7// t5/1< VOL. 26 NOVEMBER, 1962 HUMBER 11 Jft is time tn giue t~anhs. PAGE 2 KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, MOVEMBER, 1962 =============-~======== set, and the other of red geraniums for the dining room table. Kitchen·Klatte1; Dorothy will tell you about our drive (Rea.. u. S. Pat. Off,) up to Laramie to leave Kristin at the MAGAZINE university so I'll omit any details of that part of our trip. "More Than Just Paper And Ink" Margery and Oliver told us to be sure EDITORIAL STAFF to see Pioneer Village at Minden, Le~nna F·ield Driftmie'r, Lucile Driftmier· Verness Nebraska, so we stopped there on our Marger·y Driftmier Stron:, way back home. We were sorry that we Subscription Price $1.50 per year (12 issues) · th U S A didn't plan this stop on our way out Foreign Countries $2.00 per year. in e · · · Advertising- rates made known on application. while Kristin was with us for she E.ntered as second class matter May 21, 1937, at the Post would have enjoyed it so much. Office at Shenandoah, Ia., under the Act of March 3 1870 Published Monthly by ' ' Mr. Harold Warp has done a fabulous THE DRIFTMIER COMP ANY job of collecting over 30,000 items, LETTER FROM LEANNA Shenandoah, Iowa and exhibits them in such a way that Copyri11:ht 1962 hy The Driftmier Company. they fully depict the lives and achieve­ ments of the pioneer men and women who settled our great frontiers. If Dear Friends: were there, but with growth comes a you're planning a family vacation next Has there ever been a day in your sense of responsibility to studies and year which will take you through the life so filled with the beauty of au­ they happily left the house each state of Nebraska, I hope you'll make tumn that you have never forgotten it? morning. it a point to stop at Minden and spend One of our trips to Massachusetts to We thought the children's new poodle several educational hours. was a darling, and if I felt that we visit our son, Frederick, was made It is fortunate that we arrived home could take care of a puppy, I'd be when the Berkshire hills were a blaze when we did for the very next morning tempted to get one just like theirs. He of color. A very dear friend lived at the phone rang and one of the few is the softest, silkiest, cuddliest dog the crest of one of tilese hills, and to cousins on my mother's side of the I've ever been around. reach her home we followed a winding family, Robert Whittacher, was in town. Abigail is a wonderful cook and you road arched with golden maple trees. He and his wife, Bernice, live near wives know how pleasant it is to sit 'l!ai The sun shining through the leaves Toulon, Illinois, where my mother was :~~; down to meals that someone else has gave a yellow glow to even the plain­ born and grew up. What a thrill this ·.t, prepared. Her menus were well planned est of weeds and shrubs along the was for me for I hadn't seen Robert ·(. in advance so that she didn't have to roadside. From her home we could since he was a boy. We had a grand ., look out over the surrounding country­ spend much time in the kitchen. It's always interesting to ml)et your visit and although they had to hurry o1'ii. •if' side---a breathtaking sight! Watching the following day, we were gratefui · the leaves turn color this fall, I'm re­ children's friends and on this visit Dorothy and I were included in an invi­ for even a little time together. i,, .' ' minded of that beautiful sight once Instead of trying to put into my o · tation Abigail received to attend a again, and hope that some day I can words what this Thanksgiving seas party in the neighborhood. One of her make another visit to New England at means to me, I'll close with this bea friends had been seriously injured this beautiful time of year. tiful poem which expresses my while vacationing with her parents, Many of our readers have also come ings. to the place in their lives when they and upon her return to Denver the can no longer drive their own cars long neighbors planned a "Sorry-you-were- FOR ALL THESE THINGS distances. It's hard to accept the lim­ laid-up----but-g 1 ad-to-nave-you- back" Golden chrysanthemums tipped in ~ itations age places on us, but that is party. wine ; "' life. Mart and I are fortunate to have Jumping ahead a bit, I must tell you A child's trusting hand placed in mine. members of our family who are able to that on our return trip we ran into our The secret touch of fog, the slash of step out of their busy lives to make hostess when we stopped for lunch at rain ; short trips with us. In fact, we've just Wray, .Colorado. We had seen her so The certain truth that Spring will returned from a visit with our son, recently that it came as quite a sur­ come again. Wayne, and his family who live in prise to meet her in Wray. Books to read and a fire that is bright ; Denver. This was our first opportunity to see My family near with the coming of the lovely new Garden Center at the Our granddaughter, Kristin, entered night. the University of Wyoming thi.s year, Wilmore Nursery which our son man­ The rolling sweep of beauty in our ages. They have a complete line of and the ideal way to transport her be­ land ; longings was by car. When it came equipment that gardeners need as well Your patience when I cannot as potted and field-grown plants and right down to the final arrangements understand. it seemed logical that Dorothy (her shrubs. The grounds are beautifully These, Dear God, are things I shall mother) could drive our car, since it landscaped and if the pictures we took remember, has a very large trunk, and we could turn out well, we'll share some of them These things I thank you for this all make the trip together. with you. chill November. Our visit with Wayne and Abigail and The nursery has also added a shop -Harverna Woodling their children was a very happy one. I where cut flowers are sold as well as could scarcely believe that the young­ a department where artificial floral Isn't this a lovely poem? I hope that sters could have grown so much since arrangements are made. I'd never seen you read it many times as we approach we had seen them last. They were such beautiful artificial flowers---so Thanksgiving Day. bubbling over with enthusiasm for their "real" that I had to touch them to be Sincerely, new fall schoolwork. In the past the certain they were not fresh ones. I children would plead with their parents brought home two arrangements: one of to stay home from school while we white mums to put on the television KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, NOVEMBER, 1962 PAGE 3 KRISTIN ENROLLS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING Dear Friends: In my letter last month I told you of Kristin's plans to attend the Univer­ sity of Wyoming this year, and hoped that a schedule could be arranged so that I could drive her to Laramie. Since Mother and Dad had been wanting to visit Wayne and his family in Denver, we decided this would be the ideal time for their trip for I could drive them to Denver and then take Kristin on to school. Mother will give you some of the details of the Denver visit, so I'll tell you about our drive on to Laramie. At eight o'clock on Sunday morning Abigail and the girls, Mother, Kristin and I started out, It was a beautiful sunny day, although cool and windy. Visiting with her cousins in Denver, Colo., Kristin Johnson admires their new When we reached the outskirts of poodle dog, "Lucky". Emily Driftmier stands by Alison, who holds the pup. Denver we had to stop at a railroad crossing for a train with an old steam a leisure1Y and thorough drive around There was one thing I didn't see· on engine and several cars filled with the campus, stopping to take pictures this trip although I looked and looked­ men, women and children. A steam of some of the buildings to show a jack rabbit! I have never seen one engine is an unusual sight in this age Frank, I took a long, long look at our and thought sure!y I would, but no of big diesels, and Abigail thought it girl after goodbys were said and she such luck. was probab!y the Denver Railroad Club turned to climb the steps of the dor­ I took the train home from Shenandoah out for a Sunday excursion. It looked mitory, for we won't see her until and Frank was at the station to meet like fun and the group certain1Y had a Christmas. Kristin writes excellent me. He was anxious to hear all about lovely day for their trip. letters, and next month I'll tell you the trip, the university buildings, The highway to Laramie took us about her schedule of classes and how campus, Kristin's room and so forth.
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