Lighting The Road To The Future Allan Houston’s All-Star Data Fatherhood Zone Initiative Page 4 “The People’s Paper” February 15 - February 21, 2014 48th Year Volume 42 www.ladatanews.com A Data News Weekly Exclusive “Blessed 26” Family Breakfast Page 2 Newsmaker State & Local All-Star Weekend Ray Nagin Community Celebration Convicted Page 5 Page 6 Page 2 February 15 - February 21, 2014 Cover Story www.ladatanews.com Kendal Francis’ “Blessed 26” Family Breakfast Planting the Seeds for Greatness in New Orleans Youth L-R Bernard H. Robertson III, CRPC, AAMS President/CEO Robertson Wealth Advisors, WDSU Meteorologist Damon Singleton, Glenn Jones, Marketing Director Data News Weekly, Kendal E. Francis, Blessed 26 Founder and Executive Director, Sky Hyacinthe, Executive Director of Elevate New Orleans, Dr. Danna “Dr. TRUTH” Andrus, Terrence Jones, Owner/Founder The Locker Room 10 Room Inc. By Edwin Buggage about letting the young people of today understand And where their talents sometimes do not meet the op- Photos by Glenn Summers that the fountain of freedom from which the drink is portunities for them to climb the ladder of success; but from; a well others dug with their sacrifices, so that to- today there is a young man who is the embodiment of day would be a better day . And while it is brighter days the words that appear in the second book of Corinthi- Blessed to Be a Blessing for some, there are still those young people particu- ans, in that he is “Blessed to be a Blessing .” In the spirit of Black History Month, it is about shar- larly young males who live in a world where hope and Kendal Francis in his day job is an Assignment Edi- ing, and giving inspiration to the next generation . It is aspiring to reach higher is something of a pipe dream . tor at local NBC affiliate WDSU-TV, but his passion Cover Story, Continued on next page. P.O. BoxDATA 57347, New Orleans, NEWS LA 70157-7347 | Phone: WEEKLY(504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors CEO/Publisher Edwin Buggage Glenn Jones Ron Busby Cover Story . 2 Commentary . 6. VP Advertising Glenn Summers & Marketing Edwin Buggage James A Washington Editor Art Direction & Production Data Zone . 4 State and Local News . 7 Cheryl Mainor MainorMedia.com Managing Editor Editorial Submissions Calla Victoria [email protected] Executive Assistant Newsmaker . 5 June Hazeur Advertising Inquiries Accounting [email protected] Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. www.ladatanews.com Cover Story February 15 - February 21, 2014 Page 3 Cover Story, Continued from previous page. lies in working with young people who are yourself with the right people as you strive determined to become successful in spite for success . Also during the event I did an- of adverse circumstances . For a decade other challenge where I lined up several he has touched the lives of many through young men like a soul train line and asked his non-profit “Blessed 26 .” His journey another of the participants what he wanted toward giving back began by watching his to be and he said ‘a lawyer’ and I sat at the father Kenneth Francis and his immedi- other end of the line and said I represent ate and extended family that provided him success, and you are going to have to get a template for how he would live his life, here without any arms and legs . Then I one dedicated to giving back and service . asked him how are you going to get here? “I feel my father was the epitome of man- And without saying anything the other hood for me growing up, and my mother young men picked him up and carried him Judy Francis is love in human form and over to me and that is what our community my older brother Kevin was literally my needs more people working together as a hero, my grandfather Rudolph McClain is team to uplift, encourage, inspire and sup- the most faith filled man I know and my port each other .” grandfather Earl Francis, who died at 100 As the African Proverb says, “It Takes a is the wisest man I’ve ever known; and Village to Raise a Child,” Francis realizes these are the people who imparted into all hands must be on deck doing their part me that’s fueled my desire to want to give with everyone using their unique gifts to back and serve others,” he says paying mold the leaders and citizens of tomorrow; homage to his family and how they shaped to aspire to greatness and reach heights what has become his passion . unknown to previous generations . Har- Growing up in Florida, while still in kening back on history and how so many high school he was a student/athlete; unsung” heroes” and “sheroes” took part while busy playing football as a star quar- in the liberation struggle he says of today terbacks earning his team a state cham- the same principles apply . “Back during pionship, he felt the urge to give back . the Civil Rights Movement we had Dr . Following in the footsteps of his father he King and others that made sacrifices, but volunteered working to help others . Upon it has been and always will be bigger than moving to New Orleans as a student en- any one person, for we are all agents of his- rolled at Tulane University on a football tory . It took people from all walks of life to scholarship he felt the need to not be in make a change and make historical steps the chorus of those complaining about the forward for our people and I believe every problems of the City, but to become part of person can do his own thing to accom- the solution . “When I looked around the plish this . For the Blessed 26 challenge I City and saw what young people were go- went into my personal network and asked ing through, it pained me to see that some L-R WDSU Anchor Norman Robinson, Xavier University of Louisiana President Nor- them to donate 80 cents a day to help for of them did not have the resources, and man C. Francis, and Patrick Johnson First NBA Bank Marketing and PR Assistant a benevolence fund . I find in my outreach then I thought how could I make a differ- and Xavier University Graduate. efforts you’d be surprised at what a small ence? And contrary to what some think it amount can do when it’s put all together, is not all about money, but it is about tak- together around the common theme of him . He also talked about living during the impact that it can have .” ing your time and talent to commit your- empowering our youth, so I thought why segregated times and how he never re- Speaking on how anyone can serve to self to helping people become successful not call it “family breakfast”, where we sponded negatively to a negative situation . better society Kendal feels the movement in fulfilling their dreams, goals and ambi- would share and break bread and to have He was determined and did not care what today is not solely as a mass movement as tions . Early in my life I watched my father a conversation about getting serious about people thought of him and that he was go- it was during the Civil Rights Movement, take kids to schools who received athletic being one unit committed to the goal of ing to beat the odds . He said in anything in but of individuals and small groups doing scholarships, and he was the one in the helping our young people .” life he wanted to do he followed it up with their part to affect change . “Today it is not community that filled a void to help people Speaking of some of the messages giv- action and I feel that’s what it’s going to about one leader we all can do something reach their goals, and that is what I am en to the youth he says, “Dr . Francis talked take for our young people to be success- to help invoke change . Like in our com- determined to do with “Blessed 26” links about opportunity and seizing the moment ful .” munity the barbershop has always been young people to resources that can help and I was excited and humbled that he a place where we discussed issues of the them become successful in life .” agreed to speak to the kids . To have some It Takes a Village: Passing the day and we have a person like my barber of the kids hear his inspirational words Torch and Aspiring to Greatness Wilbert “Chill” Wilson, who owns a bar- “Blessed 26” Targets New about pursing greatness and telling them Understanding the significance of his- bershop and several other businesses Orleans Young Men Who that they can do whatever they desire if tory and passing on the spirit of uplift and becoming civically engaged and started Strive For Excellence they put their minds and time into it was advancing the race Francis feels strongly “Walk A Mile for A Child .” He is a great Recently, Kendal held his “Family a great thing .” Also during the program about this saying, “We are standing on the example of something not just talking the Breakfast” at Xavier University, bringing Dr .
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