INDEX “abnormality,” 8–12 race and, 187 Abrams, M. H., 45–46 Arendt, Hannah, 39–40 Action Comics #1, 108 Ariel. See Pryde, Kitty (Kate, adamantium, 105, 165 Shadowcat) African Americans, 64 Aristotle, 71, 74–78, 109 African characters, 2 Asian characters, 2 Age of Apocalypse, 167 Astonishing X-Men #25, 186 Ahab, 89 Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 79–80 “Allegory of the Cave” (Plato), autonomy, 33, 103, 104–105 109–110 Avengers, 68, 90, 91 “alterity,” 210 Avengers Annual #10, 94 Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Avengers Disassembled, 91 Clay, The (Chabon), 41–42 America, Captain, 22, 42 Bacon, Sir Francis, 70–74, 78, 79 Angel, 1 “bad faith,” 41, 93 cure and, 175–178 Banshee, 187 existentialism and, 44 Batman (character), 108 normality and, 8, 11 Batman (Kane, Finger), 41 phenomenology and, 202 Baudrillard, Jean, 91 Animalibus, De (Aristotle), 74 Beak Animal Man (Morrison), 120 personal identity and, 20 Anti-Semite and Jew (Sartre), 39 telepathy and, 155–156 anti-Semitism, 39–44 Beast (Hank McCoy), 1, 54, 71 Apocalypse COPYRIGHTEDcure MATERIAL and, 44, 178–179 cure and, 44 disability and, 181 genetics and, 53, 58, 60, 65 existentialism and, 96 personal identity and, 22 normality theme and, 8, 11, 13 phenomenology and, 204, 206 personal identity and, 20 race and, 187 race and, 186, 189 telepathy and, 161 telepathy and, 149, 168 Arclight Becker, Ernest, 205 cure and, 180 benefi cience, 177–178 241 bbindex.inddindex.indd 224141 11/31/09/31/09 44:25:24:25:24 PPMM 242 INDEX Bentham, Jeremy, 129, 144 Celestials, 186, 187 Big Bertha, 115–116 Cerebro, 126–127, 129, 213, bioconservative movement, 14 216, 219 bioethics, 54–55, 63–65 Chabon, Michael, 41–42 biological essence, 188 cheating, morality and, 30–31 biological race, 187–188 “Civil Disobedience and Nuclear biometrics, 58–60 Protest” (Dworkin), 149 Bishop, 167, 192 Claremont, Chris Black Queen, 87 existentialism and, 42 Blackwell Dictionary of Western race and, 190–191 Philosophy, The (Bunnin, Yu), 109 suicide and morality, 27, 34–35, 36 Black Womb project, 63, 64 Colossus Blake, William, 193 existentialism and, 42, 43 Blob, 73, 161 genetics and, 59 Bloodstorm, 92–93 normality and, 9 brain, 25. See also personal identity race and, 187 Brickman, Mallory, 93 comic book medium Brotherhood of Evil Mutants closure in, 112–114 existentialism and, 90, 94 as collaborative effort, 116–121 genetics and, 58 confl ict and, 61–63 morality and, 140–151 conformity, 6–8 mutants’ rights and, 103 consent, to experimentation, Bucky, 22 104–105 “Butterfl y Effect,” 67 consequentialism, 28–36, 105–106 Byrne, John, 27, 34–35, 36, 120 Cuckoos, 155–156, 167–168 cure, 170–171, 212 Cable (character) dilemmas of, 175–178 genetics and, 59 medical model and, 171–172, phenomenology and, 204 173–174 race and, 192 persecution and, 178–179 Cable & Deadpool (comic book social model and, 171–172, series, 2004–2008), 110 174–175 #30, 115 as weapon, 179–181 #36, 119 Cyclops (Scott Summers), 1, Caelo, De (Aristotle), 74 30–31, 34–35, 82 Callisto, 11 disability and, 173 Campbell, Dr. Roderick, 89 existentialism and, 43, 44, 86, 87, Camus, Albert, 45–48, 94–95 88, 96 Cannonball, 187 genetics and, 59, 60 Captain America #1, 42 normality and, 8 Carosella, Guido (Strong Guy), 73 phenomenology and, 204 Cassidy, Theresa (Siryn), 69, 73, 78 technology and, 225, 228 categorical imperative, 30 telepathy and, 161–163, 164–165 bbindex.inddindex.indd 224242 11/31/09/31/09 44:25:25:25:25 PPMM INDEX 243 Dante Alighieri, 74 mutant powers as, 173–174 Darkholme, Raven, 93 persecution of, 178–179 Dark Phoenix, 87 See also cure Dark Phoenix Sage, The Down syndrome example, 100, (Claremont, Byrne), 27, 170–171, 177, 181 34–35, 36 Drake, Bobby, 174, 177, 178. See Darwin, Charles, 55–57, also Iceman 125–127, 136 “dream work,” 224–226 David, Peter, 24, 69 duties, 158 Dawkins, Richard, 128 Dworkin, Ronald, 149 “Days of Future Past” (Uncanny X-Men #141/142), 19, 88, 95, Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), 40 187, 190–191 Einstein, Albert, 136–137 DC Comics, 119 Eisner, Will, 41, 42 Deadpool #36, 119 Esme, 167–168 Deadpool: Sins of the Past “essence,” 86–87 (miniseries), 110 Essex, Nathaniel (Mister Sinister), Deadpool: The Circle Chase 53–54, 58, 60, 63–65 (miniseries), 110 ethics Deadpool (character), 107–108 as illusion, 132–136 comic book exposition and, of mindwriting, 153–168 112–121 See also morality history of, 108–112 eugenics, 59–61, 180 Deadpool (comic book series, Eugor, 146 1997–2002), 110 evolution Deadpool (Kelley), 111, 114–115 Darwin on, 55–57, 125–127, 136 Deadpool (Priest), 117 Homo superior, 103–104 deafness example, 175 mutants and, 99 death, 203–205 Spencer on, 57–59 Death (character), 22 Xavier on, 183 Deathstrike, Lady, 2 See also genetics Decimation Day, 69, 70, 75–76, Excalibur, 88, 95 81–82 Excalibur Vol. 1 #52, 89 Dennett, Daniel, 126, 128–129, “existence precedes essence,” 86–87 130, 136 existentialism, 38–39 deontology Abrams on, 45–46 immorality and, 28, 30–31, 36 Holocaust comparison and, telepathy and, 162–165 39–44 Descartes, René, 156, 198, 229 Myth of Sisyphus (Camus) and, descriptive, prescriptive vs., 6 45–48 “dirty hands” excuses, 166–168 X-Women and, 85–97 (See also disability, 170–171 individual names of characters) disability activism and, 174–175 See also normality bbindex.inddindex.indd 224343 11/31/09/31/09 44:25:25:25:25 PPMM 244 INDEX experimentation mutants’ rights and, 99–106 rights vs. benefi cial conse- mutations as, 61–63, 227–229 quences, 105–106 Spencer on evolution, 57–59 torture and, 104–105 See also disability; race eyesight example, 175 Genosha, 44, 63, 190–191 Giant-Size X-Men #1, 17, 42, 92, 160 Fantastic Four, 154 Goldberg, Rube, 73–74 Fantastic Four Annual #23, 89 Great Lakes Avengers, 115 Fatale, 73 Green Lantern, 41 fear, power and, 211–212 Grege, Gottlob, 137 Feiffer, Jules, 41, 43 Grey, Jean, 44, 60, 86, 179, 228–229 female characters (X-Women) existentialism and, 87–88, 88, 89 existentialism and, 85–97 morality and, 27–36, 131–135, as leads in storylines, 2 142, 143 See also individual names of normality and, 8, 9 characters personal identity and, 20 Finger, Bill, 41 power of, 214, 217, 221–222, fl ying, 230–231 230–231 Forbidden Planet, 226 power of, as disabling, 173–174, Forge, 81–82 176, 177, 178 existentialism and, 93 telepathy and, 153–154, 156, race and, 187 161–163, 164–165, 168 “Formula of the End in Itself,” Grounding for the Metaphysics of 30–31 Morals (Kant), 31, 32 “Formula of Universal Law,” 30–31 happiness. See well-being Foucault, Michel, 9–10 Harris, Sam, 132 Freud, Sigmund, 44, 224 Hasen, Irwin, 41 Frost, Emma, 27, 86, 96, 161–163 Havok, 160 normality and, 9 Heidegger, Martin, 39, 197–198, telepathy and, 68–69, 153–154, 203 164, 167–168, 168 Hellfi re Club, 96 “hex-spheres,” 90–91 Galt, John (Rand character), 79 Hill, Thomas E., Jr., 33–34 Galton, Sir Francis, 59–61 Historia como sistema (Ortega y Gateway, 187 Gasset), 89 “Genejoke,” 191 Hobbes, Thomas, 128 genetics, 53–54, 65 Holocaust bioethics and, 54–55, 63–65 Magneto storyline and, 99, 180, Darwinism and, 55–57, 211, 231 125–127, 136 World War II, 39–44 eugenics and, 59–61 Holocaust (character), 44 bbindex.inddindex.indd 224444 11/31/09/31/09 44:25:25:25:25 PPMM INDEX 245 Homo superior, 18, 103–104, “knowledge is power” 183–193 genetics and, 55 House of M, 17, 23, 66, 68, 81, 91 as Layla Miller’s motto, 70–78 #2, 186 Krell, 226 #4, 67–68 House of Solomon, 72 Lake, Ronnie, 93 Howlett, James, 21. See also Larry, 62 Wolverine Last Stand, The (comic book), 11 Hudson, Heather, 22 Lee, Stan, 2, 38, 85–86 Hudson, James, 22 Legion, 167 Hulk, 17, 21, 192 Lehnsherr, Erik, 126. See also Hulk #180–182, 17, 21 Magneto Human Torch (Fantastic Four), Levinas, Emmanuel, 209, 214, 218 154 Liefeld, Rob, 110 Husserl, Edmund, 197 Locke, John, 19–21 Logan, 19, 21–22, 127, 136, 174. Iceman, 1, 94. See also Drake, See also Wolverine Bobby Lorenz, Edward, 7 identity. See personal identity Luthor, Lex, 44 Incredibles, The, 47 Inferno, The (Dante), 74 Macchiavelli, Niccolò, 165 Inhumans, 70 MacTaggert, Moira, 54, 59 “In Memoriam” (Tennyson), 56 Madrox, Jamie integrity, 149–150 Layla Miller and, 69, 71, 73, 80 personal identity and, 23–24 Janssen, Famke, 87 telepathy and, 164 Jason, 129, 212 Madrox (miniseries) (2005), 23 Jews Magneto, 1, 68 as comic book authors, 42, 47 cure and, 173, 180 Holocaust and, 39–44 existentialism and, 42–43, 44, Jubilee, 2, 187 86, 90 Juggernaut, 154, 202 genetics and, 58 justice, 149 morality and, 125–138, 141 mutants’ rights and, 99, 103, 105 Kane, Bob, 41 normality and, 13 Kant, Immanuel, 30–31, 32 power and, 211–212, 213–214, Kelley, Joe, 111, 113, 114–115, 215–217, 218–220 117, 119 technology and, 225, 227, 230–233 Kelly, Senator, 101, 133–134, 216 telepathy and, 155–156, 165 Kent, Clark. See Superman Marko, Kurt, 63 Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 43 Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Kirby, Jack, 41, 42, 85–86 (Blake), 193 bbindex.inddindex.indd 224545 11/31/09/31/09 44:25:26:25:26 PPMM 246 INDEX Marvel Comics, 40, 41, 119–120 modernism, 108–109 Marvel Comics Presents #72–84, 22 Mold, Master, 62 Marvel Comics Presents (Weapon Moore, G. E., 131 X stories), 17 morality See also comic book medium; of joining X-Men vs.
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