^ V MUTUAL INSURANCE 1 paMMEsaoBBK-BEeBaen loaded with bor*<« mules retri. fcay cats wagons har f f.I>.A secondhand No 8 or J of Hoa s large stogie MERCANTILE AUcnOBI HOT1CHS. CITY UaiKMtelTI. I. nl'i p u.; .1); t»re»*. on* but lirtlenieJ. anu must he hi COMPANY. ne«g, *>al and provision' for govcurment WAV ec'luu of TO VRS goo t'i nil i n uud Working order, subject to tne iu«i No. 6.$ Wall Street, New Vokk. AM/ StiM-ir ili. with a shret Jiver Letters addressed, (post paid.) MOST SPLENDID COLLECTION OK Hit Kxciiaiin, lint, at conformity with the ruquisilioaa of the Charter, the Cone* LAROLANTIQUITIES, a' the 300 THJtAflU>-.Mo«4*» Kt.oiiib. M»» nth, will *w<v v S6',.i6 m -JI (I I,a ml to If. K at the office nl'the New A ork Herald, will be submit the statement:. Magasiu Japauais, br performed the tragedy of Tai Loan 31 ml6 8i»rr INpany following , Gl'KLEV it CO., Auctioneer®, will tellBroada.y.-ttOVALon PA MACBETH.Macbeth, Mi do 'JI 'Jfi% Kni d0 ,jo tended to. Amount of Premium* nut marked off 3d. IMC,$101,478 29 Thursday, 20th, 1847, at Anderaou; Macduff. .Mr Dyotl; B.uuuo, Mr Barry .Malcolm, LATEST MOMENT Vila! Trra Notes g's bll 34)^ April May the above Magasiu, a moat beauilulMr Stark; fleauce, Misa lmdy Macbeth. 161)u 150 3l%do tt'i'lC L L>AH NOl'IbK..A young gentleman, whose Do ou Policies issued during the year collection of Japan Lactiueied Porcelain. lor ornament*, p*uuy: Mra Hunt Kentucky fi'i U'2 00 or would like 1S47 362,093 08 iu great ; carved To conclude with LEND Mr- k 1* r- 9H1LL1NOS.Mr 7i'(i0 lr Reading HK 178 PAreference ia the highest respectability, April 3d, ending variety aud inlaid Chairs. of the tioiea of Mi Mr 0 Jjt'lg Bund* 39% io »C057do board, or room without boird, and give leaaoua for the annif de Medici* and Louis XIV; magnificent carved audCaiherineOoliaciilly. Bur; C'apt Phobba, Barrett;Mra Major tci.kuraphic. StWI do 39% 951) do upon the pituo luite to the family. A line left at Atwtll'a Total amount of Premiume $463,97137 ibiutti, of iupei b old in-111Ifhobba, .Mra Abbott. 1000 Ohio C s 5C ICO |oo 17% to B will nnmeili itv The amount the ( woriuHMuliip; DmJia Porcol ita Uoxea fit JO crutj; »J centa. Clt Coiitou Co fil2ui 373* Music store, addressed A. receive of Preuiiuuu marked off during proopt, Fifiim, upa mdlui era, ol great sntiauity: Porci 91; Gallery do 'fid 100>4 so 30do attention. in v it, 31» re year, ai above, waa. 1 lain de Bevies, oftha fabric of Louis Uoora pen at T o'clock.the performance will commence IiWiiii Indiana Bonds 21 du Ou .Marine Kialta 92 Uocala or Wine Gbuses, XIV.; ancient Venetian hnJf- l'aa' 7. ILlllnioi* Market*. ,9% 38).. > v . ....$317,160 aucieut Fans of the lGlh _____________ 111)01 do 21 KAAA-PAil t n cash capo Ou Inland Risks... 38,274 01 Wo century, and 30'.i 3>%do t/l/V/U t l ^ i 1 0 lit. .t i'I oI iii one ot Transportation and Navigation Jipan Poreolain Tables or Card THEATUK.-A VV J a into a | Satludai Aitcrkoq*. \M. 5C00 Peim 9 ires 25 *Jr il such n» h v« never BimiTin. ofpirt yrietor.H. May 16, 75% dob3d 381; i i u<j» m loll iwt.on and been aeen in thia country. SaleCuriosity,to BOWr-KVE. STK»itr«», V! <m. er. k »«uiug. May Cotton dull Flour '«» »3« lONor ine beat locations i th ,t>, hj.i doing $347,434 93 couitiieuc- at II Stage Monday 17, kale* of iooO city Mill* were made ,f> . , 75% Si WorRR 50% nud families* Atldew A 1!. L>. tlir positively o'clock, ram or thine, and uow will be acted. WITCH' R.OT-Gideou Bodiah.Mr Sflisi Reading Bonds 71% 300 do good profitable through Leaa Return Prenuutna 45,142< 54 lor examination, with really and 100 do Howard »truet. at about %» 7000 do7! 10%M0 Post Office Reference ttiTen and iniuired. mi It; Hi *c N U. Ladies and catalogue* I'ud-ater. Ilndattay; AinbU Bod'sh. .Mr* VWSHiMurdocb. kale* of print* 1.50 do 5"'% gentlemen wishing to spend a pleasant Alter winch .THE TRU .iPETER'S red .Marbnrg wheat were made at bo 1IU0 RMdia.'M*c BJi C11% 210 do b'30 K % DRESS, HABIT ANU PLLitiSi: CUTTlNi tlarned Premiums for the year $301,891 09 ball an hour, call u ul eiamiue this precious collection, which Mrs Booth. *1 and tale* of whit* 100 alias Farmers' Loan 31% 25 <30do 10% taught iu 1 lire® Lessons..Instruction in Madame Til Paid during the aaine for. 1 is the handsome, t ever«»ftVred at . DAUGHTERMadelou,eoru were made at O-Je and at 800 do LADlts; period public sale. ml6 4tia*rr To conclude * ith.THE ALPINE MAJD-Swif, .Mr Ode for y«Uow stock* of b30 35% 310 Long Island 28% In ux'a celebrated system of Dress Cutting will be given Ae-iuaurance $31,276 26 Kosette, Mr* booth. all kind* were do o0 a30 100 do #0d si No. 03 Chambers street, a few doora eaat of Broad rillwnaea 13,745 11 piN£ plants at auction.a will sell on Hadaway, firm, with an upward 35% 29% peimiucutly f J ue-dsy morning, at 11 at No. 293Levy l)rc»* Circle, ecuu. I'll and Gallery, U>% crnti tendency ?50 do 29 . 23,673 32 o'clock, Broadway from 31% 50 do way lulereat, Commission, and bid debta... the garden o! Mr Door* oi*aii at o'clock. Pcrforinanc v it 50 do blO b30 29 Ladies in circumstances, as well as those i vlariue Loaaea 86 Mantel, a splendid collection of plant*, 6|^ cooiwcucce 7j&. 35% 10 do easy engaging 141,582, amongst which are in PuiLabcLruia, 1M7 lot) do35 the business of Dress Making, will, with three hours Inland Navigation do 26,965 54 oranges fiuit and dower: roaea of all OPEKa.A CAKD.The managers Huding May 16, 09 toris;jJLtmi <s, Oleanders, Mial.aa, with m«nv other ITALIANthat The Southern mail arrived at Second Board. b* able to fit themselves and others with ease instruction, $837,243 varieties, all Pi line order. arbutelmis, Siguoriua B»rili will Go prevented by heraickuess to Fred.-rick.burg thl* al» uii6 2t*rc rtitg for »oio« time, and havbig due regard of their duty but contain* .L _e, . aiidaccunW-.. ihr teruouu, nothing beyond W.-ldon 4)1000 Indiana Bond* 39% 50 slias Long I.land afiO 29% r or me purpose 01 iniroiiucmr inn meiuoa inu mixing n $64,648 00 1NE PLANTS AT aL< TION.A LfcVY w II stllou snb<cnheis <uiJ the public have requested biguoratoW4id* 810 shs as here u Moud ay at Ain.«lu M. Valtrlhua to Faimers'Loan 35% 110 29%do popular it ha* long been iu Paria and London. tin Leaa deficiency on 3d April, 1846, aa per published P~ morning ll o'clock, at No. 293 Broadway, a proceed with the performance* of the 10 do 35V 10 do b3 30 terms art made extremely low.(3, all the expenses atatemeut 11,996 25 ; splendid Collection of plant*. in of Ax svt*oil. The proposition was kindly and gracioudy accepted HY T1IK MAIM. CIO including J an consisting part ltoaes, by her. who will do 35V 50 29%do Houra ofinstruction from 9 A. >1. to 6 P. M. Carnations, m ins, Rhododendrons, Michigan Rosea inIms, give her servo e» gratuil u»Iv\ and the 3'9 do 100 do b'JO 30 Dresses cut without and naarauled to At. Profile to be divided $52,651 75 blooin, flagrant, therefore, h*ve determined to set for managers, 2)0 35% [TIT" delay, llydringes, imp >rted L) ihlia Hunts, and ceds of the apart her tile oro* do 35% 100 do blO 29% mil 3taw lw*rc The Comimny further reiiort their aaaetaaafollowa, via:. Seeds, with various other plants, all in the tiuest order.Flower performance which will take place ou Tuesday, 800 d) 10 Nor. He Wor blO 51 B11 la receivable $535,723 90 the 26th inst. rn Affair« in Washington. 110 31% would cull particvlar attention to the fact that we arr _mlj2»r '.Or do3.5% 100 Heading sCO 57% Caah and unaettled claiina to be cloved by caah, or ^ AL.UO'S OPEfttA IILM. 10 Island 29% 200-Harlein bll Wt.manufacturing a new and superior article of Lead Pipe, notea 38 St1., Lhuul>ei» slrrcl-MomUy 100 Long 12% free from all imperfections and warranted not to split. 16,958 t ROOMS TO LET.'To I let. to single geutWmen Evening, May I7th. K« ur:* e.ith nivhr .»f r».. «... WaiiiiNOTOK, May 14. IS 17 do 29% Makiug the assets, liable for loaaea, more tliau two tine aiiy rooms, with m.ir contl 8«*%sou.Will be ihc Plumbers aud dealers generally supplied mi the most reason HALF A MILLION OF DOLLAH8. unfurnished, »le mantels |*rformed third let of Doiiizrtti's Rumor a D or at Puetla able terms. THUS. OTIS LE ROY tk. CO., aud grates, within live minutes walk of Wall at. Oper* LUC IA L>1 LAMMKRMOOK, aud the stcoud actol of feat Repulee REPORT. my 16 :i(lt'rc 261 ami yfil Wwlrr st-ed AS, Herald olfir.e.
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