®ljr iftgljtstmmt (Samite An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 1MTH YEAR—No. 25 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1968 PRICE-FIVE CENTS Major Change Seidel Appeals Boro Seeks Proposals In Employment To Beverage For Redevelopment of Coverage Set Unit for Bar M ercer Street Area Goes in Effect Jan. 1; Hearing Set Jan. 8; Air Pollution Laws Envision Land Parcel Employers Responsible Boro Tried to Buy Help Boost Living Cost As Small Neighborhood For Deducting Amounts License in June ’67 Meadow Lakes, a retirement Store, Office Center village for elderly persons, which has been having its troubles with The first major change in em­ Irving Seidel, trading as the Rex pressure of taxes from Hights- Proposals for the purchase and re­ ployer coverage under the New Jer- Bar will get a hearing before the totvn and East W indsor has development of 130,000 square feet Director of the Division of Alcoholic of land in the center of Hightstown sey Unemployment Compensation notified the residents that be­ Beverage Control Wednesday, Jan. ginning January 1 the monthly have been invited by the Housing I .aw since 1936 becomes effective 8 at 10 a.m. at their offices, Room Authority of the Borough of Hights­ January 1, 1969 when the final pro­ maintenance rate will be boosted 101, 1100 Raymond Boulevard, New­ some five percent. town. vision of Chapter 30, P. L. 1967 be­ ark. The Borough of Hightstown The land parcel, envisioned as a comes law. In making the announce­ listed as the respondent. The information was disclosed neighborhood shopping center of ment Edward J. Hall, director of in the Meadow Lark, a quarterly In June 1967 the Borough pur­ small stores and professional offices, the New Jersey Division of Em­ publication by the residents. chased the licenses of Stanley Cope­ is located in the M ercer Street U r­ ployment Security, explained that According to Edward W. ban Renewal Area. The land is land, Trio Bar and Steve’s Bar for Hess,, the administrator, con­ the legislation provides that employ­ bounded by Mercer Street (New $3500 under a new State regulation. tinuous cost increases have ef­ ing units having one or more indi­ Jersey Route 33), South Academy The site of the three establishments fected most phases of the opera­ viduals in covered employment and, Street, Rogers Avenue, and Liberty were involved in the Mercer street- tion. It was reported that while which have paid remuneration in the Street, which will be widened and Rogers avenue urban renewal pro­ some items are controllable, amount of $1,000.00 or more during extended along the north boundary ject. others are not. One item men­ any calendar year beginning January of the site. However, Seidel sent in his de­ tioned was the new air pollu­ 1, 1969, shall be subject to the New PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTER—Artist's conception of shopping center and offices proposed for 130,000 According to Bruce H. French, posit of $1000 to renew his license, tion laws require they burn a Jersey Unemployment Compensa­ square feet of land located7 in the M ercer Street Urban Renewal Area in the center o f Hightstown. Pro­ executive director of the Housing hut this was returned by the gov­ higher and more expensive grade tion Law. Authority of the Borough of Hights­ erning body and he appealed. His posals for the purchase and redevelopment of the parcel have been invited by the Housing Authority o f the o f fuel oil. It has been estimated that over premises, which was later tom down, Borough of Hightstown. town, the proposed redevelopment is 50,000 additional employers will be was also in the urban renewal area. the largest in the Borough’s history. affected and an additional 100,000 The Mercer Street tract offers In August Seidel requested a Now Is Time to Get | workers will be afforded the pro­ variance to move his bar to a new New Book on three street frontages and all utili­ tection of unemployment compen­ one-story building on Academy 7'h Inches of White ties. The redeveloper will be selectd sation and temporary disability ben­ street, but this was turned down by Tax Filing Headstart J on th basis of design concept; con­ efits. formity to the urban renewal plan; the Borough Zoing Board. He had Get a head start on the in­ Employers subject as a result of operated a tavern on Mercer street New Jersey financial capacity; and commercial come tax filing season by start- I this change will pay a basic rate of fo rsome 17 years. He again ap­ Stuff Says It's development experience. tng now to assemble tax records. 2.8 percent for unemployment in­ pealed. Once crisscrossed by Indian trails, surance and 1/4 of 1 percent for In November 1967 the Superior Roland H. Nash, Jr., District the Hightstown area is at the vortex Hightstown and vicinity got its Winter is officially scheduled to Is Published disability insurance coverage on the Court gave the urban renewal au­ Director of Internal Revenue for of New Jersey’s transportation net­ arrive until Sunday at 7 :44 p.m., first $3,600 paid to an employee dur­ thority permision to take possession New Jersey, suggests that can­ first slaste of W inter Sunday and work. The region is served by the but residents got a taste of what ing the calendar year. Worker con­ celled checks, receipts, records it turned out to be a dandy with A totally new edition of John T. New Jersey Turnpike; U. S. Route of the property Dec. 1, 1967. The they are in for Pickering added. tributions are 1/4 of 1 percent for of contributions, and other fi­ Cunningham’s “This Is iNcw Jersey” 130; and New Jersey Route 33, lead­ Rex Bar was the last holdout in the some 7'A inches o f snow being For the first 17 days of December unemployment insurance and % of urban project. nancial records be gathered now has just been published by Rutgers ing to the Jersey shore. dropped. On that day plus Monday precipation is recorded at 2:58 in­ 1 percent for disability insurance. Currently there arc two bars and to help prepare your 1968 Fed­ University Press. The Borough’s proximity to major Employers are responsible for de­ eral income tax return. and Tuesday motorists had a “ball” ches with the normal at 3:03. markets and transportation arteries one package store operating in The best selling book, first pub­ ducting worker contributions begin­ Complete records help to in­ skidding around on outaying roads Were we lucky in November, has attracted to the region national Hightstown. They are The Ming lished in 1958, has been redesigned ning the day after accumulated 1969 sure that taxpayers pay no more which wound up with the mercury Pickering said there was rain companies and small business alike. Room of the Old Flights Inn, Hedy's with new pictures, new maps by remuneration for all employees, to­ taxes than necessary and make in the teens. amounting to 5.26 inches compared Hightstown is 50 miles from New Bar and Damasco’s Liquor Store. Charlotte Carlson of Princeton, a tals $1,000 or more. Quarterly con­ the job of preparing tax returns Most of the roads were trouble­ to a normal of 3.39. How’s your York City, Camden and Philadel­ new annotated bibliography and, for tribution reports, covering both em­ easier. makers in the area with vehicles go­ imagination. This could have been phia; 34 miles from Newark; 25 the first time, an index. ployer and worker liability, must be ing in all directions. There were a snow, lt takes one inch of rain to miles from the Jersey shore; 15 Nash added that copy of last The changes in the state in the 15 submitted to the Division of Em­ number of minor acidents and slips make 10 inches o f snow and you miles from Trenton and New Bruns­ M iss Em ery year’s return is one of the best years since the first edition came ployment Security during the month and slides, but none reported of a don’t have to be a mathematician to w ick; and 10 miles from Princeton. guides for preparing the 1968 re­ out lias forced the author to revise following the end of each calendar serious nature. figure this out. Redevelopment proposals must be turn. and update the book, but “This Is quarter. Sunday the mercury dipped to a Weekend temperatures reported received by the Housing Authority New Jersey” still approaches the The Division has obtained from Becomes Bride low of 17 accompanied by some by Plckerm-g were Thursday, 42 no later than 2 p.m., February 15. state as a cluster of four regions: the Internal Revenue Service and heavy winds and Monday was even maximum, 18 minimum; Friday the northwestern Tiill country,” the Further data, rules, and proposal the Social Security Administration cooler at a low of 15 according to 59-25; Saturday 52-40; Sunday 40-17; Church Choirs central “city belt,” the southwestern documents are available for a $10 fee a list of all em ployed filing with­ veteran Cooperative ^yVeather Ob­ Monday 29-15 and Tuesday, 23 mini­ from the Housing Authority of the Of Lt. Nurko “garden spot” and the shore area. holding tax and social security re­ server James R. Pickering. mum. Borough of Hightstown, 10 Nassau Among the contemporary issues turns during the year 1968.
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