75c. A Y ear in A dvance ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. TUESDAY MORNING. JAN. 12, 1892. Third Y ear —No 124 Mtonm T*rl«tlinj IIouhu . Kenl Katate. The Clinton t’onnty FarmerH* Club. CONE BEYOND. Business Locals . Hiram C. Briggs to Jetl H. Briggs, land Ti me Kesblents of <*lliiton Copnty The ninton County Farinem ’ Club was THE -NEWSI Arc Pitst Passlnir Awuy. called to oeder by the president, J. C. Itltu-k UreHH (]l4M>4lH. An Newitpuper, Jaines I). Wilkins to Ktlward Rlack,«*t. Jewet, on Saturday last. After a song A splendid all wool heurietta lor .5t)c. AwdtiMi w«H btx'u Detobep PubllHlitfil everj’ Tuendny from the EHten ul.. 70 nerPH Hwtio ii 2.* f, Olive. ^1,000. By the McHd^n t^hl&entitled, TheHkuting The best of H4»rge s foe $4-i— 4th, 1H08, in the town of .\ntrini. Chen- Block (’oriier of State unci Kprlnn: Htreetii, by Sarah (!. Lowell to Dwight W. Lowell, GJis*, the president gave the o})ening ad- The finest of silk wurji heurietta $1.25. hire county, Xew Hampshire, and died Drtip d ’ .Alma, stripes, plads, polka- I^OUIW D. GIIBBS, land on sirtion 17, Watertown, drims upon the subject of The Dignity of Editor and Pmprletor, .January 0th, 18J)2. When a cliild ho dots, etc. ('IIAIM.N & Co, Silas ,Teiifie~to .roK«*ph (-niyts, <50 ticivs, tin* Funner. l At 76 eeati a Tear •trictly la Adraaea. The Dress Goods Hustlers. moved witli Jiis pnrents to tlte eastern' section 2.’>, Watertown, f4,2(»0. Recitation, T^ Xew Christnins, b.v ffyUyy KHIrt . l-ioni s HelBrool y remainetl until 18 years of uge, tliey Of Ovid, has over ItMt.tHlt) roots Ot~ lUHlneHH locala 5 centn per line each time. lot 0 and part of lots 10. 11 and 12, IILNXKK. black cap vines for sale. 124w7p. Eocaia nmoiiK readiuK matter 10 centa per then rtdnovedto Webster, Monroecountj', line each inaertlou. block 57, St. Johns, f.3.50. The miMiting being calletl to to order by BuMiiieea Directory carda $1 n line per yeaR X. Y. He was married October 17,18;{4, Annual Met-tlng. John Austin to .\. Baron, 30 acres,, the president, a song b.v tin* Esstoc club The annual meiding for the (>l(H:tioii of Tarda of thanka ar> centa each. to Silence (ioodnow, of the same plact?, Marriage and I>t*ath noticea free. section 24, Olive, $1,600. was excellently rendbrisl. ofticei-H of the Wool-growers and. Stock Leffal Noticea at atntute ratea. who, after a wedded life of r>8 years, be tSi^i^ttlemeiita win be made (luarterly on Edward Brown to Elizabeth .\. Barrett, Essay b.v Mrs. J. B. Morrison, entitled. Breeiler’s Association of Clinton county, laHves to mourn Itis lo ss.—At thrf age of will be held intheCourt Ilons<».St.Johns. lot s 11 nn rt ta, d io pk 114, m. .tohns, All th»? World a Stage au<1 All the Pnnpln Trnnalent ndvertialne payable in advance. 2.3 he unitt'd with tlie Baptist ehurclt 004 AVednesdiy, January 13th, 18(i2, at 1 Addreaa all conimnnfcationa to Actors. Tin* sjM'uker thought the Crea­ o ’clock J*. .M. DeVati It Buos.s, remained a useful aud honored metnber. ST. JOHNS NEWS, St. Johns, Mich. Susan F. Durkee to .\lvin Pouch et. al., tor eretded the stage but tiie plays were John F, Cle.mo .xh , ^ Secretary. In the 1875 he came with his wife lo 20 acres section 1.5, Ringhum, $1,000. not always what the.v should be. The I’refident. Busin Ev SS Directory . St. Johns, Mich. Afte^ living six years in' Eva .1. Hyatt to Luman Bennett, lot farmers were the priticipul actors. TheHttiiS this place his health became so impaired 11, block 87, 8t. Johns, $20.5. The Question box was next taken uji. Our Dress Flannels, IXSl'U.VM’E. tlmtth<*y went tolivewiththeirdaughter, G^ I*. Hoffman to .lohn Kelly, land on The question. When, to cut timber to All wool, i:<». tv. i:sTi;.s. Fire Inanrance AK'*nt.- Mrs. X, H. Baker, of Bengal. Nine years All colors, Flrat-claaa inauram-c'at lowtet ratea. Ot- section 11, Bingham, $1,800. make it last the longest,-brought out G ago he was stricken with panilysis and All cheu|i. CiiAPi.N & Co,, flce wItiiSt. .NiIiiih \<‘\va. Mary Ortner to Xicholas H. Geller, 40 different experiences, but the verdict has been an invalid since that time but The Dri’ss Goods Hustlers. .\TTOUNHYS. acres sec 12, Bath, $.500. seemed to be in favor of the month of bore his sufferings with Christian patience .Porter K. Perrin to Hornw W. Re.vnold, June as being the best. “Eocene' ’ is a siMinal grade oil of high ■YTOttTON A- tVFIMKK. OHice over .\txon and fortitude aud to his wife, he asserted test for family use. Xo tlanger from _i3i **<: (<o ’a. hardware, opposite 'i'lie Stwl. jmrt of lots 10, 11 and T2, block 88, .St, J. B. Morrison gave a good intei'iireta- his belief in Jesus, bis savior, and his exi>losion. Sold at reduced price, VON fMXH.INfi. Attoriieva at I.aw, Johns, $150. tion of What is the Futuna of this Club? 123w4 By C. .\. .St. .loliiis. ‘ entire resignation to his will. He reluined John W. Everett to H. M, High.sJ^lots L Jay >SeK>«innH also gave some goo<l sug ­ • ______ Y. I\ S. C*. !•:. .Meetliin:. >1. H: TASTI.F. Attorney and .Money ID hml 20, bTmilc 2D, Ovid, $800.----------- gestions in this r<?8'>oct. pressing a readiness to depart whenever Tliere will he a business mi’eTfhg of the W I.oaner. St. .lohna.' .X.O. Smith to Philip A. Erion, 40 Mrs. Lyon gave her mode of canning Young I’pople's Soeiety of Christian the Muster called. The funeral services EDKtVA & Atforne.va at acres, section 15, Ovid, $2,100. sweet corn, which consistiHl in {lucking Endeavor of the Congregational church, l.a w, St. .lolina. were conducted by Rev. G. S. Xortbrup, Thursday evening, .lanimry 14 th, 1892. F Andrew .1. Farnill to .John G. Farrell et, the cans full, screwing down the tojis se- piaster of the Baptist church, and the re- for the purpose of taking action relative ti.l. II. Ititl.Ntttl.x. Attorney at Ltiw. oJ., Ovid..$4,4liQ..,^^ purely, th d iiag tin t a Iwiler at St. JuhiiH. ll»4 mains now rest in St. Jolins eemeterv. to taking snares in the St. Jotms Build ­ W Amanda Valentine to .Martha .\. Gris- noon to boil until evening. ing and Loan .\ssoeiation. All members ----------- -.MtiNEY LOAXiyO.--------------- Ii/CK, Ull Uertn, tJtXTIOll i U, wrtr TTf- Ro tation -of —tYrrpK are retpiLtU: 1 to be piiiseut______________ -------- ^ I. ucy L, Gleason to Daniel Abbott, 20 I23w2 Committee . KHKilN MOUTH.UiE t’<»fl’AIVY. On Sutnrtin.v htst, R. J, ootlniff brought but Home interestingdiscuHsion. (Limited.) 1'npltal ."'T.'i.OOO. t'orner ul aci'es, section 34, Duplain, $1,000. German Stmliti. AValkerM and SprinfT stre«>tH. St. .loiina. Mon­ received ii letter from .Mra. \Valtt*r ('. The verdict seeming to be that no man ey to ioun, investiiient{< made. iiiurtKatcea for Tlios. Xetil to .lolm T. Xeal, 90 acn*s Brof. Albert .M Bnisch, a native and Butler Htutinir that Mr. Hutler hnd suf­ could give a system that would be appli­ aale. A few piect s of land for sale. 1 section 6, Ovid, $4,000. late of (iermany and a graduate of the fered u stroke of ])iii'a]ysis tiud to jtie- cable to the different soils, but every Berlin colli?ge, will organize a class in I'HYSH'I.VN.S. Jason C. Gillett to Elh*n L. Baker, lots man should havea system of his own as German, Junnar.v 11, 1892. He will pare for tlie worst. Tlie worst came in 13 and 14, block 22, Ovid, 1^,000. K. a . J. WlffOINS. I’b.vsiclan and Sur­ tiu* form of »i telejiram etirly .Mondav clriMunstances would permit and follow organize two classi’s—.luvenileand Adult. geon. Office over Snlllvan ’s ('lotliinK Libbie S. Case to Thos. L.Carl, 40acres ,\11 who desire to join such a class will DStore. 4stf moruiuKto_ the effod, that he hnd died it. .V pa})i‘r by E. E. DtUamp wns next section 3, Greenbush, $400. please call on .Mrs. G. S. Bi icc or «l th*‘ M. l*OST >1. I>. Physician. Snrfteon and etirly .'t^iudtty moruittf?. The remains read. He showed that the diffeiiMice be­ i-Hsidence of Mrs, .V. J. Wiggins. • Notary I’nldie, Ofilce east side of main F. W. Redfern to F. Walwyn R^fern, S will bo biouy;ht to St.-.lohns for burial. tween agriculture in thepasCascompareil Ht., Eureka, .Mich. ' 20 acres section 10, Essex, $500. <ilrl Wuiitt'il. Mr. Butler came to St. .Johns about with tlte present, was ajijiarent and the kJ’ARV I*. U AVK'SS. ,n. D. Office over U John P. Simons to Jas, Hauck, 80 To do general work at Anger ’s Laundry. VI. J. M’ofidrnfT'k Ktfue. .Sf, .lohtis. Offic' lo yetirs nfio and en«:ui^fd soort aft«;r help that came from the inventorj could ours: n to 11 am and 'J to .''i |>m. 1 acres, section 20, Dallas, $400, with his brother, A. I.. Butler, in the dry not be estimated. The help thqt the Machine nei-’dles. Oils and Repairs at Peter Hoffman to Peter Simons, 80 Stephenson ’s bazaar.
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