DON'T BLAME CARRIER FOR LATE DELIVERY Guns, gorillas, bunny rabbits for Penn and Teller fans, El Tbds/Jtiistfc'r^rylsnatM . buS <jt yout Ocwriw carrier &ji to tect-^scal <&*?&?&*, we *«fe u^^Ha lo 9C< fr« r^vispspt'» cn.1 en UT^ Homelbwtv.' f <iMMt.Mr,\noN>« .^iiiwrnui. Putting you In touch Thursday with your world March 18,1999 Serving the Westland Community for 34 years © VOLUME 34 NUMBER 82 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 78 PAGES • http://observer-eccentric.com SEVENTY-r.'.t CFNTS C 1W9 HomeTuwn Comniujijl&rtlont Network, Inc. OUp-TlftftB Pickering to quit council seat Westland City Council member Charles Pick­ his post early to help a potential can be involved ifi decisions about a ering's decision to step down eight months appointee gain an incumbent's edge in new city budget QJjid whether to reno­ 1999 council elections. vate or construct r|ew municipal build­ before his current term expires will almost "I'm not trying to create an advan­ ings, including an Administration com­ certainly cause potential appointees to jockey plex, a recreatiorjl center, a district Everybody knows that honey and for position in this election year. tage for a political candidate for coun­ lemon is good for a chest cold and cil," he said. "As of right now, I'm not court and fire stations. gargling with salt water soothes a BY DARRELL CLEM will almost certainly cause potential actively supporting anybody." "It is time for new energy, ideas and sore throat. STAFF WRITER appointees to jockey for position in this Pickering, 56, said he wants to spend enthusiasm with a fr%sh focus on the [email protected] The Observer Health & Fitness election year. more time with his family, travel and future of Westland," Pickering said. •. staff is planning an issue on folk Veteran Westland City Council mem­ Council President Sandra Cicirelli explore an educational interest in culi­ His departure also m3§ns he won't remedies, those tried-and-true Rxs ber Charles Pickering stunned his col­ urged candidates to submit resumes to nary arts. be on the council when possible deci­ straight out of youf grandma's leagues and political observers Monday the city clerk's office at Westland City A former mayor in his 12th year on sions are made on commercial, indus­ kitchen. We'd like to know how your by suddenly announcing he will resign Hall. She hasn't announced a deadline the council, Pickering said he didn't trial or residential projects that may folks and grand folks cured what his elected post, effective April 30. or scheduled a study session for discus­ plan to seek re-election and, therefore, involve his real estate company: His firm recently closed its Westland office ailed them when the doctor wasn't His decisio'n to step down eight sion about replacing Pickering. chose to resign to avoid becoming a around. What do you do for your snif­ months before his current term expires During an interview, Pickering lame duck legislator. fles, bee bites, warts and tummy rejected any speculation that he quit This way, he said, a new appointee Please see PICKERING, A2 aches? • Send your Ideas(not your Fedorov fever potions) to: Observer Newspapers, Judge sends Attn.: Renee Skoglund/Kim Mort- son, 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, Ml 48150. Fax: (734) 591-7279. E-mail: man to trial [email protected]. in beating IN THE PAPER death of boy TODAY BY DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITER [email protected] COMMUNITY LIFE Murder defendant Hassan Christo­ pher Clark showed little emotion Mon­ day as a Westland judge ordered him Cuckoo for comedy: If you to stand trial for the brutal beating hear strange noises com- . death of his girlfriend's 2-year-old son. As some of his family members wept. ing from the back room of Clark, 30, only smiled faintly as he was Mama Mia's Restaurant led from a courtroom where lie was every now and then, have ordered to stand trial for the Jan. 14 killing of Michael Towne. no fear. It's just the Danc­ Clark faces trial for felony murder ing Cuckoos, a group of and first-degree child abuse following a ruling by 18th District Judge Gail Laurel and Hardy fans McKnight, who cited "strong, strong" singing, dancing and circumstantial evidence against him. having a good time./Bl The judge announced her ruling Monday, concluding a two-part prelimi- STATfPHOTO BT BHTAN MJTCHEli. Please see DEATH, A3 AT HOME Fedorov fan: Brianne Collins, 17, (above and below) didn't wait iri line for an autograph but after Red Wing Sergei Fedorov passed her Collins was excited, yelling, <lHe touched me!" Place of worship: A home Hockey hero: Detroit Masked shrine is a pei^sonal Red Wing hockey expression of religious player Sergei Fedorov belief./W was at the Westland Shopping Center gunman Tuesday flight where ENTERTAINMENT more than1,000 peo­ plewaited inline robs store and paid $40 or $50 Circus: The Shrine Cir­ for each item signed, A masked gunman Saturday robbed cus, the circus with a a Westland convenience store and with some of the pro­ escaped with an undisclosed amount of heart, is a labor of love ceeds going to youth money and lottery tickets. for the Shriners who run hockey. The event was The incident occurred at 2 p.m. at it/El put on by the Fan Quick Mart. 30903 Ann Arbor Trail Zone. Below, Sergei near Merriman, and no arrest has been Fedorov signed more made, police said REAL ESTATE A store clerk told police that a white than 1,000 auto­ male bandit entered the store holding a graphs at the West- long-barrel handgun and that he Memorable folks: Some land mall: demanded money from the store draw­ are good experiences, ers and cash register. She reported that she followed his some are bad, but almost orders and that he also demanded lot­ everyone sells a ho?ne./¥l tery tickets. First fans: The woman sought help after the .Tommy Doyle man left the store The bandit was last INDEX (left) and Jeff seen running toward a Danny's store in Daigneau got the area • Obituaries M to the West- Residents of nearby Hawthorne Club • Classified Index FG land malt at Apartments, behind nanny's, told Real Estate FG police they hadn't seen the bandit 7 a.m. 7\tes- The bandit was described as a white Crossword G3 day to see male, about ISO pounds He wore a Jobs G7 Fedorov even white hat. a white turtleneck shirt, Home & Service H7 though he blue jeans and a blue cloth handker­ chief over bis face He also wore sun­ Automotive J4 wasn't sched­ glasses • Opinion A14-15 uled to arrive Anyone who lias information is urged • Calendar B4 until 6p.m. to caii the Westland Police Department at 722 -0G0O • Sports CI Anonymous tips may lie made to • Real Estate Fl Grime Stoppers of Michigan at i 800 i .s:n-,'nii HOW TO REACH US Plan for new southeast fire station hits delay Newsroom734-953-210 4 Newsroom Fax 734-591-7279 Hv DARNELL CI.KM day that he is pleased to see Ins longtime neighbor­ homecomm.net • Fire Chief Mark Neal said Tuesday £-meil: bJnchman@oe, STAFF WftllWl that a small children's park with play­ hood finally receiving some attention Nightlinc/Sports 734-953-2104 [email protected] "i kind of thought thai area was neglected by the city." he said. Reader Comment Line734953-204 2 New fire station plans for Westland's southeast ground equipment Is scheduled to bo side hit what is expected to be a temporary snag Specifically, Mason said the citv has ignored park Classified Advertising,: 734-591-090 0 built after the new fire station is com­ Monday. pleted. The park would be next to what and recreation deeds in the Carver subdivision Display Advertising. 734-591-2300 Cnrver subdivision residents who live near the pro Fire Chief Mark Need said Tuesda\ that a small Home Delivery.. 734-591050 0 posed site, southeast of Annapolis anil Irene, con would he Westland's first new firo sta­ children's park with playground equipment is slated vincod Westland City Council members to delay a tion In nearly 30 years. to be built after the new fire station is completed The park would be next t<< what would he West vote until April f». • Tfr W» •" **»"#*«• Residents Sahrina ("Juyton and Sherry Mallard land's first new fire station tn nearly 30 years K.venlually. city officials plan to add to the park In asked for a throe-week delay to allow the Southeast City officials want to build a 4.GOO square toot. installing ball fields and basketball courts. Neal said Westland Homeowners Association to discuss the $800,000 fire station in all area geographically sepa l hi Monday, council members agreed to delay a site proposal. rale from much of Westland "We need to kick it around at a meeting." Mallard Resident Ramlv Mason told council members \b>:i 6 63174 10011 6 said Tuesday I'leas,- STATION, A2 A2<W) The Observer AEccentricI THURSDAY, MARCH 18,1999 ii from page Al Target: reading aiid consolidated operations in anyway. Canton Township. • He viewed the city's deci­ Rumors had circulated that sion to pump about $2 million Pickering wouldn't seek re-elec­ into a new Sears store at West- tion, but his decision to resign land Center as corporate wel­ early sent quakes rumbling fare. across Westland's political land­ • He believed that a special scape.
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