ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN OF SGR LABORATORIES PVT. LTD. LOCATED AT Sy No: 290 & Parts, Dondapadu (V) Chintalapalem (M), Suryapet District, Telangana State. FOR PROPOSED BULK DRUGS AND INTERMEDIATES MANUFACTURING UNIT Proposal for ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE Industry falls under 5(f) ‘A’ Category as per the EIA Notification, 2006. Area: 9.00 Acres Project Cost: 12 Crores. Baseline Period – Oct – 2018 to Dec - 2018 Project Proponent Mr. A. Koti Reddy, Director, Plot No.108, SVCIE, IDA, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, Telangana State -500055 Prepared by: Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd Plot No: 203, H.No:5-36/203, Prashanthi Nagar, IDA, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500072. Ph: 040-23070602, 23075699. 40126589. Email: [email protected]. NABET Accreditation No: NABET/EIA/1821/RA 0100 UNDERTAKING BY PROJECT AUTHORITIES Plot No. 108, S.V.C.I.E, I.D.A., Jeedimetla, Hyd-55. Cell : 9393366669, 9849144469, E-mail : [email protected] Ref: Date: UNDERTAKING BY THE PROJECT AUTHORITIES r h1s 1s to undertake that I own the contents (information and data) of the EIA Report prepared for Green field project of SGR Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. at Sy No · 290 and parts , Dondapadu (V) , Chinthalapalem (M) . Suryapet D1strict . Telangana state. I also co nf1rm that I shall be fully accountable for any m1sleading mformat1on ment1oned 1n t h 1s report Place: Hyderabad Date : 03/10/2019 for SGR Laboratories Pvt. Ltd A Koti Reddy Director DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANTS ENGAGED Annexure Declaration by Experts contributing to the EIA of SGR Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Sy No: 290 and parts, Dondapadu (V) Chinthalapalem (M), Suryapet District, Telangana state. l, hereby, certify that I was a part of the EIA team in the following capacity that developed the above EIA Report. EIA coordinator: /*'{-------J Name: Yarlagadda V. Prasad Signature: Period of involvement: April 2018 - Till date Contact information: Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Plot No: 203, H.No:5-36/203, Prashanthi Nagar, lDA, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072. Ph: 040-23070602, 23075699. i nfo@ riohtsource.co. i n, ei aem p@ riqhtsou rce. co. i n Functional Area Experts: Period: April 2018 - Till date Task: Selecting ambient air monitoring sites Yarlagadda based on IMD data, Review of the V. Prasad meteorological data, Process emissions and AAQ data, suggesting air pollution control measures. Period: April 2018 - Till date Task: ldentification of water monitoring sites, estimating water requirement, Suggesting Recycling of water, waste water treatment methods & disposal schemes. Period: April 2018 - Till date Task: Inventorization of Hazardous waste, Solid wastes, etc., suggesting treatment options viz., landfill, incineration, recycling, and stabilization. Period: April 2018 - Till date Task: Generating primary SE data, livestock inventory and impacts, conducted focused group discussions, taken public opinion on the project. ldentified villages wise DECLARATION OF ASSOCIATION IN THE EIA amenities and needs Period:April 2018 - Till date Task: Collected secondary data from foresV agricultural/ fisheries department, Dr. K. generation of primary flora and fauna data 5 EB Bayapureddy from study area & core atea, ground truthing for ecological assessment, development of status report, suggested species for greenbelt development. Period: Oct 2018 - Till date Task: Measurement of ground water levels from the existing wells present in and around project site, observation of surface v+#t/ E. V. Naresh water bodies, establishing groundwater flow o*t,*+* 6 HG Kumar LN direction and its gradient and evaluation of rainfall data and suggesting suitable depth for secured land fill base, and identification of development of monitoring wells. Period: Oct 2018 - Till date Task: Observations made towards the ldentification of country rock, development E. V. Naresh porosity, thickness of 7 GEO Kumar of and extent weathered formations, area seismicity and evaluation of soil permeability for suggesting suitable civil structures. Period: April 2018 - Till date Task: Meteorological Pollution P. Praveen & Air suggesting 8 AQ Kumar dispersion studies, environmental management plan for air pollution control measures Period: April 2018 - Till date Task: Monitoring of noise / vibration levels ,----.o( Yarlagadda using instrument, processing and analysis I NV V. Prasad of Data for suggesting suitable noise mitigating measures Period: Oct 2018 - Till date Task: Collection of GPS readings from the project site and prepared layout, preparation Dr. Y. Rama of TOPO map through SOI 1:50,000 scale 10 LU Mohan TOPO sheet. Collections of ground through data from the field. Preparation of LU map through Satellite imagery, SOl, Google map & Ground through data. Period: April 2018 - Till date P.S.N. Task: ldentification of Hazards and 11 RH Murthy Hazardous substances from process & warehouse, storage tanks .Risks and DECLARATION OF ASSOCIATION IN THE EIA consequence analysis using software and lethality damages, DMP and EPP for onsite & offsite were provided Functional Involvement S.No. Name of the FAAs Signature Areas Period 1 AP, AQ Y. Prathyusha April 2018 - Till date 2 LU G. Sandeep April 2018 - Till date Declaration by the Head of the accredited consultant organization/ authorized person l, Yarlagadda V. Prasad, hereby, confirm that the above mentioned experts prepared the EIA of SGR Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Sy No: 290 and parts, Dondapadu (V) Chinthalapalem (M), Suryapet District, Telangana state. I also confirm that the consultant organization shall be fully accountable for any mis-leading information mentioned in this statement. Signature: # r Name: Yarlagadda V. Prasad Designation: Managing Director Name of the EIA consultant organization: Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd. NABET Certificate No. & lssue Date: NABET Accreditation No: NABETlElAllS2l/RA 0100 DECLARATION OF ASSOCIATION IN THE EIA COPY OF TERMS OF REFERENCE [TOR] No.IA-J-11011/14/2019-IA-II(I) Goverment of India Minister of Enviroment,Forest and Climate Change Impact Assessment Division *** Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Vayu Wing,3rd Floor,Aliganj, Jor Bagh Road,New Delhi-110003 13 Feb 2019 To, M/s SGR LABORATORIES PVT LTD Plot No. 108, SVCIE, IDA, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, Rangareddi-500055 Telangana Tel.No.040-23070602; Email:[email protected] Sir/Madam, This has reference to the proposal submitted in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to prescribe the Terms of Reference (TOR) for undertaking detailed EIA study for the purpose of obtaining Environmental Clearance in accordance with the provisions of the EIA Notification, 2006. For this purpose, the proponent had submitted online information in the prescribed format (Form-1 ) along with a Pre-feasibility Report. The details of the proposal are given below: 1. Proposal No.: IA/TG/IND2/90705/2019 Proposed Bulk Drugs and Drug Intermediates 2. Name of the Proposal: Manufacturing Unit by SGR Laboratories Private Limited 3. Category of the Proposal: Industrial Projects - 2 4. Project/Activity applied for: 5(f) Synthetic organic chemicals industry (dyes & dye intermediates; bulk 5. Date of submission for TOR: 08 Jan 2019 In this regard, under the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 as amended, the Standard TOR for the purpose of preparing environment impact assessment report and environment management plan for obtaining prior environment clearance is prescribed with public consultation as follows: STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) FOR EIA/EMP REPORT FOR PROJECTS/ ACTIVITIES REQUIRING ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE 5(f):STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS INDUSTRY (DYES & DYE INTERMEDIATES; BULK DRUGS AND INTERMEDIATES EXCLUDING DRUG FORMULATIONS; SYNTHETIC RUBBERS; BASIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS, OTHER SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS AND CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES) AND INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN EIA/EMP REPORT A. STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE 1) Executive Summary 2) Introduction i. Details of the EIA Consultant including NABET accreditation ii. Information about the project proponent iii. Importance and benefits of the project 3) Project Description i. Cost of project and time of completion. ii. Products with capacities for the proposed project. iii. If expansion project, details of existing products with capacities and whether adequate land is available for expansion, reference of earlier EC if any. iv. List of raw materials required and their source along with mode of transportation. v. Other chemicals and materials required with quantities and storage capacities vi. Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous waste generation and their management. vii. Requirement of water, power, with source of supply, status of approval, water balance diagram, man-power requirement (regular and contract) viii. Process description along with major equipments and machineries, process flow sheet (quantative) from raw material to products to be provided ix. Hazard identification and details of proposed safety systems. x. Expansion/modernization proposals: c. Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) including Amendments thereto obtained for the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests as per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments shall be provided. In STANDARD TERMS OF
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