Non-Profit Org. NEWS U.S. Postage PAID Bronx, NY . nm Permit #7608 FordkomUmversUy • Bronx,New York BRIEFS Serving Campus and Community Since 1918 PhUipine' Amencan ciub Martyrs' may have hosts speaker guards for 1995 - 96 Two speakers from the n> loJin Callagher MailMsToilii. GABRIEJLA network, a Pliil- Last rchuan-. Cavanagh tppine-L\S. Women's solidar• \>.aiUfd MdUus" Oniti j»'M- ity otgaaization, addressed 1 heirisnoiv spi'i Illationilur deru etostopiiK'jn.uik'i, tvhii.li Fordtom students Tuesday iti fheic iii.lv 111' veim.iiieiK eiii- ini lulledselltna«'fl HieafaTtns.J an event spoasored by tlie; pli.Vll 11.111 l.t .seiinilv •lu.iidsai ) .11 .bh'iii \\\\u.h has Ivfji pifvA- l'lidif)i)ine-.\nifri( jzi( Inli M.iii-Ms'Ciiim pi..«ililvb\Tie\r |f-rii j!iju I', iheheciinninjj i>f rJie III lioii and MMI. As.alesulnittliepiil'linji loscjihitK i.si.il.inndisiUSM-d U.'IMIIse ul ,1 M'lli's ol '\' of liie.iLiini.s.alL\laiivis'CouiT tlieii ellorts fn "'nd si'\ • false fil" .d.iMiis, Miiheh- tesid<'lH,s V '•ie*-ai h f iliedSf(''l. {i(kif.g. sm ll ,v jiioslimtioii. t;.iv.ina,(;h. Dnedoi <ii Rrsi- C.i\;injgh noi onU \f- (on- dn- ni:iil mdci liiide sx^rc'iii. d.'iiiial l.itc.li.is,ippmpruted n'tiit'd abum (he Ate aiatms, (li)m('stii \iolenic .md de- ihi iiscnl reiitpDi-.irv sei urii\ bin also \viih (.ilni issm-s i\m mciminn tin'diapnifi.naKul Photo oourtssy CSA Muardsf..! .dl .seven lion.se.sof — Sec Goards. P.nctc (5 —: Wimenui the riiilippiiU"..lllli Members of the CSA General Assembly, pictured during a trip to a iiidi.'riiiiedSt.n.-N Knicks game in Philadelphia that the group sponsored: (from left to right) Claudia Toni, Rob Medrano, Asberto Alvero, Raquel Granda and Vincent LaVccchia, the new president ofthe Executive Board. English prizes awarded CSA leaders want The Kngliih DeparrnK-nt hasannouiufdtiwfoUovviiin wtiinr*!! of f lu.s \ <M»'S English ManonMolpa, FCRH'!).•.. wfHidioMarj^ar f (G. Al najMni i awiml; J.jnf>H.innr>n,H;RM needs addressed '95, Wtftgivt-n I wdi tiw Beniirc Kitrinft White :ind John J. VVhi«>l'ti7e IOI GeijfKil \.\- New Executive Board seeks understanding (client e in the Smdv of Eu- •fJisli Lilfratutc and die f;h.nlfw }. r)f>ii.-ihnt- Pii/e: r.nlhfrinfCn.m.R:Rir>"--.. withBy Jan'et residentst Murphy Knicks/Ranger ands game s anadministratived Stu• cendy met with Rev. Joseph P. mor eattention thanjust a listing of activi• was another redpient of the dent-Faculty socials as achieve• McShsme, S.J., Dean of Fordham ties. It will consist of columns Issues of commuter access and WhiteAward, ments this year. College, to express their prob• and reports on dubs and organi• administration policy were top zations." Tbesestudents will he hon• "We made a lot of progress," lems with the new schedule. concerns of the five General As• LaVecchia also wants more Explaining why he ran for ored at Encaemia. said Theresa Venticinique, sembly members elected to the FCRH '96, who lost the presi• College of Business Administra• office this year, Martinez said, "I Commudng Students Assodation dential spot to La Vecchia and tion (CBA) classes moved out of felt that a large part of commut• (CSA) Execudve Board on Thurs• had previously served as Secre• Faculty Memorial ers weren't Success at day, April 6. tary for two years and as an Hall so that com• "Commuters' needs being heard. The 28-member Board chose Assembly member. "CSA as it muters, a large aren't being met [by My major Yale for Vincent La Vecchia, FCRH '96, stands now is more visible than number of whom idea is to the administration]. as President of CSA, which rep• United Student Government are in CBA, can use bring people Debate Team resents more than 1,200 commut• (USG) or the Residence Halls the rest of the cam- together, Iii.ivi.siti-i V.iie I niviisifv ers who attend Fordham, or Assodation (RHA)." pus. Anthony Martinez, such as resi• m ^(•^^ n.i\eri, fmin.. on roughly 38 percent of the Rose However, the newly elected "Everything is FCRH'96, dents and .\prd S .md '!. ili.- 1 nnlluiiii Hill student body. Others elected Executive Board members geared towards Vice-President-elect commuten." l)il..iif ,S(). i.-t\ pl.i/ed mil were Anthony Martinez, FCRH stressed student apathy, a lack residents," Martinez ii-afiisindictieldol I |MtiMni.v '96, as Vice-President; Mike of understanding between com• Cipriano said, adding diat the also said that a member of RHA Till- iiMm i<l (.hii^ Consani, CBA '96, as Treasurer; muters and residents and the administration should makean shouldattendCSAmeetings, and Diinrutran. ICRH 'n. .md Johnna Sarlo, inability of effoit to schedule more activi• vice-versa. (•.liiii (".in.laii, Ft.KH '>'<, FCRH '97, as "CSA as it stands now commuters to ties at times convenient for com• "We're hoping to do a lot plated iiinlh ai ihe deh.ite. Secretary; and is more visible than involve them• muters. Cipriano also said that more with RHA this year," Sarlo Ruheit Missonis. FCRll'M.^,. Maria Luisa she wants to re vise the policy for USG or RHA." selves with said. .•ind liison \V cirig.iuner, C i p ri a n o , campus activi• commuters stayingovemightin Funding is evidently not a ICRIf'jr.. pU.-d iVdi. FCRH '97, as ties as major residence halls to better inte• Theresa Venticinque, problem for CSA, according to Tliose u\ o teams and i'nn Program Coor• problems for grate them with resident sm• Consani, who said that the orga• odiiT .Smielj nii-mbet.s, ili- dinator. All of FCRH'96, theirconstitu- dents. nization has "a pretty substantial tlndiii'.' \ndit-A 1 mii hf-tte, the officer-elects Former Secretary ents. "To stay with [resident] budget" tCRM -'.iK jidi.nM rmflv, had previously _______ "Commut• friends you haveto gi ve 24 houre CSA is given a set dollar fig• H;RII ''.Ih, .\n.hcv^ Dean. served as General Assembly mem• ers don'tget involved," Martinez notice," Cipriano said. ure for every coimnuting stu• bers for two years, except for KCRTl 'W, and l..Mm C.an. said. "Commuters' needs aren't dent who enrolls. Cipriano, who is returning for a FCRI I''Id. will rtttend dieiij- The block schedule forces being met," Martinez said. "My job is to make sure we second term as program coordi• duJMlionipeiiiinn.tnheheld many of them to schedule all Sarlo, as Secretar)', will be don'tgooverboard [with spend• nator at Johns Hopkins 1 iii\eisitv theirclasses within two or three responsible for publishing and ing]," said Consani. in M;(i\l,iudrliis^\eek.-nd. La Vecchia and the Executiye days of the week to allow for distributing the monthly CSA Any kind of success in publi• Board cited the nevvly refurbished work, which makes studpng newsletter. cizing CSA activities has come Commuung Students' Lounge, difficult. "We'll try to get it out on See Election, Page 5 • Sec Briefs. I'.ij^e h the distribution of tickets for CSA's Executive Board re- dme," Sarlo said, "and make it RAM Magazine The perils of sleeping, Page 11 Restructuring Whether you're snoring or counting sheep, changing face of these stories can help ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Political Science FET strikes again, Page 15 By Catherine Sabatos the nature of polides in practice. ture of courses. FET's Political Science tries to give a "Obviously, we have been So• breadth of understanding in cialized to do things a certain monologues \\'ith over 200 majors, Politi• explaining what's going on in way which may differ. However, cal Science is one o.f tiie most the polidcal world and how it it is not a major concern," said educate and popular majors on the Rose Hill impacts on all other facets of Baumgarth. campus. However, as restruc• human enileavoi." Some of the more major con• entertain turing progresses and the de- Polidcal Science majors site cerns arise from the need to vote paithientisaboutto become com• this diversity as one of the ben• for a new chair for integration bined with a segment of Lincoln efits to the major. when the two faculties don't re• Center's Social Science depart• "I'm planning on going into ally know each other. SPORTS ment, Polidcal Science, as well as International Relations, and not "The administration has rep• most other every class resented the view diat whoever Softball and baseball stats, Page 19 depart- that I take is we are electing is only for a mentsinthe geared to• year," said Berg. Lisa Buckley and University, news ward that However, many of the faculty may look field," said don't really feel prepared to vote Kathy Andrade very differ• A m y yet ent a year Cunningham, "I know more about my col• power Softball's from now. FCRH '96. leagues at Lincoln Center now On Fri• "However, I than I did a year ago, so we have offense day, all the Political Science feel that lam improved substantially in that depart- a much more sense," said Berg. "However, we ments from Department informed don't really know much about Rose Hill and socially the way dieirdepartmentis orga• CAB CALENDAR and Lincoln Center are voung aware person because of my Po• nized." for interim chairs who will guide litical Science courses." Another faculty member, wor• Thursday, April 20 the combination of the depart• Germaine Febles, FCRH '96, ried about vv-hat Issues could • QNEVENTS:' S/eEp/fss l\ SEATTIE- KfAilNq 1ST - 8 & lOJO p.vi.
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