Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Alumni News Archives 5-1958 Connecticut College Alumnae News, May 1958 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College Alumnae News, May 1958" (1958). Alumni News. 128. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews/128 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. Connecticut College Alumnae News WEST ENTRANCE, FRANK LOOMIS PALMER AUDITORIUM MAY, 1958 Executive Boord of the Alumnae Association President, AGNES B. LEAHY '21, 222 East 57th S:., New York, N. Y. First Vice President, SARAH PITHOUSE BECKER '27 Second Vice President: VIRGINIA EGGLESTON SMITH '24 Secretory: ELISABETH JOHNSON HUJ\IE '30 Treasurer, MARJORIE LAWRENCE WEIDIG '45 Directors, ELiNOR HUNK£N TORPEY '24 ELIZABETH DUTTON '47 ARTEMIS BLESSlS RAMAKER 'SO Alumnae Trustees: ROBERTA NEWTON BLANCHARD '21 NATALIE R. MAAS '40 MARION NICHOLS ARNOLD '32 Chairman of Nominating Cammitt ee: LUCILLE CAIN DALZELL '33 Chairman of Finance Committee: FLORENCE HOPPER LEVICK '27 Acting Executive Secretary for 1957-58: CHARLOTTE BECKWITH CRANE '25, Connecticut College, New london Editorial Board of the Alumnae News MARION VIBERT CLARK '24 CAROL CHAPPELL '41, Bssiness Manager GERTRUDE NOYES '25 MARY A, CLARK '50 HENRIETTA OWENS ROGERS '28 ROLDAH NORTH UP CAM ERON '51 KATHRYN Moss '24, Editor CAMPUS CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 17·20 Freshman Week 22 Classes begin OCTOBER 4 (Saturday) ALUMNAE DAY NOVEMBER 26 - 30 Thanksgiving vacation DECEMBER 18 - January 4 Christmas vacation FEBRUARY 27, 28 - March 1 ALUMNAE COUNCIL Published by the Connecticut College Alumnae Association t C 'C , a onnecncut allege, 751 Williams Street New London Conn., four times a year in December March May and A g t S b .. " " U us. u scrrptron prrce $2 per year. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office New London Conn under the t f M h ' '" ac 0 arc 3, 1879. Connecticut College Alumnae News OFFICIAL PUBLlCA.TION OF THE CONNECTICUT COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION VOLUME XXVII MAY, 1958 NUMBER 3 Kathryn Moss Resigns as Executive Secretary Has Served Alumnae Assaciation for Long Term By AGNES B. LEAHY, President of the Alumnae Association AFTER twenty-five years of distinguished and devoted "For my succcessor I bespeak from you what I know will service to the Alumnae Association, Kay Moss, our in any case be freely given-the same kind of stimulating beloved Executive Secretary, has asked to be relieved of her activity and understanding you have unfailingly given me duties, as of September 15, 1958. We do not lightly pass in our cooperative efforts for the College. over her term of outstanding service to the Association and "For this Board, and the Alumnae Association whose the College. We take great pride in the Twenty-five Year representatives you are, 1 wish even greater succcess in work Service Award she received from the American Alumni for the College. To you in particular, my warmest personal Council at its annual conference held at Lake Placid, New appreciation and my lasting affection." York, in June, 1958. Respectfully submitted, AY'S letter of June 12, 1958, to the Executive Board KATHRYN Moss, Executive Secretary K follows: THE following resolution was adopted by the Executive "DEAR AGNES: Herewith I submit to the Executive Board, and unanimously approved by the Alumnae Board my resignation as Executive Secretary of the Alum- Association, at the Annual Meeting on June 14, 1958: nae Association of Connecticut College, to become effective on September 15, 1958. "That the resignation of Kathryn Moss from the posi- tion of Executive Secretary of the Alumnae Association, "1 am grateful to this and preceding Boards, and to the which she has held for twenty-five years, be noted with other members of the Alumnae Association. It has been a regret. privilege to work with all of you, with the members of the "Her services during these years have been performed College faculty and administration, and with the students, with competence and dedication, often beyond the call of for the welfare of Connecticut College. Through our joint duty. She has guided the Alumnae Association through its endeavors we have all become active members of the great growth from a smaJI group to a body of over 8,000. At the band, whose members are now legion, working throughout same time she has given leadership to the expanding group the country to strengthen the cause of higher education in which has helped it to grow in strength and service to the United States. Our cause-the welfare of Connecticut Connecticut College. As Executive Secretary she has given College and of higher education in the nation-are worthy the necessary continuity to an ever-changing volunteer ones indeed, for which I shall continue to work wherever Executive Board. 1 may be. "The Alumnae News, of which Kathryn Moss has been "And now, to the members of the present Executive Editor, in addition to her other duties, has received favor- Board of the Alumnae Association, so ably led by you, and able recognition 3mong alumni magazines. The American to the members of the preceding Board whose term expired Council has rated highly the Connecticut College Alum- last July, I express my sincere appreciation of your activi- nae Fund. This succcess can in great part be attributed to ties on my behal f and that of other members of the staff the fund-raising insight of Kay Moss. of the Alumnae Office. The establishment of a trust fund "We thank her for her devoted service and extend her for me, in lieu of a retirement fund, and the splendid gift our good wishes for interesting and happy years ahead. We of the part-time leave during the current year, have been are glad that, as a member of the class of 1924, we shall and will be of immeasurable help to me." always have her as a valued member of our Association." 3 7933 (;fte (;welltl/-li/tlt 17in/Fed Deliore It CoIfin, 33 'r reunion president, also actress of slage, radio, lela-vision; wife, mother o] five children, j-pe(lks al TI'IIJlees! P;CJ1;c. Below-Members of '33 relax in JUlie sunshine. Agnes Leahy, Alumnae Association president, wel- comes Dean Burdick as all Honorary Member of Al urnnae Association Above - Dean Bllrdick 011 steps of Fanning Hall. lVith her, Brownie, campus dog known 10 mallY alumnae, now owned by Kay Moss. Left, Katbryn Moss relaxes during Reunion. Plelfle PersPlfolitles Christopher Sykes, son of Frederick B. Sykes, first president of Connecticut College, -untb Mrs. Sykes and their 1100 daughters. Below-President Park .md Diana lVithefSpoon Mann 157 Left, Marenda Prentis, president of '19, first classto be g1"ad1latedfrom College. Center, Nancy Hamilton, president of 1957. Right, Agnes B. Leahy '21, president of the Alumnae Association, mistress of ceremonies at picnic. Below - Members of '57 and other classes. i Upper left, Miss Margaret Chaney! Proiessor Emeritus! formerly Lucretia Allyn Professor and Cbeirrn.m of the Department of Home Economics. Center, Mrs. Katherine Hunter Peugb, long-time Registrar of the Coiiege. (See poge 32) R1ght, Miss Mildred Burdett, formedy Assistant Professor of Home Economics. (See page 32) IJ J Center left, Miss Catherine Oakes, formerly Dean of Soph- omores and Associate Projessor of English. (See page 32) I ., Lower left, Charlotte Beckwith Crane '25! aJ of September 15, 1958} Exectrtitre Secretary of the Alumnae Association. Lower right, Gertrude Noyes '25} Deen of the College succeed- \, l -- ing Mi.rs Burdick, and Professor of English. 8 THE FACULTY T HE faculty of a college is its cornerstone. On the quality of the teachers and administrat~rs. of an institut~on ultimatel: de- pends the quality of the students who compose the student body and later the Alumnae Association. The creative scholarship of the faculty adds lustre to the name of the college. More importantly, together with the work of the alumnae who were taught by the faculty. it is the college's contribution to the growing body of the world's knowledge and understanding. The students and alumnae of Connecticut have always enjoyed expressing their affection and admiration for the faculty, and the faculty have usually responded with enthusiasm. Admittedly, here as elsewhere, the course of true love does not invariably run smooth, but the facts are as stated, and a strong and enduring bond exists between alumnae and faculty. We are glad to do honor, in a smell way, through the pages of the Alumnae News to members of the faculty whose retirement was announced in June 1958. RUTH STANWOOD E. ALVERNA BURDICK proved nutrition. During her years as Chairman of the Home Economics Depart- UNDER Miss Stanwood's d ire c t ion WHEN Miss Burdick, then Dean of the ment, and through her book, "Nutrition," the Physical Education Department has College and teacher of Hygiene, she has emphasized the overwhelming im- developed a modern program comparing last year announced her retirement effective portance of knowing and applying the prin- favorably with those of colleges having su- in June 1958, the Trustees of the College ciples of sound nutrition. Alumnae who as perior facilities, Ours was one of the first established a scholarship in her honor. She students became imbued with her teachings college departments to use the placement requested that the funds be awarded rise up and call her blessed as they put system, assigning students to classes on the through the years to student relatives of into practice in their own homes, with basis of skill, not because they were Fresh- alumnae.
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