Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-21-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 505. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/505 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy, Wanner ^S^&fc^ /Smart Shoppan 1 ¦ Toriigkt; Sm>% ¦ \ Always /P ' - . '. Warmer OrpAILY -^Ifiatwa S Saturday GoJnfl ,- I ¦ ¦ ¦!¦J NEWS •: '. ADS AjrtyShoppwiflJ . EIGHTEEN PAGES Late Bulletins ;A CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -(B) ^- Marine Corps ; officers say a veteran instructor gaye his life : tpOv A, save trainees wheii one of the youths activated ia¦:'¦: hand greiiade. Killed Thursday was Staff Sgt: Bobby Reds Gene Callison Play , 34 Dangerous , "Vista: Game of nearby Two of 0 the trainees '. were wounded, A . ¦ 'y : ' : - A *\y'A; /A : ''+AyAA A+ y^^'A. 'y-yA .: MIAMI, Fla,W — OTwenty-nine: Cubans, freed : 00 ;after ISOdays in jail for illegally fishing :in Florida0 V waters,; reached Havana today aboard four Cuban A ¦ ; A government? trawlers, 'O- 'O; ? -0; ' ¦[ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' ' ": - -ki ' " '' ¦ '¦ ir¦-¦¦ • ¦A' 'A:: 0AA\- ' \^ . " : LOS ANGELES m. ~~ Frank Sinatra : and his A In Viet Nam, Johnson Warns son, star government witnesses iir the trial, of three Amen charged with kidnaping Frank Jr., may be jrd- ' called next week: as defense witnesses;? TheO trial, U£ to Base President iii . suspended for a long ' Washington's birthday week- ? ¦ -.. .' • ' end, resumes Monday; V ' A- : A O A Los Angeles / -V A A ^ Eight Polaris A , DALLAS Wi -- JackORuby's lawyers used their sixth peremptory challenge to dismiss another jury ' candidate,:the 30th in.Ruby's murderOtri'ai-.;He was . Subs in Spain Meets Mateos OBill Boharirian, By FEANK CORMIER a salesman: :; ; MADRID CAP) — The United ¦: : ' - ' ;: ' ' V;' ; LOS ANGEi£S0:(AF)-Pres1. - 'V A¦ \.; A TJK- : . ^'"• :V- - O -'* A - O O; A ; O --0 . State* is going to base eight ' ' ¦ ^ dent Johnson, shaking a finger . -/ CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (#> —. .. An ex-cphvict . Polaris submarines at the U.S.- at Communist China, said tbdaOy from Detroit, Or^ederick M. Shobe, testified today ; Spanish.ha-val base at Rot a, on that outsiders supporting Com- he was promised a presidential pardon to work as Spain's Southern Atlantic Coast, munist guerrillas ih South Viet within easy reach of the Med- Nam - are "playing 0 a deeply a government undercover agent against Teamsters.;, dangerous game." " iterranean.• " • _ .- . 0 President Jarnes R. Hoffa. A . 0 At the same time, Johnson : The sub-marine tender Pro- argued that communism's; trou- teus is expected to arrive Mon- bles around the glob«e actually day . at -Rota .-'from.':. Holy Loch, are more acute than those fac- Scotland ,; only other US.OPolar- ing theO United States. He said McMcwncrrCr Silent , to U.S. problems are eclipsed by is submarine base in Europe "the spreading civil war among become mother ship to the new Communists" — a reference to squadron. ; the policy,gulf between the So- viet Union and Communist Chi. On Goldwater Alhe pending assignment of ¦ ¦ ¦ na, . :-: . - - .- . - By FRED S. HOFFMAN man to turn the other cheek, or submarines to Rota avoid a scrap. the nuclear WASHINGTON ? (AP)-Secre- had been an open secret in the The President gave his for- tary of Defense Robert S, Mc- But he is said tc feel that eign policy views in an .address Nartiara is absorbing in silence area for weeks. There was no prepared for an qutdoor convo- making any new public state- formal announcement in Ma- Sen. Barry : Goldwater's? in- ments in reply to Goldwater cation at the University of Cali- creasingly sharp slings and ar- drid, but the commander of the fornia at Los Angeles, held to would only give the Arizona Re- " rows. publican another peg on which Polaris squadron at Holy Loch, CHIEFS OF STATE MEET AT AIRPORT- . ; President honor Johnson and visiting Pres- McNamara is not counter- . to hang his attack. Capt. David Bell, confirmed the Lyndon Johnson of the U. S. puts a friendly arm around his ident Adolfo Lopbz AMateos of punching in public—and the de- Mexico.0 There were those among Mc- reports Thursday in disclosing counterpart from Mexico, JLopez Maters, as they pose at fense secretary's associates in- Naniara's associates? who re- This was . the prelude to two dicate he's unlikely to do so. the departure of the Proteus. Los Angeles airport. MrsO Johnson, is at left; Mateos' .daugh- days of Mexican-American good portedly advised against issuing Rolvaag Raps ter,. Miss Avecita Lopez -Mateos is second (AP Manager McNamara is not normally a The United States has had from left. C|*y will talks at the desert resort of a biting statement he put put on Photofax)A-' ? 0--0 ?A '0" 'A Jan. S. Polaris submarines on patrol in Palm Springs, 90 miles ayray. That statement came several the Mediterranean almost a Hatfield Tax Plan Rejected Lopez Mateos, ht remarks hours after Goldwater said for year, With a range of 1,725 prepared for the campus cere- 2 Dead in the? .first time in his campaign miles, their missiles are capa- mony, called on educators and for tbe GOP presidential nom- ble of penetrating deep into the scholars to lelp "abolish tha cold war, wipe out the origins ination'., .that- U.S. missiles are Soviet Union. Withholding In St. Cloud hot dependable. Dead m of international tension and to Eight ) .A tactical reason for the as- ) ST. CLOUD,?MinhO (AT - A Crash at The Pentagon chief was said CT. PAUL (AP - Gov. Karl increase understanding among signment of the submarines is Rolvaag is charging that Tax proposed new city, charter was peoples and governments." to have felt that that was the the withdrawal of obsolete in- turned down by a 3-2 margin by time to challenge Goldwater's Commissioner Rolland Hatfield The Mexican leader said termediate-range ballistic mis- seeks to levy an illegal collection St. Cloud; voters at ¦ a special some may think if) Utopian to allegations — before they be- siles from Turkey and Italy. election Thursday. - - ' • ¦¦; Dodge Center came accepted by the publie- of income taxes: against Minne- Ckiccigo "completely do away with the Groups in both countries had sotansv ffre The charter, which would ominous atmosphere that McNamara called those Gold- ¦ al- . DODGE , C EON TER , Minn; objected to the presence of the CHICAGO W!.." — A" flash fire, ford, 37, suffered serious burns have substituted a city manager ready , seems to be dissolving.'' (AP) — A three-car? collision water remarks; made at a New At a news conference late ' U.S. missiles on the ground Thursday, . the governor . said set off by a burn ing mattress, and smoke inhalation as he fail- for the present mayor - council But he . contended that "it is just east of this Dodge County Hampshire . • hews conference, Italian and Turkish swept through a West Side completely misleading/ po- they made Hatfield has prepared new with- ed in attempts to rescue the form of government lost, 3,347- realistic to consider such goals town between Owatonna and Ro- " Soviet attack. home today, killing seven chil- floor of litically irresponsible and dam- soil ; targets for holding schedules to upgrade children from the top 1,994. ; The same proposal also as being imminent. chester claimed two lives Thsr- Spanish sources coflsidered dren ? and a man who perished the -'-lMt ' story brick bungalow. had been turned down in a 1952 Johnson reaffirmed American day night. aging to the national security." the state take from payroll ¦ the U.S. decision a compliment checks immediately when the in a futile attempt to rescue He was reported in serious con- election?1 " determination to support the in- Melford A. Loney, 45,. Owaton- to Spain's political stability and cut in federal income taxes is the four boys and three girls. dition in ia hospital. dependence of South Viet Nam. ¦' Using 50 voting machines for na, one of. the drivers/ was its relations with the United .voted. " -O - ' -r , ' A A The parents of the children He described this as a 10-year- killed. His passenger, Audrey Greek King States. '. and their eighth child escaped Alford's wife, Gloria, 35, and the first time in the city's 21 old commitment "we will con- Ethel Tottingham, Owatonna, Congressional sonrces esti- from the iast spreading flames. the couple's oldest child, Keith, precincts, St. Cloud residents tinue to honor." But lie said the died in an ambulance. However, a problem is visible mate the cut in federal with- The father, Detective James Al- 13, escaped from the flaming had the election results 36 min- Vietnamese war "is first and in Spain's growing trade with holding would become effective dwelling with only minor cuts. utes after the polls closed. foremost a contest to be won by Donald Gene Hoffman, 19, Undergoes the U.S. ¦ Cuba. On Tuesday, about March 8, But Rolvaag The boy smashed a window on John "Bud" Streitz, city the government and people of Dodge Center , another of the. State Department said Spain said state law provides that the top floor and jumped about clerk , said the counting of that that country for themselves.'' . drivers, suffered internal injur- Operation will get no new U.S. aid until higher state rates cannot be in- 20 feet to the . ground, The Al- number of voles manually pre- ies. His passengers, Leroy Krea- it replies to an inquiry on what stituted for at least 90 days aft- 5 N.
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