Old Nubian Prosody and Assimilation Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei <[email protected]> April 1, 2017 1 Introduction Good afternoon everyone. I would first like to thank Moges Yigesu and the team from the University of Addis Ababa for organizing this conference and hosting us here in Addis Ababa and Angelika Jakobi for her collaboration on putting in place there very exciting panels on Nubian phonology and tonology. Today I would like to talk about reconstructing Old Nubian prosody. Old Nubian is a Nilo-Saharan language1 spoken in the medieval Nubian king- doms established below the First Cataract of the Nile: Nobadia, Makuria, and Alwa. It has been attested between the 8th and 15th centuries,2 with a highpoint around the 12th century.3 Old Nubian is part of the Nubian family within the North-Eastern Sudanic subgroup of the Nilo-Saharan phylum. Its closest relatives are other Nile Nubian languages such as Dongolawi, Kenzi, and Nobiin, as well as the Western Nubian languages that include Birgid, Midob, and a large group of Kordofan Nubian languages. Together with Meroitic, it is the oldest known representative of the Nilo-Saharan phylum. Even though Old Nubian is an extinct language and did not, as far as we cur- rently know, have any system of expressing prosodic features such as stress or tone, it will be my claim that we can reconstruct at least part of its prosody based on assimilation, deletion, and epenthesis patterns that heretofore had remained unexplained. In his groundbreaking article on Old Nubian morphophonology Fritz Hintze remarks that ‘Bei der Durcharbeitung des altnubischen Materials macht man bald die Beobachtung, daß die Handschriften die Assimilationsregeln nicht im- mer befolgen, so daß assimilierte Formen neben nicht assimilierten stehen’.4 1. Joseph H. Greenberg, The Languages of Africa (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1963), 85, 130. 2. Gerald M. Browne, Old Nubian Grammar, Languages of the World/Materials 330 (Mu- nich: Lincom Europa, 2002), 1. 3. Grzegorz Ochała, “Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches,” Dotawo 1 (2014): 41–42. 4. Fritz Hintze, “Beobachtungen zur altnubischen Grammatik VI: Zur Morphophonologie,” in Tagungsakten der 5. internationalen Konferenz der International Society for Nubian Stud- ies, Heidelberg, 22.–25. September 1982 (Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1986), 291. 1 For example, how do we explain the difference between the following two exam- ples? (1) St 5.3–4 ⲇⲉⲛⳝⲁⲣⲁ (2) St 5.7 ⲇⲉⳡⳝⲉⲥⲟ Why does the second one show assimilation of the nu before the jima and the first one not? I will argue that this is not just a writing error, but areflection of the underlying prosody and the phonological rules associated with it. 2 Old Nubian Phonology Let us first give a brief overview of the Old Nubian phonemic inventory, which is very similar to contemporary Nile Nubian languages: Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Postalveolar/Palatal Velar Glottal Plosive (p) b t d é (k) g Nasal m n ñ N Fricative f s S h Tap R Lateral l Approximant w j Table 1: Old Nubian consonant inventory As you can see it is uncertain whether Old Nubian had distinct voiceless bilabial and velar stops. The frequent spelling alternations between the two seem to suggest that the difference between voiceless and voiced for those two points of articulation was at least weaker than for alveolar stops. Note that /t/ and /d/ may have had different points of articulations, with [t] alveolar and [d] post-alveolar. ¯ Front Central Back Close i, i: u, u: Mid e, e: o, o: Open a, a: Table 2: Old Nubian vowel inventory Old Nubian seems to have had both long and short vowels, which appear not to have been consistently differentiated in the spelling. However, long vowels can be reconstructed on the basis of contemporary Nile Nubian languages. I will also make four assumptions that I won’t explicitly prove here, but I hope are relatively uncontroversial. Assumption 1 Old Nubian syllables have the following structure: (C)-Nuc- (C), with Nuc: V, V:, rV, or Vr. 2 Assumption 2 Old Nubian metrical feet are trochees, the rightmost foot being the heaviest: (σ́.σ).5 Note that it is unclear whether prosodic heaviness was expressed through a tonal or a stress accent. Assumption 3 Metrical feet are assigned from left to right. Assumption 4 The main stress on a root is fixed. The fifth assumption is key to the reconstruction I will propose below. Assumption 5 Greek loanwords preserve their stress pattern. This means that if we can establish correlations between certain phonological processes on the right edge of Greek loanwords and link these to stress, we can then use these correlations to predict stress in native Old Nubian words. I have indicated stress whenever I felt certain. 3 Reconstruction 3.1 Dataset 1: Plural Epenthesis after double consonant (3) St 14.7–8 ϩⲁⲣⲙⲓⲅⲟⲩⲛ /"har.mi.gun/ (4) L 104.2 ⲥⲓⲡⲡⲓⲅⲟⲩⲛ /"sip.pi.gun/ No epenthesis after unstressed [–voice])σ (5) SC 16.1 H# [ⲁ̄]ⲡⲟⲥⲧⲟⲗⲟⲥ-ⲅⲟⲩ-ⲛⲁ /a"pos.to.los­gu.na/ (Gr. ἀπόσtoloc) (6) SC 19.2 H# ⲑⲣⲟⲛⲟⲥ-ⲅⲟ[ⲩ-ⲕ]ⲁ /"tRo.nos­gu.ka/ (Gr. θρόnoc) (7) P.QI 2 18.iv.6 ⲁⲅⲅⲉⲗⲟⲥ-ⲅⲟⲩ-ⲛⲁ /"aN.gel.los­gu.na/ (Gr. ἄγγελος) (8) P.QI 2 13.i.20 ⲁⲗⲗⲟⲫⲩⲗⲟⲥ-ⲅⲟⲩ-ⲗⲇⲉ /al"lo.fi.los­gul.de/ (Gr. ἀλλόϕιλος) Epenthesis after stressed [–voice])σ (9) SC 7.6 ⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲓⲥ-ⲓⲅⲟⲩ-ⲅⲗ̄ⲗⲉ /ma.ti"ti.si­gu.gil.le/ (Gr. μαθητής) (10) M 2.12 G# ⲭⲣⲓⲥⲧⲓⲁ̄ⲛⲟⲥ-ⲓ̣ⲅⲟⲩ-ⲛ /xRis.ti.a"no.si.gun/ (Gr. qrisτιανός) But also: (11) SC 4.19 ⲕⲁⲡⲟⲡ-ⲓⲅⲟⲩ-ⲕⲁ /ka"po.bi­gu.ka/ (12) M 2.9 ⲇⲟⲩⲧⲣⲁⲡ-ⲓⲅⲟⲩ-ⲗⲱ /du"tRa:.bi­gu.lo/ (N. dirbād, with metathesis) 5. Ahmed Sokarno Abdel-Hafiz, “A Reference Grammar of Kunuz Nubian” (PhD diss., State University of New York, 1988), §2.3 “In [K.] stress is not phonemic; it does not show semantic contrast. All words are regularly stressed as follows: the stress falls on the first syllable of one-syllable words[.] […] With two- and three-syllable words, (unless there is a long vowel) the stress falls on the penultimate. […] A long syllable is always stressed[.] […] There are a few bisyllabic words that are stressed on the final syllable rather than the penultimate as predicted; such words are marked for stress in the lexicon.” See also Herman Bell, “The Tone System of Mahas Nubian,” Journal of African Linguistics 7 (1968): 27. 3 3.2 Dataset 2: Locative The locative in Old Nubian ends in -ⲗⲟ and shows a distinct pattern of epenthesis and assimilation. Epenthesis after double consonant (13) P.QI 3 30.31 ⲕⲁⲇⲇ-ⲓⲗⲟ /kad.di.lo/ (14) L 113.7 ⲙⲁϣⲁⲗⲟⲥⲕ-ⲓⲗⲟ /"ma.Sa­los.ki.lo/ (15) St 17.9 ⲅⲥ̄ⲥ-ⲓⲗⲟ /gis.si.lo/ (16) P.QI 2 18.iv.11–12 ⲕϣ̄ⲕϣ̄ⲕ-ⲓⲗⲟ- /"kiS.kiS­ki.lo/ Assimilation after [+nas])σ, [+rhot])σ (17) SC 19.19 ⲕⲟⲉ̄ⲣ-ⲣⲟ- /"ko.eR.Ro-/ (18) SC 22.11 ⲉⲛ̄-ⲛⲟ- /"in.no-/ No change after other [+voice])σ (19) L 100.2 ⲧⲟⲩ-ⲗⲟ /"tu.lo/ (20) M 12.14 ⳟⲟⲅ-ⲗⲟ /"Nog.lo/ (21) P.QI 1 5.ii.14 ⳟⲟⲇ-ⲗⲟ- /"Nod.lo/ (22) P.QI 2 16.v.5 ⳝⲉⲙ-ⲗⲟ /"éem.lo/ (23) SC 4.17 ⲉⲗ̄-ⲗⲟ /"il.lo/ For roots ending in voiceless consonants, however, we find that stress determines the appearance of the epenthetical vowel. Epenthesis after stressed [–voice])σ (24) St 8.12 ⲥ̄ⲧⲁⲩⲣⲟⲥ-ⲓⲗⲟ /is.tav"Ro.si.lo/ (Gr. stαυρός) (25) P.QI 3 30.18 ⲉ̄ⲡⲓⲙⲁⲭⲟⲥ-ⲓⲗⲟ /e.pi.ma"xo.si.lo/ (Gr. ᾿Επιμαχός) (26) P.QI 1 10.B.i.11 H# ]ⲕⲓⲟ̄ⲥ-ⲟⲩⲗⲟ- /-ki"o.su.lo/ (Gr. -κιός) No epenthesis after unstressed [–voice])σ (27) L 112.8 ⲡⲁⲣⲑⲉⲛⲟⲥ-ⲗⲟ̄ /paR"te.nos.lo/ (Gr. parjènoc) But also: (28) SC 19.14 ⲙⲉⲉⲣⲧ-ⲗⲟ- /"me.eRt.lo/ (29) L 109.2 ⲕⲟⲥⲕⲁⲧⲧ-ⲗⲟ̄ /"kos.kat.lo/ (30) P.Attiri i.1.7 ⲙⲁⲛⲧⲁⲕ-ⲗⲱ /"man.tak.lo/; SC 5.23 ⲙⲁⲛ ⲧⲁⲩⲕ-ⲗⲟ /"man.tauk.lo/ (31) M 16.1 ⲧⲁⲛⲥ-ⲗⲟⲕⲱ /tan"slo.ko/ 4 In (28) we are dealing with a situation in which one prosodic word includes two lexical words. In (29) we have found an example of a “defective” root, first conjectured for Meroitic by Claude Rilly,6 which end in an incomplete syllable with stress. 3.3 Dataset 3: Topicalizer Our second data set concerns the topicalizer -ⲉⲓⲟⲛ /-jon/, which shows both assimilation and deletion. After a voiceless consonant, we always find deletion: Deletion after [–son])σ (32) P.QI 4 91.re.2 ⲁⲓⲕ-ⲟⲛ /"aj.kon/ (33) M 1.11 ⲇⲓⲉⲓⲕ-ⲟⲛ /"dij.kon/ (34) M 6.13–14 ⲕⲟⲩⲙⲡⲟⲩⲕ-ⲟⲛ /"kum.pu.kon/ After sonorants, however, it again appears to depend on the position of the stress: Deletion after stressed [+son])σ (35) P.QI 1 4.ii.1 ⲙⲁⲣⲓ-ⲟⲛ /ma"Ri.on/(MarÐa) (36) P.QI 1 4.i.13 ⲡⲓⲥⲧⲉⲩⲗ-ⲟⲛ /pis"tew.lon/(pisτεύω) But also: (37) M 13.14–15 ⲉⲓⲣ-ⲟⲛ /"i.Ron/ (38) K 23.12 G# ⲙⲁⲗⲗⲉ-ⲟ̣ⲛ /mal"le:.on/ (N.K.D. mallē) Assimilation after unstressed [+son])σ (39) M 3.15 ⲉⲧ̄ⲧⲗ̄-ⲗⲟⲛ /"it.til.lon/ (40) SC 17.20 ⲉ̄ⲛⲉⲛ-ⲛⲟⲛ /"in.en.non/ (41) P.QI 2 18.iii.3 ⲇⲓⲁⲣ-ⲣⲟⲛ /"di.aR.Ron/ (42) L 109.1–2 ⲟ̄ⲥⲓⳝⲉⲁ̄-ⲉⲓⲟⲛ /"o.si­ée.a.jon/ Based on our three assumptions about Old Nubian syllable structure, metrical feet, and conservative stress in Greek loanwords, and the two data sets discussed above, we can arrive at the following lemma: Lemma 1 Progressive assimilation is restricted to unstressed syllables.
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