CRQB "URNS, BLOOD FLOWS AT PEEKSKILL . UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII - . By Hawaiian Student - Page Five /gjtiie Newspaper Hawaii Needs _ ._____________ ; ' ' . - ;-_ ;_____________ , r-- -JI__ • HONOLULU .RCCORD Vol' ll, No 7 SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS Thursday, Sept. 15, 1949 AN ANSWER FOR MR. DAN RIDLEY Fight Exposes Theft McGregor Makes $1 Poster Has No Grand Jury Gets K.C, WarfordCase Point Of Grammar Sanction From CC Evidence upon which an indict­ The Chamber of Commerce is ment for . perjury will eventually By Jail Sentence NOT selling posters proclaiming be, asked against K. C. Warford was - heard by the City-County By EDWARD ROHRBOUGH HERE LIE many AJA dead, who made the supreme sacrifice in World “Aloha to the Armed Forces," for grand jury Thursday. Prosecutor War IL. Their effort evidently failed to convince Dan Ridley that the $1 each, the RECORD learneu This story .begins with a fist­ Charles M. Hite said, however, that fight between two teen-age girls -Oriental ancestry of many citizens here should not be a bar to Hawaii’s from O. of C. secretary, John A. he did not intend to ask an indict­ .statehood. Hamilton. Nor has the Chamber of Kailua. It ends with the FBI authorized the use of its name in ment until Warford has had an pricking up its ears to the possi­ connection with juch_posters at opportunity to appear before the bility that tools stolen from the any other "price. " -gr and-j ury- personally .-At-present, — U. S. Navy -may be hidden in the Questions followed complaints the former employe of the C-C .vicinity of that fight. Between City County Application by shopkeepers in Honolulu that planning board is in Tripier Gen­ those- events come other incidents ' they were being “shaken down” eral Hospital because of a heart varying from a display of- cooking by the Chamber of Commerce.. condition. ware to a jail sentence handed A spokesman at the Better Busi- • “it’s the same chance I would out because of a definition, of the Form Eats Own Words nessBureau.saidthatasalesman give anybody,” said Mr. Hite. word "demonstration.” - --,1 By STAFF WRITER lleved to have caused rejection of for. such cards had registered, but 1rHe offered to. waive--immunity/ '"For Henry" HtrfKul? -fireman at While directing applicants to some applicants BECAUSE of traf­ that the man who. originated the to appear and I’ll keep my word the Central Fire Station, who has avoid reference to race, color, re­ fic violations. Only last week, it is posters, a Fred' Short, had ■ not. to him.” 1 been a' central figure in these ligion or political opinions in its said, an applicant, for a parks The BBB ’ said it had received Mr. Hite indicated, however, events, the story began on Aug. 28. •instructions, the City-County civil board labor-job lost his chance be­ several inquiries during the past that he would present much of That day there was . a ■ girls’ ball, service application form violates cause he had a number of traffic few weeks, one alleging that the the evidence in the O-O’s case ■ game at .the Kailua ball: park and its own directions on an inside court convictions on his record. name, of the Chamber of Com­ against Warford. Huihui’s daughter .Hazel,led cheers page by requiring a photograph of Other proposed changes would merce was used. Sought' Charge Before for one of the teams—the winning the applicant. This practice has do away with much of what some Salesman Blames Short The evidence, of perjury rises team in fact. But afterward, a been condemned by various Fair officials feel is unnecessary red The salesman, contacted by the from alleged falsifications by War­ neighbor’s girl by the name of Employment Practices Committees tape. It is believed that the civil RECORD, said he had never used ford in his application for a li­ Medeiros took exception to her on the Mainland as .- being part of service commission has not the C. of C. name, nor any other. cense as a civil engineer before enthusiasm and a fight followed. the machinery of racial dlscrimin- dropped the matter, but merely set Short had told him, the salesman the Territorial. Board of Engineers. Next day, near Huihui’s home at ation. it aside until a more propitious said, that the C. of C. had “neither Earlier, Hite ■ investigated the pos­ 425 Maluniu Ave., the two girls . This contradiction is one of sev­ time. approved or disapproved," the sibility of bringing charges against started fighting again . and their eral features of the application posters, probably because they Warford on a basis of the same families came out to watch, but form the City-County civil service might: seem to conflict with falsifications as made before the Hulhui said, “everyone seemed to commission considered changing Aloha Week, sponsored by the civil service commission. That plan (more on page 4) some time ago,when Robert Miller, Amfac Dumps Junior Chamber of Commerce. was dropped, the prosecutor said, local architect, was serving in a Mr. Short could not be contacted when he discovered that civil ser­ temporary capacity in the place Tourist Trade and the salesman said, “I don’t vice regulations make no provision of Mendel W. Borthwick, .at that know. where he lives and I don’t for such Information to be sub­ UPWMaySuelf time on the Mainland. American Factors, Ltd., has can­ know his phone. Whenever I asked stantiated by an oath. “Loyalty Oath” Contradiction celled its 100 anniversary celebra­ him, he didn't answer. He just Aubrey Price, recruiting exam- Still another contradiction is that tion which was scheduled for. the squirmed.” (more bn page 7) Pay Hike Refused •of the so-called "loyalty oath,” week of Oct. 10, according to an which requires much more than a official of the< company. The United Public Workers of mere reference to "political opin­ "The company has let down pri­ America will sue the County of ions” by requiring an affidavit that vate enterprise,” said’ a university Blacklisted, Kuruyuki Is Proud Kauai for the 10 cents hourly in­ the applicant is not a member of student who recalled that Ameri­ crease due per diem workers, If the Communist Party/ can Factors sponsored an oratori­ the county’s Personnel Classifica­ Still a third section.off the form cal contest at the University of Of Part In Early Kauai Unions tion Board continuously refuses to is so badly wooded as , |o. hav^ Hawaii last May as part of its cen­ grant- the. pay hike already ap­ -caused, misinterpretations which tennial, on the subject “What Pri­ By STEPHEN MUBIN proved by the Board of Supervisors. ■ caused applicants' to-be-wrongfully vate Enterprise Means to the .On Kauai, in the town of Lawal, In informing the Kauai Board rejected. That' is item 22, 'Which Youth of Hawaii.” of' Supervisors of: the -impending asks: “Have you ever , been con­ James Kuruyuki is pointed out by ■ This hits right at the tourist friends and spoken of admiringly: legal action,- Henry: Epstein, re­ victed for violation of any other industry for which big business is "There’s the man who organized gional director of the union, cited ’law other than minor traffic, vio­ giving a "strong pitch,” said a a similar case-on Hawaii where lations?” McBryde Sugar Plantation” or the county paid per' diem work­ This question, as worded, is be- businessman who did not want to "There’s the daddy of the trade be named. He added that this an­ union movement in Kauai.” ers $24,000 in- back pay", after nouncement is undermining, com­ This man, and some other pio­ the UPW presented the em­ ing at a time when the legislature neers in the labor history of Ha­ ployes’ case. FREEDOM OF SPEECH is considering to correct an error waii, are today victims of the The per diem workers on'Kauai When the bracket tax was de­ made during the regular session, “blacklist.” Economic untouch­ are entitled to back pay from July bated over the Republican Forum so that, the Hawaii Visitors Bu­ ables, they live frugally on small 1, 1949, the day the new wage of the Air, somebody connected reau would match government ap­ homesteads, doing jobs which in schedule went into effect, Epstein wijth the Big Five told the Re­ propriation dollar for dollar in­ many cases are a waste of time wrote in his letter. The schedule publican Club to lay off the sub­ stead of two dollars to one dollar. and labor. which the Kauai Board of Super­ ject. Big business here did not A spokesman for American Fac­ Kuruyuki is the father of three visors approved on-Aug. 17, 1949, want to have the question given tors said that the company had children, and a very modest man. incorporating a 10 cent hourly in­ a thorough going over because intended to bring 350 people - to He spoke quietly of his own back­ crease, is the minimum to which the consumers would get wise. its celebration. Of this number ground and work experience. Bom per diem workers are entitled un­ But, our informant sJayg, .the and raised on Kauai, he started der the law, according to UPW 75 per cent had planned to come MR. KURUYUKI GOP club had the program all by ship, he said, and he added, to work for McBryde plantation in attorneys. scheduled and went ahead with "they would not fly.” With ships 1925, and except for two years, plenty of discrimination on the job Epstein said he was writing.the it anyway, and some big shots tied up by the strike there was worked there until 1940.
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