E1578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 29, 2018 After returning to Vicksburg in 1970, Louise Texan will forever be remembered as the man tain greater heights. This is the ‘‘Phoenix Vi- worked in the Vicksburg School System as a that brought professional football back to sion’’ for Southwest Mississippi. Substitute Teacher. Later, she began working Houston. This organization was founded in 1995 by at Sears in sales and training as coordinator. McNair grew up in Forest City, North Caro- Walter Huston, Executive Director and Volley She retired after 21 years of service. lina, and graduated from the University of Davis, Deputy Director. Louise is a member of Mount Calvary M.B. South Carolina in 1958. He and his wife, Jan- PPCDF, Inc. serves the residents and citi- Church. She has been a member of the Vicks- ice, moved to Houston two years later. McNair zens of Southwest Mississippi by aiding in burg Homecoming Benevolent Club since founded Cogen Technologies, which became community and economic development mat- 1986. Louise has served as assistant treas- the largest privately owned cogeneration com- ters such as: Workforce Development, Com- urer, treasurer, and financial secretary for the pany in the world. He then sold the bulk of it munity Leadership Programs, Grant Writing club. She has a heart to serve as needed. to Enron in 1999 for $1.1 billion with an eye and Community Education Programs. PPCDF, She loves life, reading, traveling and having toward becoming a National Football League Inc. also aids individuals, government entities, fun. owner. nonprofits, churches and fraternal organiza- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me During his nearly two decades as an NFL tions. The focus for this organization is to de- in recognizing Mrs. Louise Stewart for her owner, McNair left a lasting mark on the city vise strategies that: reduce pervasive poverty, dedication and tenacity to serving her commu- of Houston. His leadership and determination alleviate high systemic unemployment; elevate nity and desire to be an example for all. brought the NFL back to Houston, built a educational achievement for youth and adults f spectacular stadium, and was instrumental in and to raise the standard of living for all resi- bringing two Super Bowls to Houston. dents of Southwest Mississippi. HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Football was not the only good thing McNair PPCDF, Inc. received the ‘‘Making Things OF REVEREND JOSEPHUS gave to Houston. Throughout his life, McNair Better Award’’ at the 2003 Low-Income Cus- EGGELLETION, JR. and his charitable foundations gave more than tomer Summit, in New Orleans, Louisiana $500 million to a countless number of sci- sponsored by ENTERGY Corporation and in HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS entific, literary, educational, and faith-based 2001 this organization conducted ‘‘Leadership OF FLORIDA organizations. McNair chaired the Robert and Jefferson’’, a nine-month community leader- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Janice McNair Foundation and the Houston ship development program for citizens of Jef- Texans Foundation for more than 25 years. ferson County, Mississippi. Thursday, November 29, 2018 Ten years before he became known to most PPCDF, Inc. also operated ‘‘Phoenix AOP’’ Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great of us and before he was awarded the Texans (Adolescent Opportunity Program) a program sadness that I rise today to honor the life and franchise, McNair and his wife started the for adolescent offenders ages 12 to 17. This legacy of my dear friend and longtime Robert and Janice McNair Educational Foun- program assisted participants in: Character Broward County politician, Reverend Josephus dation to ensure all students in his hometown Building, Leadership, Academic and Social Eggelletion, Jr. who so desired, would have the opportunity to Skills and operated from 2008 until April 2016 Joe was born on April 23, 1949, in Miami, attend college. Thousands of individuals have in Claiborne, Jefferson and Pearl River Coun- Florida, to a family that, though of humble now received a better education; changing ties. means, was rich in love for one another and their lives because of McNair’s selfless char- In Fiscal Year, 2016–2017, PPCDF, Inc. en- their community. He graduated from Dillard acter. tered into a partnering agreement with Fami- High School in Fort Lauderdale and completed McNair passed away on Friday, November lies First of MS, offering an afterschool tutor- his undergraduate studies at Florida A&M Uni- 23, 2018 at the age of 81. He is survived by ing for youth’s in grades 1 through 12, which versity, before starting a life dedicated to pub- his wife, Janice; two sons, Cal and Cary; two included: ACT Prep and On-Line Diploma Pro- lic service and his community. daughters, Ruth and Melissa, 15 grand- gram for Dropouts and Adult Learners. Also, As one of Broward County’s longest-serving children, and two great grandsons. McNair other services are: Workforce Readiness, black elected officials, his political career was once asked by the NFL Network how he Youth Development, Financial Literacy, and began in 1990 on the Lauderdale Lakes City would like to be remembered. He replied ‘‘I’d Parenting classes. Council, where he filled the vacancy of the like to think that I’d be remembered as an The mission to reduce poverty, high unem- late Sol Rossman. Joe went on to become honorable man, as a good Christian man, and ployment, and elevate educational achieve- Broward County’s first African American that I always did things in a first-class manner ment gaps will be met while teaching students mayor. He then served in Florida’s House of and treated people honestly. I think that would Alternative Life and Workforce Readiness Representatives from 1992 through 1998. His be a good legacy.’’ Skills. Phoenix Project Community Develop- political career continued when he was elected Mr. Speaker, Bob McNair lived his life al- ment Foundation, Inc. is also a designated to the Broward County Commission, where he ways revolving around four main values: Faith, ACT WORKKEYS Assessment Site. served until 2009. Family, Philanthropy, and Football. May we all Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me After a long battle with prostate cancer, Joe strive to live a life well lived around those kind in recognizing this great organization, Phoenix died on November 21, 2018 at the age of 69. of values, and to leave a positive impact like Project Community Development Foundation, He will be remembered as a caring friend and Bob McNair. Inc., that is serving and giving back to the committed public servant whose career And that’s just the way it is. community in Fayette, MS and the sur- spanned more than 20 years. f rounding areas. Mr. Speaker, I want to extend my deepest f sympathies to Joe’s wife, Carolyn and his en- HONORING PHOENIX PROJECT tire family. While he is no longer with us, his COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HONORING AWILDA RIVERA spirit and loving memory will always live on, FOUNDATION, INC. and he will be dearly missed. HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO f HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON OF NEW YORK OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FAITH, FAMILY, PHILANTHROPY, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND FOOTBALL: REMEMBERING Thursday, November 29, 2018 BOB MCNAIR Thursday, November 29, 2018 Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- pleasure that I rise today to honor Awilda Ri- HON. TED POE er, I rise today to honor a dynamic non-profit vera, who is a Senior Congressional Assistant OF TEXAS organization, Phoenix Project Community De- and Caseworker in my district office and is re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES velopment Foundation, Inc. tiring after more than 30 years of service. She Phoenix Project Community Development has been a key part of my team for almost the Thursday, November 29, 2018 Foundation, Inc. (PPCDF, Inc.) is a develop- entirety of my time in Congress, and my staff Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ment corporation headquartered at 997 Main and I will sorely miss her. Houstonians will never forget October 6, 1999, Street in Fayette, Mississippi. The name of Awilda began her work on behalf of when the NFL announced that the 32nd NFL this organization was derived from the myth of Bronxites in 1988, with my predecessor, Con- franchise had been awarded to American busi- the Phoenix bird, which fell to Earth and gressman Robert Garcia. She later joined my nessman, Robert C. McNair. This adopted burned to ashes yet rose from the ashes to at- staff, and has been with my office for more VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:43 Nov 30, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29NO8.022 E29NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS.
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