Id-29 ta’ Jannar, 2020 761 PROĊESS SĦIĦ FULL PROCESS Applikazzjonijiet għal Żvilupp Sħiħ Full Development Applications Din hija lista sħiħa ta’ applikazzjonijiet li waslu għand This is a list of complete applications received by the l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar. L-applikazzjonijiet huma mqassmin Planning Authority. The applications are set out by locality. bil-lokalità. Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq dawn l-applikazzjonijiet Any representations on these applications should be sent għandhom isiru bil-miktub u jintbagħtu fl-uffiċini tal-Awtorità in writing and received at the Planning Authority offices or tal-Ippjanar jew fl-indirizz elettroniku ([email protected]. through e-mail address ([email protected]) within mt) fil-perjodu ta’ żmien speċifikat hawn taħt, u għandu the period specified below, quoting the reference number. jiġi kkwotat in-numru ta’ referenza. Rappreżentazzjonijiet Representations may also be submitted anonymously. jistgħu jkunu sottomessi anonimament. Is-sottomissjonijiet kollha lill-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar, All submissions to the Planning Authority, submitted sottomessi fiż-żmien speċifikat, jiġu kkunsidrati u magħmula within the specified period, will be taken into consideration pubbliċi. and will be made public. L-avviżi li ġejjin qed jiġu ppubblikati skont Regolamenti The following notices are being published in accordance 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a) u 11(3) tar-Regolamenti dwar l-Ippjanar with Regulations 6(1), 11(1), 11(2)(a), and 11(3) of the tal-Iżvilupp, 2016 (Proċedura ta’ Applikazzjonijiet u Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and d-Deċiżjoni Relattiva) (A.L.162 tal-2016). their Determination) Regulations, 2016 (L.N.162 of 2016). Rappreżentazzjonijiet fuq l-applikazzjonijiet li ġejjin Any representations on the following applications should għandhom isiru sat-28 ta’ Frar, 2020. be made by the 28th February, 2020. Wieħed jista’ jara online dettalji u pjanti ta’ dawn Details and drawings of these applications can be viewed l-applikazzjonijiet fuq (https://eapps.pa.org.mt) (għal min online at (https://eapps.pa.org.mt) (available to eID users), juża l-eID) u fl-uffiċini tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar fil-Furjana or at the offices of the Planning Authority in Floriana (St. (St. Francis Ravelin) jew Ir-Rabat (Għawdex - Citybel, Triq Francis Ravelin) or Victoria (Gozo - Citybel, Triq Santa Santa Marta). Marta). *Applikazzjonijiet b’tipa grassa/korsiva huma għal Site *Applications typed in bold/italics are for re-issued Site Notices li jinħarġu mill-ġdid. Notices. ATTARD PA/09122/19 Minor improvement (on approved RG/1528/18) to facade balcony. Mark Grima, 34, Poole House, Triq L-Gharix, Attard ATTARD PA/09231/19 Internal & external alterations to already approved permit PA/04881/18. TFS Developments Ltd Attn: Maria Borg Scicluna, Misrah Residences, Triq Dun Mikiel Xerri, Attard ATTARD PA/00411/20 To sanction variations in layout and elevation from original permit, PA/2582/96. Michelle Galea, 4, Kavallieri, Dahlet ic-Cipress, Attard ATTARD PA/00423/20 Extension and alterations (internal and external) and change of use of existing residential units/structures to: Food Preparation Units (Class 5A) at (part) ground and first floor levels, Offices (Class 4A) at second, third and receded floor levels; retain existing pre-1967 warehouse at ground floor (Class 6A) Ms Maria Attard obo Treac Holdings, Jonzar, 28, 29 & Ex-Melbourne Garage, Triq l-Imdina, Attard ATTARD PA/00443/20 Sanctioning of variations from previous approved permit no. PB1138/88, alteration to existing maisonette and extension of 2 new dwelling units. Claudia Farrugia, Black & White, 72, Triq Kananea c/w, Triq iz-Zragen, Attard 762 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,339 ATTARD PA/00503/20 To sanction internal and external alterations to existing semi detached villa from basement to roof level. (Sanctioning of shifting of walls, external changes at side & front garden) Ms Louisa Grech, Meju, Triq il-Linja, Attard BALZAN PA/00421/20 Restoration of facade as per GS/00166/18 and change of use from garage as approved in PA/00611/17 to bedroom interconnected with adjacent residence. Lorna Muscat, The Snug, No.5, Triq San Rokku, Balzan BIRKIRKARA PA/00487/20 Renewal of PA/01683/15: to amend approved drawings following redesign of approved development (to demolish existing villa and construct detached villa with pool). Paul Zammit, Pama Too, Triq Notabile c/w, Triq iz-Zugraga, Birkirkara BIRKIRKARA PA/00488/20 To replace two roofs, proposed rooms at roof level and minor alterations Abraham Spiteri, 52, Triq Santa Liena and 7, Triq is-Santwarju, Birkirkara BIRŻEBBUĠA PA/09469/19 Proposed construction of additional floor with a different layout as approved by PA/00939/17 including change of levels. Maria Dolores Carabot, 58/59, Il-Bajja Is-Sabiha, Birzebbuga FGURA PA/09200/19 To shift staircase at first and second floor level and to sanction aperture at first floor level including the construction of domestic store at second floor and sanctioning of pigeon loft at third floor level. Joe Mallia, Josimar, Triq il-Karmnu, Fgura FGURA PA/00508/20 To change use of private garage to public service garage. One un-obstructed private parking space is to be retained. Joe Cassar, 52, Triq Wistin Levanzin, Fgura GĦAJNSIELEM PA/00392/20 To construct residential dwelling with pool, underlying basement garage and washroom at roof level. Owen & Annalisa Bugeja, Plot 26, Dar il-Harruba, Triq il-Patri Anton Marija Cesal Ofm, Ghajnsielem GĦAJNSIELEM PA/00410/20 To demolish existing structures at ground floors level, to excavate site to construct reservoir and domestic stores at basement -2 level, 5 garages and two car spaces for private cars at basement -1 level, to propose subdivision of existing house into two 3 bed maisonettes including minor internal alterations at ground floor level (internal walls, opening of doors and windows), to construct two 3 bedroom flats at first floor level and washrooms at receded floor level. Charles Hili, 22, Triq il-Gnien, Ghajnsielem GĦAJNSIELEM PA/00412/20 Proposed flat at second floor; demolition washroom and proposed receded flat at third floor level Karen Borg, Dragonfly, Triq Ta’ Cordina, Ghajnsielem GĦARGĦUR PA/00099/20 Change of use from garage to Class 5B (VRT testing), including minor internal alterations. Mr. Victor Chetcuti, VC Service Station, Triq tal-Balal, Triq Santa Katerina, Gharghur GĦARGĦUR PA/00364/20 To convert penthouse to full floor and proposed overlying receeded dwelling Ronnie Galea, Blue Sky, Apartment 4, Triq l-Isqof Gargallo, Gharghur Id-29 ta’ Jannar, 2020 763 GĦARGĦUR PA/00381/20 Renewal of PA3010/14 (amendments to PA 6246/07 to introduce ramp at change in levels for better access to rear part of site) Emmanuel Vella, Site at, Triq Gharghur, Gharghur GĦAXAQ PA/07707/19 Modification on existing offices at ground floor. To proposed archive storage at basement and offices - Class 4A at first floor. To proposed a lift. Garden of Eden Ltd Attn: Alfred Spiteri, Garden of Eden Ltd., Sqaq il-Wilga, Ghaxaq Site changed from original submission GŻIRA PA/08802/19 To change of use of approved utility room into living room and interconnect with approved maisonette and including maintenance of external columns over PA 7958/16. Peter Grech, 7,8, Pjazza Meme Scicluna, Triq Belvedere, Gzira GŻIRA PA/00454/20 To sanction internal and external alterations from that approved with permit DN 318/08 Diane Saliba, Earl’s Court, Flat 11, Triq Wied il-Kappara c/w, Triq Nazju Ellul, Gzira GŻIRA PA/00511/20 Proposed demolition of one residential unit whilst retaining facade and construction of a Class 3A guest house with a proposed height limitation of 24.80m (that includes the extra floor given to guest house and 1 extra meter to retain the facade). Frankie Carlos Montanaro, 32, Triq Carlo Manche’, Gzira ĦAMRUN PA/00425/20 Proposed internal alterations to ground floor apartment forming part of property visible in 1968 survey sheets. Martin Degiorgio Co Ltd Attn: Martin Degiorgio, 13, Onio Flats, Flat 01, Triq Wenzu Mallia, Hamrun KIRKOP PA/09433/19 To construct additional floor at first floor level and room at roof level Edward Farrugia, 30, Triq il-Lewziet, Kirkop LIJA PA/00463/20 To sanction variations from previous approved permit PA787/11 and proposed canopy with integrated PV panels and increase in height of parapet wall with railings for safety reasons Kristian Vella Petroni, Oleander, 13, Flat 2, Vjal it-Trasfigurazzjoni c/w, Triq Fernand Gregh, Lija MARSA PA/00408/20 Proposed replacement of deteriorated timber balcony and replacement of aluminium apertures and balcony as per GS/00407/19 and GS/00343/19; replacement of aluminium railing with wrought iron railing; and restoration of upper facade. Angela Theuma, 55, 57, 58, Triq Patri Felicjan Bilocca, Marsa MARSA PA/00481/20 To sanction variances in constructed first floor level from PB4641/82 and to carry out partial demolition and internal alterations to unite the two existing residential units at first floor level into one which is conformant with sanitary regulations. Robert Demanuele, 384, Carmen Flats, Flats 4 & 5, Triq is-Serkin, Triq Gdida Fi, Marsa MARSASKALA PA/00367/20 Proposed internal alterations to common parts to erect lift shaft and internal and external alterations to existing duplex apartment at third and fourth floor levels, including demolition of staircase and to convert the third floor level into a two bedroom apartment and the fourth floor level into a duplex two bedroom apartment connected to a proposed receded fifth floor level. Joe Xuereb, 208, Paradise Flats, Triq il-Qaliet, Marsascala 764 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,339 MARSASKALA PA/00396/20 Proposed internal and external alterations to existing disused dwelling which includes part demolition and reconstruction as well as displacement of internal walls and apertures. Proposal also includes excavation and construction of basement garage, reservoir and pool. Alex Aquilina, Farmhouse iz-Znit, Triq Haz-Zabbar, Marsascala MELLIEĦA PA/09455/19 Minor alterations to parapet wall, steps and ramp in front garden.
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