2012 LSU Softball No. 24 LSU vs. No. 2 Alabama • April 6-8 Tuscaloosa, Ala. • 7 p.m. • 1:30 p.m. • 1 p.m. Radio: 104.9 FM • Live Stats: LSUsports.net Live Updates: www.Facebook.com/LSUsoftball SETTING THE SCENE SCHEDULE/RESULTS (28-8, 10-1 SEC) ff LSUf carriesf af season’sf longf 12-gamef winningf streakf intof af FEBRUARY [9-4] APRIL [2-0] weekendfseriesfatfNo.f2fAlabama.fGameftimesfarefsetfforf7fp.m.f 10 Penn State [1] L, 5-3 1 Arkansas [SEC] W, 3-2 [Fridayf-fESPNU],f1:30fp.m.f[Saturday]fandf1fp.m.f[Sundayf-fFSN]. 11 No. 15/16 Michigan [1] L, 2-1 4 Nicholls State W, 6-1 ff Lastf timef out,f LSUf collectedf af 6-1f victoryf overf Nichollsf State.f 11 Penn State [1] W, 1-0 [8] 6f atfNo.f2/2fAlabamaf[SEC,fESPNU]f 7fp.m. AshleighfKuhnfandfJulianafSantosfpickedfupftwofRBIsfapiece.fThef 12 Louisiana Tech [1] W, 8-0 [5] 7f atfNo.f2/2fAlabamaf[SEC]f 1:30fp.m. Tigersfhavefwonf25fofftheirflastf29foutingsfdatingfbackftofFeb.f19. 18f vs.fRV/RVfDePaulf[2]f L,f3-1 8f atfNo.f2/2fAlabamaf[SEC,fFSN]f 1fp.m. ff Alabama’sflonefsetbackfonfthefseasonfcamefversusfTennessee.fThef 18f vs.fCalfStatefNorthridgef[2]f W,f11-0f[5] 11f atfSoutheasternfLouisianaff 6fp.m. CrimsonfTide arefledfbyfKailafHunt’sf14fhomefrunsfandf38fRBIsf 19f vs.fNo.f3/1fCaliforniaf L,f14-3f[5] 13f atfNo.f10/9fTennesseef[SEC]f 5fp.m. alongfJackiefTraina’sf21-0frecordfinfthefcircle.f 19f vs.fUtahfStatef W,f13-0f[5] 14f atfNo.f10/9fTennesseef[SEC,fESPN]f 11fa.m. ff LSUfholdsfaf34-27fseriesfedgefoverfAlabama,fincludingfafsweepf 21 Southeastern Louisiana W, 7-0 15f atfNo.f10/9fTennesseef[SEC,fESPN]f 4fp.m. offtheftop-rankedfCrimsonfTideflastfseason.fCompletefrecapsfandf 25 South Alabama [3, CST] W, 5-4 17 McNeese State 6 p.m. boxfscoresfoffthef2011fseasonfseriesfisfavailablefonfpagesf8-10.f 25 NR/RV McNeese State [3] W, 2-0 18 No. 21/No. 22 Florida State 6 p.m. ff Goingfbackftofthef2006fseason,fLSUfhasfbeenfrankedfinf89foffthef 26 South Alabama [3] W, 1-0 20 Ole Miss [SEC, CST] 6 p.m. lastf97feditionsfoffthefNFCA/USAfSoftballfTopf25fpolls.fThefTigers 26 Alcorn State [3] W, 2-0 21 Ole Miss [SEC, CST] 6 p.m. arefrankedfinfbothfpollsfforftheffirstftimefsincefthefpreseason.fThisf MARCH [17-4] 22 Ole Miss [SEC] 1 p.m. week,fLSUfchecksfinfatfNo.f21f[USAfSoftball]fandfNo.f24f[NFCA]. 2f atfNo.f8/9fOklahomaf[4]f L,f7-0 24f atfNo.f6/6fFloridaf[SEC,fCSS]f 4fp.m. 3f vs.fNo.f23/NRfOklahomafStatef[4]f W,f7-4 24f atfNo.f6/6fFloridaf[SEC,fCSS]f 6:30fp.m. SPORTS INFORMATION 3f vs.fNo.f8/9fOklahomaf[4]f L,f5-0 27 No. 9/10 Georgia [SEC] 6 p.m. 4f atfNo.f23/NRfOklahomafStatef[4]f L,f1-0f[10] 28 No. 9/10 Georgia [SEC, CST] 4 p.m. Associate AD/SIDf MichaelfBonnette 7f atfNichollsfStateff W,f10-2f[5] 29 No. 9/10 Georgia [SEC, CST] 1 p.m. Senior Associate SIDf KentfLowe 9 Mississippi Valley State [5] W, 2-0 MAY/JUNE [0-0] Senior Associate SIDf BillfFranques 9 Troy [5] W, 6-3 4f atfKentuckyf[SEC]f 5fp.m. Associate SID (Softball)f MattfDunaway 10 Troy [5] W, 1-0 5f atfKentuckyf[SEC]f 12fp.m. Dunaway’s Emailf [email protected] 10 Mississippi Valley State [5] W, 16-0 [5] 6f atfKentuckyf[SEC]f 12fp.m. Dunaway’s Office Phonef (225)f578-1869 14 No. 20/No. 19 Auburn [SEC] W, 4-1 10-12f SECfTournamentf[6]f TBA Dunaway’s Cell Phonef (225)f226-5034 14 No. 20/No. 19 Auburn [SEC] L, 2-0 17-20f NCAAfRegionalsf TBA Associate SIDf BillfMartin 16 NR/RV Mississippi State [SEC] W, 10-7 24-27fff NCAAfSuperfRegionalsf TBA Associate SIDf WillfStafford 17 NR/RV Mississippi State [SEC] W, 3-1 31-J7f Women’sfCollegefWorldfSeriesf TBA Associate SID JakefTerry 18 NR/RV Mississippi State [SEC] W, 4-0 Student SIDs KevinfAlbarez,fAshleyfAmoss 21 RV/RV Georgia Tech W, 2-1 All game times are Central and subject to change; Rankings reflect Student SIDs CarolinefDowner,fBrookefHochstelter 23f atfSouthfCarolinaf[SEC]f W,f5-0 NFCA and USA Softball Top 25 polls on day of game; Home games Student SIDs MelanifJohnson,fSethfMedvin 24f atfSouthfCarolinaf[SEC]f W,f5-0 are bolded and played at Tiger Park; [SEC] Southeastern Conference Student SIDs JakefMost,fJaciefScott 25f atfSouthfCarolinaf[SEC]f W,f9-0f[6] game; [1] Tiger Classic [Tiger Park]; [2] Louisville Slugger Desert Classic Publications Directorf JasonfFeirman 28f atfMcNeesefStatef W,f4-0 [Las Vegas, Nev.]; [3] Tiger Invitational [Tiger Park], [4] The Preview Graphics Design Coordinatorsf KrystalfBennett,fCourtneyfWilburn 30 Arkansas [SEC] W, 1-0 [Norman/Oklahoma City/Stillwater, Okla.]; [5] Purple & Gold Chal- Staff Photographerf StevefFranz 31 Arkansas [SEC] W, 9-1 [5] lenge [Baton Rouge]; [6] SEC Tournament [Tuscaloosa, Ala.]; [FSN] Photography Assistantf ChrisfParent,fHilaryfScheinuk Fox Sports Network; [CSS] Charter Sports Southeast; [CST] Cox Sports Administrative Specialistf PamfLeBlanc Television; [ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU] SEC on ESPN Family of Networks. WHAT’S INSIDE LSU’S SEC CHAMPIONSHIP TRADITION Introduction/SEC Championship Traditionf 1 Schedule/Resultsf 1 YEAR EAST WEST OVERALL TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONSHIPS DIVISION OVERALL TOURNAMENT Quick Facts/ Possible Starting Lineup/2012 Roster 2 1997f SouthfCarolinaf LSUf SouthfCarolinaf SouthfCarolina LSU 8 5 5 Player Notes 3-6 1998f Floridaf LSUf Floridaf Alabama Alabamaf 7f 3f 4 SEC Standings & Schedule 3 1999f Tenn,fS.Cf LSUf LSUf LSU Floridaf 5f 3f 2 Top 25 Polls/2012 Honors & Awards 4 2000f Kentuckyf LSUf LSUf SouthfCarolina SouthfCarolinaf 4f 1f 2 Career Record Watch 5 2001f SouthfCarolinaf LSUf LSUf LSU Tennesseef 3f 1f 2 Multi-Hit/Multi-RBI/Hitting Streak RPI Report 6 2002f SouthfCarolinaf LSUf LSUf LSU Georgiaf 3f 2f 0 The Last Time/Inning-by-Inningf 7 2003f Georgiaf Alabamaf Georgiaf Alabama Kentuckyf 1f 0f 0 A Look Back: LSU vs. Alabama 8-10 2004f Tennesseef LSUf LSUf LSU Statisticsf 11-16 2005f Georgiaf Alabamaf Georgiaf Alabama Player Career/Season Highsf 17-22 2006f Georgiaf Alabamaf Alabamaf Tennessee 2007f Tennesseef LSUf Tennesseef LSU WHAT’S NEXT 2008f Floridaf Alabamaf Floridaf Florida 2009f Floridaf Alabamaf Floridaf Florida •f LSUf continuesf itsf season’sf longf seven-gamef roadf swingf 2010f Floridaf Alabamaf Alabamaf Alabama WednesdayfatfSoutheasternfLouisiana.fFirstfpitchfisfscheduledfforf 2011f Floridaf Alabamaf Alabamaf Tennessee 6fp.m.fatfNorthfOakfParkfinfHammond.f 1 NO. 24 LSU VS. NO. 2 ALABAMA u APRIL 6-8 RECORD u 28-8 [10-1 SEC] QUICK FACTS POSSIBLE STARTING LINEUP • DEPTH CHART UNIVERSITY POS NAME HT CL. GP-GS H-AB AVG OB% SLG% R BB 2B 3B HR RBI TB SF-SH SB-ATT Locationf BatonfRouge,fLa. Cf LaurenfHoustonf 5-5f Jr.f 20-19f 9-36f .250f .472f .250f 10f 3f 0f 0f 0f 4f 9f 1-2f 0-0 Foundedf 1860 Cf MorganfRussellf 5-7f Sr.f 18-17f 7-38f .184f .367f .289f 3f 4f 1f 0f 1f 6f 11f 0-2f 0-0 Enrollmentf 28,771 1Bf DylanfSupakf 5-10f Fr.f 27-23f 16-63f .254f .329f .349f 8f 6f 3f 0f 1f 11f 22f 0-3f 1-1 Nicknamef TigersforfFightingfTigers 1Bf AshleighfKuhnf 5-7f So.f 19-16f 12-44f .273f .340f .318f 3f 5f 2f 0f 0f 11f 14f 1-1f 0-1 Colorsf PurplefandfGold 1Bf HeidifPizerf 5-10f Sr.f 17-7f 4-21f .190f .320f .190f 6f 4f 0f 0f 0f 4f 4f 0-0f 1-1 Mascotf MikefVIf[livefBengalftiger] 2Bf AllisonfFalconf 5-4f So.f 25-25f 23-68f .338f .408f .441f 14f 5f 2f 1f 1f 15f 30f 0-1f 5-6 Conferencef Southeastern 2Bf RikkifAlcarazf 5-2f Fr.f 21-16f 10-42f .238f .396f .310f 13f 10f 3f 0f 0f 4f 13f 0-0f 2-3 Websitef www.lsusports.net SSf JulianafSantosf 5-5f Sr.f 29-29f 27-78f .346f .436f .436f 15f 13f 4f 0f 1f 19f 34f 2-0f 5-6 Presidentf Dr.fJohnfV.fLombardi 3Bf TammyfWrayf 5-7f So.f 30-25f 8-63f .143f .289f .159f 6f 10f 1f 0f 0f 7f 10f 0-1f 1-1 Chancellorf Dr.fMichaelfV.fMartin 3Bf KaileyfMcCaslandf 5-6f Fr.f 21-18f 10-46f .217f .308f .304f 6f 4f 1f 0f 1f 7f 14f 0-0f 0-0 NCAA Faculty Representativef BillfDemastes LFf AshleyfLangonif 5-6f Sr.f 36-36f 30-88f .341f .504f .625f 29f 31f 8f 1f 5f 24f 55f 3-0f 5-6 LFf TammyfVermeulenf 5-7f Fr.f 12-1f 2-4f .500f .667f .500f 3f 2f 0f 0f 0f 3f 2f 0-0f 2-2 ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT CFf A.J.fAndrewsf 5-4f Fr.f 26-21f 18-59f .305f .406f .339f 12f 10f 0f 1f 0f 7f 20f 0-1f 7-9 Director of Athletics/Vice Chancellor JoefAlleva Senior Associate AD/Operations VergefAusberry CFf SimonefHeywardf 5-0f So.f 18-14f 6-30f .200f .395f .200f 8f 9f 0f 0f 0f 3f 6f 2-1f 4-4 Senior Associate AD/Student Services & SWA MiriamfSegar RFf AshleyfApplegatef 5-5f Sr.f 35-35f 24-98f .245f .345f .316f 14f 13f 5f 1f 0f 5f 31f 0-2f 4-4 Senior Associate AD/External Affairs & f HerbfVincent RFff AlexfBouletf 5-0f So.f 18-1f 0-7f .000f .000f .000f 4f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0-0f 5-5 Vice Chancellor for University Relations DPf JaceefBladesf 5-6f Jr.f 24-13f 14-45f .311f .367f .333f 9f 3f 1f 0f 0f 2f 15f 0-2f 3-5 Senior Associate AD/Business MarkfEwing DPf CassiefTrosclairf 5-4f Sr.f 13-8f 4-23f .174f .240f .217f 2f 1f 1f 0f 0f 4f 5f 0-1f 2-3 Senior Associate AD/Compliance & Planning BofBahnsen -f KatiefGuilloryf 5-7f Sr.f -f -f -f -f -f --f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f - Senior Associate AD/Facilities & Grounds RonniefHaliburton Senior Associate AD/Internal Affairs & EddiefNunez IN THE CIRCLE Project Development POS NAME HT CL. APP-GS W-L ERA CG SHO SV IP H R ER BB SO WP-HP OP BA Assistant AD/Ticket Manager BrianfBroussard Pf RachelefFicof 5-7f Jr.f 18-17f 13-4f 0.69f 13f 9/1f 1f 111.2f 72f 22f 11f 32f 109f 3-6f .177 Assistant AD/Marketingf MattfShanklin Pf BrittanyfMackf 5-10f Sr.f 18-16f 12-4f 1.89f 12f 3/2f 1f 96.1f 86f 35f 26f 33f 114f 4-12f .228 Pf MeghanfPattersonf 5-7f So.f 8-3f 3-0f 2.01f 3f 2/3f 0f 31.1f 17f 9f 9f 10f 37f 4-2f .159 COACHING STAFF Head Coachf BethfTorina Record at LSU [Seasons]f 28-8f[1] 2012 ROSTER Career Record [Seasons]f 157-119f[5] Assistant Coachf HowardfDobson NO.
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