
Twelve Twelve Pages THE ST.JOHNS NEWS Pages VOLUME XXIV—NO. 12 THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON—OCTOBER 24, 1912. ONE DOLLAR A YEAS HOMEIALEIIT PliASMIT HOME WEODMe HOLMES REPLIES AnnouncementsDUPUIN H POPUIAR YOUNG COUPLE rouie PEOPLE OF IN BINGIMM TOWNSHIP MHHHO LAST SATURDAY 529^68 The next W. K. (X thimble party PUY A SUCCESS ALLK!^ J. I’KKJWJiA.I A.'^U MABEL TO OUR ARTICLE will be held at their ball next Wed ­ WILL MARE THEIR HOHE IN V. HI LLAMO MAKMIBD. nesday, OcL SO. LANHINO. CLAIHB HE HAH HAYED THE <TTY OAYE KETIRINO PAHTOR AND INI HOLD LA wo; (*WIWD AT ALLIHON There will be a Hallowe'en mas­ CONVENTION IN ST. F.IMILY REf'EPnO.N. THKATBC. The ple»»aJ»l farm home of Hr. a»d HONEY. querade party at Bingham (Irange The home of Mr. and Mm. Alfred Ide JOHNH. Mtm Judaoo Bullard In Hln»haiii wm hall oa Tliursday evening, OcL SI. ■ of Watertown waa the scene of a pret- Ailed with relatlvee and frl^e Wed- nMday, November ». the happy oe- A Black Cat aoclal will be given at ' I the Beagal Orange hall Friday. Nov- ' SPLENOID TIME YVAS ENJOYED laughter, Mlsa .Norma, wae united In TO WITNESS “OOLOEN 6ULCH" c*e*on which called them to«ether BY BEHIG ON BOARD OF P. W. marriage to Jamea Kusm II Lowell. FINE PREPARED ins the marrlaiie of Mlae Mabel V. • ember let. by the faithful followers of J The home wna benutlfully decorated ithe Beagal M. K. 8. 8. Everybody : \fi with autumn leaves and flowers. At FOK Bullard. dau«hler of the home, to Ai- THINKH WE HATE HTARTED icome. IIKAI’TIFI'L PREHKNTH tJlYK.N PLAY .NETTED NEAT HIM J Creeeuian, eon of Mr. and Mrs. high noon the bridal party deaeeoded ■EHHERH OF THE YARIOCH SO. 1 (!. Criniiiau, of Bln«hani. Autumn THE llEBKkAH*ti HOHETHINH WE TANT FINIHH TOkE.N <»F EMTEBM. the stalm to the atralna of a w«'ddlng CIETIEH TO ATTEND. leavee predcnnlnated in the handeomc The Weet Bingham U. R. Aid So- march played by the youugeat slater decoration achenie. To the atralna of ------------ jclety will meet with Mra. E. Bough- of the bride. The Rev. J. W. Rochelle Lmrrni Arl#n* DM Nlwly ( •••WertBW the widdlnit march played by Mra IwUer to Ihe Feepie Aeeempaaied By ! U»n. Thursday . Oct. 31. 1912. Every Rev. I. H. Hukslag and Family Hill preceded followed by the groom and vuiUng Deleg ntes Will He HarvnS ; one cordially lnviif>d. *'*Dinner---- aerved Clyde Bullard, the bride and arooiu Veiled rhrrsi Vgalast Ihe ; ('omuilttee No. 2. Here ta Adrtea to Take hla beat man. a brother of the bride. ___ ..___^ TiH- Hli*i1 T!«r UhB* were eecorted to the luarrlacc alUr Mlaa Zelma Ide. maid of honor and the ' *•** ** PrpiMraliML which was built of autumn leavee and News Ktlilsr. |Tp New ('karge- bride on the arm of h«.r father. Little ADerneea Hervke. ________ overarched by a bower of autumn fol- tienevleve Muon acted as ring-bearer, ^ the lane. Mrs. Kona Beadle of Buffalo, a GUNTON COUNTY'S CHOICE . carrying the ring In the center of a ' The home talent play «l'«n ai m ^j^ted as bridesmaid To the CltUens of 8t Johna and vi­ Complimentary to Rev. and Mm cbryaantheuni. The Young People of the varlona opera house Monday night drew a ver. ^ Beadle took the part of cinity. Buaalng and daughter, Hatber, the Tlie couple took their places within young people'# aocietlea of the county, «ood house. ..«„,.,«tlan »»«*t man. A pleasant coincidence I deem It my duty to >'Ou. aa well FOR STATE THEASURER membem and friends of the Duplaln a bower of autumn leave#, ferns and ^Bjiout reference to denominations. St Johns people have a reputation aa ray eel f and family, to make this Church of Christ tendered them a m- Lbryaantheuma, Rev. Rochelle per are cordially iartted to attond the ft»r good home ulent and this P*[ wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mra. statement of facts In regard to an at­ ceptlon Wednesday evening, October JOHN II. KOHHO.N HILL INILL forming the ceremony. convention to be held at the St Johna Uon helped to bear out this opinio^ Beadle, the eldest daughter of the I tack by the editor, and recently print­ 16. After congratulations a dainty Baptist church Sunday aftemoao and The play was not what It could nave bridesmaid to the wed- j ed In the St. Johns .News, uiioo my LARfiE VOTE. After a social hour In the audi ­ three-course luncheon was served to evening, Oct. 27, 1912. .We especially been made with another »* * of the youngest. Miss llaael j hitherto unsullied name. A uatue I torium a banquet was Bervwl by the about fifty guesu by six girl friends urge that aa many as can will try and tlce. However, the Kebekahs r»lU Bullard was ring bearer. Bergtne am proud to aay has been known women of the church tn the dining bride, during which a fine must come and make this the beat conven ­ mom About 100 were present. At a nice little euin as the result or tneir Buffalo, niece of the bride among you for the past fifty aeven John M. Robion was bom In Ovid. cal program waa rendered. tion held yet. I.aincfa will be eervad the clos«' of the banquet a library ta­ effort. aod Kva Bullard were ribbon gtrla. j yram. 1 having been a resident of Mich., in lkT2. ami has lived tfi^' all Mm. Lowell la well known in St to the delegates at 5:00 o ’clock In the ble and revolving chair were present­ The scene was laid In the far w , marriage ceremony was iierform- I Clinton County all of that time, ex­ his life He was the son of John H. Johns, having graduated from the basement of the church. ITogram III a typical mining town. ( rlinps a ^ Mullen, minister of cept two yearn spent In l-silngsburg. Robson. 8r.. who was an early and ed the honor guests by Russell Ash. Clinton county Normal in ’<W. After follows. Afternoon —1:00 p. m., praiae Batches, iwu school kids, were ine congregational church. St. Johns , Shiawaaaee county, when a boy of 12 resiHN-ted eftlxen of Ovid and waa li*** I" teaching............. ............ two yearn,........... she- took— up^ a and song service; 1:30 p. m., devo- Orst to appear. Will After n moet bountiful wedding din- ‘ to 14 yearn. second president o ftlie village after the membem of the church, joniestlc aclene at the .M. A tionaJ, by Rev. Oregory. St Johns; the Bible school .'Uid friends. Rev Mlse Bernice Hodge acquitted the i- couple were given a nierr>' I will say. Ilrstly. It has been the 1:40 p. m., address of welcome by Bussing thanked their friends for the eelvee very creditably tn argu ng aiartiHl on their bri- euatoni as long as I can recall among Mlae Elale Schultz. St Johns; 2:00 p. about the buinp«l head and sore toe |),.tr<ilt. Nla- the business ffrms of St. Johns, when glfU expr^ hla regret In be- ^ ^ „ highly ea- m., response. West illngham society; Mlas Bertha Wolford t«*ok the par Falls. Buffalo .and other eastern called upon for any article ncede<l by Ing obliged to give up his work here. ^ ^Im. Rev. Russing and family came fmm 2-20 p. m., "What I Think of Society of Chip, lUid her tend- r .uiiophistlca - th» |r return they will be the City, to hand it out without any Conspicuous among the many beau­ Cnlon," .Mr. Cleo (Jreen. Victor; 2:40 ed ht'orth€«rt could not withstand tnethe home. to their friends after .\overa- thought of breaking the law* .And it fielding to take charge of the 8t. tiful gift* of sliver, cut glass and Johns and Ihiplaln churches a little p. m., solo, "One .'Sweetly Jlolemn pleadlng of Josep^i Carey, as Julian would often be next to Impossible to .. ... .. china, was a fine alfver berry spoon Thought," .MIee Hazel Plowa.an, St. Cray. ------ obtain these articles of any firm in more a year ago and while ft was Mm Well by the Sesame Johns; 2:55 p. m . * The c nty M. Judge Thoiiipson, who was Judgt , rillLIl .MIT IMHHDNKIl. St. Johns, who dtd n<it represent the expected he would remain another Society ^of Ihe .M. A.^ C. of which .h»she ir*|c. A.* orWork."—.. *. Uhiii <;rOr augh:aiigh; .3:1.3:15 p. year. Re\. Busstnir recently t- rdercf! ex-sheriff,VA-Buci.*.. iiostniaster.•—...... ........ etc., lost hi* The .tnalysls of the stomach and In- City in one caiwclty or .mother. was a member. in., “How the Y. .M . A Helps the h* art to the "new school mum If'”* ’* testlnes of little Harold Bowen tiiade A* it lakes to govern our small his resignation, owing to hla wife's ill Out-of-town gueets pre** ‘nl were young People ’s Societ>.* by Emerald Bosghig. " and no dowht th«th« y are Ih^Ih- state Boanl of Health showed I»eac**-loving city, 22 men, men who health. Mrr Roy M*s>n and daughter and oth- flarlock, Waco-jsta; 3:3.5 p. m.. wogg The work of a pastor and his wife lug happily together .Mia* Judith trr.rcj* of any kind of poisoning should have n rensonuhle amount ter relatlve> in and near l-atislng. .Mbs by chorus; 3:4.5 p. m. * *-ctlon of olB- .In ;i country* church Is extremely dif ­ Clark wa* the “school mum.
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