Conscientious Service The Weather Today SALEM, ILL. (JP) - A letter 1'1n. J\llnnJe E. ru,el... .. Salem DlalJed 16 years a,o ha been relurned wU. UDele Sam's rends. Cloudy today and tomorrow. little temper­ The letter, adclresaed to Miss J\larle Ramsey, 1%55 Rnl! ature chang•. High today 90; low 65. High Mawr avenue, Chlu,o, was accompanied with a poIl­ offlee nouttoll that Miss Ramsey doesn't Uve there any yesterday 92; low 61. Pollen count 43. more. Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, September 18, 1948 - Five CAlota Truman Begins Speaking Tour Death Of·Bernadotte Across Nalion EN ROUTE WITH PRESI­ DENT TRUMAN (UP)-President Truman, smiling and assured, be­ Stuns World leaders, ,an I whirlwind two-week cam­ palan lour yesterday promising to "give them hell" in his eitort to remain in office. The President's 17-car special Railroad Workers in UN Mediator for Holy Land Western Allies Ban train, packed with secretaries, Movement of Goods JI Non-Opera.fing Unions Is Assassinated in Jerusalem advisers, reporters and camera­ Call for Stnke Vote Into Russian Zone men, pulled out of Washington's By TH OCIATED P& Union station at 9:06 a.m. Iowa CHICAGO ~IP) - Wage t.eJks be­ 'ount Folk~ B{'rnllllolt!', enitrd Xntion m di8tor in By W L time. tween the railroads and their one WlI ~htlt anll kill d Yl'"t rrilly in .Jt'rusaJ m. • BERLIN (UP) - The western 8_ Rulhlinc' Mate million non-operating wo-kers 'I'hr III aJ inalion (\ {'ply lihoekrd world politirlll leadrnl who allies bave pI ced a blanket ban collapsed yesterday and a union hall hopHI hi. Illu\ io tion (·rrort would bring p n' to th H oly on the4l10vement of all goods from Seeing him off were Secretary SpOkesman said. "We are taking their occupation zon into the of SJate George C. Marshall, Lanr!. Immediate step for a trike vote." A1 till' IIIllI' tilnr. th r actil)n of Russ.lan %on, it was disclosed Secretary of Commerce, Charles yesterd y, Under the dispute- eltlin, pro­ cial in Pari \In: that" now all Sawyer and Sen. Alben W. 'Bark­ visions of the nahonal railway Orders, Intended to be highly hell will break llw. ~ in th,' mid· "y (D-Ky,), Mr. Truman's run­ labor act, either side can ask the secret, were ent Thur day night nJIII mate In the presidential (AP Wlr .....t.l dlr Ill't. " to Gt'rman minister-presidents 0' natio"al (railway) mediation Slain With the SWMlsh noble­ campaign. WAVING GOODBYE to Mr. TnlJDan aa the PresldenU.1 speelaJ pulls ou., .r Rarr bUrl", P ... Is a trowel board to intervene. .tates in the we. t m zon. to lee man w hi French assistant, Col Barkley, seeing the President composed Iarnb of reprnentaUyea from • railroad brotherhood. The Pr Ident shook handa wUh a However, G. E. Leighty, Chair­ that no oods of any kind get tor the first time since returning long line of well-wlshen :reetercla, duin,. & nye-mlnule stop on. the beainnlnl' 0' hi tranl-eontlnental Andr Pierre Sl'rot. across the zonal bordara inlo Sov­ man of the labor conference com­ An official Uoited Nations t I - trom a European trip, laughed speakln&, tour. mittee, said: "We have not and iet-occupied terri tory. Ind joked and told Mr. Truman «ram to lhe securily council d~ DlUI'JIIRC" tem will not ask for the servlc of lhe clar d the two men were 14brutally to "mow them down." national mediation board. We are Leakall of the orders yesterday a. "B. sm .. toby J ws of unknown "I'm ,oln.. to flgh~ hard." the spre dinll a strike vote IImong the dlsclo. cd that the Ru 'j ns had or­ id nlity In a cold blooded attlck." I'teIIldeat replled. "I'm ,olne to workers Immediately." lIanized an elden Ive muggllng rive them hell." To k Board In Iral\J p mtem to get Vitally n eded sup­ The President has described the Ferguson 1'1 plies such as rna hine parts, man­ Feud Th t legrem said the kill Clark, A spokesman Cor the employers cross-country tour as a dri ve to used an [llraeli army type j P ufactured good anet raw mat~ "inform the people what the is­ ------------------- said his group has not yet a.k d Iral$ lor the starved Induslries 01 and ~hol Rernndotte at pointblank the mediation board to Inject It­ ea tern G rm ny. sues are In this campaign.''' He ranlll' at a roadbl~ck "w 11 wIthin win visit big cities and "whistle self Into the di pute. A ked If uch Retaliating to Ihe Russian Dewey Says Demo Argue Over Plane Crash Shows th J wish lin~" in Jeru alem', a step is expected, he said he blocknd of FI rlin, the alliC!8 late atops" In 18 states and will make Katamon dl tnci. as many as 15 talks a day on his thinks lhat il the plan. In June had stopped railroad and dawn-to-dusk schedule. Charge Designed to Evidence of Bizarre The rail road labor act provld s Bernndotte was driven 10 Had­ barg traItic inlo the Russian He Is being accompanied by his Communists lor both mediation and Inter­ II lah hOSPIUlI on Mount Scopus zone. Thl Wil5 a heavy blow to daughter, Margaret, who will cast Deceive Agriculture Murder in the Sky venllon by a pr Idential fact­ wh r hf' dleo within j a f w the Ru ssi/ln~, who npparcntly be­ her tlrst presidential baUot this WASHINGTON (IP)-Attorney finding board before a strike can millut S WIthout Tf'$I inlng con­ IIl'vl'd th t th allie would per­ year. Mrs. Truman will join ALBANY{N. Y. (IP) - Gov. General Clark accu ed Senator NEW YORK (JPI-Police pon­ lellally be called. The meo/alion sCiousness. erol was killed in­ mil th m to conttnue to get goods CAP Wlr.,bol.) them at Des Moines. Thomas E. Dewey yesterday ac­ Ferguson (R-lv'Iich) last night of dered yesterday the strange case board can Intervene at th request stantly. they ne<.>ded. hunting headlines because of his of either sid . NT BERNADOTTE Truck nluunJ)f'red Shakes Hands cused the Truman administration of whaL appeared to be murder Th telf'rr m lelllnt o~ th of "an intentional fabrication de­ ~uggesUon that Clark Immediately in the sky, Free to trike Il"11l'd by Dr. Ralph Howev r, it dl'vt"loped thot the At BaltLmore, the first brief seek indictments against known the allsasslnollon. stop on his 9,500-mile tour, the signed to deceive the producers at The bizarre allalr came to light Barring new injunction action lJ'erk~n m mber allied orders dId not ('over truck Communists "in and out of gov­ Abdull h" toni hed" President shook hands with a rood in our country." following the crash Thursday In the courts, lhe 16 non-operatlnll . errelariat. U, N, traWc. Takinll IIdv81ltag of that, ernment." night of a small plane carrylnll a unions presumably would be fr c In Pari and Lakt Kfng Abdullah of Trans Jor­ the Ru sians ha~ b .n alt nil ~oup of Maryland Democratic The Republican presidential The cabinet officer Issued a leaders. man and a 28-year-old woman. to strike If all settlement steps of Id Bunch" had b en dan, who Arab lellion 15 the larlle quantiti I 01 good from lhe nominee made the charge in re­ statement directed to Ferguson. we tern zones lnto their territory He did the same at Harrisburg An antopsy d1aeIOled three the railway labor act are ex­ I,n d to r place BernadoUe, most pOwerful force facing the plying to what he called Demo­ telling the Senator bluntly: bullet wounds In th6 body of Jew. In Pal .Hne, termed the over "back lane ano byroads," as and Altoona, Pa., where his train cratic accusations that the GOP is hausted. In thl' attack Frank Begley, would appreciate it if you Ute woman. Identified by au­ a . a~ ination "8IItonlshlng." British Transport Chi f A.T.L. made brief stops. trying to wreck the government's "r Only three op rating unions - chief security offic r fo r the U. N , would quit trying to claim credU Illes all Hannah Laufer. TrYive Lie, I('cr tnry II neral of Reed put It. A delegation ot Illinois Demo­ price support program. the Brotherhood of Locomotive who was driving B rnadottc's car, lor the work of the FBI and the Medical Examiner Wilham Ben­ The n w bon WB~ expected to cratic leaders was scheduled to Engineers, the Brotherhood of sulr red only powder burns. lie th U. N., laid In Oslo he received The New York lovernor also department of justice and keep enson said MiSll Lauter had becn word of Bernodolte's death "with hit the Ru ' i n heavily, as it was board the train just outside Chi­ disclosed at a. newl conference Locomotive Firemen and En$!ine­ raced to tho hospital with the your political ac- shot and killed before the ctash, men lind the Switch mens' Union r,lIolly ,mcl d cOlin. a deep • en of .hock." ul1d rstood thAt th muggllng cago about 2 a.m. Iowa time to­ that he will make foUl' rear in which the pUot, 3l-year-old plan was just t ally letting Into , tlvity out of the of North America-arc r straln'd Se!'r IRry of state Mllr,hnll de­ The new r f lh N mt-dla- day tor conferences with the pla.Uorm speeches from hJlJ field Of serious Jesus Meneau Monl n perished.
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