Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi OSPREYS FINCHES Osprey Ca Ca Ac Brambling I Ca Ca EAGLES and HAWKS Hawfinch I Ca Northern Harrier I I I Common Rosefinch Ca Eurasian Sparrowhawk Ac (Ac) Pine Grosbeak Ca Bald Eagle* C C C C Asian Rosy-Finch Ac Rough-legged Hawk Ac Ca Ca Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch* C C C C OWLS (griseonucha) Snowy Owl I Ca I I Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (littoralis) Ac Short-eared Owl* R R R U Oriental Greenfinch Ca FALCONS Common Redpoll I Ca I I Eurasian Kestrel Ac Ac Hoary Redpoll Ca Ac Ca Ca Merlin Ca I Red Crossbill Ac Gyrfalcon* R R R R White-winged Crossbill Ac Peregrine Falcon* (pealei) U U C U Pine Siskin I Ac I SHRIKES LONGSPURS and SNOW BUNTINGS Northern Shrike Ca Ca Ca Lapland Longspur* Ac-C C C-Ac Ac CROWS and JAYS Snow Bunting* C C C C Common Raven* C C C C McKay's Bunting Ca Ac LARKS EMBERIZIDS Sky Lark Ca Ac Rustic Bunting Ca Ca SWALLOWS American Tree Sparrow Ac Tree Swallow Ca Ca Ac Savannah Sparrow Ca Ca Ca Bank Swallow Ac Ca Ca Song Sparrow* C C C C Cliff Swallow Ca Golden-crowned Sparrow Ac Ac Barn Swallow Ca Dark-eyed Junco Ac WRENS BLACKBIRDS Pacific Wren* C C C U Rusty Blackbird Ac LEAF WARBLERS WOOD-WARBLERS Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Wood Warbler Ac Yellow Warbler Ac Dusky Warbler Ac Blackpoll Warbler Ac DUCKS, GEESE and SWANS Kamchatka Leaf Warbler Ac Yellow-rumped Warbler Ac Emperor Goose C-I Ca I-C C OLD WORLD FLYCATCHERS "HYPOTHETICAL" species needing more documentation Snow Goose Ac Ac Gray-streaked Flycatcher Ca American Golden-plover (Ac) Greater White-fronted Goose I Ca Ac Taiga Bean Goose Siberian Rubythroat Ac Bluethroat (Ac) I Taiga Flycatcher Ac Tundra Bean Goose Northern Wheatear Ca Ac Ca Brant Ca Ac Ca Ca THRUSHES Cackling Goose C Ca R Ac Hermit Thrush Ac Tundra Swan (columbianus) Ca Ac Ac Number of confirmed species: 211 and counting… Eyebrowed Thrush Ca Ca Ac Tundra Swan (bewickii) Ac Ca Dusky Thrush (Ac) Ca Whooper Swan U-Ca I R Check out Gibson and Byrd (2007): Birds of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska American Robin Ac Baikal Teal Ac WAXWINGS Garganey Ca Ca Ac Please send your observations to: Bohemian Waxwing Ac Ca Blue-winged Teal Ac WAGTAILS and PIPITS Northern Shoveler* R R R R Eastern Yellow Wagtail Ca Ac Ca Aleutian Islands Unit Biologist Gadwall I Ca I I Gray Wagtail Ac Ac Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Falcated Duck Ca Ca Ac Ac 95 Sterling Hwy, Suite 1; Homer, AK 99603 White Wagtail (lugens ) Ca Ca Ca Eurasian Wigeon U I U C Ph: 907/235-6546 Olive-backed Pipit Ca Ca American Wigeon I Ca Ca Ca [email protected] Red-throated Pipit Ac Eastern Spot-billed Duck Ca Ca Ac Ca Mallard* C C C C American Pipit Ca Ca I Ca July 2018 Northern Pintail* C U C C Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi DUCKS, GEESE and SWANS, continued… SANDPIPERS, PHALAROPES and ALLIES AUKS, MURRES and PUFFINS, continued… Bristle-thighed Curlew I Ac Marbled Murrelet* C U U R Green-winged Teal (carolinensis) I Ca Ac Ac Whimbrel Ca Ca Ca Kittlitz's Murrelet* C U R R Green- winged Teal* (crecca) C C C C Ancient Murrelet C C R R Canvasback Ca Ac Ca I Far Eastern Curlew Ca Ca Cassin's Auklet Ca Ca Ca Redhead Ac Bar-tailed Godwit U I I Parakeet Auklet Ca Ac Ac Ca Common Pochard Ca Ca Ac Ca Black-tailed Godwit Ca Ruddy Turnstone Ca-R U U-Ca Least Auklet Ca Ca Ca Ca Ring-necked Duck Ca Ac Whiskered Auklet* Ca Ca Ca Ca Black Turnstone Ac Ac Tufted Duck U I R U Crested Auklet Ca Ca Ca Ca Great Knot Ac Greater Scaup* C U C C Horned Puffin* I-C C C-I I Red Knot Ca Ca Ca Ca Lesser Scaup Ca Ac Ac Ac Tufted Puffin* I-C C C-I I Ruff Ca Ca Ca Steller's Eider I Ac Ca I GULLS and TERNS King Eider Ca Ca Ca Ca Broad-billed Sandpiper Ac Black-legged Kittiwake R R C Ca Common Eider* U C U U Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Ac R Red-legged Kittiwake Ca Harlequin Duck C U C C Temminck's Stint Ca Ac Ca Sabine's Gull Ac Ac Surf Scoter I Ac Ca I Long-toed Stint Ca Ac Ac Bonaparte's Gull Ac White-winged Scoter U I U U Red-necked Stint I Ca I Black-headed Gull R I Ca Black Scoter C I U C Sanderling U R R U Black-tailed Gull Ac Dunlin I Ca I Ca Mew Gull (brachyrhynchus) Long-tailed Duck U I U C I Ca Ca I Bufflehead C I U C Rock Sandpiper* C C C C Mew Gull (kamtschatschensis) Common Goldeneye C R U C Baird's Sandpiper Ac Ca Ca Herring (Vega) Gull (vegae) I Ca Ca I Barrow's Goldeneye I Ac Ca Little Stint Ac Ca I Iceland Gull Ac Ca R Smew I Ca Ca I Least Sandpiper Ca Ac Slaty-backed Gull Ca Ac Ca Ca Hooded Merganser Ca Ac Ca Buff-breasted Sandpiper Ca Ca Glaucous-winged Gull* C C C C Pectoral Sandpiper Ca Ac R Common Merganser (americanus) Glaucous Gull R Ca Ac R I I I I Semipalmated Sandpiper Ac Aleutian Tern* Ac-C C Ca Goosander (merganser) White-winged Tern Ac Red-breasted Merganser* C C C C Western Sandpiper Ca I I Ac Common Tern Ac (Ac) GROUSE Long-billed Dowitcher U Arctic Tern* Ac-C C U-Ac Rock Ptarmigan* C C C C Common Snipe I Ca Ca LOONS GREBES Wilson's Snipe I Ca Terek Sandpiper Ca Red-throated Loon I I Ca Ca Horned Grebe U Ca U U Arctic Loon I Ca Ac Common Sandpiper Ca Ca Red-necked Grebe U Ca U U Pacific Loon U Ca R I Gray-tailed Tattler Ca Ca Ca Western Grebe Ac Common Loon* C C R R Wandering Tattler R R R CUCKOOS Yellow-billed Loon Ca Ca Ca Ca Lesser Yellowlegs Ac Ca Common Cuckoo I I TUBENOSES Spotted Redshank Ca Ac Oriental Cuckoo Ac Laysan Albatross R Ca R Common Greenshank I Ac Ca SWIFTS Black-footed Albatross Ca Ca Ca Greater Yellowlegs Ac Fork-tailed Swift Ac Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel* U U U Wood Sandpiper R I Ca Ac RAILS and COOTS Leach's Storm-Petrel R R R Marsh Sandpiper Ca Ca American Coot Ac Northern Fulmar R R I Red-necked Phalarope* U U Ca CRANES Cook's Petrel Ac Red Phalarope Ca Ca Ca Sandhill Crane I I I Short-tailed Shearwater R R R JAEGERS OYSTERCATCHERS Sooty Shearwater R R R Pomarine Jaeger Ca Ca Black Oystercatcher* C C C U CORMORANTS Parasitic Jaeger* C C U PLOVERS Double-crested Cormorant Ac Ac Ac Long-tailed Jaeger Ca Black-bellied Plover Ac Ca Ca Red-faced Cormorant* U U U U AUKS, MURRES and PUFFINS Pacific Golden-Plover U R U Common Murre* U R U R Pelagic Cormorant* C C C C Lesser Sand-Plover Ca Ca Ca Thick-billed Murre I I I R HERONS and BITTERNS Common Ringed Plover Ac Pigeon Guillemot* C C C C Great Egret Ac Ca Ca Semipalmated Plover* C C R Long-billed Murrelet Ac Black-crowned Night-heron Ac .
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