•-----------------------~----------------------- ) . " WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER... ESTABLISHED 1869 I') \ (() ) C 19M Sliger/LIvIng. sRe.e",,,,, WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER25,I985-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Vol. 117,No. 25, Two Sections, 26Pages, Plus Supplements .- CENTS • Wt~m;;-mv.iIIIjSJ••••••••••••••• MFg4 'idIiIi.III ••• '.b;~~}!~~;Kz'~~~aJ.l•••••••••••••••••• .~ ,.-. I r f':)' - Salaries rise GrOll)' i~ township 108 Unsure about what impact a recent court decision may have, Northville Township delayed for two weeks con- ,.. s1deration of amendments to its 1986 loses optid '::.....fiscal year bUdget. l -<At stake is interest income on tax revenues collected for other agencies, primarily the school district. A recent Michigan court decision in- volving Grand Rapids city and school on properly district suggests that any interest earn- ed on the money between the time It Is collected by a municipality and paid out By JEAN DAY What happened to the development to the school district (typically 10 to 30 that had appeared to be going ahead days) belongs to the schools, according The property on the southwest comer without a bitch? to township supervisor Susan Heintz. ')f Main and Center went back on the According to A.M. Allen and Philip • Past practice nearly statewide, market a week ago Monday (December Ogilvie, spokesmen for the nine , Heintz said, bas been for the 16) - just over 10 months after its members of Ten Grand, last Friday, municipality to retain the Interest earn- owners, known as the Ten Grand ClUb, the end of Hoffmann's dream for the ed during the short bolding period. bad accepted an option to purchase by center of town came after a meeting at "Without (the interest) there is hard- downtown businessmen Paul N. Hoff- 10 a.m. December 14 with Hoffmann ly any incentive for the municipality to mann and Jobn R. Standish. and his attorney in Allen's office. collect the taxes for other agencies," Hoffmann and Standish last April an- "The bottom line was that he needed Heintz said. "I've spoken with Dr. nounced they had formed a partner- more time (to raise funds to exercise (George) Bell (school superintendent) ship, The 108Group, in order to develop the option)," Allen said. and he said they thought our current ar- the site as a Six-story complex of Noting that Hoffmann bad stated rangement was just fine. But we don't "shops, offices, a restaurant and repeatedly that "money is no pro- know If It's legal anymore - we've ask- residential living environments" to be blem," Allen said that the "Ten Grand • ed for some advice from the state about known as 100Center Street. members decided not to extend the op- how to handle It... Subsequent to the announcement, tion since Hoffmann did not raise the . Both the Plymouth and Northville plans for 100Center Street, drawn up by required $50,000. The purchase price, school districts requested earlier this Northville architect Walter Coponen, Allen and Ogilvie indicated, is "In ex- month that the township perform a bad received all the necessary cess of $500,000." summer tax collection in 1986. The municipal approvals and were hailed township has 30 days to respond to the by many downtown business owners. Continued on 4 requests, made December 10 and 11. If no interest is to be retained, the township may refuse to make the col· lection and the school districts will bave Fire damages plant to either contract to have a financial in- • stitution collect taxes or have the coun- Northville Laboratories, a leading blaze under control. ty take over the job. producer of flavorings, has closed for Allen speculated that that likely Given the uncertainty, township the holidays following an early morning cause of the fire was a malfunction in treasurer Richard Henningsen asked at blaze on December 21. the boiler system, but the actual cause the board's special meeting December The estimated damage sustained cur- will be determined in a formal In- 18 that the township forego amending rently is not known, pending the out- vestigation by the Northville fire the 1986 budget until a response is come of a Food and Drug Adminlstra- department.. .• . .., received from the state. The board Uon~lon~.:.::..,: -..:,!..;;.! Contracto~~ f'!ere alieady..:on band established a Decem~r 30 meeting to The· NortbvlJ1e. volunteer' Fire later" SalutdaT:,after the-ftr'e\l:as ex- make the amendments and its decision Department responded to the call at 7 tinguished to begin what appears to be on whether or not to collect the summer a.m. Saturday. When the firefighters an extensive clean-up. In addition to a la1t. arrived, the blaze had already spread 30 to 40 foot hole In the roof,Allen said • Not all budget action was stalled, to the roof of the building and had burn- there is considerable smoke and fire however, as the board also voted to ed a large hole In it. According to Fire damage as well. award a three percent salary Increase Chief Jim Allen, it took the department Owner Paul Newman was to 11township employees, Including all nearly two hours before getting the unavailable for comment. department heads and administrative assistants. The raises will be supplemented on Prizes await 1986 winner the employees' anniversary dates with up to another three percent based on a merit eValuation. Concurrently, the of First Baby competition township Is for the first time drafting job descriptions for all positions and "Jesse's almost walking - he's try- deadline of 5 p.m. Monday, January 6, • analyzing pay rates in accordance with Ing SO hard he's black and blue," will receive the title and prizes. Time of the analysis of the job. reported mom Vicki Dorsey of the First birth will be verified with the hospital As each employee'S performance Is Baby of 1985. or attending physician. reviewed, pay scales may be adjusted, At 10:32 a.m. January 2 of this year, Both parents and baby will receive based on the analysis, on the anniver- Avis Jesse Dorsey was born to Avis and the follOWingmerchants' gifts: sary date. The board set aside $12,000 Vicki (Gorrell) Dorsey of 16895Mead in • Aladles sweater from the Marquis. for these adjustments. Northville Township. As his was the • Dinner for the parents at first birth In the Northville mailing Crawfords'. area reported to The Record, he cap- • A special gift from Freydl'<; Ladies tured the First Baby title: Wear. The 29th winner of the First Baby • Baby's first lo-carat gold ring from Inside: Contest held by The Record and its Orin Jewelers. advertisers, he shortly will be relin- • A $10 gift certificate from Green's • quishing his title to the First Baby of Home Center. Calendar 2A 1986. • An 8 by 10 inch photograph from Jesse, as his parents call him, weigh- Albright Studio. Rudolph imitator • A haircut and style for mom from 2B ed six pounds, five ounces when born at Classifieds Providence Hospital. He was the 12th Northville House of Styles. boy to win the contest, succeeding • A flower arrangement from Four Editorials 8A Little MelanieMac shows off her imitation of international program. Save for a shiny nose, Stephen Alexander Selinsky. Seasons Flowers and Gifts. Rudolphthe Red NosedReindeer during Novi- Melanie appears to have mastered her When called to ask how Jesse was do- • Baby's first Teddy Bear from the Obituaries 5A Northville Montessori Center's Christmas Rudolph impersonation. For more on the ing, his mother commented that they Little People's Shoppe. program last Friday morning. Melanie, clad Montessori Christmas program, see page 7. bad enjoyed receiving the gifts that ac- • Ten half·gallons of milk from Our Town 11A in Scottish attire of tartan knickers and cap, Recordphotoby Steve Fecht. company the title. Guernsey Farms Dairy. was among the celebrants at the preschools In the 30 year old contest, the First • An all·wood name puzzle for the Baby of 1986 born to parents with a Nor- new baby from The Sawmill. • Sports 13A thville mailing address and reported to • A $10 gift certificate from the D&C The Record office (349-1700) by the Store. Building allows more actiyity for patients at NRPH '1\ By KEVIN WILSON Von DuBose. With the requested addi- The building Includes a 1,200 square- to put the building into full operating tion of eight to 13 additional staff 'We want to see a demonstrable difference foot swimming pool with diving board, condition. The initial work shows up in Hoping to make 1986 a better year members, the facility might serve hun- a 500-seat aUditorium, a two-lane bowl- brightly painted walls (a dramatic con· than was 1985 for Northville Regional dreds more patients, DuBose said. in (patients') conditions, and re-opening the ing alley, and rooms designated for trast to the institutional gray or green Psychiatric Hospital, administrators Hospital Director Walter Brown, who ceramics, crafts, dance, a library and Inside the main building), carpeting, recently announced the re-openlng of attended an open house at the faclllty building will make a big impact offices. It also has kitchen facilities, a drapes and floor materials. the institution's Activity Therapy (AT) December 20 with Department of Men· vending machine area, video game Workers were stili Instalilng kitchen building. tal Health Director C. Patrick Babcock, therapeutically.' room and a snack bar and lounge for counters during last week's open house. The structure was last used by NRPH said he started seeking funding to re- patients. and the bowling alleys, which have in 1970 and represents a partial open the strocture when he took over at DuBose said 50 to 60 percent of pa- automatic pinsetllng equipment nearly response to charges that there are In· the hospital In early 1985.
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