B The Mines in The Ores are K.o©fte nay are Among High-Grade in Gold, the Richest in Silver, €opper9 America. and lead. NUMBEE 151. NELSON, BEITISH COLUMBIA, SATUEDAY, MAY 27, 1893. U A YEAE tattered tent are set forth in more than life-size TENDEKFOOT'S KASLO NOTES daubs supposed to represent the wonders with­ NELSON PEESONAL EEGXSTEB, in. And the voice of the man at the door is never silent. The innocent visitor from the KASLO MAKES A LITTLE NOISE AND CELE- back country is assured that there is " plenty THE MOVEMENTS OP OUE CITIZENS AND BEATES OONSIDEEABLY. of time before the big show begins," and if he OUE YISITOES. appears to be sufficiently verdant he may even be assured in mysterious tones that " There The Mild-Mannered Flat Gives Some Pointers on the ain't no big show." The services of a hand Everyone May Know the Whereabouts of Everybody General Course of'.Events In and Around the organ have been dispensed with as the man at Else—Visitors to The Miner Office May Record Noisy City—A little Side Show Which is Now the door was found quite able to make all the the Movements of Themselves and Their Friends Reing Run—A Painful Accident While Racing-. noise necessary. His eloquence in describing the many attrac­ Who Wander. tions of his show is at times touching in its Kaslo' just now is gazing away at the far-off pathos. Beneath this flowery ladguage there is , Joshua Davies is registered at the Phair. snow-clad ranges and wishing she had a mighty a rinn of sorrow, and sometimes a faraway look The Nelson News Depot will carry THE MINER chunk of that glittering mass to clap upon her comes into the eyes of the showman, as if he had been inside and knew only too well how on sale. fevered brow. In other words the town is still little the pictures along the walls oj the tent H. B. Smith, O.E., of Keefer & Smith, has re­ struggling with the after effects of the very represent what is to be seen inside. But also as turned to Victoria. hilarious and enjoyable time with which the many another it is not a matter of choice. C. Coy, of the Kaslo-Slocan Examiner, visited Bread and butter depend upon the strength of Nelson this week. Queen's birthday was celebrated. his lungs, and shaking off his dapondency he The town was handsomely decorated with R. A. Ren wick, manager of THE MINER, is in yells again louder than before. Victoria on business. flags and bunting and presented a truly holiday The saddest part of it is that but few seem to G. A. Keefer, C.E., of Victoria, 0will return to appearance, as the large delegation from Nelson be influenced by all his racket. At long inter­ Nelson again in June. which went up to assist, in the festivities drew vals an over-confident person wander over, near the DOCK. Oh, bless you, yes, gentle gives up his coin and passes from view behind John Dean, contractor, of Victoria, is in Nel­ stranger, we Have a dock with a big D. the tattered tent flap, only to appear again son on a prospecting trip. George O. Buchanan read, a very able address looking as if he had forgotten something and . J. W. Tolson has returned after a short visit of welcome to all who caredcto listen to it, and was in a hurry to get back. to Victoria and Vancouver. those who did not missed a really good thing. A FLAT MINOR. L. J. Cross, representing Kimball's safes,will The forenoon was occupied in a great variety be in Nelson in a few days. of athletic sports during the progress of which BY MEANS OP GIANT POWDEE. N. P. Snowden, of the firm of Lowenberg, it became evident that some fairly good talent Harris & Co., Victoria, is in the city. in their lines can be found among the boys of _>ich Hughes, of Kaslo, Tries to Blow Himself and D. B. Bogle is down from Lardo, and reports Kaslo. Family into Eternity. The brass band was on its bes t behaviour the hills roundabout alive with prospectors. and nearly all day the members quite gracious­ A man named Dick Hughes is now lying in a S. D. Schultz, B. A., barrister-at-law, has ly consented to play the same selections at the dying condion at the Nelson- jail. He was ariived in Nelson, and will practice his profes­ same time. Towards night, however, the heat brought down from Kaslo suffering from the sion here. of the of the day proved too much for them and result of injuries received from an explosion of . Thos. Garvey was dowm from the Lardo river some of them sought relief from overstrained this week, and reported several promising new nerves by branching out into individual selec­ Giant powder, by means of which he had claims having been located recently. tion. Small fragments of Giant powder were planned to destroy himself and family. G. V. Hastings, manager of the Lake of the - let off from time to time, and while this seemed So far as can be learned from those who to relieve the feelings of those who felt unable Woods Milling Company, Keewatin, and Alex. to do justice to the occasion by personal yells, something of the history of the man, and the McQueen, their B.C. representative, were in still at the same time they jarred on the sensi­ contents of a letter discovered on his person Nelsen this week. tive nerves of others. Gilker & Wells have made a large extension , after his arrival fin Nelson the rash act was to their store. The increase of business in the The afternoen was taken up with boat races, caused through the influence of jealousy. ? horse races, and incidentally mentioning to It appears that for some reason Hughes be­ Postoffice department has made the enlarge­ visitors that "Kaslo has come to stay." I am came suspicious that all was not as it should be ment absolutely necessary. pained to be forced to state that more attention between himself and wife. Henry Croft, real estate and financial broker, was paid to .the horse races than to the oft- This idea so preyed upon his mind that he Victoria, is in Nelson making a general survey repeated sketches of future glory. resolved to destroy not only himself, but his of the Kootenay country. ; He will remain here The pleasure of the afternoon was marred by wife and infant child as well. As a result he- a fortnight or more. ' •- j a painful and well-nigh fatal accident which procured a stick of. giant powder, and on the Rev. Dr. Carmen, General Superintendent bf took place on the impromptu race course. night of the 23rd hist, arranged to carry his the Methodist Church of Canada, will preach Frank Hughes was riding up and down the plan into effect. A fuse was attached to the to-morrow morning in the Methodist church, track trying to keep back the crowd which was powder, which was concealed at the head of the and in the evening in the Presbyterian church. pressing within the lines. It appears that bed under the pillows. G. B: Wright, of Ainsworth, has returned while he was directing his attention elsewhere After Hughs and his wife had retired for the, from Tacoma, accompanied by Mrs. Wright. the starterssent ofr* a bunch of horses. These night the fuse was lighted and the man lay in Mr. Wright had been away for a month, and came down the course and before Hughes could momentary expectation of death. The " spit­ during his absence he awakened considerable get out of the way they charged into his animal. ting " of the fuse aroused his wife who got up interest in the Kootenay country among the A son of J. M. Burke, the banker, was riding to find the cause of the noise. She was far capitalists of the Puget Sound district. oue of the horses, and being thrown violently enough away to receive no injury when the ex­ sustained a broken collarbone and badly bruisea* plosion occurred. The child also escaped in The Claim Allowed. leg and ankle. Another rider who was thrown some way and seems to be suffering scarcely From advice received in Nelson lately there isr fortunately escaped with a bad shaking up and any ill €»ffects from the concussion. no longer any doubt as to the correctness of the a few bruises. One of the horses was found to Hughs was severely stunned and is suffering 7 telegrams from Premier Davie and Commis­ be so badly injured that it w as necessary to from concussion of the brain, which will in all sioner Gore stating that McGillivray's claim shoot it at once. probability prove fatal within the next few to the land of the New Denver townsite has The waters of the Upper country are becom­ days. been allowed. By this act the Premier must be ing more and more dangerous every day owing to the increased amount of drift coming in from " Price the Tailor " is a new sign appearing credited with an amount of firmness which on the Postoffice block, East Baker street. some were reluctant to give when the claim was the streams going up so rapidly. A man named first made. The majority of the people in this McKillop was drowned in the Lardo river sev­ J.
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