< -- FA-.TASY ADVERTISER 'The Amateur Professional for Professional Amateurs';, Volume I, Number 6 with an approximate circulation of 1000, is published bi-monthly from 628 South Bixel Street, Los Angeles 14 in the heart of Sunny Southern California. Copies are fraudulently purport­ ed to be sent to England, Australia, and Canada, but this is beginning to seem doubtful. Acceptable manuscripts solicited but definitely, although subject to alteration to conform vzith editorial policy. All advertising matter acceptable as submitted. Subscription and advertising fees below, m * v * v * * * * * * ^ * * * * * ^ * * ^ * * ^ * * * ^ ¥ ^ * * * * * * * * * Cover by Ralph Rayburn Phillips A * * * * * ************* *W* * ******** * * * * * ************************************ * I'll place your subscriptions to T O C British magazines. 1 "New Worlds" | Editorial Gus Willmorth 3 "Outlands" I "Pendulum" series (Space- 1 Atoms R. A. Elcun 19 time, Weird, Fantasy) | ... in exchange for pre-35 Astoun| Blatant Beast Art Widner 31 dings or war-time Astoundings and | Unknowns. 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS Nigel Lindsay, 1 311 ■ Babbacoir^bp Rd., ■ 50/ (per year, six copies') 2/6 Torquay,vDevon, England. I I h l flqiU« II I ADVERTISING $5.00 One page > L 1/5/­ UUPri'XED I 2.50 Half page 12/6 . Original .Cover Illustrations j 1,25 Quarter page 6/3 (preferably from Astounding S-F) 'Want or Swap .05 per item -/3 ■ Original drawings f Disposition ■ '■ y . by | .10 per item ~/6 .. : . Hahnes Bok | Send American currency to: . ’ Or,. ^diat.'have you? | Norman E. Willmorth ' A.-: i4v ■ ' I 628 South Bixel St. I 1 CT . ' Fo>r> which I w:j.ll pay in-. I Los Angeles'.14, Cal A—■ "— Money, S.F.?yuags-y - Dough, Fantasy Mags Cash . 1. -1*". I Send Pound Sterling to: ■’ ■ * but 'het too much! 1 J. Michael Rosenblum . 4, Grange Terrace I I L-< Tpll me.what/you have and what you | Chapeltown, Leeds 7 ’ ‘‘want .. .'Don't sqfid itl-j | J.oseph-Gross ' - I 252'King ! s 2nd vjalk, Brooklyn. 33, NY| llli.liltlHKIlHItlluUllblllllHlllHIflllllUJHUUSlIUlU'lHIIIIIlUlllltllllllUllUinHIHIIlimllllllllllllllllUXlIIHIIIIIlUunillllUIIIhlllllllllllllll.lllmillllllinlK. I published 500 copies of my literary fanzine, ICHOR. Only 43 I WANTEt) ' wanted! are left. Lithoed cover by Alvd = ** | Rogers. Contents by Wandrei, Hart DOUBT MAGAZINE - No. 4 I I Johnston, etc. Published in two - grades of paper. Deluxe: 15/; or- Will pay $5.00 for clean copy. { dinary: 10/. Order from Dale Hart I 2215 ’West 6th St, Los Angeles 5. | Also want MINT copy of the OUTSIDER ! I (FAFA members need not order. Mag | Earle Cornwall, 827 West Golden Ave I jwill appear in express mailing.) i Los Angeles 44 Calif. I =il,a<44ii>iw>.>iiiiumiiuui>>iiii4ii>iiii>uum4iii>ii4uii4i>»iiiiu>iuiiu>>iuiii«HMiiuii4iiii<iii4ii>uiiu>>iiiiU4iiiiiutyiiuuiui4Mi''HiiMinHu4UiiiiiMi^^.....<»n. EDITORIAL Since this issue of FANTASY ADVERTISE,1 is the last issue that will be mimeographed and since it is also so late, I have .endeavored to squeeze. in every_ bit of /paid for advertising that was possible. C"Only a few" of" my customers' will have missed out; and I hope that those of you who have united so longo for your advertisements to appear will forgive me my transgressions , but it has been next to impossible to get pa- per in any sizeable amounts here for over a month. In desperation, at least half of this iss re of FANTASY ADVERTISER is being printed on semi-slick bond paper. If it appears a little smeary at the edges, merely thank the Ghod of Exalted Literature that you can read it1 at alD. For FALTAS ADVLxT IS ERs c o ve r contest there h^ve been over a dozen while • speaking of. subscriptions, 1 entries,but I am not satisfied as yet. I should mention the fact that FAN­ Our late appearance ? will delay next TASY ADVERTISER'S mailing list is issue's publication date as well If not a dead one as it may appear. A- you artists real! t to have some- bout 150 names were replaced by 175 thing appear on a fanzine in a large for this issue alone, and•_ d as _I___ con-_ scale, if you wint that same illus- tinue _to receive new subscriptions & tra-tion submitted to the Philc'on Art new contacts throughout the field, Show as one of the best of the year, there will continue to be a replace­ if .you want to win that ',5.00 prize­ ment of those who evince no -interest money, then send something really hot in receiving the magazine. Natural­ to FAETAoY ADVERTISER, I want good ly advertisers receive copies of the illustrations.' zine, as do reviewers and, where re­ Next issue will be FANTASY ADVER­ quested, libraries. ,FA1 TASY ADVER­ TISER' s anniversary issue Vol 2 Lo 1. TISER will be exchanged with all ot­ It will also be the first lithographt her fail publications. If any of you issue. At the moment I only ha.ve five who publish'd like your publication pages of advertising matter to include reviewed in BLATaNT BEAST, please where I need at least thirty. If■this send a- copy of it'to Art Jidriei, at current issue is any indication (64 121 Norton St, .'forth Eyemouth 91 , pages) then I shall not lack for mat­ Hass. as well asto here. ter to include,, but actually I shall There is some indication from appreciate greatly all support Street & Smith that Unknown may be that fandom can give me in making the-- resumed when and if paper restric-' new FANTASY ADV 'it a success, tions -disappear, It has been sug- ‘ I am still ring for serious gested to me that undoubtedly a few articles of pages in length hundred fan letters to Campbell w’d to print in FANTASY ADVERTISE.;. At speed the process up considerably. present tentative arrange ents have So if anyone feels like taking pen been made with hr Paul Skeeters, who in hand, -the guy to write to is the is writing a' DSC a master's thesis up­ ex-editor of Fandomania's best. on supernatural fiction to publish Tnere are a*'lot of other matters an article of hi concerning the pub- I'd like to take up with youse guvs: lished supernatural fiction of Kip- I need advertisements; I need art; ling. Perhaps the subject master of I need articles; I need some sleep, this article and its handling will but I got an advert!sment, Take'r give you other fan cribes._ an. idea of away, Joqueli ' (jpg the type of material I want Apparently, FANTASY aDVExTISE. i s being accepted as a solid facet of Fandomania. Several very favorable UJflATED comments have appeared in recent days Give description and price concerning this publication. Due to STARTLING STORIES very favorable re­ Pictures T^aken view, at least twenty new fans were added to our subscription rosters. In Bob Tucker's 1946 FAMINE REVIEW, he recommends us as being one of the top Arthur Louis Joquel items for subscription. Incidentally Box 3343, LA 53 I BOOKS FOR SALE BOOKS FOR SALE EDGAR RICE BURROUGHSi Princess of Mars (.Fair) .35 Carson of Venus (flint, Jkt) 1.25 Gods of Mars (Fair) .35 Swords of Mars (Mint, Jkt) 1.25 ft Lost on Venus (mint) Jkt 1.25 Synthetic Men of Mars (Mint, jkt)1.25 Pirates of Venus (Mint, Jkt) 1.25 The Monster Men . 1450 ( • t SAX ROHMER: , The Golden Scorpion .50 Tales of Secret Egypt . .50 Green Eyes of Bast .50 "Quest of Sacred Slipper(good) ,50 Dope ■ , .50 Bat.'Wing .50 Insidious Dr Fullanchu .50 ’Tales of Chinatown (good) ‘ .50 Return of Dr Fu’Manchu .50 Fire Tongue ’ .50 Hand of FuManchu .50 ‘Brood of the Witch Queen .75 Daughter cf FuManchu .50 Dream Detective .75 The Yellow. Claw .50 Day the 'World Ended ’ ,75 Grey Face .50 SAX ROHMER - (McKinlay, S.tone editions) 35^ Each -■ Quest of the Sacred Slipper, Dope, Tales of Secret Egypt JULES VERNE; • 20,000 Leagues under Sea . .50 Mysterious Island .50 Tour'of World in 80 Days .50- .Floating Island ‘ .50 THE NEW.ADAM - Weiribaum Excerpts fx om-Feb & Mar 43 Amazing. ■ , ■ .35 DARKNESS AND DA»VN - England. Excellent appearing copy. Binding broken slighuly in a couple of spots . 2,00 Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelly ' -75 The Moon Pool Merritt (Liveright) Mint, no dust cover 2.50 Seven Footprints to Satan - Merritt (Movie edition, Good) *50 Man ,£ho Cou'd Work Miracles - ’Mells (Movie edition, with jacket) *75 When Worlds Collide - Balmer & Wylie (Triangle, Mint with jacket) .75 The Mar of the Worlds - Wells (Mint With Jacket) " I.qq Condition excellent unless otherwise noted. Please add 3^ postage per book on orders under L1.00. WANT - Famous Fantastic. Mysteries Sept 1943 and Sept 1945 -v •; •: Rus's ell McGhee, ^Ginter, Pa,*> UABOUAD EXCERPTS SKYLARK OF SPACE ........................................................................ E. E. Smith — $2.50 GRAY LENSMAN (With handwritten dedication) ..... E. E. Smith — 2.50 SHOT INTO INFINITY ............. Otto Willi Gail — 2.00 SECOND STAGE LENSMAN . E. E. Smith -- 1.50 Snip OF ISHTAR .................. A. Merritt — 1.50 SLAN ...................... A. E. van Vogt — 1.00 PALOS OF THE DOG STAR PACK ............. J. U. Geisy — 1.00 EARTH'S LAST CITADEL ........ Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore -- .75 TOMORROW and CHILDREN OF TOMORROW ....... Arthur Leo Zagat — . 50 CAP GAZ I AES FOR SALE ARGOSY-ALL STORY i/ilEEKLY, July 12, 1924 thru August 9, 1924, five issues con taining Ray Cummings' MAN WHO MASTERED TIME .......... 5.00 BLUE BOOK, November 1934 thru April 1935, six issues containing E. R. Bur- ough's SWORDS OF MARS ..................... 2.00 ■blllhlUUKIII* ; Hlultlllbbl.UIIIUIIIIIaUlllllllIHli .................................................................................................................................................................................................lllltllllllHII FROM FLUE BOOK — WANTED — WOLF WOMAN — H. Bedford Jones BLUE BOOK — Feb 1936 ISLAND MONSTER -- Howden-Smith Jan 1937 TaRZ?jjI AND THE CHAMPION - Burroughs iuiiuul>uiMiiii>mitiiiuiiiiuiiMiiui<uiiiii>miu.uiui»<i»>«»i»H>i**>"|||UH>*u,*,t'l'll'l>t'lll*> 1 ***** 11 ** * * All — $1.00 ' •* » । III I I I I (I , For Sale -- Various dupli­ FROM ARGOSY — cate stf mags, ranging from 1941 thru 1946, in fair to MOON PLOT -- Cunxnings good condition, at face val­ NON STOP TO MARS -- Williamson ue to a dime higher, depend­ RADIANT-ENEMIES — Starzl ing on age, condition, and OLD UNCLE GHOST — Sale - the state of my finances at KAKPEN THE JEN — Leath the time.
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