
THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SERVING EPISCOPALIANS• APRIL 16, 2006 • $2.50 -HE The objective of THELIVING CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, 1VING CHURCH by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the 1 independent weekly serving iiscopalians since 1878 Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. vid A. Kalvelage ,cutive Editor tty Glatzel THIS WEEK ;eral Manager m Schuessler •wging Editor ,ve Waring us Eriitor :ricia C. Nakamura ,k and Music Edi tor ty Grau rphic Arfot 11 Parker ,ertising Manager ais Jackson fillment Manager nee Weber rket mg/Promotion Director :hael O'Loughlin ·ectorof Associated Pu.blical'ions 1ARDOF DIRECTORS 7 e Rev. Thomas A. Fraser :iverside, Ill. (President) riam K. Stauff Features News lauwatosa, Wis. (Vice President) niel Muth 10 Holy Saturday 6 Dioceses of West Texas 'rince Frederick, Md. (Secretary) Between Death and Resurrection and Albany Elect Bishops ward M. Tischler Jbuquerque, N.M. (Treasurer) BY GEORGE MARTIN e Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong 8 Convention Must Engage !ashville,T enn. e Rev. Gary W. Kriss Windsor Report, Warns :ambridge, N.Y. Bishop of Exeter omas Riley 'ienna, Va. Opinion ss Augusta D. Roddis 1arshfield, Wis. 12 Guest Column .e Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Steenson Easter Eucharist 1943 Jbuquerque, N.M. BY BEVERLYN . SKARDON litorial and Busin ess offices. 6 E. Juneau Avenue 13 Editorials lwaukee, WI 53202-2793 The Joy of Easter 1iling address: P.O. Box 514036 Jwaukee, WI 53203-3436 14 Viewpoint lephone : 414-276-5420 Maybe it Was the Potato Salad lX: 414-276-7483 mail: [email protected] BY TODD M. DONATELLI ww.livingchurch.org 15 Letters .NUSCRIPTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS:T H>:L1 v­ CHCHCHca nnot assume responsibi lity for the Small Church Success urn of phot os or manuscripts . ~ L1v1m; CmrRcHis published every \\-'eek, ed Sunday_ by Lhe Living Church Foundation , ., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI !02. Periodi cals postage paid at wauk ee, \VI. and at additional mailing offices. BSCRJPTION RATES: $42.50 for one year; ~.00 for 18 months ; $80.00 for two years. rradian postage an additional $29.18 per year ; OtherDepartments xican rate $55.42; all other foreign, $44.27 · year. ,STMASTER:Send address changes to THE IN<: CHURCH, P.O. Box 514036, Milwaukee, WI 4 Sunday's Readings W3-:J436. :E Llv1NG CHURCH (ISSN 0024-5240) is 5 Books 1ed by THE LIVINGC HURCH FOUNDATION, :.., a non-pro fit organization serving the 17 People & Places urch. All gifts to th e Foundation are tax­ The Cover ::luctible. "The Risen Lord" at the colurnbarium , St. Anne's Church , :006 The LivingChurch Fow1dation, Inc. All :erved . No reproduction in whole or part can Crystal River, Fla. (St. Anne's Church photo ) .de ,..,.ithoutpermission ofTHf: Ll\lNGC !WRC!l. ilume 232 Number APRIL 16. 2006 · THE LIV ING CHURCH 3 COMETO KEBLECOLLEGE SUNDAY'SREADINGS Oxford Univ.-Oxford UK ELWSSeminar 31 July - 12 August, 2006 In Water, Word , and Spirit - RisenIndeed celebrating and proclaiming our Baptismal Incorporation " ... We will re]°oiceand be glad in it. " (Psalm 118:24) into Christ and the Church EasterDay, April 16, 2006 Presenters BCP:Acts 10:34-43or Isaiah25:6-9; Psalm 118:14-29or 118:14-17,22-24; Col.3 :1-4 Bryan Spinks, Yale University or Acts 10:34-43; Mark 16:1-8 Max Johnson, Univ. of Notre Dame RQ.:Acts 10:34-43or Isaiah25 :6-9; Psalm11 8:1-2,14-24;1 Car.15:1-11 or Acts 10:34- 43; John 20:1-18or Mark 16:1-8 Forboth clergy and laity Many of our parishes witness a Jewish disciples initially felt separate $2,600 includes tuition , B&B, most significant increase in Sunday and distinct were to be welcomed into luncheons, all rooms en suite attendance on Easter Day. Thls is a sacred fellowship through the word of $200 discount for paid registration reality in which we may readily rejoice, God. by 25 April because it assures us that more than the The gospel on this day affirms that For information and registration ... usual number of people for whom the recognition that Christ is risen is ELWS P.O. Box 5506 Christ died and rose again will hear of found within a fellowship of persons; Virginia Beach , VA 23471-5506 the saving deeds of our God. and this recognition always inclines that Phone [757] 496-0821 On this great and glorious feast, the fellowship to seek to share the good Fax [757] 496-3458 readings from Holy Scripture affirm that news of salvation with others. In the e-ma il mengdahl @cox.net the encounter with the living God is to passage from St. Mark , Mary Check our website for details , be found in communion with others. Magdalene, Mary the mother of James , pictures and on line registration In Isaiah , we immediately hear a and Salome gather to go to the tomb. foreshadowing of our Easter Together, they receive the gospel www.elws.org celebration in language that expresses announcement, "He has risen, he is not the purpose of God to draw everyone here." But this message was not into such communion . Everyone intended for these few alone. They were • I gathered to celebrate the resurrection instructed to go and tell others . " may "be glad and rejoice in his St. John's account focuses more on " salvation." Thls salvation through the the appearance of Jesus to Mary • victory of Christ over death is what the Magdalene . But the experience at the " assembly celebrates as we sing in the empty tomb began with the gathering of • psalm, "On this day the Lord has acted; a community of disciples. Later, Mary " we will rejoice and be glad in it." had a very personal revelation of Jesus. • • The reading from Acts recounts the But again, it was clearly not intended for " "'' preaching of St. Peter to Cornelius and her alone. Jesus sent her to share the • his househo ld, extending the Easter encounter with others. " invitation to everyone who hears . "God The gathering of people with various I shows no partiality," so that "everyone levels of faith in fellowship with one " who believes in him receives another is the appropriate context for forgiveness of sins through his name." our praise of God on this day of victory EPISCOPAL Even those from whom the earliest over death. CHURCHTIES LookIt Up With fanilly or friends, pray "Christ our Passover" from Morning Prayer (BCP Superbly woven pure silk ties. pages 46 or 83). Shield in full color on navy or burgundy. $29.95 & $2.95 ThinkAbout It postage. Quantity order discount . Reflect upon what these phrases reveal about the presence of Christ in the Other designs available: comm uni on and fellowship of the faithful: "Christ is Risen." "You have been The Buckled Cros:.; the /HC, Cross and Flame , and the Chi Rho. raised with Christ." "You are the body of Christ." Visit www.churchties.com NextSunday (864) 895-7730 SecondSunday of Easter,April 23, 2006 CHURCH TIES BCP:Acts 3:12a, 13-15, 17-26 or Isaiah26:2-9, 19; Psalm 111 or 118:19-24; 1 John 310 N Campbe ll Rd Landrum SC 29356 5:1-6 or Acts 3:12a, 13-15, 17-26; John 20:19-31 RCL:Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2 :2; John 20:19-31 4 THE LIVING Cl IURC H · APRIi. 16. 200h BOOKS God'sMercy Revealed faith and trust. For the Quaker this "sift­ Christianityin Iraq Healingfor a BrokenWorld ing silence" is a time for confession and Its Originsand Development By Peter Magee . Servant Books. Pp. 164. reconciliation and a way into true to the PresentDay $10.99. ISBN: 0-86716-656-8. sacramental living. He offers encourag­ By Suha Rassam. Gracewing. Pp. 203. ing suggestions for dealing with the $19.99, paper. ISBN 0-85244-633-0 In God's Mercy Reveal.ed: Healing inevitable distractions with his words This book arrived for review on the for a Broken World, Monsignor Peter "God will meet you in the effort." third anniversary of the beginning of Magee offers a Christo logi­ The reader is led even more deeply the war in Iraq - an uncomfortable cal solution to people into the Quaker understanding of holy coincidence. We in the West know lit­ afflicted with turmoil, fear silence through an account of the time tle enough about Christianity in the and suffering. The author when Mr. Bill and his wife accompanied Middle East , and almost nothing of presents this solution by 10 young Quakers to a Roman Catholic Christianity in Iraq. way of Matthew 6: 12, Mass. Following the Mass, when asked Suha Rassam gives us a timely, Christ's model of forgive­ what they found in it to correspond to readable and immensely informativ e ness in the Lord' s Prayer Quaker silence, one youth named the book for the general reader. The his­ and in the parabolic admo­ Eucharist as the time when he felt Jesus tory of the Church in what is modem nitions concerning the prodigal son was truly present. The "light," in Quaker Iraq is a comp lex subject, and for cen­ and the unforgiving servant. This trea­ language, had dawned on them. Thus, turies the ancient Christian communi­ tise concludes that repentance and Quakers know silence in communal ties were isolated and (wrongly) forgiveness are possible only through worship to be a means of grace , a time condemned as heretical. In our own Jesus and through the sacraments of when they become part of the body of day, there are no fewer than 17 differ­ reconciliation and Eucharist .
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