Soaring Magazine Index for 1974/1974 organized by author The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc... Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement. Department, Columns, or Sections of the magazine are indicated within parentheses '()'. Subject, and sub-subject, are indicated within square brackets '[]'. Abzug, Malcolm J. Thermaling turn rate and turn diameter [Aerodynamics; Techniques\Wave Soaring], Janu- ary, page 30 Aldrich, John Weather on public TV (Using the Weather) [Meteorology], June, page 36 Contest meteorologist; Gene Larcom (Using the Weather) [People\Gene Larcom; Meteorology], July, page 35 (Using the Weather) [Meteorology], September, page 36 (Using the Weather) [Meteorology], October, page 44 Forecasting thermal strength (Using the Weather) [Meteorology], November, page 40 Forecasts of the upper winds (Using the Weather) [Meteorology], December, page 38 Althaus, D. Wind-tunnel measurements on bodies and wing-body combina- tions [Aerodynamics\Wind Tunnel], March, page 17 Apgar, Rick Flying the Pioneer II [People\Paul Bikle; Homebuilts; Sailplanes\Pioneer II; Test Flying], July, page 22 Award, Exceptional Service (SSA in Action) [People\George Uveges; Awards\SSA\Exceptional Service Award; People\Ed Butts], April, page 9 Bagshaw, Malcolm 1-26 (Cover) [Cover; Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26], October, Cover Bahnson, G.; with Ted Hamm Federal aviation regulations for glider pilots (SSA in Action) [Literature], June, page 11 Bede, Kasper Flying wings (Letter) [Sailplanes], April, page 3 Beltz, Thomas Owl's wing - slow-speed ¯ight: Random Gusts [Birds], February, page 11 The soaring ¯ight of vultures (Herold's Hearsay) [Birds], February, page 37 Jonathan Livingston Schweizer (Letter), June, page 5 Bice, Peter K. Figuring great circle distances (Letter) [Cross-Country Soaring], May, page 5 Bowers, Peter M. (a.k.a. Peter Bowers) Northwest soaring symposium (SSA in Action), May, page 7 Design considerations of a simple sailplane [Aerodynamics; Construction\Sailplanes; Design; Costs\Sailplanes\Bantam II], June, page 14 Boyd, Wes 41st US national soaring championships, Adrian, Michigan [People\Ben Greene; Competitions\National], September, page 18 Briegleb, Gus 3 into 12 - one, Savage, Mark A. BRIEGLEB, KEN Claims 100 km speed triangle record (SSA in Action), September, page 10 Carmichael, Bruce H. (a.k.a. Bruce Carmichael, B.H. Carmichael, B. Carmichael) A return to the great ridge [Archives and Museums], September, page 14 Last updated on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 20:04 Carmichael, Bruce H. - 2 - Carmichael, Bruce H. Carpenter, James Cartoon (Cover) [Cover], December, cover Cover artist, competition reporter (SSA in Action), December, page 11 Carris, Bernie (Safety Corner), January, page 32 Chandler, Ted The PIK-20 [Design; Sailplanes\PIK-20], February, page 14 Colton, Sylvia; with Tom Page 14th World Gliding Championships, Waikerie, Australia [Sailplanes\LS-2; Competitions\World; Techniques\Team Flying], April, page 14 Crane, Sam Region ®ve south contest, Cordele, Georgia (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Regional], November, page 14 Culver, Irven MIT seminar, ultralight ¯ying (SSA in Action), March, page 9 Dansville, N.Y. Region six contest (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Regional], November, page 16 Doherty, William E. Book reviews After solo - soaring adventures in a 1-26 (SSA in Action) [Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26; Literature], October, page 18 DuPont, Stephen (a.k.a. Stephen Du Pont, Stephen du Pont, Steve DuPont, Stephen duPont, S. DuPont, Steve du Pont, Steve Dupont, Steve duPont, S. duPont, S. Du Pont, S. du Pont, Steve Du Pont) Ruddervator check (Letter) [Safety], January, page 3 Aerobatics as safety training (Letter) [Safety], April, page 2 Dyke, Jake Van Region seven contest, Salem, Illinois (SSA in Action) [People\Brian Utley; People\Sterling Starr; Competitions\Regional], September, page 12 Elliot, Burt 1974 Region Four Contest, Frederick, Maryland (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Regional; People\Thomas Beltz], October, page 17 Elliott, Earl L. Dave Petty [Obituaries], April, page 12 Elsmore, Ray 58 miles per gallon [Techniques\Wave Soaring; Motorgliding], March, page 21 Farr, Thomas M., Jr. Compatible trailer wiring (Letter) [Trailers], April, page 7 Fried, S. George W. Angell (SSA in Action) [Obituaries], November, page 11 Gehrlein, Lawrence (Safety Corner) [Safety], April, page 36 Germany, 1st soaring aerobatic contest: Saulgau, (SSA in Action) [International\Germany; Aerobatics], October, page 12 Graves, Bill Designing the Graves variometer system [Instrumentation\Variometers], February, page 20 Greene, Jack Fiberglass-and-balsa construction for the homebuilder, Part I (Homebuilder's Hall) [Construction\Sailplanes], March, page 34 Grif®th, Marion S., Jr. President's report (SSA in Action) [Soaring Society of America], May, page 14 President's report (SSA in Action) [Soaring Society of America], September, page 8 Guay, Alain New French two-place sailplane (Letter) [Design], January, page 3 Last updated on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 20:04 Guay, Alain - 3 - Guay, Alain Haberstroh, J. Hazards of Rogallo hang gliding [Hang gliders; Safety], December, page 28 Hall, Ed Bird (Cover) [Cover], August, cover Hall, Stanley A. (a.k.a. Stan A. Hall, Stan Hall, S. Hall, S.A. Hall) The Baby's ®rst soaring ¯ight [Sailplanes\Baby Albatross; Techniques\Wave Soaring], January, page 19 (Homebuilder's Hall) [Homebuilding], January, page 36 (Homebuilder's Hall) [Homebuilding], February, page 32 Hamm, Ted; with G. Bahnson Federal aviation regulations for glider pilots (SSA in Action) [Literature], June, page 11 Herman, James S. 1974 Region one contest, Sugarbush Vermont (SSA in action) [Competitions\Regional; People\Sam Francis], October, page 14 Herold, Carl "Winning on the wind", by George Moffat [Literature; Book Review], November, page 18 Hunter, Lloyd Region three contest, Dansville, NY (SSA in Action) [People\Joe Conn; Competitions\Regional], November, page 14 Hutchinson, J.R. Region 4 no-contest meet: (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Regional], October, page 9 Ivans, William S., Jr. (a.k.a. W.S. Ivans, W.S. Ivans, Jr., Bill Ivans) CIVV report, Paris, France [FAI; International\France], January, page 13 CIVV report, Paris, France (SSA in Action) [CIVV; FAI], June, page 7 Region eleven contest (SSA in Action) [Competitions\Regional], December, page 15 Jain, R.; with Richard A. Wolters Once upon a thermal (SSA in Action) [Literature], October, page 18 Jensen, Volmer MIT seminar; ultralight ¯ying (SSA in Action) [Ultralights], March, page 9 Johnson, Richard H. (a.k.a. Dick Johnson, Richard Johnson, R.H. Johnson, R. Johnson) Winning with the PIK at Hobbs, New Mexico [Ballast; Construction\Sailplanes; Meteorol- ogy; Sites\Hobbs, New Mexico; Sailplanes\Pik-20], December, page 30 Kelemen, Dez Retrieve story [Crewing], January, page 11 Kelsey, Benjamin S. (Safety Corner), September, page 40 Knauff, Thomas (a.k.a. Tom Knauff, T. Knauff) Just smile and charge it to experience, sob [Sailplanes\Schweizer\SGS 1-26; Techniques\Ridge Soaring], February, page 24 Kretschmer, Karl W. Arthur Zimmerman (SSA in Action) [Obituaries], June, page 11 Lambie, Jack A heavy trip in a light ship [Aerodynamics; Sailplanes; Literature], June, page 28 Licher, Lloyd M. (a.k.a. L.M. Licher, L. Licher) Executive director's report (SSA in Action) [Soaring Society of America], May, page 14 Executive director's report (SSA in Action) [Soaring Society of America], September, page 15 Lincoln, Joseph C. (a.k.a. J.C. Lincoln) Free as a bird, by Philip Wills (SSA in Action) [Literature], May, page 10 Lindsay, Charles V. (a.k.a. Charles Lindsay, C.V. Lindsay) (Using The Weather) [Meteorology], June, page 36 (Using The Weather) [Meteorology], September, page 36 (Using The Weather) [Meteorology], October, page 44 (Using The Weather) [Meteorology], November, page 40 Last updated on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 20:04 Lindsay, Charles V. - 4 - Lindsay, Charles V. Luttrell, John (a.k.a. J. Luttrell) A hangar story [Costs; Hangars], May, page 38 Busted canopy? (Homebuilder's Hall), May, page 46 Second international symposium MIT, December, page 22 MacCready, P.; with John H. McMasters (a.k.a. J.H. McMasters, John McMasters and J. McMasters) Second international symposium MIT [Test Flying; Mountain Soaring; Meteorology; Aero- dynamics; Design; Instrumentation; Massachusetts; Soaring Symposia; Sailplanes], December, page 22 Marske, Jim The Monarch [Construction\Sailplanes; Sailplanes\Monarch], March, page 28 Maryott, Richard (a.k.a. Dick Maryott) (Safety Corner), December, page 36 McGrath, Patrick, Jr.; with Arlen Moore Building the SS-1 - Soaring the Steens [Construction\Sailplanes; Design; Sailplanes\SS-1; Sites\Oregon; Techniques\Mountain Soaring; Homebuilts], January, page 14 McMaster, R. The Saga of Triple One Easy Mike [Techniques\Mountain Soaring; Sailplanes\Cirrus], February, page 18 McMasters, John H. (a.k.a. J.H. McMasters, John McMasters, J. McMasters); with P. MacCready Second international symposium MIT [Test Flying; Mountain Soaring; Meteorology; Aero- dynamics; Design; Instrumentation; Massachusetts; Soaring Symposia; Sailplanes], December, page 22 Michael, H.; with S. Riggs MIT seminar, ultralight ¯ying (SSA in Action), March, page 9 Mirza, Waheed Soaring in Pakistan (SSA in Action) [Af®liates, Chapters, and Clubs; International\Pakistan], May, page 9 Moffat, George B., Jr. (a.k.a. George Moffat, G.B. Moffat, Jr., G. Moffat, George B. Moffat) World open
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