Secti()n rosse Pointe ews A PubH,h.d '" S.. o.d CI ... M"tt .. 01 Ih. 30c Per Copr 44 Pages-Four Sections VOl. 42-NO. 40 Poll Offlc. at 0.11011. Mlchl,o" GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER I, 1981 $1J Per V.o. New development completes Kercheval renaissance• By Susan McDonald Uc\'e1opment Block Gran t p1'Ogram, which has ing from heir~ of the la (e C. J. Record through from in the No\'. :l general election. approved $50,000 for the project, The CDBG pro- realtor Richard P. Joy III, of Lambrecht. Spada ~aid he is concerned about the city The Park CouncH Monday approved plans to gram also funded other improvements on the strip, use public and private funds to restore the last The sale of a portion of the building to the "using federal mont'Y to help indi vidual business- eyesore on its prime Kercheval commercial strip The city will purchase its section of the build- city is contingent on 1{enaiss<lllce making im- men. ing for $]4,300. Demolition is expected to cost provements to the facade within 90 days, accord- -the abandoned, boarded-up former Patmon "Are we buying a parking lot for a private about $5,000 and the remaining funds will be used ing to City Manager John Crawford~ The city ,Oldsmobile shop between Maryland and Wayburn investor?" he asked at the Monday, Sept. 28 meet- Avenue. ., to ins(all Iigh~s. a 32-space parking Jot and meters. also will receive some $25,000 in back taxes owed on the building at the time of sale, he said. The ing. "The council is voting on a pig in the poke. Wp don't know how many spaces will be needed The building, at almost 19,000 square feet, is PRIVATE FUNDS will be used to restore the developers said they hope to \\<'Ol'k closely with rem?illin~ in the lot we're building because we don't know the largest m the Park shopping area. It llCl~ UCt:ll huilding. according to representatives the city on all improvements to the structure. whM kinrl or how man v tenants there will be." vaca~t for three years, deteriorating badly while from Grosse Pointe Renaissance, a limited par- tnership formed by William Mierkiewicz, of War- The majority of council members were en- the CIty pumped almost $300,000 of federal funds thusiastic about the development. "This is going Graham expressed similar concerns about the into the blighted area to spruce up store fronts, ren, and Patrick J. Morrill, of the Park. to enhance the city. It will help the businesses city committing itself to build a lot for unspeci- sidewalks and parking. "Our goal is to rehabilitate and convert that in the area and protect property values for home- tied purposes. building into office or retail space, or both," owners nearby," said Mayor Matthew Patterson. Under the plans approved Monday 5-2 But Councilwoman Ann MacDonald apparent- by a. Mierkiewicz said. "We expect to spend about vote, the city wiii purchase the original rear por~ However two council members, Douglas ly spoke for the majority when she said," I think $300,000, depending on how we divide up the Graham and Anthony Spada, voted against the it's about time this council did something for ~ion of ~he building (6,000 square feet), demolish interior. We're soliciting tenants now." It and Install a metered parking lot. Money for proposal Monday. Both men are seeking election these commercial areas. We have blight there and the job will come from the federal Community The Renaissance partners purchased the build- to the mayor's seat which Patterson will retire on Mack. We have to help." }~Residents pack meeting on Woods re-zoning effort When the B~' Gregory Jakub "I'm beginning to think we're a little "It will attract the kind of individ- like Hamtramck. I want to know who ual that wants to reside in Grosse After a boisterous public hear- the GM is in this picture." Pointe but wants to live in a high ing on Tuesday, Sept, 22, the rise, multi-level structure," he added. bough breaks Planning Commission ehairman Jo- Grosse Pointe Woods Planning seph Parthum explained several Commission voted unanimously He also explained that the zoning times t:lat although the area was change is partly intended to keep the to recommend the 7-Mack Shop- Luckily, no one was injured being rezoned, no high rise develop- 7-Mack property on the city's tax when a mas s i v e branch ping Center be rezoned allowing ment would begin unless first ap. rolls should st. John Hospital expand crashed down onto this house the development of a high rise proved by the planning commission into the area. in the 1300 block of Lake- commercial, residential, office and council. pointe Road last weekend. complex. "AS ST. JOHN acquires property, High winds were blallll!d for Planning Commisioner Peter Gile. it cOlnes off the tax roll," Gilezan zan explained the new district is in- the crash, in which a number If the recommendation is upheld said. by the city council, it will encourage tended to upgrade the city's zoning of power and telephone lines the developme'nt of a downtown zone ordinance. A provision in the ordinance says were downed. Reportedly, the comprised of a "complex of build. the Woods will always receive 85 person Jiving in the home ings ... to create a strong community "The standards are such that it percent of the taxes from the prop- didn't even hear the branch focal point and to promote public will not involve a developer with breaking up the house. Now welfare by enhancing the city's tax federal money," Gilezan said. (Continued on Page 2A) that's a heavy sleeper! base," according to the new zoning ordinance. Photo by Tem G(ee~. cod The ordinance also contains "area, Wf?ods mayoral race offers height, and bulk regulntions . limited to those which are abso- lutely necessary to protect adjacent single-family residential develop- Nov. 3 voters a real choice ment." IT IS THE FIRST and only area By Gregory Jakub in the Pointes to be zoned for high rise use but there are no immediate Voters who say all political plans to start such a project. candidates arc the same should consider the two men running If a high rise development for for Grosse Pointe Woods mayor 7.l\lack was proposed by a developer in the Nov. 3 election. Say hello to Arkie it would have to meet the standards of the ordinance and win approval Incumbent Mayor George Freeman {rom the planning commission and is seeking a second two.year term city council before being built. with opposition from Tim Mucciante who unsuccessfully ran for city coun- Many of the residents attending Occupation: Balloon busier! cil in 1979. Their backgrounds, atti- the meeting were from neighborhoods tudes, and style are a study in con. place is established. We have real Bluc Cross-Blue Shield, Tisch. Milli- near the 7.Mack area and questioned By Tom Greenwood trasts that should make for som'! neighbors who talk (0 us. In so many ken, U1lemploymem and labor unions the purpose of the zoning ch'mge. exciting campaign i1ctivity in ih~ next J. Kay Felt did it. Sort uf .. You places we've been, you live on top of are all tempting subjects. Others made emotional statements see, J. Kay Felt, first female law about fighting to keep their property five weeks. people without ever knowing who "Don't lorget Mayor Young," said partner in the firm of Dykema, Gos- from being taken by developers. they are. lIere it's green, pretty and Arkie, nearly rubbing his hands to- Freeman, 56, is an account execu- sett, Spencer, Goodnow and Trigg, quiet." tive with a securities broker in convinced Terry Brooks to stay in gether in anticipation. "Isn't he great? "What is going to be done with He makes perfect copy." the parking lot (next to 81. John Southfield. He is the father of five Detroit, live in Grosse Pointe and not However, they do sometimes miss ehildren, a grandfather, and an 11- move back to her home town of the capital. "There's just so much Although he's always made a living Hospita1)? Seems to me I've done above, will nothing but fight for property," said year veteran of Woods city govern- Washington, D.C. dirt going on there," said Arkie. one way or another by drawing or ment who spent nine years as a "You're so close to power and all that painting, Arkie kicked around a bit Kenneth Meloche who has Jived on Since Arkie Hudkins, (yes, his Raymond Road for 32 years. councilman. corruption. The cocktail circuit, where before deciding cartooning was a name really is Arkie) is married to people talk at you, while looking .over legitimate occupation. His wife showed equal concern: He is popular in the community and Terry, he stayed too. And that's how your shoulder to spe who's more im- emphasizes that a large part of his The Grosse Pointe News hired its first portant than you to flee to. It's a tie toured Europe and Asia before job as mayor is maintaining com- editorial cartoonist. cartoonist's dream world." settling down with Terry. munication lines among city em- "Among other things, f worked as ployes. residents and the council. So far, things are working fine. Not that r>lichigan docsn't provide a The paper has published one cartoon lie said his background makes him nU'llbcr of larg('t,.
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