Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-17-1999 The BG News March 17, 1999 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 17, 1999" (1999). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6464. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6464 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. /> The BG News stsswarn WHH ^&istfc3& Too few spaces or too many cars? E-mail Administration wants students to consider alternatives to driving change By TONY CAVALLARIO The BG News results ; Despite student rage, admin- istrators and faculty say there is no parking problem on-cam- in chaos pus, but that the problem is to make alternatives to driving Problems tutth ^ Natalie Miller thinks more attractive. violence solves "The biggest problem is that new systems nothing. people are equating transporta- tion with the automobile," said persist' help is Steve Steel, chairman of the on the uxnj University Parking Committee. Guest Columnist "Within the Parking Commit- By MELISSA NAYMIK tee, most people agree that it William Lee enjoys the The BG News pastime of smoking. simply isn't just a parking issue." The Lotus Notes and Eudora James Wiegand, University Light e-mail systems were sup- public safety director, said there pose to make e-mailing more are nearly 10,000 parking spaces efficient, yet the system was tion 4 on campus — but those spaces down for the majority of Tues- are not necessarily right next to day. classroom buildings. Fourteen people died, Toby Singer, information tech- "The bottom line is that there nology services interim execu- . several injured in an is plenty of parking on cam- tive director, said in the middle - Amtrak train pus," Wiegand said. of the night on Monday, the e- j derailment in Illinois. Steel explained that students mail gateways were down and need to accept other modes of 24,000 e-mail messages were not transportation. processed. This explains wny "II will never be possible for some people who know they Influential Florida all students to drive from their have new e-mail cannot receive houses right to their classroom minister resigns after it. buildings," Steel said. "If they But the question remains as to conviction for want transportation options, when the problem will be swindling $4 million. that is what we can work on." solved. Making it easier to ride a Currently, computer vendors bicycle to campus and increas- from IBM are working on the ing shuttle service are among system, but there is no specified these transportation options. time when it will be fixed. Singer Bicycles are the most efficient said. and best mode of human trans- He added that Lotus Notes portation in any environmental and Eudora Light are good sys- category, according to Steel. Yet tems and after the problem is the city and campus aren't as solved, both systems will be fine. bicycle friendly as thev could When the University decided be. to change from Pine to Lotus "Biking is tough— cars don't Notes and Eudora Light over respect bicycles," Steel said. spring break, no one foresaw a The city of Bowling Green problem with this new e-mail i The Falcon softball could designate bike streets to Keith Faris, a senior IPCO majo' Is standing outside the BA building unlocking his bike. conversion. create bike routes. Steel said. Thurstin Avenue to Main Street, to compete with cars for road cles is lack of adequate storage "You do the best planning team goes 3-5 down The easiest way to do that is to while cars could travel between space on those streets. space that is theft-proof. you can and you provide the in the bayou. block off every other street to those two streets via Court Because BG's older streets "If people can store their right support (but problems through traffic with planters, he Street. date back to the 19th century, bikes inside dorms or apart- occur)," Singer said. said. Currently, yellow signs that Bowling Green Mayor Wes ments, they might be more Repeated attempts to speak For example, if the city read "Share the Road" now des- Hoffman said adding bike lanes inclined to ride," said Stu Ster- with the Technology Support I Track team ready to blocked off Pike Street, bikers ignate certain city side-streets is difficult. Center, the office students are kicks off outdoor would have a safe route from for bikers, but cyclists still have Another problem with bicy- i See PARKING, page eight. season. • See E-MAIL, page seven. USG candidates voice platforms through debate candidates' platforms and short attracting attention to the Jeff Carney, is the extremely late debate for Adam Papas. Candi- Opinion 2 By JEFFARNETT responses to them. Each of the upcoming elections, which are notice for both the participants dates on each of the tickets Page Three 3 The BG News tickets, in random order, will get scheduled for Tuesday and and the general student body. expressed a positive outlook for Wednesday of next week. World and Nation 4 five minutes to describe their Last evening, presidential candi- the debate. There will be a debate "I think the debates will be a 9 platforms, then two more min- date Bree Swalt had not even "Hopefully, we can get a lot of Sports between the four Undergraduate great way to disseminate infor- utes for response and rebuttal to been notified of the time of the people there," said vice-presi- Sports Agate 10 Student Government presiden- mation to the student body," the others. debate. dential candidate David All. tial tickets today at 6 p.m. in the Casar said. "I eagerly anticipate The remaining time will be At the debate will be both The candidates and the EOB first floor of the Saddlemire Stu- a large turnout by any interested spent on questions from the halves of the Gault-Chipps tick- also shared a hope that the stu- dent Services building. parties." audience. Each ticket will receive et, the Russell-All ticket, and dents would get a good look at The debate is scheduled to last Casar also expressed hope "I think the debates one minute to respond to each probably both members of the the issues involved in the cam- one hour, though it may last question from the audience. that important issues other than Swatt-Iacobucci ticket. For the longer if the EOB members paign. will be a great way to Bob Casar, a member of the parking problems will be Kelley-Papas ticket only Kris decide the debate should be EOB, will serve as moderator to addressed at the debate. "Hopefully, the debate? going Kelley will attend, due to a con- disseminate informa- extended. The first half hour will the debate. Casar says he thinks A possible pitfall for the tion to the student consist of introductions of the the debate will be useful in debate, according to EOB chair flict between classes and the • See USG, page eight. body," Depression left untreated in males Bob Casar a member of the EOB due to societal pressure, stereotypes said. "Men are expected to To diagnose a potential client By IRENE SHARON obtain achievements. They are with depression, Kaplan uses SCOTT not allowed to weep. In order to symptoms that include, intense The BG News solve problems, they may use guilt over minr events, irritabil- Check out: violence and aggressiveness." ity, restlessness or lethargy, diffi- The societal belief that males www.bgnews. do not suffer from depression Van Donselaar said in com- culty making decisions or con- leads to fewer men seeking treat- parison to females, not many centrating, fatigue, thoughts of com ment for the disease. males use the University's coun- suicide, loss of appetite or seling service. He said this could overeating, inability to enjoy News, web extras and a According to Dr. Joshua be attributed to the stereotype everyday pleasures, insomnia Kaplan, medical director of stu- whole lot more. and excessive or disturbed sleep. dent health services, males can that male students generally don't like to talk about their The three other symptoms used Want to get in touch? and do suffer from depression. However, he said millions of problems. Kaplan said male Uni- on a national level include, unex- males go undiagnosed because versity students that do seek plained crying, hopelessness and bgnews@bgnet. help do not come right out and social isolation. of the standards to which society "Depression Is a changeable bgsu.edu holds men accountable for. say they are suffering from depression. condition." Kaplan said. "If some- "Males are not suppose to Your direct line to your Kaplan said the real issue is one has this disease they should newspaper. show their emotions, unlike seek treatment. They will function women who are encouraged to not "male depression" but depression. Symptoms for better, feel better and there is no display and share their emo- need be experiencing Idcpres- Or call us: tions," he said. depression are the same for males and females. In order to slon|." Dr. Lee Van Donselaar, a psy- Treatment for depression diagnosis depression at the Uni- chologist at the counseling cen- includes medication, counseling 372-6966 versity, Kaplan said a client must ter, agreed. and/or physical treatment. The have (our or more symptoms BG News Photo/MATT MILLER "Men are expected not to be over several months.
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