- -- THIS WEEKEND: HIT THE BRICKS DOWNTOWN FOR SIOEWALK SALE, 3A. _ _ ~ J.. _. ._ _.s_vr:.._ -~-·- _ ___ _ "-- •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• 85th Year, Issue 31 ® 1995 August 25, 1995 Newark, Del. • 35¢ THis WEEK City upset with Inside this edition TIMELY DeiDot efforts By MARY E. PETZAK Luft c it ed three examples in his letter. one of which wa a request over a yea r INFORMATION NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER old for a change in signage on outh College Aven ue. C it.y of Newark official. have grown "That was clo ne a a re. ult of my let­ ABOUT in creasingly fru strated with traffic prob­ ter," said Luft. "But the point is that we lems in th e ci ty, particul arl y through­ houldn't have had to wa it over a year truck traffic, according to city manager fo r . ome response.'' LOCAL SCHOOlS Carl Luft. Luft said there are many more pro­ "We can not change the traffi c prob­ jects, among them the bypass project lems in Newark on our own. The bottom langui shing since the mid- 1950. , which FOR ALL line is that the majority of lributari es th at have been stud ied and slated for action move through the city are state roads," in the past but not compl eted. he said recentl y. ·· w e hone. tly have nowhere else to NEWARK On April 19, Lu ft wrote to DeiDOT turn for help.'' said Luf't ill' his leuer. secretary Ann Canb y, expl aining the "There are counties in th is count ry big­ ci ty's positi on and requesting her assis­ ger th an De laware. From our experi­ PARENTS, tance in movin g local projects along. ences with th e State Depart ment or "There have been dozens of requests Transport at.\on, th e re pe nsiveness i. made of the state Department of sub-par ... STUDENTS. Transport ati on by the City of Newark in Luft said he received a response from recent years to improve traffic flow and Canby dated Ju ly 26, over three month. safety," wrote Lu ft. "We have been later, in whi ch she expressed anger In the news ex tre mely frustrated that mo. t of these regarding his letter. "Noth ing ha really have not been ac ted upon or have been studied with no action." See DeiDOT, 3A ..... CITY OFFICIALS Newark expanding? By MARY E. PETZAK Amherst Li mited Partn ershi p, th e ac tion TIRED on their property is sought to all ow NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER future development of the Marrow OF OLD Road Sports Complex. The ci ty of Newark could be expand­ Proposed plans for th e complex in g if city council approves a proposed (': include a 31,800 square-foot indoor ice ·NEWARK ordin:>!lCe to annex land off Marrows skatin g arena as well as possi ble future Road. expansion of that fac ility and a second Counc il will have a t1 rst reading on rink. Accordi ng to Amh erst, urre nt SIGN. Mond ay for the ordinance to ann ex and needs of ice hoc key leagues and publi c 2A rezone seven acres of land behind Price demand exceed avail abl e ice time local­ DON'r DUMP 1HAT HERE! Toyota on Marrows Road fo r a possible ly. sports complex. Second read in g and a While no specific uses are proposed, Kevin Sabrowskie wheels a barrow-lull of dirt down the hall at Kirk Middle School for use vo te are scheduled fo r Sept. 25. the developer. are also considerin g a in the school's garden, and Billy Bachman makes sure he doesn 't spill a single spot of According to in formati on provided to See MARROWS ROAD , 3A ..... dirt. The two boys are part of a summer program that kept the gardens working which was NEW STORE th e pl anning commission by own er run by Kirk teacher, Tammy Averell. COMES TO NWN STREET. 3A Local shopping center rises again By MARY E. PETZAK empl oyees at the Thri ft Drug sto res in Poll y and Fusco sa id he i tryin g to fi nalize lea es In Lifestyle Drummond and Brookside shopping cent ers, for those units. NEWARK PO ST STAFF WRITER the Brooksid e store ex pects to relocate back ··w e' ve been talking to a cleaners. a shoe After over a year of renovati ons, new to Pencader Pl aza in October. We ' ve been talk­ store and a dress shop,'' said Fusco. 'Tm NEWARK RESIDENT Nick and Joe's Pi zzeria will also relllrn in goi ng to tell them peopl e are wai ting to shop A stores are finally coming to Pencader Pl aza, •• ing to a cleaner, a shoe fo rmerl y Ca tie Mall , on Route 72, accord­ October, according to owner Nick Sugli a. here and . ee i r they'll come to a decision." RECEIVES ing to th e owner Tony Fusco. Suglia's company. whi h has two locations store and a dress shop." Fu co also said th e parkin g lot is now Fu sco, head of Fusco Properti e. , con­ in Pennsylva ni a and two in New Jersey. had completely repaved. Local patro ns of Caldor firmed th at Thrift Drug, for which he a pizza shop in the Castl e Mall fo r 17 years TONY FUSCO and PNC Bank we re thankful for th at much. THE HIGHEST obtained a renovati on permit on July 2 1, will before the renovation work started. HEAD OF FUSCO PRO PERTIES Fusco is till hoping to negoti ate a food be returning in the fa ll. According to Workers are almost fin ished the shell s fo r . tore at the location but did not give any fur­ HONOR AS additional strip stores adjacent to Ca ldor, ther information. GIRL SCOur; 6A New era In The Arts Mandatory THERE'S ANEW restriction now begins at INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM By MARY PETZAK AU city of Newark water cus­ .. , ......................................... tomers mu S1 take immediate NEWARK PO ST STAFF WRITER St.Mark~ action to repair and stop leakage IN SCRANTON, PA. from water lines or plumbing fix ­ The day has finally come. tures on their premise . The arriva l of Dr. John C. Monnig THAT'S Mandato.ry water restrictions go In the event a customer i a pri ncipal of t. Mark ' ignal a new into effect on Monday. Aug. 28 found to be in violation of the era t: r th e 27 year-old hi gh school. for the city of Newark. mandatory conservation requin::­ Monnig wa. hired in June following WORTH According to Joseph ments, a warning will be i sued. the unexplai ned firing of fo rmer prin- • Dombrowski, city water director, Twenty-four hours after the cipal, Ronald R. Ru sso. the lack of rainfall and return of uni­ warning notice is given, the Monnig ha been on th e job at St. THE TRIP. 7A versity students has fO!Wl the city water may be turned off for a Mark', ince July I. learning about the to finally impose the restrictions. maximum of 12 hours. A fine of school, the students and the faculty Effective 8 a.m. Monday the up to $50 may be a sessed before through meeting and interviews. Index following uses of water at;e not the water will be turned back on. "l've met with about two-thirds of allowed until further notice: The city requires continuation the faculty so fa r. " he said on Aug. 8. "I • The washing of streets. drive­ of voluntary conservation efforts in vi ted th em. and th y've been coming NEWS 1·12A ways, sidewalks, parking lots, indoor as well. Such efforts will in about two or three a day." He also service station aprons. or other stated th at he would be meeting with POLICE 2A help minimize the length of time outdoor surfaces. restrictions are in effect. The some of the . tudent. prior to the open­ OPINION 4A • Watering of lawns. water department suggests short­ ing of school. • Watering of outside shrubbery. Monnig said he wanted to com to LIFESTYLE &A er showers, full loads in washers, trees, plants, or other vegetation, and monitoring water u. e to 1. Mark 's because there "are exciting DIVERSIONS BA except from a watering can or eliminate waste. things happening here." other container. Meanwhile Governor Thomas For ex.ample, he notes that St. OBITUARIES 10, 11A •The washing with a hose of R. Carper planned to i sue a Mark's ha .• its own daily TV broad­ casts in the school. "I think that' a ARTS 7A any automobiles, truck , trailers, drought warning for all of north- or any other type of mobile great learning experience." Monnig SPORTS 1·38 equipment. See WATER, 3A. said 1. Mark's was already better than CLASSIFIEDS 4·88 See MONNIG 3A. 'I PACE 2A • EWARK POST • A C !>'T 25, 1995 Police beat • Police Beat is compiled each week from the Postal Inspectors and Newark poli e, acting on files of the Newark Police Department h staff inf rmation that a resident of Madison drive in writer Ron Porter. Newark had received a shipment of drugs, ex.e­ A sign of the times cu ted a search warranr and carched the address. eized during the search were over Crash injures two nine pound s of marijuana, 145 hi ts of LSD and OUNCIL MEMBER Anthony in ex.ccss of $3,000 in cash, police said .
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