v't-S •a, >. Cheek Your Printing Supplies. 1? Some Persons Advertise Only When Ton Need' Anything The Times Business Is Good. The Wise Stands Ready To Givt Yon Service . Person Advertises AH the Time E 8TABI.IHHED IK 1855 AB SHE OCEAN OEOYE RECORB V o l . L V I I — N o . 4 1 OCEAN GROVE. NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1932. F o u r C e n t s RUTH M. JOHNSON ENGAGED OPPOSE HOBART ACT REPEAL PLAN FISHERMAN’ S PARADISE Will Marry Philander H. Betts, of Drys To Launch Campaign in New • CAMP MEETINGS; THEIR ORIGIN Belmar, In The Spring. Jersey on Monday, Octobcr 10. j BY SINKING OLD HULKS HERE Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Johnson, 36 The dry.forces of New Jersey, Alili-. AND PROGRESS IN THIS COUNTRY Benson avenue, announced the en- Saloon League, Women's Committee I gagement of their daughter, Ruth M. for Law Enforcement, W. C, T, 0„ ' Johnson, to Philander II. Betts, son and such other local groups.as there are in the State have united in a call CAPT. JOHNSON, LOCAL SEA DOG, ENDORSES of Col. and Mrs. Philander Betts; of for a great State-wide Convention or SOME HAVE COME AND SOME HAVE GONE Belmar, at a party on Friday evening Rally to be held in the First M. E. at the home of the bride-to-be. The Church of Trenton, on Monday, Octo­ SCHEME OF STATE FISH AND GAME COM- favors were silver picture frames, the b er 10th, BUT, ABOVE ALL, OCEAN GROVE STILL front side of which served as place . There will be two sessions,, one at MISSION— WHY AND WHERE FISH BITE eal'ds and the rear announced the en­ 2.30 in the afternoon, at which there STANDS PEERLESS AND POTENTIAL gagement. It is expected that the will be addresses made by representa­ Wedding will take place, in the. spring. tives from the various counties'oi the State, and a program presented for Miss Johnson is a graduate of Nep­ By BILL T H O M SO N “Fish flock to old wrecks the same no meanee ,to navigation. At each every- local community to carry on a tune, and attended Beaver College. campaign to prevent the wets of New .as birds use a cage," said Captain such point a new paradise for salt She is a member of the Ocean Grove PART Ii Fred Johnson, of 137 Franklin ave­ water anglers, .will be created. Jersey from repealing the State Pro­ Tennis Club and the Junior Woman’s hibition Enforcement Act, known as While it was about one hundred nnd side resort. Among the various New nue, %vhem he heard of the plan of the The possibility of thus improving Club. The groom-to-be graduated the Hobart Law. thirty-three years ago that the McGee Jersey seaside summer resorts, Ocean State Fish and'Game Commission to New Jersey’s coastal iishing, the from Rutgers and is on the staff of commissioner says, has been- studied The Hon, George S. Hobart, former brothers held their first camp meet- Grove stands out prominently. Those use abandoned vessels as an aid to technicians of she Bell Telephone speaker of the House, and author of ing at Muddy River, Kentucky, these who cime once almost invariably coastal fishing. "If they would dean for several years by the fish and Laboratories in New York City. our prohibition enforcement law in men brought the idea and method want to come again, and we do not out the. 'bone yard’ in the -Raritan game board, but heretofore old boats Tho guests were Mrs. Girard Mar­ New Jersey, will be present at both from their home in Tennessee. As wonder that such should be the case, river,” said the captain of the Her- have'not been available. A recent shall, Miss Betty Wiekes, Miss Anna recommendation by Chief Engineer sessions to advise and counsel with the years passed, of the number of . when we consider the religious en- cules, “aiid sink these hulks close to Lora Holmes, Betty Borden, Lily Pier- those gathered, to the end that the communities founded, for the purpose, vironmcm, the clean- management and' . shore in about fifty or sixty feet of Victor Gelineau, of the State Board sionka, Emily Sla.vbach, Katherine of Commerce and Navigation, for greatest and most effective camps i-, our own Ocean Grove seems to be the : the numerous attractions of the place, water along our coast, we would have Strassburger and Miss Violet Pro­ that the drys have ever undertaken only place which has Survived through • ■ Wu have one of the best bathing the greatest Ashing grounds in the cleaning the harbors of the' menace beck, of Beaver College. of ihe old hulks, now opens the way may be launched, recent years, and while il has been ■ beaches along the Jersey coast, an world. Next to dredging out the. Bar thought by some observant visitors ; unobstructed boardwalk,, good streets, negat channel itself, the best thing ' to • furnish the wrecks for tho pro- that this place has been drifting from ; excellent hotels and boarding houses, the State could do for the deep-sea . posed fishing grounds and _ at the COMMISSION BATTLE its original mooringsSings and taking , on ' restaurants and cafeterias unsur- fishing industry would be. to sink |same time economically solve the CAFETER7A OWNER a broader spirit of enterprise at the | passed, with moderate living, those old ships. Sea bass and porgies problem of the disposal of the useless boats for the navigation department. expense of spirituality and social pared with most other resorts. The especially gather around tne wrecks.” best of , society, representing all sec­ The navigation engineers are con­ ON AGAIN TODAY! REMOVED B\ DEATH management, this is not the fact. ‘‘One of the .best spots where I The Association is determined to tions of the country, with the ex­ often take parties on the Hercules,” sidering a plan for towing these old ships to a central junk yard,'but ad­ maintain its conservative character, ception of the fashionable vices continued Captain Johnson, “is about which, characterize too many places mit that the eost of breaking them CLERK KNOX WILL AGAIN BE EMMONS’ PASSING MOURNED its original 'policies and to remain two miles north of Barnegat; Go out of summer resort;, and, in addition, dp could ?iot be met by salvage re­ steadfast to ihe trust placed upon .the inlet and turn left. It is two ON THE STAND its religious privileges far exceed turns, The proposal for sinking the I BY FRIENDS HERE them by the original founders. miles north and a half mile off the those which ordinarily fall to the lot hulk • at sea and scattering the Vacancies by death and resignation 3and where an old.wreck has lain for of men anywhere, else. In fact, it is wreckage over the ocean floor by ex­ have-been filled year after year, until many years. 0 Long Branch is the Recital of 1,200 Disqualified Names Opened The Sunshine City Cafeteria preeminently a religious place. Reli­ plosives will be far less costly. Fur­ the corporation now existing con­ site of another old wreck where the gious development in connection with thermore, foi year, to come, it will With Reasons Becomes a Monoton-' Here in 1922. Established Emmons tains. rt conspicuous array of men fishing is good, Boats out of the quite prominent in the ecclesiastical, i innocent and rational recreation was Sheepshead Bay sre coming down repay the State with an increase of nus Procedure. Charges of Deceit: in l!)27i Also Kan The Sunset fish, both for sport and for commer­ political and business world. Every; the primary object of its founders as here with parties, because our fishing new member of the Association elect- j well as its subsequent management, has been better than usual this year.” cial enterprise. This wreckage will And Fraud Before Commissioner, j Cafeteria in Clearwater, Fla. attract and hold great schools of erli- ed in recent years is under solemn i .1 his place has constantly increased According to Fish and Game Com­ Death removed one nt the cafeteria obligations to maintain the original ; hi fame as a popular summer resort ble fish to our coast during all the Hearings will be resumed this I missioner Harry N, Armstrong, of afternoon on the validity of the peti- pioneers from this community on charter in its high religious tone and and a religious institution. ■ Jersey City, if the plan goes through, fishing months and should make Now Jersey the most popular Mecca in the tion calling for an election on com- Tuesday, October -1, whan word was emphatic restrictions against the in­ It is still Ocean Grove as a “thing the old ships now abandoned in our received here of the passing n'vay in world for sea anglers, increase the mission form of government for roads of ordinary seaside pleasures of .beauty” and will probably be a rivers and becoming a serious liabil­ Neptune township, before Supreme St. Petersburg, Fla., ol’ W. ' F. Em­ and amusements. Founding Ocean ‘■jov fo rev er,” b u t th e O cean Grove ity to the State, will-be scuttled along income of our local fishing fleets and mons, proprietor of the Emmons benefit every seashore resort. Court Commissioner Benjamin B.' G rove o h a cash capital of $500, in of the past is gone. _The principles the coast in such a manner as to,offer Smith. The hearing will be held in cafeteria. Pilgrim Pathway. The its past sixty-three years there has upon which it was formed remain in­ the -U, S, District Court room, Elec­ cause was heart failure, -as told in.' a been an immense amount of toil and tact.
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