VOLUME 6 10. l DLY JAN. 79 ( P. o. BOX t..nl\~/• Otticial Organ UNICYCLING SOcmt'Y 01' AMERJ:Cl Inc. (c)l978 ill Rts Rea. .Rearord, MI 48240 Yearly- Membership· $~ Includes 1'elnsletter (4) ID Card - See Blank Pg.18 omcms PLEASE EXCUSE ••• President Jan Lavne· the tardiness of this V.Pres. K. Skinner Issue. Because of family lttne•• your ed. s.Treas. J<f1C8 Jones was away from home for PoONDd 10/.M.BEtts over a month. Mal Ung Bernard Crandall this Issue flrat ct••• Paul & Nancy Fox M!MB!RS IN ACTION ••••••••••••••••••••• 2 I• an attempt to save Peter Hangach UNICYCLE CLUB NEWS •••.•••••••••••••• 3-4 some ti• In delivery. Patricia Herron l"!:ATURED GROOP • The GREAT BRITrONS •• • 4 Bill Jenack MISCELLANEOUS ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 Gordon Kruse MEET YOOR CPl'tCERS ••••••••••• • •••••• 6-7 steve McPeak AN INVITATION • •••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Fr. Ju. J. Moran BO<lC R!VIEllt BICYCLE PEOPL! ••••••••••• 8 Dr. Miles s. Rogers ACROBATICS BOCIC •••••••••• 8 Charlotte rox Rogere l C,79 N. U. M. INP'mMAT ION ••••••••••••••• 9 Ancv Rubel REGIONAL M!!TS • 1978 •••••••••••••• 9•12 • WHAT'S NEXT, VALLY VATl'ST •••••••••••• 13 ( Dr. Claude Shannon. Jim ~t.h DATES TOREMEMBER •••••••••••••••••••• 13 Dr. Jack Wiley LP.'TTERS P'R<lf OOR MEMBERS •••••••••• t4-l5 UNICYCLISTS IN TR! NM ••• . •••••••••• 16 NMLETTJ!l EDITCR D01!:S ANYON! KNOii?. • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• • • 16 Carol Bl-ich.tord moa BLANIC •••••••••• ,•••••••••••••••• t 7 2lilitt> T~yndon MEMBERSHIP APPLICATJ<lf •••••.••••••••• 18 1<edford11 MI 48239 Cotff'R tBUTt R; EDI'Tt'lt Bill Jenack "HIGH RIDERS" JAPAN UNICYCLING CLUB'S FIRST Mt!T pgs, 11-12 808 DeLOOZE p~s. 2&4 JOEL DEMPSEY pg. 3 Inc, Pav~ 2 ,, ,.. ,. UNTCY.~LE CLUU NE\1S1 Page 3 Rere are three ideas for the *JIM MOYER, Director of the OAK VIEW pro1110tlon of lndtvtdual clubs. f:LEM!:NT'ARY SCHOOL EXHIBTTIONAL ACTIVITIES "'SUNNY SAYL<Jt of the KOKctfO ROAD CLUB (see April, 1<>78, NSLR for more on .~,(I(,[) RUNN~S sent a business card on this ~oup) sent the fottowln~ articles i~L wh tch api,ear s the club logo, name "Our Club has been very busy this fall and advertlslng and the word with numerous shows at various fatrs, "phone" wtth a blank fottovtng. The cai-d Wit l festtvats, and parades. Unicyclists froM not become outdated since anyone's number can the school club 111ade a T.V. appearance on be written ln. The Road RuMera also use a Washington, n.c. channel 4 on the show, Post Office box number for their address "STUFF." One of our unicyclists, JOEL (Please note that U.S.A., Inc. ls now usl~ DDfPSEY, has been featured in several- local a P. O. Box No. also. ) newsoapers jug~tln~ clubs while rldin~ a JO.foot high ~lraffe unicycle." (Joel's *Tee shirts may also be used as an advertising picture appears on p~. 1 of this NSTR . ) gl11111lck. (See JACK RALPERN•s on the Regional Meet picture pages.) ARTIE BOOGHAN wrote In the *r'RAN MOORE, vho ls In char~e of unlt'or111s t.J.A. NSLR that hls wtth the words "Free for the CHILDREN'S CLUB OP CONC<ltD, INC. - Ju~~l ln~ Lessons" has het ped him meet many UNICYCLE DRILL TEAM and wtfe of President, jugglers. Redford's ST!VE SMITH has received 808 MCQE sent pro~ams from several much comment on hls hand-palnted shirt, lfhlch dinners the Club has held recently. Two contains the picture of a unicycle. of these honored long-time riders of this 25-year- otd organization. PHILIP VAUGHAN *lTZ Mltts, lfhoee son HANS rides wtth the was honored on November l, 1978, for 10 REDFORD TCMNSRlP UNICYCLE CLUB, INC., suggests years of active partlctpatlon. Alo~ vtth that a letter about the unicycle club be winning many awards durln~ this period, given to radio stations, newspapers, libraries, Philio has atso traveled some 50,000 mites the various Chambers of Commerce tn the area ln order to parttctpate ln more than 190 and bicycle shops. The letter could contain parades and 340 practice aessions. Honored ""Uch Information as the puri,ose of the club, on January 23, 1979, for five years of ( :~antzation, practice schedule, performance active membership was ANN BAIER. Congratu­ or parade activity, etc. An eye-appealing tattona to both of these fine riderslff letterhead and the name, address and i,hone Althouih the Club now has many fewer nU111ber of contact people would complete the members than In the past, lt stilt partlct­ letter. Advertlstn~ of tht~ type mtght not i,ated In over 30 parades ln 1978. The only brtn~ in nev members but tnvttattons for reduced membership has necessitated the parades and performances as welt. dtsbandln~ of the Square Dance Untt. How­ ever, atilt active are the Baton, Ht~h * * * • * * • * • * * * * • • • * * * Untcvet~ •n~ Senlor and Junior groups. INDEX TO PICTURES ON PAGE 2 • TACK QUILLEN, Chairman of the 8d. t) Another shot of BOB OeLOOZt of the GREAT ,,f the lCCIC~ ROAD RUNNERS - BRI'ITONS and hts 9'7" uni. (p~s. l & 4) :TNtCYCLE CLUB sent a poster ad 2) WALLY WA'M'S and hla "round-the-world" uni vertlsing the Club'• Benefit 3) JACK HALPERN, Tokyo, Japan, and the 8aaketbatt Game, on unicycles, 3-lfheel untcycte of course, which was held Nov. 5, 4) VILT.JAM COLVIN rldea to ••• and .•• t978. It waa a ftrst-tlme ex­ 5) fro at the United Alr Ltnes stri p in Hawali. nerience that proved to be a (see letter on page 15) lot of fun and a financial suc­ 6) 'fhree "bl~ wheel•" • from left to rhht cesa. Jack suggests that an BILL JENACK wt th his 46" vaRon wheel uni tnter•ctub ~•me could be sched• MARY JENACK on Watty•s 42" wheel uled Juat tor fun or as a jofnt fund raiser. WALLY WATTS and his "round-the-world" uni Anyone interested may contact Jack by vrtt­ 7) ••• and they're off ••• lng to P.O. 1221, KokOIIIO, Indiana 46901. MARY RENNER on her MAG VHEn PENGUIN A copy of the rules of the ~roup ~lven r.tRAF'll'E races WALLY WATTS on his 43" to your editor by CAROL MORAN contains the wheel (see story on pg. 5) fotlovtnga "All members are expected to be 8) CAROL HAINES and STEVE MILLS begin wedded kind and courteous at all meetings and ,er­ bliss bv enterta fnln~ at their weddl~ formancea," and "Ownership of a unicycle reception, Au~. 5, t978. JON DAVID HAWKS, wtth smne for~ of ldenttficatton ls lmpera• rin~bearer for the wedding, holds the train. tlve for mel!lbershlJ). " UNICYCLI~ SOCIEn' OP AMERICA, INC. NEWSLETTER l • 79 UNI SYCU: CLU NEWSs Page ',, H 1 FEATURED GROUP - The " GREAT BR ITTOOS" "I have buttt and sold several 6-foot ~traffes at the Nattonat Meets. (Ed. notes ~ive unicycle ctubs have "I bought a spectat untcycte hub, bear­ heen featured dur1n~ the past year; each ln~a and beartn~ mounts tn Florida. t ( was chosen because of tts somewhat unique replaced the 14-hote flanges with 18-hote or~anhat1on. The following ts a letter ftan~es from a IO-speed bike wheel which from KrN BRITTON in response to your ed.'a were hell-arc welded to the unicycle hub. request for Information on hts untcycttng Thts made It possible to spoke up a 27-tnch acr:tvtttes.) wheel. (27-tnch wheels are not made for 28 spokes.) So now I have a 27-tnch uni­ "The GREAT BRtTTONS ts not a formally cycle which ta not available conmerctatty. or~antzed club. T have taught about a dozen I would be glad to help anyone interested people to ride the untclcle and have three In maktn~ a ~fraffe. re~utar riders who participate wtth me in "I practice re,n.alarly and can rock In parades. Olr bt~gest parade ts the annual place, ride my re~lar unicycle or 5\ foot Sauerkraut Parade tn Phelps, N.Y., the sauer­ ~iraffe backwards, In circles or figure a•s. kraut capital of the vortd. Robert (see pie• I ride the re~ular unicycle wtth one foot. ture ~2. t) a tways r ides his 6•toot giraffe. I will share fff'J learning of the one foot We ride informally as they gtve ua tOO foot of or backward rtdln~ wtth anyone Interested. space In t he parade which tasts a full hour. 0 Atso,besldes a ~arden and dwarf fruit One of my best riders spent the auffllller as an t rees and a bfg place to keep mowed, Tam exchan2e hl~h school student tn Europe. Others a j ogger. I have run 12,650 mites ln the wltl not practice enou~h to be able to rfde In last tO years, which ls over half way parades. I teach anyone who wants to learn around the world. (at the Y.M.C.A.) just for the fun of It. "I also have three antique cars." There are a few boys who ride whom I haven't For those of you who would tlke to wrt te been able to contact so far. People seem to to Ken, hls address lss be too busy to practice on any formal basts, KENNETH W. BRITTON and t don't have ttme durin~ the summer. 3984 West Lake Road ( ''How did l learn to ride? About 20 years Canandabua, New York 14424 a~o I built a unicycle using the front fork and wheel of a tricycle. The bearings were too * * • * • * * * * * * * • * * * * * * loose and t didn't know how to ~et started, •o t quit In tvo weeks.
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