AUGUST 27, 2010 VOLUME 18, NO. 34 650.964.6300 MountainViewOnline.com Lights! Camera! Action! The 2010 Best of Mountain View winners are ready for their close-ups INSIDE: GOINGS ON | MARKETPLACE REAL ESTATE | VIEWPOINT AND THE BEST OF MOUNTAIN VIEW Mountain View’s Favorite 2009 Thai Restaurant Winner 2010 Amarin Thai would like to thank all our loyal customers voting us Mountain View’s Favorite. ,UNCH New Dishes Dinner -ON &RIs Created with -ON 4HURSs 3ATURDAYs &RIDAYs 3UNDAYs Love! 3ATURDAYs 3UNDAYs WWWAMARINTHAICUISINECOM #ASTRO3TREET -OUNTAIN6IEWs4EL Best Of MVVoice Stars | P.14 AUGUST 27, 2010 VOLUME 18, NO. 34 INSIDE: WEEKEND | PAGE 35 650.964.6300 MountainViewOnline.com MV Whisman sets new policy on nepotism NEW RULE TO GUARD AGAINST CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, IMPROPRIETY By Nick Veronin man said that the district had rules esponding to a recommen- related to sexual harassment and dation from the California conflict of interest. “We see this RSchool Boards Association, policy as one that adds clarification, the local elementary-middle school not that is fundamentally different district has a new policy to guard than what we had before,” he said. against nepotism in its ranks. The new rule “prohibits the Prior to adoption of the policy, appointment or continuing assign- the Mountain View Whisman ment of any person to a position School District did not have any for which his or her relative (or a FIRST DAY specific rules prohibiting district person with whom he or she has an employees from being supervised intimate or romantic relationship) OF SCHOOL by a relative or someone with whom maintains management, super- Kindergartner Ava they share an intimate relationship, visory, evaluation, or promotion Taylor, 4, gets an said Superintendent Craig Gold- uplifting hug from man. See NEPOTISM, page 9 big sister Ellie, 7, “I think that there are many as brother Silas, 6, members of the community that looks on. It was Ava’s will appreciate an explicit policy on ‘Amazing’ first day of school this issue,” Goldman said. at Mariano Castro The board of trustees for the dis- Elementary School on trict adopted the policy at its Aug. false alarm Monday, Aug. 23. All 19 meeting. All members present over the Mountain voted unanimously to approve the — TV show View Whisman district policy. Steve Olson was the only students headed back board member not present at the to class after summer meeting. is a no-show break. When asked why a policy was not already on the books, Gold- Brace yourself, Castro Street, MICHELLE LE The Amazing Race is coming! At least that was the announce- ment circulated Friday by shop ary 2010, five people affiliated owner Kathleen McCabe and Spotting the warning signs with Gunn High School com- many others who mistakenly mitted suicide. Three were Gunn believed McCabe, including the HIGH SCHOOL STAFF SCHOOLED ON SUICIDE PREVENTION students at the time, one was an Central Business Association By Nick Veronin incoming freshman and one had and city officials. According to It focused on a suicide prevention with the district, outlined some recently graduated in the class of e-mails, voicemails and Face- igh school staff went back protocol known as “question- of the indicators that a person 2008. Sarraf had no concrete fig- book updates, the network TV to school for suicide-pre- persuade-refer,” or QPR. may be considering suicide. ures for the number of attempted show, which sends teams on an Hvention training, follow- Students who contemplate kill- The training focused on spot- suicides in her district last year, around-the-world race punc- ing a “surprisingly high” number ing themselves often feel pressured, ting the warning signs and but said many had been reported tuated by unusual tasks, was of attempted suicides by Mountain depressed, overwhelmed or hope- engaging students in the QPR and that it was disconcerting. supposedly stopping at Global View and Los Altos high school less and very often suffer from a protocol, which involves asking “We would like to think it was Beads on Castro Street at about students last year, and the much- form of mental illness such as students if they are depressed an aberration, but we don’t want 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. publicized suicide cluster at Gunn bipolar disorder or psychosis, said and are considering suicide, to take a chance on that,” Sarraf 21, for some sort of challenge High School in Palo Alto in 2009. Brigitte Sarraf, associate super- attempting to persuade them said. “We want the adults in our involving beads. The Aug. 13 training session at intendent of educational services against ending their lives and schools to be aware, so that we When the Voice turned up on Foothill College drew 35 employ- at Mountain View-Los Altos. She referring students to a qualified can assist students before they seri- Saturday to see what was going ees of the Mountain View-Los was at the training where Susan mental health official. ously act on a suicide plan. This is Altos Union High School District. Flatmo, a contract psychologist Between May 2009 and Janu- all aimed at saving lives.” V See AMAZING, page 9 INSIDE GOINGS ON 39 | MARKETPLACE 41 | MOVIES 37 | REAL ESTATE 44 | VIEWPOINT 13 *LYH<RXU)DYRULWH%R\DQ$GYDQWDJH$GYDQWDJH WEST VALLEY MUSIC 7KDW/DVWVD/LIHWLPH7KDW/DVWVD/LIHWLPH7KDW/DVWVD/LIHWLPH EDUCATION &KRUDOSHUIRUPLQJDQGPXVLFHGXFDWLRQ Group Start Classes s'UITARs0IANODesigned to give the student a start PDNHER\VEHWWHUVWXGHQWVDQGFLWL]HQV on learning a new instrument. +ICKSTART#LASSES sFlutes#LARINETs3AXOPHONEThe perfect class for -RLQ5DJD]]LªVQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HG beginning players behind in their band program to, that are afraid of SURJUDP:HªUHORFDODQGZHURFN¥ the commitment of private lessons. Class emphasizes instrument care, DQGZHKDYHVLQFH embouchure/sound issues and fingering problems. Class limit of 10. Class duration: 1.5 hours. 1RVWUHVVDXGLWLRQV$XJWK Boot Camp Classes sFlute s#LARINETs3AXOPHONEA great class for VW intermediate players to hone in on skills specific to each instrument. Class DQG6HSW RUE\DSSRLQWPHQW limit of 10. Class duration: 2.5 hours. IRUWR\HDUROGER\V 3PECIALTY#LASSES "ROADWAYCLASSICSFORKIDS$RUM3ET Top Teachers in the Bay Area! All Ages Welcome Follow us on Twitter (650) 961-1566 • 262 Castro St., Mountain View ZZZUDJD]]LRUJ twitter.com/mvvoice For more information and registration, please visit www.westvalleymusic.com Discover The High a community where… You feel right at home and make lifelong friends You’re uplifted and touched by beautiful worship You explore Jewish learning that speaks to your deepest concerns Your kids are enriched through outstanding education programs You develop warm relationships with inspiring clergy and teachers Holy Days Interfaith and non-traditional families are welcomed and embraced Discover our friendly, supportive community at Congregation Beth Am, a center of Reform Jewish life on the Peninsula WHERE YOU BELONG! INSPIRATIONS The High Holy Days begin with Selichot on Sat., Sept. 4 A resource for special events 7:00p.m. Film and Discussion, followed by short Service and ongoing religious Selichot is free of charge and held at Beth Am services. For information, High Holy Day tickets are $275 each, including all services, held at Flint Center, Cupertino please email Blanca at [email protected] Congregation Beth Am 26790 Arastradero Road Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 or call 650.223.6596 2000 -#')+" ! " #$ % & %& % ' ( ')& *+,& -)& , ! "# $ " %& )& ,, '( )!* . && / )& ++& + & ,- ) )& *, ! "# .- % & 0% .12 / 3& 4 ■ MOUNTAIN VIEW VOICE ■ AUGUST 27, 2010 PRODUCTION ERROR Due to a production error, the ad for Congregation Beth Am that ran in The Mountain View Voice on August 20 had the wrong event date. 7PJD FT The event takes place on Saturday, September 4. AROUND TOWN Embarcadero Publishing regrets the error. — Please see the correct ad on page 4 of today’s VOICE. Asked in Downtown Mountain View. Pictures and interviews by Angela Chen. 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