ENTERTAINMENTpage 25 Technique • Friday, September 7, 2001 • 25 Fantasy worlds collide Face the ground head-on DragonCon 2001 invaded Atlanta Déjà Vu, Six Flags’ latest steel jewel ENTERTAINMENT with light sabers and other assorted plummets riders directly down at science fiction weapons. Page 26 speeds of up to 65 mph. Page 29 Technique • Friday, September 7, 2001 Smash Mouth thrills Centennial Park crowd Free concert starts off Labor Day weekend right for Atlantans and Tech students in intimate open-air setting By Andrew Santelli ence for whom Shrek was a fa- the new CD. There’s only one Entertainment Editor vorite film. slow song on the album, played Die-hard fans of the band by the band at the concert, and It was a hot and humid were in for a special treat as Smash even it merited the applause of evening, the kind typical of sum- Mouth continued into a mix of the fans in attendance. mer here in Georgia, and in one hits from Astro Lounge and new This band definitely knows of the last few days of this sum- tracks off of their yet-to-be-re- how to fire up their crowd, even mer, the band Smash Mouth leased album which hits record the rather sparse one that gath- treated Atlanta to a free concert stores in November. The first ered amid the commemorative on the Great Lawn in Centen- of these they played is entitled bricks of Centennial Olympic nial Olympic Park, sponsored “The Fonz,” and proves to be Park. Harwell’s raspy vocals by VoiceStream Wireless (who proved to be attractive combined was celebrating their launch of with his accompaniment of gui- service in Atlanta) and Motoro- tars, a talented player manning la. The concert was reminiscent [Smash Mouth the drum set, and even adding of the summer “On The Bricks” frontman Steve] different percussion instruments concert series, and provided the like bongo drums. kind of atmosphere that makes Harwell’s raspy Much to the chagrin of the outdoor concerts so great. vocals proved to be Falcons faithful gathered in front Smash Mouth, whose big- attractive combined of the stage, Harwell admitted gest hit of late was their cover of his allegiances lie with the Pitts- The Monkees’ “I’m a Believer,” with his burgh Steelers, but this didn’t featured on the soundtrack to accompaniment. seem to dampen the crowd’s en- the movie Shrek, gave the small- thusiasm for him, his band, and er-than-expected crowd (most- his music. The crowd’s spirits ly filled with Falcons fans looking were not dampened even by the for entertainment prior to the classic Smash Mouth fare, up- light rain that fell at the begin- final preseason game with the beat in tempo with strong in- ning of the concert. Tampa Bay Buccaneers) a great strumentals as well as showcasing For fans of live music, fans of show. the talents of frontman Steve Smash Mouth, and fans of At- The band opened the show Harwell. lanta Falcons football (radio sta- with one of their first hits from For those Smash Mouth fans tion 99X was on hand, giving their bestselling album, Astro who are used to their hard-driv- out tall stacks of free game tick- Lounge, “Then the Morning ing, fast-paced music reminis- ets), as well as those looking for By Robert Hill / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Comes.” They then played “I’m cent of classic rock and roll, you fun on a cheap budget, Centen- Steve Harwell, lead vocalist of Smash Mouth, opened their August 31 Centennial a Believer,” much to the delight won’t be disappointed with the nial Olympic Park was the place Olympic Park concert with an old hit, “Then The Morning Comes,” an older hit that of the younger fans in the audi- music that will be released on to be for a great evening. wasn’t their own, “I’m A Believer,” and a song that may end up a hit, “The Fonz.” Music Review Galactic Mark Wahlberg moves from being a pop star Musical madness now available to go to a movie star, now a full-fledged Rock Star By Alan Back By Brian Bonwich mesmerizes and excites his local Senior Staff Writer Contributing Writer audience with his impeccable imitations of Beers’ voice and Artist: Galactic MPAA rating: R presence. Album: We Love ’Em Tonight Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Jen- The other members of Blood Label: Volcano nifer Aniston Pollution however, are fed up Genre: Funk Director: Stephen Herek with Chris’s insistence that the Rating: tttt 1/2 Studio: Warner Bros. band remain only a tribute out- Rating: tt fit and not attempt anything orig- If you saw Galactic during their visit to inal, and in a violent severance the Tabernacle in February or their head- Remember Marky Mark and Chris is booted from Blood Pol- lining set at Music Midtown, you know the Funky Bunch? With a flip in lution. Emily subsequently re- how far this funky five-piece group will go musical genre from hip-hop to signs from her managerial to make people move. Once they get them- hard metal, Rock Star puts Mark position insisting, and rightful- selves set up and make sure there’s an extra Wahlberg in the center of the ly so, that dropping Chris stripped microphone on hand, it’s anybody’s guess screen and once again on center Blood Pollution of its only real as to what might happen during the rest of stage. The film is eighty percent talent. A devastated Chris is the night. drama and maybe ten percent shortly brought out of his de- Recorded live at Tipitina’s in their home- documentary. The other ten per- pression by a phone call that town of New Orleans, We Love ’Em To- cent is simply not there and may fulfills his ultimate dream. Kirk night neatly wraps up the unpredictable explain the film’s lack of depth Cuddy (Dominic West), the essentials of the show, with the exceptions and solidarity. guitarist for Steel Dragon is on of the gyrating bodies and questionable Chris Cole (Wahlberg) lives the phone asking to speak to behavior. with his parents and drives a Chris Cole. At first Chris slams The lead-off “Crazyhorse Mongoose” sputtering Dodge Dart to his down the phone thinking it’s a turns into a cheerful five-way tug of war, job as a copy-machine repair- cruel prank from one of his former with one player after another grabbing the man. Chris also happens to be band buddies. But shortly after melody away for a while before somebody an incredibly talented vocalist he picks up the phone for the else swipes it back. Richard Vogel and Ben with an insatiable love for mu- second time he realizes that it Ellman (keys and saxophone, respectively) sic. But more so than music, was no joke. Chris has been establish themselves as cornerstones of the Chris is in love with the image tapped to replace Bobby Beers group’s overall vibe, while guitarist Jeff Raines of Bobby Beers (Jason Flemyng as Steel Dragon’s vocalist. With bends notes all over the place as if his strings Snatch), the legendary front man an eerie naturalness and expedi- were made of Silly Putty. of the heavy metal rock band ency, Chris succeeds at the role The band isn’t above seizing other peo- Steel Dragon. In his small Penn- he’s prepared to play his entire ple’s tunes and turning them on their ear. sylvania town, Chris is the vo- life. He’s an instant superstar, Duke Ellington’s “Blue Pepper” gives both calist for Blood Pollution, a cover complete with all the privileges only, Steel Dragon tribute band, that come in result. But after Raines and Ellman a chance to mix a little Cover art courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures 12-bar into their solos, with the latter bringing managed by his longtime and the novelty wears off, Chris must After being a somewhat popular rap star, a famous Calvin Klein excessively supportive girlfriend model, and now a movie star with hits like Boogie Nights and See Galactic, page 32 Emily (Aniston). Chris easily See Star, page 30 Planet of the Apes, Mark Wahlberg debuts Rock Star today. 26 • Friday, September 7, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT DragonCon 2001, also known as “Who let the nerds out?” Hordes of freakishly dressed, odd individuals pack the streets of downtown Atlanta. There were also lots of people in town for a fantasy convention. By Gray Gunter and to the public, and for of dialogue. Granted, for the Living Legend Award. Assistant Focus Editor four days the overlooked and most part the core subjects Entertainment at the con- disregarded genres of written are matters of entertainment. vention centered on readings DragonCon, the premiere fiction, television and film However, in a time when so and discussions by writers, a science fiction, fantasy and dominate every discussion. many people live lives so iso- brutal wrestling exposition comic book convention in the Ground zero for Dragon- lated from their own neigh- and nightly concerts by a seem- Southeast, celebrated its 15th Con is the Hyatt on Peacht- bors it’s amazing to watch ingly endless parade of Goth anniversary this Labor Day ree downtown. The majority complete strangers talk, dis- bands. Thus completing the weekend. Like all 15-year-olds of invited guests and fans stay agree and try to understand three ‘R’ triumvirate of con- DragonCon is often awkward, at the Hyatt, as the core of each other (even if it is just vention success: ‘Riting, ‘Ras- rarely nice to look at, but al- the convention takes place in the Tolkien Card Gaming tling and Rock.
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