« 5p Vol. 35 Ha. 8 23 February, 1974 THE SOLS VIRTUE of this election question has some rather distur­ is its brevity. In the words bing factual answers, end the of Thomas Hcbbes (talking about bogey-stories that worked just something entirely different) it after the 1939-45 war will not is ’nasty, solitary, brutish and work again — short of a last- short’. Its nastiness is inhe­ minute scare-story like the rent in its cheap opportunism, Zinoviev letter or the Post- in its schoolboy slapstick; it Off ice -Savings annexation which is solitary in its complete iso­ worked well in the past. lation from anything connected There have been attempts tc with human life, it has its sol­ swing the focus of the election "I ’M SORRY, mv horny-handed o ld itary moment of truth in the onto the cost of living, this nroles--but in the National Int­ polling booth when one can real­ has driven the Conservatives to erest we must reduce vour stand- ise (usually too late) what a their refuge in the admittedly ard of living to improve out own.w farce it all is; it is brutish increased cost (and shortage) of in its frank appeals to our world food supplies. Now, as we baser instincts and its back- topics and problems it should go to press, the focus has shif­ cover are ignored, which is pro­ stage ’survival cf the fittest’ ted to the question of oil - not bably ju31 as veil for they, too. deals. of course the world shortage - are not soluble by political Its shortness was rendered but how to exploit Britain’s methods. possible only because the energy (Scotland’s) assumed potential Voting itself is counter-revo­ crisis, which it is claimed gave glut of oil in the North Sea, lutionary. As an institution it it birth (or death?) developed leased out a,t some pittance to bases itself upon the wishes of more quickly than the rrinds of private enterprise and fore­ the majority vno can be coerced power-seeking politicians could doomed, as some would have it, by the mass-media intc voting work out the odds. Is the re­ by nationalization. upon issues and into returning flection of a bone I see in the individuals to vote upon issues water better than the bone I The realization by both, or upon which neither they nor have in my mouth? I might pos­ all three, parties that they their constituents have any real sibly finish up with two bones. have little to offer the voters but further misery has modera­ knowledge or experience. As an This shortness of the election additional hazard, the party * ted some of the promises but has made it even more urgent to remedies for this necessary system is interposed betveen the find a theme on which to iase initial pain are still on offer.. M.P., the elector and any effec­ the election, a theme wnich, tiveness, so that whatever votes preferably, has no relation to The whole election has an even are cast are for a parly rather any living person or issue. The more positive affirmation of its than an individual. Conservatives, overestimating irrelevance. The topics and the voters’ patriotism, chose problems it covers are not sol­ continued on P. 6 Col. 3 "Vho Goveros Britain?’’ but that uble by political methods. The Twenty-Four Hour Picket of Spanish Embassy * r ^ i t % % * • 4 9 THE LIFE OF OUR COMRADE SALVADOR PUIG ANTICH IS NOV IN EXTREME DANGER and it is up to all of us regardless of political affiliation, opinions and personal squabbles to ensure that the world, but mainly the fascist dictator Franco bear our vehement protest against the confirmation end the possible execution of the death sentence on the person of Salvador Puig Antich. The Spanish fascists are screaming for blood in order to avenge the death of Carrero Blanco. We cannot allow one of our comrades to be the scapegoat of ’’justice” in Spain. Last Friday, the Supreme Military Court of Barcelona confirmed the death sentence and on Friday 22nd February, Salvador Puig Antich’s ”<3ase” will be presented to the Spanish Cabinet, headed by France, in order to receive the final decision — death or life !!! Our weekly FREEDOM, the Centro Iberico and Black Cross could not fail to participate in this non—sectarian 24-Hours Picket to be held in front of the Spanish Embassy (24 Belgrave Square, London SWl) starting on the evening of THURSDAY 21st FEBRUARY. At the time cf going to press we are unable to give further infor­ mation. As soon as you read this, please ’phone us (01-247 9249) Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Monday 6 - 9 pm; other days 10 a.m.-6 p.m. to know the latest news on this initiative of solidarity with SALVADOR PUIG ANTICH. Remember...his life depends on the international protest movement against the barbaric and nauseating death sentence being carried out. If Salvador Puig Antich dies it is because we have failed to force Franco to commute his death sent­ ence. So ALL AT THE SPANISH EMBASSY THURSDAY THE 21st. , Claude. The Latest information received complete search every six hours. yet abroad. It wants to join bv the ’Comite de Soutien__e_t His lawyer can visit him every the Common Market, but knows Verite aux Emprisonnes de day. He has the right to read that its future in Europe dep­ ends on creating a good imp­ Barcelone* books. He does not deny what • 4 • he has done, nor any of the ression now. It is hoped that The Supreme Military Council declarations published by the pressure from abroad may save met on Monday, 11 Feb., a dos­ M.I.L. until his arrest. Salvador Puig and the others from the' death penalty. sier concerning Salvador Puig When Oriol Soler and, once in its hands, and later in or^- again J. L. Pons Llobet appear However, even if not execu­ der to pronounce on the death before the Council of War, ac­ ted, the prisoners may be sub­ sentence passed by the Barcel­ cused of two attacks on banks jected to an inhuman regime, ona Military Tribunal. it is hoped that the public form of slow execution. This The Council sits behind prosecutor will only ask for has already happened to seve­ closed doors. It may, if it thirty-year sentences, but he ral who were "reprieved" after wishes, summon the accused’s may ask for the death penalty the Burgos trial. Contact aod lawyer, but the accused him­ for both. Since they made use support must therefore be kept self has no right to be pres­ of their arms when arrested, up. ent. It can either confirm fortunately without wounding The prisoners are anarchists the sentence, which will then anyone, the prosecutor can ask or Communists of the Left. for an additional twelve years, be passed on to General Franco They do not want to be helped and the Council of Ministers which would make 42 years for as a matter of charity, or Soler and 72 for Pons, already for confirmation; or it can used as propaganda for any condemned to 30 years in January. annul the death sentence and cause, even that of M.I.L. If substitute another, or, finally, This second trial of the MIL their attitude is more diffi­ order a retrial. will probably take place in cult to explain aid understand /see front page - since this # early March. It will follow than that of others (like the report, the death sentence has closely the trial of the wor­ Basques of E.T.A. or that of been confirmed by the Tribuna/7 kers arrested in the March, the Workers' Commission) it is On 8 January, Salvador Puig 1973, demonstrations. not because of the murder of the policeman. It is because was judged by Council of War There will be a third trial and condemned for two crimes: of the M.I.L. where again Pons of the attacks on banks, for armed bank robbery, with Jose Llobet will appear, and Emilio an attack on a bank shocks Luis Pons-Llobet, and pj'esumed Pardinas, Santiago Soler and people far more than the death murder of a policeman in the F. Javier Garriga. The date is of a man. exchange of shots course of unknown. The authorities have used at the time of his arrest. By this to isolate the men from There was a complete black­ Spanish lav the first crime public sympathy. comes under a Military Tribunal, out for the first three months the second a civil one, and for on the political nature of the Those who wish to protest this crime the death penalty crimes. Once the trial was should send their telegrams cannox be inflicted. However, announced the press began to and letters to: mention it, and while it was these two crimes were judged 1. General Franco, in progress gave the maximum together, although according El Pardo, Madrid to the military code crimes amount of information possible not diiectly connected cannot in such a repressive climate. 2. Sr. Arias Navarro, be judged together unless the Demonstrations and acts of so President of the Govern­ court (article 5) decides solidarity were also given ment, Madrid. otherwise. publicity. Spanish broadcasts t of the French and British For the death of the police It would also be a good idea radio are listened to mainly inspector the lawyer was not to write to the accused in in politically enlightened able to obtain an expert wit­ Spanish, some harmless, words circles.
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