THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHfTESBUBG. KENTUCKY DECEMBER 25, 1946. Greatest Stamps Christmas Poem Of Entire World The time draws near Officials estimate at least 100,000 the birth of Christ. lives are saved each year in Amer- The moon is hid; the ica alone by funds made available night is still; by the annual Christmas Seal cam- AKE The Christmas bells paign against tuberculosis. GOOD from hill to hill In 1903, a Danish postal clerk Answer each other in Einar Holboell, by name conceived CHEER. FOR the mist. the idea of a voluntary tax on Christmas greeting cards which Fonr voices of four hamlets round, would benefit the underprivileged. From far and near, on mead and Specifically, Holboell visualized es- moor. tablishment of a fund to build a hos- Swell out and fail, as If a door pital for tubercular children. The Were shut between me and the ministry granted Holboell permis- sound. sion to sell his seals at post offices and the Christmas Seal campaign Each voice four changes on the was launched. In many countries, wind. the seal campaign is conducted That now dilate, and now decrease. largely in with postal i Peace and good-wil- l, good-wi- ll authorities and, in some instances, peace. the seals are parts of special post- and ' Peace and good-wil- l, to all mankind. age stamps. One need not be told it is Tennyson. Christmastime. The glowing Christmas Trees, faces of friend and stranger alike bespeak it. Cribs and Ceppi It gives us the same thrill as Christmas trees and cribs, with- in respective spheres of influence, of old to wish all our friends, provide focal points for observances of the season. and those who are still to ' Various legends claim to tell the become our. friends, Christmas is not all tinsel and tissue or story of the first Christmas tree; actually, evergreen decorations a very Merry Christmas. colored lights and merriment. It has a were so closely associated with pa- gan celebrations that they were deeper significance, rooted in the long gone banned by many ecclesiastics of the early church. pa6t, which sets it high above all other holi- days of the year. WILLIAMS ELECTRIC COMPANY is hope that blessed season " It our this The American Red Cross became EDITH AND ARNOLD COLLINS will bring to your home not only the festive interested in the project in 1907 and with the National Tuber- AND .joys of Yuletide but that deep inner peace culosis association. To strengthen the nation-wid- e campaign, the Red MAYOR ED WILLIAMS which is essentially a part Cross and the Tuberculosis associa- tion jointly conducted the- sale of the seals and, until 1919, the em- blem of the Red Cross appeared Whitesburg, Kentucky According to literature, the first on the seal. " Christmas tree was set up at Stras- In 1919, the double-barre- d cross, bourg, Germany, in 1604; even international emblem and trade- then, the cry rose against heathen mark of the warfare against tuber- customs and, as' late as 1851, the culosis, was embodied in the design Rev. Henry Schwan was severely of the seal. In 1920, the Red Cross criticized for setting up a Christ- wished to devote its energies, to Domestic Rabbits mas tree in his church in Cleve- the annual Roll Call and arrange- land, Ohio. ments were made whereby the sale For Sale SC Francis of Assisi received of the tuberculosis Christmas Seal New Zealand Whites and by Tu- special permission from the pope to is conducted exclusively the Chinchillas 2 to 3 months present a tableau of the nativity berculosis association. jror Registered Stock. COLD DISCOMFORTS scene. set up Grec-ci- old from 4 This first crib, at tfMjid, - 35 Par Bottla Italy, in 1223, was an imme- $2.50 each; $4.50 pair; Trio (3) 3i diate sensation; the renaissance FOR SALE $6.50- - They can't be beat at COMBS MOTOR CO, endowed the cribs with ornate pag- this low price. Write or call eantry and, modemly, the crib is Timber For Sale, about SALESMAN WANTED to southern Europe and Catholic 650 acres, if interested C. C. Whitaker, MAN WANTED for Rawleipji countries what the tree is to Amer- contact East Jenkins, Ky. business. Real opportunity. WMtesburg, Kentucky ica and northern lands. A. C. DAY, Phone 1143. We help you get started-Rawleigh'- Eighteenth century Italians were Whitesburg, Ky. Will ship C. O. D. 1-- 3 down. Dept. KYK -- 1880 fond of a fantastic decoration 3tp. ldvvrr.try4' TIT called the Ceppo. Pyramidical in 4t construction, the Ceppi were made on a framework of lathes with transverse shelves rising to three or four stories, depending on the over-a- ll size of the Ceppo. The whole thing was covered Mince Pies of Deep with colored paper, tufts, tassels, FOR SALE Insurance fringes, tiny pine cones, and little 16 type- Christmas Tradition flags; a manger scene repre- One Remington call was HOLY NIGHT in good sented on the lowest shelf, while writer condition also E. Garnett No Christinas dinner would be one Add- J. the upper ones were covered with 'SI LENT NIGHT second hand Dalton Ky. complete without mince pies. While con- Hazard, small gifts, etc.; wax tapers were ing machine in first class they have long been a part of our placed along the sides and a large For Mine aad Mljl Christmas tradition, they originally dition. gilt cone ornamented the top. Al- Compensation aa4 had a deep symbolic significance. Write though the original designer prob- Insurance oh Tracks. ably never saw a Christmas tree, The Mountain Eagle Also Fire InsaraBce ox the Ceppo aided by a little imagi- -n 95 111 v or Phone Homes and Stores nation bridges the gap between iiw Whitesburg, Ky. Christmas cribs and trees. W:P"U Star of Bethlehem or Phenomenon of Age I The Star of Bethlehem has been OidcjJioHecl the subject of extensive research and discussion. S3? s VftVS'Y".' Modern astronomers have consid- ered several natural phenomenon theories without attaching too much weight to any such hypothesis. manger Patterned after the in - . CHRISTMAS IS HERE! which Christ was born, they were o m oblong in shape. The crust, baked a golden brown, represented the 25 It's in the music of the cherished gold brought by the Three Wise aft ... carols like a Men. r hovering benediction Insurance of Marriage over the bustling crowds. Crippen tells us that the maiden For us oldsters, it is memory that who receives no kisses under the 95 Time for us to send you our best mistletoe will not marry for years. makes up Christmas memories of wishes for the happiest Christmas the old days when grandma man- Karhantzari's Fear Skeptics regard you have ever known. aged the Christmas and the whole thing feast, Of Burned Leather as mere invention, colored with Ori- friends dropped in for a chat. Christmas fires burn brightly' in ental imagery, designed to honor Christ; and faith accepts the as I Greek households throughout the star "We are happy to 6ay that among holiday season and Macedonians the supernatural phenomenon which proclaimed save their old shoes for the purpose the birth of Jesus. our most treasured memories are of burning them at Christmas time The first chapter of the gos- pel according to the many Christmas celebrations since the odor of burning leather is St Matthew be- said to be offensive to the Kar- gins: 81 wc have seen come and go, and the kantzari. "The book 'of the generation of The Karkantzari are mysterious Jesus Christ, the ton of David, the friends wc have kept with us dur- creatures which wander about the son of Abraham ..." rural communities of Greece be- And confirming Bethlehem as the Hi ing all the years. A Merry Christ- tween Christmas and Epiphany. city of David, the angel of the Dreaded because their gremlin-lik-e Lord declaied: mas all of you! to tricks make life generally miserable 'Tor unto you is born this day, for everybody, the Karkantzari are in the city of David, a SAVIOUR HI GOODWIN'S particularly fond of attacking and which is CHRIST the Lord." St beating persons who are a bit Luke 2:11. unusually hearty drowsy after an Considering tradition, which ac- IS meaL cepts that King David's shield m Of course, the orthodox Greek formed a star, the Star Whitesburg, Kentucky priest effectively banishes the Kar- of Bethlehem appropriately kantzari when he comes around with stood over where the .young a & of holy "... his copper vessel water and Child was," St Matthew 2:9. cross entwined with sprigs of basil. HOLSTEIN HARDWARE The priest dips the cross Into the vessel and sprinkles each room Used As Good Lack Charm with the holy water after which Rings of mistletoe were worn Whitesburg, Kentucky the Karkantzari are expected to dis- around the neck in Sweden to pre- appear and not ..return until the fol-lew-ie vent sickness. , Christmas..
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