Poli sh Gwrealogcal Soci efi4 of Mttmesota NEWSLETTr.TI voLuME 11 WINTER 2003-04 r{T.,MBER4 W€umrrs,!! SzczgSliwego PGS-MN Annual Meeting Nowego You are invited to our Annual Meeting, which will be held on Saturday, January L7,2n4, from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm. The Roku! meeting will be held at Lakewood Cemetery, in Minneapolis. Prior to the program, we will conduct a short business meeting, including the annual election of officers. All members who wish to stand for election to one of the positions should contact me. Positions include presiden! -president, vice secretar5/, lln thf,s flssrre " " o treasurer, and three directors. We will publish a list of candi- dates at the meeting. Nominations will also be open from the Upcoming events....... page 1 floor. PGS-MN annual meeting President's .......2 Following the business meeting, Tom Rice will present the Lettet........ topic, "Research in Death Related Records and Cemeteries." Upcoming events, continued................3 He will discuss the various records that can be found around February PGS-MN meeting a death event. It will focus on cemetery and grave location, MGS "Branching Out" burial records, tombstone transcriptions and plot layout. Future PGS-MN meetings Handouts will be availahle. The Bulletin Board...............................4 Letters to the editor..............................6 Tom Rice, an genealogy Ph.D. is experienced researcher and Interpreting gravestones lecturer. He has completed the National Genealogical Society's URL correction course in American Genealogy and the Samford University's Silesia to America Institute in Genealogical and Historical Research courses in Advanced Methodology and Professional Genealogy. He has Johnnies Win!!........ .......7 lectured frequently for the kish Genealogical Society [nterna- Immigration records tional and the Minnesota Genealogical Society. He serves on Morzewo book the board of both organizations. He is a member of the Associ- Library Corner....Book Reviews..........8 ation of Professional Genealogists. InTheir Words Genealogical Guide to Following are the details for time and place: East and W est Prussia.................9 Date: January L7 ,2W Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Drobne Echa #3..... ...........10 Location: Lakewood Cemetery Chapel From Katolik,1894 Address: Hennepin Avenue South & West 36th St., Silver Lake, Minneapolis Church of the Holy Fami1y............13 Program reports...... ..........14 The Chapel is located on the road which mns just to the right Family histories of the cemetery main building, about 100 yards, on the left Poland's changing borders............. 1 5 hand side (See the cemetery map on page 3). For directions to Where to look for records..............16 the cemetery, call 612-822-2171, or use Mapquest, or call me at612-927-A719. A Mini-Historical Atlas..................... 1 6 Library Comer, continued.. ................27 --Terry Kita Missing Branches... ..........28 U?comiw ancnts- continued on page 3 Page2 Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota Winter 200&0{ P olis h G ene alo gi c al S oc iety of Minnesota A Branch of the Minnesota Genealogical Society 5768 Olson Memorial Hwy. Golden Valley MN 55422 http: //www. rootsweb.com/-mnpol gs/pgs-mn. html Ofricers/Board of Directors: President...... .Terry Kita (612-92'l-07L9) <[email protected]> Vice kesident............... John Kowles (612-7 2l -7 22'7) <[email protected]> Secretary..............Mary Ellen Bruski (763-588-3801) <[email protected]> Presi.dent's Letter: Treasurer.........................Audra Etzel (7 63'97 2' 6639) <etzelfami ly @ msn.com> We are at the end of one year and the start of another Kishel Past President ..Greg which begins with our annual meeting. It \r'iil be held on <GFK-PGenSoc @ msn.com> Director........ ..Jan Bias (651-766-0147) January I7, at 2:00 pm at Lakewood Cemeterl'. rn <jbstpaul @ earthlink.neb Minneapolis. More details are available in this .\e,.'s'efier Director........ ..John Rys (651-731-9486) <[email protected]> on page 1 and in separate mailed notice. I promi:e 1'.'u it Director......................Lisa Trembley (952-941 -057 4) will be a program in a setting you will al'*'a)'s rememtrcr. <lctrem bley @ mn.rr.com> Committee Chairs: We have scheduled five programs for 20O+ in addition Biiu Library .................Jan to the annual MGS Branching Out meeting in \Ianh. Membenhip. ....................Lisa Trembley Newsletter.... .....Paul Kulas PGS-MN program dates are February 14. Apnl 1-. Program/PubIicity.................Terry Kita, John Kowles September 11, October 16, andNovember 13. \lark r'.rur Research...... ........Greg Kishel, John Rys always looking for ve-'lunteen Lt'r Website........ ..............Mary Ellen Bruski calendars now! We are share their research, experiences, and knou'ledge q l'.n us G en e alo gic al S ocie$ P olish and we welcome your ideas for programs. Cc-rntact n) - of Minne s ota N ew s lctl er self or John Kowles if you wish to speak at one ,-'i -'ur Newletter Staff: programs. Because of the popularity of our Seprcmrer Paul Kulas (763427-4523) Editor........... conference with three lectures by Ceil Jensen. \\'e rla\ Associate Editor........... ........Greg Kishel Labe1s.......... ....................Lisa Trembley plan another with an outside paid speaker for this Fa-11. Mailing........ '..Greg Kishel Sumune indexing....... .........Audra Etzel For those of you who may wish to volunteer tor re- 't\e Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota search projects, ouf Research Chairc, John Rys and Greg Newshtler is published quarterly in Spring' Summer, Kishel, may be able to use your help this year. Lot-'k ior and Winter. Subscription totheNewsletter is Autumn have begun an ambitious included with membership. Dues are $15.00 p€r yeax. futurr Newsletter notices. They Please use application form on advertising insert. program to obtain and catalogue vital statistic informatitln payable PGS'MN and mail to: Make checks to Minnesota Polish churcheslparishes. Audra Etzel, Treasurer,3487 Darrow Ave SE, from Bufialo MN 55313. Items submitted for publication are welcomed and Our membership has remained fairly constant over encouraged. Deadlines for inclusion are: March 1, the past few years. This seems to be contrary to be trend June 1, Sept. I and Dec. 1 respectively. Articles, We hope you will continue letters, book reviews, news items, queries, ad copy, for other genealogical groups. etc. should be sent to: Paul Kulas, editor, PGS-MN as a member and an active participant in the Polish MN Newsletter,12008 West River Road, Champlin Genealogical Society of Minnesota. 55316-2145 or to e-mail <kkulas@ties2'ne> Mailing or e-mail address change? a happy and New Year. Send address changes to: Lisa Trembley, Have Peaceful 15800 Post Road, Wayzata MN 55391 or to e-mail: <lctrembleY @ mn rr.com> -Terry Kita @ 20Oa Polish Geneelogicel Society ofMinnesota Winter 20iJ.}o4 Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota Page 3 UP co ming afin ts. c o n tinu e d,fro rn a,s,e 7 P MGS'5Branching Out" February PGS-MN Date:27 March 20(X meeting Time: Date: February l4,2AM Location: Valley View Middle School Time: 10:00 am Address: Location: MGS Library Address:5768 Olson Memorial Hwy., Golden Valley Harold Hinds will do the Keynote presentation: "Pre-test€d Templates for Writing a Personal Family PGS-MN member Mark Rucinski will present a History." "digital" tour of his family tree research and photos of his recent visit to family sites in Poland (1,200 PGS-MN will do two, possibly three presentations. miles in 14 days). Mark will focus on the process and More information will be forthcoming via separate otgmization needed to keep the multinrde of objects general mailing and e-mail. otganized and accessible. Computers have become indispensable for keeping things organized and only a few simple rules need be followed. This prior Future PGS-MN meetings organization really paid off when it came time to Dates: February 14, April 17, September 11, prepare a slide show in advance of his visit to Poland. October 16, Novem&r 13,2004 With compact discs costing less than a dollar to Time: 10:00 am produce, replication and distribution of the "digital" Location: MGS Library family photo album is inexpensive and easy to do. Topics: To be announced The translated Power Point slide presentation was a wonderfrrl tool for displaying family photos and Mark your 2fi)4 calendars now!! artifacts, enhancing communication and learning more about current and past generations. .o*.for.1 ,-fr.t*" - Pr"srt^, -_---+- trl. 3_t t" S. ., [[.^*f: Ao. 5. iVr. tl'r Lll- - R:t- 1 h*f^ I Map of Lakewood Cemetery The Lakewood Cemetery Chapel is the location of PGS-MN's Annual Meeting on January 17,2004 Page 4 Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota Winter 2003-04 Ten-year members: o oflQs ln the Autumn 2OO2, Winter 2W2-03 issue of this newsletter, we listed current members who joined PGS-MN during our charter year of 1993 or before. The following listing is of members who joined in The Bu[letf,n Board 1994--our second year of formal existence--and who remain members through 2003: Notice: e-mail change Mary Ellen Bruski, Robbinsdale Marcella Clemons, Apple Valley My e-mail address has changed.My new address Shirley Mask Connolly, Ottawa ONT, Canada is: [email protected]> Please use my new address Luanne Kulas Coy, Eau Claire WI in all future electronic messages to me. Thomas J. Draus, Hazel Green WI Gertrude Pawlak Erickson, Minneapolis -Paul Kulas, cdilor, PGS-MN Newslctter Jenny L. Hall, Madison MS David L.Hintz, Circle Pines Bemadine Zak Kargul, Redford Twshp. MI Extra contrihutions: Jerome Kolton, Andover John Kulas, Collegeville We thank the following for their extra contributions Cecilia F. Pass, Rochester Hills MI to PGS-MN (either through Sponsor membership or Ann T. Pohl, Stacy to contributions to the Library Fund): Mary Rundel, Greenfield WI Robert Stenzel, Wells Suzanne Greenslit Jenny Lighrsmne Robert A.
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