THE CONCORDIAN Vol. XXXV CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1944 Number 12 Hansen, Ex *42, Listed Among Anderson, Nordlie Head Debate Meet Spiritual Conference Missing Of Destroyer Leary Prof. Peter Anderson, head of the Placement Bureau, has been Lieut. A. B. (Billy) Hansen, an ex-Cobber, and son of named in charge of administration Will Open Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. Folmer Hansen, Fargo, has been reported of the Red River Valley forensics missing in action by the navy department. tournament to be held at Concor- Special guest speakers for the three-day Spiritual Em- Lieut. Hansen attended Con- dia February 4 and 5. phasis week beginning Sunday and extending through Wed- cordia college in 1938 and was a Prof. H. C. Nordlie, general nesday are Pastors Lester A. Pierson of Sioux Falls, S. D.; prominent freshman debater and supervisor and debate coach has Sigvald D. Fauske of Hatton, N. D.; and Miss Viola Trygstad scholar. He was among the top announced the debate topicu "Re- of the Luther League office in 10 of his class and a member of solved: That the United States Minneapolis. the golf and tennis teams. should cooperate in establishing and maintaining an international Rev. Pierson is district president At the conclusion of his fresh- police force upon the defeat of the of the Norwegian Lutheran church man year he received an appoint- Axis." and is a graduate of St. Olaf col- ment to the U. S. Naval Academy Coaching the extemporaneous lege. For a number of years, he at Annapolis. He graduated an division will be Mrs. Norma Good- served as student pastor at Iowa ensign in June, 1942, and since en Ostby, head of the speech de- State college, and later he was that time had been a gunnery of- partment, and Rebecca Johnson, pastor at Madison, S. D. ficer aboard the destroyer Leary. senior, will be in charge of ora- Also a graduate of St. Olaf, Rev On his return to port, Lieut. tory. Fauske has been pastor at Van Hansen was to have been married Notices of the event have been Hook and at Sanish, N. D., and Is to Miss Ruth Benner Hall of 6ent to the usual number of now serving at Hatton, N. 0. HJs Washington. The Leary while re- schools and a good attendance is father was a missionary in China, turning to this country was sunk anticipated. and thus Rev. Fauske was brought Christmas Eve by an enemy tor- up on the foreign mission field. pedo. Miss Trygstad has been active Two brothers of Hansen's are in League and Bible camp work in the service; Marine Lieut. Don- HANSEN Second Lyceum for several years. ald, ex '44, and Folmer jr., a navy Opening the religious emphasis enlisted man. week is the Mission Crusaders Seal Campaign To Be Opera meeting Sunday with Miss Tryg- 'The Bat" (Die Fledermaus), Scholarship Fund Total Announced Johann Strauss' melodious and Final total of the Christmas seal tamusing comic opera, will be pre- PBERSON Established For sale conducted previous to vaca- sented by the Philadelphia Opera tion reached $55.90. This year's 'Company Thursday, January 20 Social Service Study campaign surpassed the 1942 total in the Moorhead armory. Upperclassmen Plan by $22.14; last year's sales This is the second in a series Notice has been received from amounting to $33.76. Sponsored of amphion artists courses, which Party For Freshmen the Board of Charities of the through the Minnesota Public are sponsored by Concordia and American Lutheran church of a Health Association, the campaign Moorhead State Teachers College. Concordia's war bond party, is an annual event. Presented by S. Hurok, The sponsored by the upper classmen scholarship fund to be presented Philadelphia Opera Company is for the freshmen, will be held to Lutheran students. Below are Campus literary societies bought under the leadership of Sylvan Friday, January 21, at the college excerpts from a letter written to two dollars worth each, except the 'Levin, who was assistant to Dr. gymnasium. the college: Athenian society which purchased JLeopold Stokowski for ten years. The losing team, upper class- "The Board of Charities of the $1.20, and the Alpha Zeta Phi The company of 70 with Sym- men, staged during the days pre- American Lutheran Church has group which bought a total of $5. phony orchestra is touring the ceding the Christmas vacation an •set up a scholarship fund for Freshman class members are (United States and Canada in this accelerated drive in an effort to graduate work in the field of So- credited with buying ninety cents their fifth year and sixth season. top the $1167.85 in bonds sold by cial work. This project, made worth of seals, and the balance of Stage director Robert Ross is the freshmen the preceding week, possible by an initial gift from the the total was purchased by fac- an exponent of modern staging but were unsuccessful in their at- Women's Missionary Federation ulty, administration and campus and the production will be mount- tempt by a mere $37.75, as they of the American Lutheran church, workers. ed against a unique background. massed a total of $1,132.10. is a most forward step in the re- cruiting and training of workers. A limited number of scholar- Soldiers To Songsters ships is available up to $800.00 FAUSKE each, conditioned by the student's stad conducting the program. Pas- financial need. The Board of tor Pierson will deliver the special Charities has set* liberal conditions Black-booted Chorus Lauded By Royalty address at Trinity Lutheran for the granting of these scholar- church at the 11:15 morning serv- ships. They are limited to Luther- By MIRIAM AAS ice and Rev. Fauske will be the an students with acceptable schol- From the region of the Donets by King George V and Queen schedule of eight hours each day. guest speaker at the Luther arship standards who are prepared Basin in southern Russia above Mary. Special decorations were Wassily Flustikoff, the press jLeague meeting at 6 p.m. Com- to enter accredited schools of so- the Black Sea to the heart of awarded to them by King Alex- representative, seemed typical of munion services will be held at 8 cial work on the graduate level. America has come a band of ander of Yugoslavia and Queen the members of the Don Cossack o'clock at Trinity Lutheran The scholarship may be for full swarthy-faced lovers of song—the Mary of Rumania. Her grandson, chorus. Amiable, gracious, easy church. time or part time work, covering Cossacks of the Don. But be- now the young King Peter of to talk to, speaking English with Chapel exercises will be con- a plan of study acceptable to the tween their humble beginning and Yugoslavia, was but three years a Russian accent and sometimes ducted alternately by the three Board. Grants are made for a their peak of fame lies a great old when he stood behind Serge lapsing into his native language, guests, and they will hold devo- period not to exceed one year at story. Jaroff in his grandmother's castle he was also filled with a deep love tions in all of the dormitories each a time. An applicant must agree imitating the director. for music and an expressive un- evening. to accept employment for two It is the story of a regiment of Since 1930 the Cossack chorus derstanding of it. The meeting scheduled for Mon- years In a social agency approved soldiers who fought during the has made its home in America Backstage during the intermis- day evening has been moved up "by the Board of Charities. Russian Revolution in Crimea with headquarters in New York sion period the entire chorus was to 6:80 to permit students to at- Application may be made to the with General Wrangel's White City. All but five of the group anxious to please and to know how tend the Concordia-North Dakota Rev. Henry J. Whiting, 3005 West lArmy. It is the story of Serge have become citizens of the United they were liked. For the most state basketball game at 8:00. Kilbourn Avenue, Milwaukee 8, ffaroff, the diminutive machine- States, and four of the 31 are now part they had ordinary faces with Special notice should be taken of Wisconsin, who is chairman of the gun-corps lieutenant and would- serving in our armed forces. 'big smiles, and they seemed as the change in the hour.. Rev. Pier- Scholarship committee." be choir director, who was im- It Is easy to understand the American as your next-door neigh- son will take charge of the eve- bued with such a power of music fame they have won after having: bor except for their accents. They ning meeting. that he moulded together those once heard these black-booted like "cokes" as we do and have Tuesday's meeting, set for 7 singers from a Cossack regiment songsters in their Cossack na- become used to American food p.m., will be under the supervision Dyrstad, Sol urn into a chorus now of world-wide tional dress. They are warm and such as ice cream, though in the of Rev. Fauske, and Rev. Pierson renown. / alive, for they grew up from child- large cities they invariably turn will lead the concluding meeting Obtain Positions Working at odd jobs by day and hood singing in their churches and to the Russian restaurants for on Wednesday night. rigidly rehearsing at night, the Further positions accepted by schools.
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