Undergraduate Catalog 2005-2006 UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA The University System of Georgia Bulletin www.westga.edu Carrollton, Georgia (USPS 368-730) Undergraduate Issue 2005 With Announcements For 2005-2006 Volume LXVI July, 2005 Number 1 The University of West Georgia Bulletin is mailed as Periodicals Matter at the Post Offi ce at Carrollton, Georgia 30117. The Bulletin is published by West Georgia six times a year in February (1), May (2), August (2), and October (1). Postmaster: Please send changes of address to Offi ce of Admissions, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia 30118-4400. *Edited and compiled by Philip A. Purser 2UNDERGRADUATE ISSUE How to Find Information Related to Academic Programs and Courses This catalog includes directional tools customarily included in such publica- tions. The Table of Contents (see page 3), the Glossary (see page 8), the Index to Course Listings (see page 485), the general Index (see page 486), and the Index of Abbreviations (inside back cover) are all essential tools for anyone using the catalog. By turning to these sections, readers can fi nd information related to the structure, policies, and procedures that govern the University’s operations as well as information about programs the University offers. This section supplements those listed above by providing directions in fi nding and interpreting information related to academic programs, academic departments, and courses. Colleges Chapter X, Academic Programs and Units of Instruction, organizes infor- mation on programs within each of the three major academic divisions of the University: The College of Arts and Sciences, the Richards College of Business, and the College of Education. Information relevant to each college, the dean, the web address, general information, and specifi c requirements and options for the college, are included in an introductory section. Departments All academic departments are listed in the general Index that begins on page 480. Information about each academic department is arranged alphabetically for each college. This information includes, in order, the department Web address, the department faculty, descriptions of programs and program requirements, including majors, minors, and special tracks, and, fi nally, a list of courses offered by the department with a description for each course. Programs All academic programs of study are listed in the general Index that begins on page 486. The page numbers listed after each direct readers to the description of the program within the information for the department that offers it (in some cases more than one department collaborates to offer a program, so multiple page numbers are given). Courses Though all the course descriptions in the catalog follow the same basic pat- tern, a number of variables determine the specifi c information contained in each. The following example contains labels to illustrate how to read a course description: Total Course Course Course Lecture Lab credit prefi x* number title hours hours hours ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3/0/3 Prerequisite: ENGL 1101 Conditions to be met before taking the course. A composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of profi ciency required by ENGL 1101, that emphasizes interpreta- Course tion and evaluation, and that incorporates a variety of more advance description research methods. Required in Core Area A. Must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Requirements met by the course Additional stipulations *A complete list of course prefi xes and the programs they refer to can be found in the Index to Course Listings on page 485 and the inside back cover. UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Campus Map ..................................................................................4 Calendar ..........................................................................................5 Glossary ..........................................................................................8 University System of Georgia .....................................................12 Board of Regents ..........................................................................12 Administration .............................................................................16 I. The University .................................................................17 II. Student Services ..............................................................31 III. Expenses ...........................................................................49 IV. Admission ........................................................................57 V. Financial Aid ....................................................................75 VI. Honors College ................................................................83 VII. Special Programs .............................................................87 VIII. Public Services .................................................................93 IX. Undergraduate Academic Policies ................................95 X. Academic Programs and Units of Instruction ...............................................113 College of Arts and Sciences ........................................133 Richards College of Business .......................................365 College of Education .....................................................399 XI. Other Courses ................................................................445 XII. Faculty ............................................................................449 Index to Course Listings ...........................................................485 Index .........................................................................................486 3 4U 678910 1 2345 Observatory, D1 Strozier Main, G5 Education Center Annex, E4, F4 Health & P.E. Building, E7 ADA Parking, D8, E8 Bonner Lecture Hall, E8 PAC Warehouse Storage, C2 Student Activities (University EXCEL Center, G5 Health Services, F7 Adamson Hall, G7 Bookstore, G10 Pafford Building (Social Science), E8 Community Center), F7 Facilities & Grounds, C3 Honors House, G4 Admissions (Mandeville Hall), G7 Bowdon Residence Hall, E9, F9 Parker Hall, G7 Student Development (Parker Hall), A Financial Aid (Aycock Hall), G5, G6 Humanities Building, E9, F9 Alumni House, G3 Boyd Building (Math/Physics), F8 Post Office (University Community G7 Food Court (University Community Intramural Fields, C7, D7 Antonio J. Waring Archaeology Boykin Residence Hall, F9, G9 Center), F7 Student Government (University Center), F7 Kathy Cashen Recital Hall, F9 Building, D2 Business Building (College of Business), F8 Community Center), F7 Kennedy Chapel, G9 Public Relations, H3 Callaway Building, F8, G8 Food Service (Z-6), E3 Art Annex, F9 Public Safety, Student Recreation Center, C7 NDERGRADUATE Football Storage, D6 Library, F8 Athletic Office Building, E7 Campus Planning & Development, D3 Administration & Parking, C5 Student Services (Bonner House), G9 Geography/Learning Resources, F7 Locksmith/Electrical, C3 ATM, G4 Career Services (Parker Hall), G7 Dispatch & Investigation (Aycock Technology-enhanced Learning Greenhouse 1, C5 Love Valley, E7 Auditorium, F8 Cobb Hall (Graduate School), G8 Hall), G5, G6 Center, E8 Greenhouse 2, C4 Mandeville Hall, G7 Aycock Hall, G5, G6 Cole Field (Baseball), D5 Publications & Printing, F9 Tennis Courts, D7, E7 Greenhouse 3, C4 Martha Munro Building, F7 Baptist Student Union, E9 Continuing Education, H8 Registrar (Parker Hall), G7 Townsend Center, D8, D9 B Gunn Residence Hall, G9 Melson Hall, G8 Biology Building, E4, E5 Crider Lecture Hall, F8 Residence Life (Mandeville Hall), G7 Track, D2, E2 Handicapped Parking, D8, E8 Murphy Athletic Building, D6 Bonner House, G9 Downs Residence Hall, F9 Richards College of Business, F8 Tyus Residence Hall, F3 Education Center, F4 Row Residence Hall, F6 University Community Center, F7 Sanford Hall, G6, G7 University Suites Complex, F5 Storage Warehouse Plant Op., C3 Vehicular Repair Shop, C3 Strozier Annex, F5, G5 Visitors Center, H3 Sto I rage Warehouse, C3 War ehou se Watson Residence Hall, G5, G6 SSUE Gre enho Weight Building, D6 uses C Vehic . u D West Georgian (University R lar epair S hop Locksm Student R Community Center), F7 Public Sa ith/ fety W Electrical Adm Rec inistration O Center L Storage W & Parking Facilities & G are E hous e B rounds M Storage U R Intramural B Fields C Gated Areas Antonio J. Waring ampu Cole Field Observatory s Pla Archaeology Bld & De nning velop ment D M NO Tow nsend urphy RT Athletic Bld H E Center NTR Athletic AN CE Offices Baptist Student Parkin HPE g Union T. F Wei ood ght Building Serv B ice Biology ld Z-6 E FOSTER S Building Te V Ten c hno I nis log Track Courts Le y-e arnin nha R g C nce D ente d D r A Site of E Pafford O Arbor View A B I on Building ner R Apartments Lec T. G n tu Educatio r e Bo Construction H Humanities wd R Annex Love Valley all on H Building all SOUTH S O Kathy Cashen E L Recital Hall E ibrary L G Pu University blic Boyd Building a O Community tio T ns C ter S Cen E Education University Suites A E rt A Crider Lecture IV Complex Auditorium nn Center Hall ex R W artha BA D M C A F K I Munro CA M G Tyus Row P U R Hall Hall S Downs Hall E D O Strozier R IV Geog/ . E Annex R Health Business FORRES D Learning B Services Building oy T G Strozier Hall/ Y Resources C kin T alla H S I w all EXCEL Center S ay E University R W E T DRIV er Bookstore V rk I Pa Gunn Hall all Melson H N on H ms all U da M Aycock A all T H . A Cobb Hall Hall ville R de C A M P U an T S D E M all
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