “Richard II.” The truth of this TONIGHT AT 8:30 <o*- In the repertory which these AAen. tbrn J F M. ERSU Dear* UpJ ! is underscored eloquently in the St. - are playing and which Washing- , Lloyd Geisler, Conducting SA, O J P M , unforgettable performance of * 3 ton will see in full scope are THE PREDATORY |L It 7J. i | 40 II," young Paul Rogers as the vener- WOMEN Sponsored byiWoshington Goa Light Company , “Richard “Romeo and I Dolores Gray, the gossip, draws a bead on a rich I2^ Juliet,” "Macbeth’’ and "Troilus , able John of Gaunt. Rogers, one and avail- *?.»' of England's most amazing ris- able male for Joan Collins, the chorus girl, in this scene flni'r > 3K; ¦ sai. a!*a° and Cressida.” It has been a from “The Opposite Sex.” The new movie version, from “My Fair Lady" long Washington saw ing stars and the lead in this with Selections from “The Rlny and V* ,-Al F,ice, To. time since music,'of H Holidoy Schedule any . season’s “Macbeth” has taken Clare Boothe Luce’s “The Women” continues for ! “Wundfrbar” (Kiss Me Kate) ¦OO "W| p ond of these, and Heaven alone HQk W ('ca» Soma os Sundoy T-y another (South . knows when, or if. it ever saw Broadway by storm. Even a ! week at Locw’s Palace Theater. “ThiN Nearly Wa» Mine" PpclAc) S My (Oklahoma!) M-,i (,rJ *r * “Troilus.” relatively brief sight of him ’ ¦ “Out of Dreams’* ’.I * ••!••! Promptly /jfc 1 VV. makes evident why Carousel Waltaes Jf jjm This roving theater reporter this should ! (Bandwagon) be. b. “Blow Gabriel” . has never seen it produced and Oim— I “This la My Beloved” (Kismet) There is compelling force in KI "‘ *n,, ” so far he has run into no one WRIGHTSON LOIS HINT. here who has done better. Ob- others of the company, of Jack Club tHishllihts. “One Alone” (Detert Song)c rr„„ old Maunnt “Little Girls. Goodbye" iSnplr Blossom) Stsr of Met. viously, there are such, but they Gwillim as the stormy Duke of Q SHOWS VVTOP !*CBS Norfolk; today “Robert Q. "Strike Up The Bend” I b us" are of Ernest <S,r,k ' * " "o’mn w few and not to be found by Hare as the 0 Vt The B n< end Ceri W “'tickle outraged Earl of Northumber- THE CMATISI MOTION PICTURE EVEN MADE' ?»•tlSl* „vhoco- “Merry Widow Wnlts" Gleason." and Commandments search as indifferent as ours has j CHIOIK ham A Paramount Picture land; of Richard , Chomoogn* “Ville" < (Merry Widow) o been. Wordsworth as RODGERS and HAMMERSIEIN S Cocktails win«t cool drinkt. eVd stoic's CBS TECHNICOLOR* I the age-ravaged fiMM A Cond Parking Clostd Mondov “New Moon” “Romany Life” (Fortune Teller) q. ’*-^l£rtLaw In 4 The play will its philosophical A " make first Min I P»Tti<B. Rangorta, Rprectloru rl,B “Wanting You” (New Moon) Show.” appearance in the repertory Duke of York, rueful uncle to the ft n mn - Soon.” BOX here next month, at which time King. .GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE: $1.50, 2, 2.50, 3, 3.50 end 4 OFFICE OPEN : * IO A.M. TO 9 P.M apparently most of the current ** * Symphony Box Office, in Campbell’s, 1108 G St. NA. 8-7332 M IfiF II,” of course, UnlmUM! [s HUBERT SUN. 12 TO 9 P.M generations will catch their first j “Richard is a r». P.O..C "Eloquenl, Arresting, to^^oSuspenseful'." fiPPyj play incidentally glimpses of it. but concerned 'TODD'AO Carmodv. Star *** * iwith women, giving them but , “Fgscineling from storf •;“.,£r«n“i»" to finishr Shakespeare, brief ° "*“* ¦ Old Vic it should interludes to share the vow THt MIRSCIf Os 1000 SO ~, go pangs of revolt " without saying, is big Shake- and dethrone- hm OrMn fiHu Pnatii, Splendid Production!" speare with all the speciality of ment. Nevertheless, as Richard's Eidnivt RlchaTi to *’ tradition, production and per- shattered young queen. Claire Wishmftoo EocaiewenC lannot be Seen In Any Other Iheatn » CLAUDE WENDELL CHRISTOPHER parent formance expected of a Bloom establishes her place as * *"¦ • • institution. England's outstanding younger RAINS COREY PLUMMER Its “Richard II,” starring 31- actress. L’C”"* Films of Mo,e Than Rout,ne Merii year-old Mr. Neville, the, play These should make the Old Sla.br Wareer Tk.al.r, || DRIVE-IN THEATEBS | nr„r “CAROUSEL”—A handsome and bountiful sung- this correspondent saw. is »a Vic’s first visit to Washington, . rn ft Ten. screen version stunning specimen of the Bard come January, UPTOWN UUlijl U j AMBASSADOR idiTdii zestfully by Shirley Jones and Gordon Macßae. IPP UU/V ant nt one of the sea-! J42k Conti 4re at Amt* it N R ft “ vn || B ¦ "w ei \" J ALlVE”—Suspense plus the company’s revelous son's peaks of drama. i “GIANT” ! THE FASTEST GUN drama with Glenn nniur iH Tnr'.mVu ¦¦ ¦ 1 UHIVt-lH THEATER reverence. As directed by youth- Rock pudson Elizabeth Taylor jamea Ford •‘xpertl.v playing an unwilling crack shot. ful Michael Benthall. who also Dean, i:.)5, 5:30. 9:ao. “GUYS AND DOLLS’*—Jean Simmons* Marlon Brando and * « Miiea wmi at Fails shaped the other three plays avbi nilwo ««i* cann. Frank Sinatra in the lively Damon Runyon musical. Drff?.ik. Ucutetf Between“silVH for MON., " , ONE WK. BEG. NOV. 26 N ' w h * ,r this season, it power, pageantry SHOWS TONIGHT . , ',„.7. f, .' “PRIVATE’S PROGRESS”—Very funny account of a sheltered j , rt “HP* is MATS. WED. & SAT., 2:30 I Efth eV A?i?i r: JS:e and music combined. CAPITOL-PALACE »:“)): "The Bold* *and "the ’ Brave! young Briton’s encounter with the military life, {• R4-i or le. t?»" In the sum total of the per- A COLUMBIA MLckry_Roon ty.jiioo.j7 A3o_oniy.
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