HIGH MARK OF QUALITY THE DEVELOPING HUB OF RIVERINA FOOTBALL WEBSTERS SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. C[,he RiV'e~ina . FAMOUS FOR WEBSTERS REFRESHING LEMONADE Websters for Orchy Orange Juice - Orchy Grapefruit Aust~a€ian ':J,ootbaee Ceub Etd. GRIFFITH LEETON - NARRANDERA WAGGA 624466 532340 591 8133 254184 REMAINING PROGRAMME OF ) ENTERTAINMENT FOR THIS MONTH 12--Saturdat Night Social. Band: "Sky". 13-Sunday ~?'11 Social with "Mayberry Park". 15-Tuesday Night Disco In the Amber Room with "Duffy" at 8.00 p.m. 16-Wednesday Night Old Time Dance. Mµsic by "Junee Blue Rhythm". 17--Sports Quiz followed by Sporting Movies. 18-Friday Nig'ht Disco in the Amber Room with "Duffy" at 8.00 p.m. ALSO: 50/50 Dance to the music of "Canyon". 19--Saturday Night Social with "Kindergarten Kool". 20--Sunday Night Social. Band: "Checkmates". 22-Tuesday Night Disco in the Amber Room with "Duffy" at 8.00 p.m. 23-Wednesday Night Old Time Dence with "Gay 90's". OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTH WEST DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGUE 24--Sports Quiz followed by Sporting Movies. 25-Friday Night Di•sco in the Amber Room with "Duffy" at 8.00 p.m. ALSO: Old Time Dance "Riverina Jazz Band". REFRESH EACH QUARTER 26--Saturday Night Social with Music by "Tarmak". with 27--Sunday Night Social. Band: HI. C. Daylight". 29-Tuesday Night Disco in the Amber Room with "Duffy" at 8.00 p.m. "LETO NA" 30--Wednesday Night Old Time Dance with "Gay 90's". PURE ORANGE JUICE 31--Sports Quiz followed by Sporting Movies. or PURE GRAPEFRUIT, PURE LIGHT GRAPE JUICE PURE TOMATO JUICE PRINTED AT OXFORD PRINTERY, 112 FITZMAURlCE STREET, WAGGA WAGGA N.S.W., FOR THE PROPRIETORS OF VICTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY ( Registered for Posting as a Publication ( Category C.} Vol. 17 SUNDAY, 13th MARCH, 1977 No. 1 LEDGERWOOD & CO. - GAN MAIN TO YOUR LOCAL LADS . PRODUCE MERCHANTS R. G. LANE & CO .• NARRANDERA AUCTIONEERS AND STOCK ANO STATION AGENTS LOOK P.0. Box 64 Phone 7. After Hours: 49 For all INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE EDITORIAL The ever-increasing costs to run football have finally caught up with the South West In a significant manner as It is now extremely unllkely that any VFL umpires will be used this season. The District Councillor The astronomical cost to bring VFL umpires to the South West is now beyond the clubs' finances, plus there Is a desperate shortage of whistle blowers to control With the opening matches of the 1977 season about to senior and reserve VFL games. ( commence a number of events will have a significant effect on , The VFL will be using two umpires in seniors and reserves this season and ••I 'j football throughout the Riverina. has drained the VFL Umpires Association's resources. ., The South-West League's decision to employ Riverina um­ However administrators must in a way feel that the loss of the VFL umpires, :, pires for all their home and home fixtures has been a just reward which h.Jve been used by South West for many years, is a "blesslng in disguise". for the hard working executive of that organisation. Since its In­ It must now be realised by clubs and administrators that umpires and umpiring ception the Riverina Umpires' Association has striven to Improve the in our own area must be encouraged all the time if the code Is to exist as games cannot quality and quantity of its members. With the reqular inter-change be played without the men in white. of umpires about to be tried, there is further evidence of Riverina Umpires Association, which we must look to as our main support, is this progressive attitude. Adminl~trators, players and spectators progressive and deserves our strong encouragement at all levels. will be interested in this experiment and for football's sake I wish It The speculation that Riverina Umpires Association is going to carry out a feas­ every success. ibility study into setting up a Country Umpires Association comprising NSW and north-eastern Victoria Is heartening news. One development worthy of mention is the newly-formed Girral Football Club Such a body would be able to control umpires from many areas oJnd send them which is affi~iated with the Northern Riverina Football League. This league fosters foot­ to different locations every week, giving clubs greater variety, and supporters fewer ball in a unique way and carries the Australian Football. banner into the heart of N.S.W. familiar faces, which is believed to be one of the big troubles. Girral Football Club merits our support and best wishes for its future. Riverina Umpires Association is also hoping to have an exchange with Canberra umpires for South West at some stage· during this season and It Is hoped clubs and What does 1977 hold for the South-West? I am looking Forward keenly to this officials give their full support. season. The excitement of 1976 should be repeated this year with all 10 clubs appearing to be as strong; if not stronger. With eight teams entered in the Under 19's patrons South West starts this season in a very strong financial position and hopefully should get an excellent day's outing for their football dollar. All in -all a truly memorable this will not be eroded by extr.avagance on umpires. season is about to burst upon us. Even for finals series South West must look seriously at the appointment of Riverlna Umpires Association as an incentive for the whistle blowers. So, on behalf of the Victorian Country Football League might I wish all people The idea of two umpires system .for the finals could be thrashed out by delegates! who are connected with Australian Football· a successful, prosperous and, above all, trouble free season. C. J. Blackshaw, :fiJve iJ ,pm and~ rim/ ..... District Councillor. "The Diamond House" ••• Wagga 's leading ---- Jewellers for •quality, service and valuel .:-··" ·-~-­.. -- GRIFFITH HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE ~ (YOUR UBA-CONVi\l R BUYING GROUP MEMBER) BONAIRE HEATING & COOLING - GRIFFITH (SPEED-E-GAS CENTRE) J.J.SPEIRS 'J/ouJe ~ . VULCAN OIL HEATING AND FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES . 4 GURWOOD STREET, WAGGA PH. 21 2529 \ / , / Open Thurs. till 9 p.m.: Saturday till 12 noon. ~ ,:::;.,--::/' 328 Bonno Avenue, Griffith - Phone 6121826 3 1977 LEAGUE DIRECTORY LOGAN & HITCHENS - GANMAIN AND COOLAMON DISTRICT COUNCILLOR : MR. C. J. BLACKSHAW, C/- School Residence, Venda. Phone WHOLESALE GRAIN AND CHAFF MERCHANTS 681267. DEALERS FOR INTERNATIONAL FARM EQUIPMENT PRESIDENT: MR. J. F. (FRANK) GAYNOR, 49 Bruce Street, Coolamon. Phone 152. COOLAMON 24 SECRETARY: MR. N. J. BUCHANAN, Hannah Street, Ganmain. Phone 49. PHONE GANMAIN 42 - 216 TREASURER : MR. V. v_. WOOLNOUGH, Moore Street, Ganmain. Phone 207. GRONG GRONG-MA TONG ARDLETHAN Pres.: Mr. K. G. Limbrick, "Windamere", Pres.: Mr. B. Stewart, "Fairfield", Ard­ Grong Grong. Phone 60. The District Councillor lethan. Phone 142. Sec.: Mr. L. E. Quinn, "Thuroona", Mat­ Sec.: Mr. J. R. Little, "Noonganna", Grong ong. Phone 32-0. By special request I have been invited to explain -:- "Where Grong. Phone Landervale 563215. Treas.: Mr. W. Choy, Berembed Street, does the District Councillor fit into the football picture?" Treas.: Mr. K. P. Carroll, "Tralee", Grong Grong Grong. Phone 38. Perhaps this can be best "explained", in the sh9rt space Grong. Phone Landervale 563224. available, by giving our readers a break-down to the local level, of LEETON / the whole organisation of our code. ARIAH PARK-MIRROOL Pres.: Mr. R. J. Braddy, P.O. Box 73C, The Laws of Australian Football are admi1iistered and con­ Pres.: Mr. L. L. O'Brien, RMB 24, Ariah Leeton. Phone 532988 (A.H.) · trolled by the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA, affili­ Park. Phone 40B. Sec.: Mr. C. E. Corbett, 44 Currawang ated bodies being - Australian Amateur Football Council, A.C.T. Sec.: Mr. E. J. Buerckner, RMB 17, Ariah Avenue, Leeton. Phone 533732. · Australian Football League, New South Wales Australian Football Park. Phone Bectric 832132. Treas.: Mr. P. J. Keelan, 11 Cedar Street, League, Queensland Australian Football League, South Australian Treas.: Mr. A. R. Spargo, Box 1, P.O. Leeton. Phone 532391. National Football League, Tasmanian Australian National Football Ariah Park. Phone 8. NARRANDERA IMPERIALS League, West Australian Nationnl Football League and the Victorian Pres.: Mr. M. McLean, 144 Audley Street, Football League. COOLAMON Narrandera. Phone 591641. Victoria has several football organisations of which the V.C.F.L. ( the Victorian Pres.: Mr. M. S. Edis, RMB 345, Coola­ Sec.: Mr. M. J. Smith, 27 Roslyn Street, Country Football League) is by far the biggest organisation, and for the purpose of ad­ mon. Phone Methul 278255. Narrandera. Phone 591800 (day), ministration is subdivided into 17 Districts - Ballarat, Bendigo, East Gippsland, East Sec.: Mr. D. W. Graham, 42 Mann Street, 591875 (A.H.) Riverina, Goulburn Valley, Hampden, Latrobe Valley, Mornington; Murray Border; Coolamon. Treas.: Mr. C. W. Robertson, 6 Jonsen Northern, North Central, North Eastern, Riverina, South Gippsland; Sunraysia; Western; Treas.: Mr. T. P. O'Brien, P.O. Box 32, Street, Narrandera. Phone 592066 and Wimmera. "Erin View", Coolamon. Phone 92. (dB¥), 592025 (A.H.) Affiliated Leagues within each District form a V.C.F.L. Council, and at their GANMAIN TURVEY PARK Annual Meeting appoint a "District Councillor" to represent them at all meetings of the Pres.: Mr. B. K. Logan, Langham Street, Pres.': Mr. N. F. McLennan, 34 Ceduna V.C.F.L., and to act as secretary for his district for the purpose of convening further Ganmain. Phone 42 (~ay), 224 (A.H.) Street, Wagga Wagga. Phone 212247 meetings and to attend to all matters requiring the approval of the District Councillor Sec.: Mr. M. A. Howe, Ford Street, Gan­ (day), 252609 (A.H.) under the Constitution and Rules of the V.C.F.L.
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