DSI-NRF CIMERA Annual COLLOQUIUM 26-27 NOVEMBER 2020 ABSTRACT BOOKLET Image: Transvaal Supergroup, banded iron formation, Kuruman Kop, Northern Cape. 26-27 November 2020 ONLINE & IN PERSON School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH) University of Johannesburg Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus 2 Dear All, Dear All, We would like to extend a warm welcome to the annual DSI-NRF CIMERA Colloquium, hosted by the University of We would like to extend a warm welcome to the annual DSI-NRF CIMERA Colloquium, hosted by the University of Johannesburg. Johannesburg. DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis (CIMERA) is hosted by the Department DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Integrated Mineral and Energy Resource Analysis (CIMERA) is hosted by the Department of Geology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and co-hosted by the School of Geosciences at the University of the of Geology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and co-hosted by the School of Geosciences at the University of the DearWitwatersrand All, (Wits). DSI-NRF CIMERA is a virtual centre of research that concentrates existing research excellence, capacity Witwatersrand (Wits). DSI-NRF CIMERA is a virtual centre of research that concentrates existing research excellence, capacity Weand extend resources a warm welcome to enable to the researchersannual DSI-NRF toCIMERA collaborate Colloquium, across hosted disciplinesby the University and of Johannesburg. institutions on long-term projects of economic and/ or and resources to enable researchersThe to Colloquiumcollaborate will acrossrun as a hybriddisciplines event this and year, institutions triggered by the on COVID-19 long-term pandemic projects lockdown of economic situation and and/ or societal benefit in geology, that are locally relevant and internationally competitive. DSI-NRF CIMERA was launched on the societal benefit in geology, that aresocial locally distancing relevant restrictions. and internationallyThe combination of competitive. physical attendance DSI -andNRF virtual CIMERA participation was launchedenables some on the degree24th of April networking, 2014 and by allows the Nationalfor the inclusion Research of people Foundation who would otherwise (NRF) notsection be able of to theparticipate now inSouth African Department of Science and 24th April 2014 by the National Researchthe Colloquium. Foundation Unfortunately, (NRF) UJ willsection only allow of the30 physical now Southattendees; African but we hopeDepartment all participants of Sciencewill feel and Innovation (DSI), and will be funded by the NRF until 2023. Innovation (DSI), and will be fundedincluded. by the TeamNRF building until 202 and 3extensive. networking events are not possible in 2020. The virtual platform has enabled the inclusion of two international guest speakers: Dr Hannah Hughes, a previous DSI-NRF CI M ERA currently provides funding support to 41 academics hosted in universities across South Africa, and 74 DSI-NRF CI M ERA currently providesDSI-NRF funding CIMERA support bursary recipientto 41 academics who now works hosted at the University in universities of Exeter, Camborneacross SchoolSouth of Africa Mines; ,and and 74 Distinguishedpostgraduate Professor students Ross Large, receive University full orof Tasmania,partial bursaries previous Director as well of CODES as project (Centre runningof Excellence costs. postgraduate students receive full orin Orepartial Deposits). bursaries We look as forward well asto learningproject about running their researchcosts. interests and experiences beyond DSI-NRF CIMERAAs DS (Hannah)I-NRF andCIMERA as Director essentially of CODES (Ross). functions as a virtual centre, there are limited opportunities for students from the different As DSI-NRF CIMERA essentially functions as a virtual centre, there are limited opportunities for students from the different Thisuniversities booklet contains to theinteract. presentation The and An posternual abstracts. Colloquium A total ofheld 24 student towards presentations the end will of be each given overyear the provid es a platform for the presentation of universities to interact. The Annual nextColloquium one and a half held days, towards as well as 19 the poster end presentations. of each year The students provid willes presenta platform their research for the results presentation stemming of fromresults, the economic as well geology as networking.projects supported We by hopeDSI-NRF that CIMERA. as many The posters people generally as possible show preliminary will be results, able to attend the evening networking function results, as well as networking. We hope that as many people as possible will be able to attend the evening networking function andon we T hlookursday. forward to the final presentation of results in 2022 by these students. We congratulate the students on on Thursday. moving forward with their research under the constraints of the national lockdown in 2020. DSI-NRFIt would CIMERA be advantageousis a virtual centre of toresearch provide that concentratesadditional existing forums research for students excellence, to capacity present and resources their work, to network, and possibly to participate It would be advantageous to provideto additional enable researchers forums to forcollaborate students across to disciplinespresent andtheir institutions work, to on network, long-term projects and possibly of economic to participateand/or in relevant training workshops, either physically or on-line. We are actively seeking opportunities to promote the community in relevant training workshops, eithersocietal physically benefit in orgeology, on-line. that areWe locally are relevant actively and internationallyseeking opportunities competitive. In 2020,to promote DSI-NRF CIMERAthe community aimed to ofsupport DSI -77NRF postgraduate CIMERA, students, and welcome 2 research anyassociate suggestions. projects, and 40 supervisors hosted at 10 universities of DSI-NRF CIMERA, and welcome anyacross suggestions. South Africa. Sixty-six students received full funding and project running costs. In 2021, we aim to support 73 postgraduateThis booklet students. contains The outputs the of presentation the research in economic and poster geology abstracts is benefitting submitted the region and for the the continent, 2019 Annual DSI-NRF CIMERA Colloquium. A This booklet contains the presentationas does and the posterpool of skilled abstracts graduates. submitted Geology and for the the mining 2019 industry Annual remains DSI a -back-boneNRF CIMERA of the South Colloquium. African A total of 48 abstracts are included. Please visit our website (www.cimera.co.za) for more information on our goals, research total of 48 abstracts are included. economy,Please despitevisit our the currentwebsite economic (www.cimera.co.za climate. Please visit our) for website more (www.cimera.co.za information) foron more our informationgoals, research on ourfocus goals, areasresearch and focus activities. areas and activities. And please do inform us of your achievements. focus areas and activities. And pleaseIt would do informbe advantageous us of your to provide achievements. additional forums for students to present their work, to network, and possibly to Congratulationsparticipate in relevant to training all students workshops, on either the physically achievements or on-line. inWe your are actively studies seeking to date, opportunities and we to look forward to interacting with you over Congratulations to all students on thepromote achievements the community in of yourDSI-NRF studies CIMERA, to and date, welcome and any we suggestions. look forward to interacting with you over the next two days. the next two days. Congratulations to all students on the achievements in your studies to date, and we look forward to interacting withRegards you over, the next two days. And please do inform us of your achievements. Regards, Regards, Professor Nikki Wagner Professor J. Kinnaird Director: DSI-NRF CIMERA Co-Director: DSI-NRF CIMERA Professor Nikki Wagner Professor J. Kinnaird Professor Nikki Wagner [email protected] [email protected] J. Kinnaird Di rect or: DSI-NRF CI M ERA Co-Di rect or: DSI-NRF CI M ERA Di rect or: DSI-NRF CI M ERA Co-Di rect or: DSI-NRF CI M ERA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3 PROGRAMME DAY 1: THURSDAY 26 NOVEMBER 08h00-08h50 REGISTRATION AND TEA 08h50-09h00 Nikki Wagner (UJ) WELCOME TIME PRESENTER TOPIC 09h00-09h20 Michael Westgate (Wits) Reappraisal of legacy seismic data for iron prospection. Frank Ndudzo Investigation of selected kaolin deposits in Grahamstown, South Africa 09h20-09h40 (UFH) using electrical resistivity, magnetic and geological methods. Jessica Schapira Bioaugmentation-assisted rehabilitation and bioremediation of asbestos 09h40-10h00 (Wits) contaminated soils. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: The curious case of bursting lamprophyres in the mine 10h00-10h40 Dr Hannah Hughes (Online) Camborne School of Mines 10h40-11h00 TEA BREAK 11h00-11h20 Uwais Ahmed (UJ) Radionuclides and radioactivity of coals used in South African power plants. Bridgette Murathi The effect of a dolerite intrusion on the petrography and 11h20-11h40 (UJ) mineralogy of coals from the Witbank Coalfield, South Africa. Itumeleng Venessa Matlala The effect of a dolerite intrusion on coal structure: insights from 11h40-12h00 (UJ) XRD and NMR. Temitope Love Baiyegunhi Impact of diagenesis on the reservoir properties of the Cretaceous 12h00-12h20 (UFH) sandstones in
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