Public Document Pack Property / Regeneration Briefing Dear Member, You are invited to attend the meeting of the Property / Regeneration Briefing to be held as follows for the transaction of the business indicated. Miranda Carruthers-Watt Proper Officer DATE: Monday, 11 June 2018 TIME: 11.00 am VENUE: Committee Room 4, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton In accordance with ‘The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014,’ the press and public have the right to film, video, photograph or record this meeting. AGENDA 1 Apologies for absence 2 Declarations of interest 3 Items for Decision - Part 1 (Open to the Public) 3a Highways Investment Programme 2018/19 (Pages 1 - 24) 3b New Islington Mill, Oldfield Road. Salford - Asset of Community Value (Pages 25 - 36) 4 Exclusion of the Public 5 Items for Decision - Part 2 (Closed to the Public) No items 6 Any other business Contact Officer: Tel No: 0161 793 3013 Mike Relph, Senior Democratic Services Advisor E-Mail: [email protected] This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3a Part 1 - Open to the Public ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR PLACE TO PROPERTY AND REGNERATION BRIEFING ON 11th June 2018 TITLE: THE HIGHWAYS INVESTMENT PROGRAMME (HIP) -CAPITAL BUDGET 2018/19 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the City Mayor notes the proposed programmes of work for the Highways Investment Programme (HIP) for 2018/19, as outlined in the report and that the report is then subsequently approved by the City Mayor. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The provision for the Highway Investment Programme funding for 2018/19 has been confirmed as £1,500,000. The budget apportionments outlined in the report, and detailed within the background document, outline the 2018/19 scheme proposals as part of the ongoing Network Recovery Programme. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Appendix A- Pendleton Roads Feasibility Study Plan Appendix B- Roads in the Pendleton Area that are currently SCC Land Assets (not adopted highway) included in the feasibility study Appendix C - List of Provisional Schemes- HIP 2018/19 KEY DECISION: Yes: All wards affected Page 1 1 DETAILS: 1. The Highway Investment Programme 1.1 The Capital allocation for highway structural maintenance during 2018/19 has been specified as £1,500,000. 1.2 Salford City Council implemented a Network Recovery Plan (delivered through the Highway Investment Programme) in 2009/10. This was implemented to arrest the deterioration of the highway network initially and to enable the Council to tackle the critical sections of highway thereafter. 1.3 Since it’s commencement in 2009/10, the Network Recovery Plan has seen an improvement in overall carriageway and footway condition, across all classifications of the adopted highway network, as shown in Tables 1 and 2 below. Target % of classification within each All % of classification within each category category Rating Class 2010- 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018- 2019- 2020- . 11 121 132 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 red 9.3 8.4 3.1 6.4 7.8 4.4 4.8 5* 5* 5* 5* amber 10.5 10.2 4.7 4.8 5 11.2. 11.8 11* 11* 11* 11* C/ways yellow 37.6 35.7 9.5 12.9 14 25.2 27.8 29* 29* 29* 29* green 42.6 45.7 82.7 75.9 73.2 59.2 55.6 55* 55* 55* 55* Table 1 – Carriageway Condition Index Summary (The Highway Improvement Programme commenced in 2009/10) *Targets are aspirational figures that are reviewed each year based on previous year’s results and are not projections. These will vary based on levels of investment and these are therefore currently affected by the investment levels provided which is less than the investment requested. Target % of classification within each All % of classification within each category category Rating Class 2010- 2011- 2012- 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018- 2019- 2020- . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 red 2 1.4 2 2 2* 2* 2* 2* amber 19.6 14.2 16 17 19* 19* 19* 19* F/ways yellow 57 50.4 61 60 59* 59* 59* 59* green 21.4 34 21 21 20* 20* 20* 20* Table 2 – Footway Condition Index Summary (The Highway Improvement Programme commenced in 2009/10) *Targets are aspirational figures that are reviewed each year based on previous year’s results and are not projections. These will vary based on levels of investment and these are therefore currently affected by the investment levels provided which is less than the investment requested. Page 2 2 1.4 Due to the reduced funding from 2016/17, the request put forward for funding for 2018/19 was £3.4million however the allocation has been provided at £1.5million. This is likely to result in deterioration of the network due to this lower level of funding provision. However it should be noted that there will still be some benefit provided by historic funding levels. The targets for steady state are based on this year’s funding provision of £1.5million. 1.5 The anticipated rise in the percentage of critical carriageways is due to the acquisition of former housing roads that are in a relatively poor condition. In addition, some of the early Micro Asphalt treatments that were applied at the start of the Highway Investment Programme are now reaching the end of their projected lifecycle and are showing signs of deterioration. 1.6 The reduction in funding since 2016/17 is indicated in Table 3 below. This has had an impact on the condition indices. The aspirational targets have therefore been adjusted to reflect this lower investment going forward. The figures provided in Table 3 below indicate the amount of funding requested in the Gateway bid for each year since 2016/17, the actual allocation and the difference. Gateway Bids Requested Provided Difference 2016/17 £4,800,000.00 £3,400,000.00 £1,600,000.00 2017/18 £5,300,000.00 £3,820,000.00 £1,480,000.00 2018/19 £3,800,000.00 £1,500,000.00 £2,300,000.00 Table 3 Gateway Bids and allocations 1.7 As the Network Recovery programme progresses the type of work being proposed will move toward dealing with critical condition carriageways (red) and selected areas of footways. Page 3 3 1.8 In summary the proposed apportionment of available funding for 2018/19 is outlined below in Table 4 below. Table 4- Work Element Allocation Pendleton Roads Feasibility Study (fee only) £ 12,000 Pendleton Area Roads repair work £ 50,000 Carriageway Surface Treatment/Inlay £ 599,000 Footway Refurbishment – Surface Treatment/Inlay £ 599,000 Granary Lane Carriageway Inlay £ 240,000 Total Capital Provision £1,500,000 Apportionment of funding Highway Investment Programme 2018/19 1.9 A breakdown of the cost of these proposed works is as shown in Tables 5a-5d below. Work Element (£) Total (£) Pendleton Area Roads repair work: Direct Works Cost 35,485 Depot Overheads (19%)* 6,742 42,227 Depot Profit (8.15%) 3,442 45,669 Total Construction Costs 45,669 Design Fee (5%) 2,283 2,283 Supervision Fee (0%) Professional Fees 2,283 Scheme Delivery Cost and Fees 47,952 Profit Difference (13%-8.15%) depot works costs 0.0485 2,048 Total Budget for programme 50,000 Table 5a-Breakdown of costs Page 4 4 Work Element (£) Total (£) Carriageway Surface Treatment/Inlay: Direct Works Cost 425,110 Depot Overheads (19%)* 80,771 505,881 Depot Profit (8.15%) 41,229 547,110 Total Construction Costs 547,110 Design Fee (5%) 27,356 27,356 Supervision Fee (0%) 0.00 Professional Fees 27,355 Scheme Delivery Cost and Fees 574,465 Profit Difference (13%-8.15%) depot works costs 0.0485 24,535 Total Budget for programme 599,000 Table 5b - Breakdown of Costs Work Element (£) Total (£) Footway Refurbishment – Surface Treatment/Inlay: Direct Works Cost 425,110 Depot Overheads (19%)* 80,771 505,881 Depot Profit (8.15%) 41,229 547,110 Total Construction Costs 547,110 Design Fee (5%) 27,356 27,356 Supervision Fee (0%) 0.00 Professional Fees 27,355 Scheme Delivery Cost and Fees 574,465 Profit Difference (13%-8.15%) depot works costs 0.0485 24,535 Total Budget for programme 599,000 Table 5c - Breakdown of Costs Page 5 5 Work Element (£) Total (£) Granary Lane Carriageway Inlay: Direct Works Cost 170,328 Depot Overheads (19%)* 32,362 202,690 Depot Profit (8.15%) 16,519 219,210 Total Construction Costs 219,210 Design Fee (5%) 10,960 10,960 Supervision Fee (0%) Professional Fees 10,960 Scheme Delivery Cost and Fees 230,170 Profit Difference (13%-8.15%) depot works costs 0.0485 9,830 Total Budget for programme 240,000 Table 5d- Breakdown of Costs *Please note that the specified overhead figures are provisional percentages and are subject to final approval from Salford City Council 1.7 The streets indicated in red on the attached plan, Appendix A are currently land assets owned by the City Council and do not form part of the current adopted highway network. There are considerable potential liabilities for the City Council presently. It is therefore proposed that a feasibility study be undertake to ascertain: The costs associated with the possibility of repairing the streets identified in red on the attached Appendix One document to a standard suitable for adoption. The type of works required to bring the roads to a suitable standard considered to adopt the roads in question The street lighting implications. Whether there are any factors preventing adoption (e.g. layout. Turning facilitates additional land requirements etc) and outlining reasons why adoption cannot/should not take place Future maintenance liability under Section 41 Highways Act 1980.
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