INDEX Abolitionism, The Antislavery Appeal, by American Revolution: atlas of, 388-390; Walters, rev., 536-53J effect of British western policy, 171-189; Adams, John, 30, 324, 325, 328, 335, 348; in the Delaware Valley, by Gifford, rev., and Continental Congress, 349, 353, 355, 265-267; prologue to in N. J., 140; spies 358, 362; on Wm. Duane, 368; on Chas. in,330 Thomson, 322; American Slavery-American Freedom . ., by Adams, John Quincy, 26; on Nicholas Biddle, Morgan, rev., 261-263 26,50 American Society held at Philadelphia, 71 Adams, Robert, carpenter, 18 American Turf Register, 43-45 Adams, Samuel, 324, 352; Chas. Thomson American Woman Suffrage Association, 230 likened to, 322 Amicable Library Company of Philadelphia, Adams, William Howard, ed., Jefferson and 78 the Arts, rev., 403-404 Ancona, Sydenham, 191 Addams, Jane, 224, 227 Andalusia: billiard house at, 61r; ". ., Academy of Philadelphia. See under Univer- Countryseat of the Craig Family and of sity of Pennsylvania Nicholas Biddle . .," by Nicholas B. Actors, Forrest Home for Aged, 252 Wainwright, 3-69; the Grotto, I2r, 62r; The Age, newspaper, 56; denounces draft, the library at, 58r; tennis court at, 4Or; 199, 200 wharf at, 3«38/r, 393 ^ Agincourt, Gibson countryseat, 65 AnnapolLnnaj iis, Md., Continental Congress at, Agriculture, Nicholas Biddle's study of, 30 33S Aiken, Albert W., theatrical troupe of, 206 Anthony, Susan B., 221 Aiken, Jerome, 205 The Antislavery Appeal: American Abolition- Air pump, gift of to Library Co., 80 ism After 1830, by Ronald G. Walters, Aitken, Robert, 80 rev., 536-531 Albemarle: Jefferson's County, 1727-1976, by Antoinette, Marie, 233 Moore, rev., 263-264 Apprentices, 476 Alden, Roger, 346 Archbald, Robert W., impeachment and Alexander Hamilton: A Concise Biography, trial of, 506-520 by Mitchell, rev., 268-269 Archbald, Mrs. Robert W., 514, 517 Aliens, fraudulent voting of, 386 Archbald, Robert W., Jr., 508 Alison, Francis, 87; academy of, 323 Architecture: Greek Revival style, 4; Phila- Allegheny College, Ida M. Tarbell at, 230, delphia Georgian, by Tatum, rev., 258-259* 231 surveys of Mutual Assurance Company, Allen, Oscar D., 300 401-402 Allis, Frederick S., Jr., rev. of Whitehill & Argo, ship, 51, 80 Kotker's Massachusetts: A Pictorial His- Armor, 289,317,318 tory, 534-536 Armor plate, 489, 490 Almshouses. See Philadelphia Almshouse Armstrong^ Gen. John (1717-1795), 340, Aluminum, used in coins, 297 and Continental Congress, 354, 355 American Guernsey Cattle Club, 48 Army, U. S., and issue of long hair, 462—474 American Literature, 1764-1789: The Revolu- Arnold, Jonathan, 439 tionary Years, Everett Emerson, ed., rev., Aronovici, Carol, 116, nyn 528-529 Art, Thos. Jefferson and, 403-404 American Magazine, 219, 220, 236 The Art and Imagination of W.E.B. DuBois, American Nickel Works, 303, 315; absorbed by Arnold Rampersad, rev., 414-415 by Orford Copper, 319; exhibitions of at Articles of Confederation, 339, 349; Chas. world fairs, 312; output of, 303; records Thomson's duties under, 327; weakness of of, 29272; share of world market, 308 Congress under, 420-450 passim American Philosophical Society, 82, 342; Artists. See Lithographers library of, 393~395 Association Library of Philadelphia, 78 545 546 INDEX October Atlas of Early American History: The Revolu- Beggars, indenturing of, 477 tionary Era, Lester J. Cappon, ed., rev., Bell ringers: Berger family, 210; Swiss, 214 388-390 Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 334 Audibert, Philip, 428, 429 Bennett, Sgt. James, 424 The Aurora, influence of, 368, 381 Berger, Anna, 210 Automobile industry, adopts nickel steel for Berger, Carl, Broadsides & Bayonets, rev., axles, 319 533S34 Aztec Club, meets in Phila., 56 Bethlehem Iron Company, 294, 317, 318. See Bethlehem Steel Company Bethlehem of Pennsylvania: The Golden Years, 1841-1920, W. Ross Yates, ed., rev., 412- "Babes in Bondage: Indentured Irish Chil- 414 dren in Philadelphia in the Nineteenth Bethlehem Steel Company, 319, 320; "Tay- Century," by Dennis Clark, 475-486 lorism and the Workers at Bethlehem Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 368 Steel," by Nelson, 487-505 Backhouse, Mrs. Anne, 20 " 'Between Hawk and Buzzard': Congress as Badger, Bela, 43, 45 Perceived by Its Members, 1775-1783," Baer, George F., 512 by Arnold M. Pavlovsky, 349-364 Baker, Ray Stannard, 227, 238 Be van & Humphreys, S3 Bank notes, 296, 297 Bevis, Dr. John, 459 Bank of North America, 330; threatened in Biddle, Adele (1828-1909), 51, 52, 54, S5l 1783 by soldiers, 426, 431, 442 life of, 67 Bank of the United States, 2nd, S3\ archi- Biddle, Adele. See Thomas, Adele Biddle tecture of, 4 Biddle, Alexander Mercer, ^, $6 Banks, Sir Joseph, 41 Biddle, Mrs. Alexander Mercer, 4Or Banning, Lance, 378 Biddle, Catherine Legendre (Mrs. C. J. r Baptism, rite of in early Phila., 158-169 Biddle), 64 , 69 Baptists: found old-age home, 247; at Biddle, Charles (1787-1836), 66 Pennepek, 161-169 Biddle, Charles (d. 1923), 4Or, ^, 66, 68-69 Barnes, William, 18 Biddle, Col. Charles J. (1819-1873), 52, 192; Barracks, Phila., 428 life of, 55-56; picture of, 36* r Barry, Alyce, "Thomas Paine, Privateers- Bjddle, Charles J. (d. 1972), 64 , 66, 69 man," 451-461 Biddle, Circe" de Ronceray (Mrs. Wm. S. Barry, J. T., 17 Biddle), 19, 20, 24, 51 Barth, Carl G., 497, 504 Biddle, Judge Craig (1823-1910), 42, 48; Bartlett, Josiah, and Continental Congress, bust of, 66; humor of, 5277, 6$, 66; life of, 56, 65; picture of, 37* 353, 357, 359, 360, 361 r Barton, William, 337 Biddle, Dillon, 4O , 55, 56 Bartram, John, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83 Biddle, Edward (d. 1930), 55 Biddle, Edward C. (1815-1872), 29, 52; life Bartram's Botanical Gardens, 31 r Bass Otis, Painter, Portraitist and Engraver, ofy 53-55; picture of, 34 by Woodward, rev., 273 Biddle, Emily Drexel (Mrs. Edwd. Biddle), Batcheler, Penelope Hartshorne, rev. of Biddle, Emma Mather (Mrs. C. J. Biddle), Webster's Philadelphia Preserved . ., 280 r Bauer, Catherine, 116, 11 jn, 119, 127 4O , 55 Bauman, John F., "Safe and Sanitary With- Biddle, Francis, 94 out the Costly Frills . .," 114-128 Bjddle, George, artist, 94 Baumann, Roland M.: rev. of Jensen's The Biddle, Commodore James, 51, 66 Documentary History . of the Constitu- Biddle, James (1929- ), 3, 69 tion, 269-271; rev. of Jensen's The Docu- Biddle, James S., 66-67 Biddle, Jane (1830-1915), 4Or, 52, 67, 68 mentary History of the First Federal r Elections, vol. 1, 405-406 Biddle, Jane, Jr., 4O Baynton, John, 172 Biddle, Jane Craig, 67 Baynton, Wharton and Morgan, 173-176, Biddle, Jane Emma. See Dixon, Jane Emma 179 Biddle Beaumarchais, Caron de, 343 Biddle, Jane Josephine Sarmiento Craig Beckingham, John, 168 (Mrs. Edward C. Biddle), 22, 23, 54; death Beckingham, William, 165 of, 55; miniature of, 35' Beckman, Gail Me Knight, ed., The Statutes Biddle, Jane Margaret Craig (Mrs. Nicholas at Large of Pennsylvania. ., rev., 131-133 Biddle), 19; death of, 52; early years of, Beecher, Henry Ward, 230 24-25; last years of, 51-52; love of music, 1977 INDEX 547 24, 26; portraits of, i4r, I5r, 25, 69; Booth, E. A., 213 wedding of, 20 Booth, James Curtis, 294, 295 Biddle, John Craig, $6 Bosco, Signor, magician, 209 Biddle, Katherine Craig, 40r, $6 Botany, 79 Biddle, Letitia Glenn (Mrs. Chas. Biddle), Boudinot, Elias (1740-1821), 354, 421, 426; 4°r, 56 and move of Congress to N. J., 440; and Biddle, Margaret Craig (Mrs. Jas. S. Biddle) 1783 Phila. Mutiny, 431-450 passim (1825-1913), 52, 66, 67 Bouquet, Col. Henry, 173; Papers of, vol. 3, Biddle, Mary Rockhill (Mrs. Craig Biddle), rev., 526 65 Bout well, George S., 306 Biddle, Meta Craig, 67 Bouvier, Michael, 68 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844): addresses of Bowels, Thomas, 168 on agriculture, 30; and Andalusia, 3-69; Bowling, Kenneth R., 348; "New Light on death of, 50-51; Guernsey herd of, 47-48; the Philadelphia Mutiny of 1783," 419-450 as liorsebreeder, 42-46; poem by, 53; por- Boyle, Margaret, 484 traits by Sully, i6r, 33*, 69; servants of, 29; Braddock at the Monongahela, by Paul E. silhouette of by Edouart, 49r; and silk Kopperman, rev., 524-526 culture, 46-47; will of, 26 Bradley, William, 156 Biddle, Nicholas (d. 1888), 67 Brandywine Springs, 51 Bigler, Samuel, 198 Breintnall, Joseph, and Lib. Co. of Phila., Billiards, house for at Andalusia, 5, 27, 28 76-82 Billias, George Athan, Elbridge Gerry, rev., Brett, George P., 98, 99, 102 399-401 Bridenbaugh, Carl, "Philosophy Put to Bingham, William (1752-1804), 340 Use . ., 70-88 Biographical Dictionary of the Confederacy, Bristol Turnpike, 5 by Jon L. Wakelyn, rev., 542-543 Broadsides & Bayonets: The Propaganda War Birch, William, 27 of the American Revolution, by Carl Berger, Birthplace of an Army: A Study of the Valley rev.,533-534 Forge Encampment, by John B. B. Trussel, Broderick, Francis L., rev. of Rampersad's Jr., rev., 39^-399 The Art and Imagination of W. E. B. Black, Frederick R., rev. of Gerlach's Pro- DuBois, 414-415 logue to Independence . ., 140-141 Bronze, used in coins, 296, 297 Black, Russell Van Nest, 117^ Brooks, Gen. William, 194 Black Hamburgs, grapes, 41 Brown, Ira V., rev. of Bumbrey's A Guide to Blackwell, William, rent roll of, 155, 164 the Microfilm Publication of the Pennsyl- Bland, Richard, 352 vania Abolition Society, 146-147 Bland, Theodorick, 439 Brown, Judge Advocate James, 472 Blight, George, 66 Brown, Wrisley, 508 Blind Tom, pianist, 209 Bruce, Helm, 511 Bloom, Robert L., rev. of Snyder's Union Buck, F. M., 291 County, Pennsylvania, 540-542 Buckley, C. H., 503 Bloomer, Amelia, 221 Budd, Thomas, 163, 168 Blount, William, $o6n Buffalo Bill. See Cody, William F. Blue vitriol, 303 Burlington, Richard, 168 Bly, Nellie, 23; Builder, Thomas, 156 Board of Admiralty, 326 Building Early America .
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