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For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • Volume 74, No. 24 The Nation's Largest Black Collegiate Newspaper • Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 April 5, 1991 Fonner HU A 24-YEAR ABSENCE Jenifer looks back on 1st year with pride • • • ' ·student plans By SHAUNTAE BROWN comeback HiNtop Staff Reporter Howard: A ' On December 16, 1990, the Board I . of Trustees at Howard University an­ research By MICHELLE f;IANDOO nounced their choice fort he president of • I • the university, Franklyn G. Jenifer. He HiNtop Staff ReportBf_., .. wasn't the first choice of Ho,vard stu­ institute? dents, but nonetheless they' d had to ls itcvcrtoolatc 10 go back to school? give Jenifer, the chancellor of the Mas~ NO, according to Tim Jones. a 42-ycar- By REGINA MACK " . sachusetts Board of Regents of Higher old cntrep'rcncur who O\vnS TAJ book- • Educalion. but a relative unknown on Hilltop Staff Reporter store, \vhich sells books to students in . ca n1pus, a chance . the Di~trict at a lo\vcr price. Everyone anxiously a\vaited to see ''Howard University is a compre­ • It has been ~wcnty:four years since change, and wondered what that change hensive, research-oriented, histori­ • he first attended Ho:i.vard ·University. would be . The first thing he did. as call y black, private university ... " ac­ an~ now he \\'ants his undcrgra~uatc Frankly.n Jenifer District of Columbia Mayor Sharon Pratt cording to the beginning of the new degree. Dixon put it . was ,;clean house." mission statement approved by the search, Howard must provide more Jones. \Vho first enrolled at Howard Last September. at convocation. Board of Trustees. However. many resources such as office space, com­ in) 966 as a Go,·e rnmcnt majqr. \Van ts Jenifer announced, and forewarned, he students arc questioning exactly how puter labs, and research assistantS. to . return to complete his degree in \vould be ''pruning the tree.'' Some slept Howard will implement the ''top­ Professors should not be teaching Economics. This goal \\·hich \\'as sup­ on that warning. and others worried if flight'' research institutio·n President more than two courses." pressed because of obstacles he experi­ their limbs would be the ones to be Jenifer calls for in the ''Howard 2000'' ''A lot of professors appreciate enced O\'CT the }'cars. _ pruned. Soon after. the critical evalua­ report published on Feb. 20. Howard's mi ssion and students, but On March 1. 1979. a tragic incident , li on of the university that caused so As a research institute. Howard are burned out and· it 's reflected in • occurred imn1cdiatcly changing "Jones ~ : their classrooms and personal lives,·· much controversy, !he Commission will seek to produce students who can • !if~ . \\thile working part-time as a · 1 • Report . was released. The report made compete on the cutting edge of the Flax said. • More research also entails taxicab drivCr. he became criticall)' in­ 106 recomn1endations, to change and techn ological. geopolitical , demo­ salary increases. I have three courses jured as a rcsul1 of a gun-shot wound t.o intprove the universily. graphical, economical. and interna­ in which one class has over 50 stu­ the base of his skull, which forced him As he waits to be inaugurated one tional world n1arket . Initiating these dents." to drop out pf school.· year after he \Vas appointed to office. changes includes upgrading the By emphasizing faculty research, ''It '!."as a Thuisday evening.'.' recalled Jen ifer has said most of the pruning ls equipment, facilities, and teaching innovative programs, and the elimi· Jones. ''I always felt energized working over. Next year, Ho\vard 2000, Jenifcr's methods students are exposed to. nation of certain schools and majors, during the nights:. I Ricked up three Tim Jones overcame life-threatening Injuries to return to HU. proposed evaluaiion taken from the Some st udents belieYe-1hc call for Howard hopes to attract more funds .. n1 ales at the comer of Martin LL1ther ' comn1ission report, \viii be implemented. faculty· s primary role in research will to the university. King Avenue and, Sumner _Ro'ad in Jones. ··but I do remember someone .. ph)'Sical disabilities, such as a slight ··1 think the environment this year overwork them without added perks Melvin Jones, Vice President of Southeast Washington. D.C. anP they te lling me to tum the car off.·· he said loss in his peripheral vision in his left has been very, very in\'igorating,'' and compensation. the Office of Fiscal Affairs and Busi­ wa111ed me lo take them to 19 Anacostia I C)'C. abruptly. · then heard a voice •coming Jenifer said. ·· I think for the first time Dr. ·Jane P. Flax, a profe ssor of ness, said the department is in the Road."· from a window in an apanment build- ··1 can't hear out of my right ear.'' the facu lty, students, administrations and Political Science, said many faculty process of determining the amount JOnessaid one of the passengers asked ing. ··The ambulance is on the wa)'. ·· he noted Jones. He also said that he h:1s a of revenue !hat will be generated trust.e~s were al l involved in deciding members are already on overload be­ how ffiucti the fare Was and another reca lled the person shouting. 75 percent range of motion on the left • \Vherc this great university will go,·· he cause of large classes and the lack of from Jenifer's proposals. passenger said, ''This one is going to be Jones '''ent into a cont a for six \\'eeks. side of his body. said. computer resources. ·President Jenifer said he believes on the house." but eventually regained his strength over .But this \A."as not a set-back to Jo11es. One of the main focuses of H o\var~ ''If !he commission report calls for " I don 't remember what happened a four-month period in the hospital. faculty members to conduct more re- See 2000, page AS .. next,'' said the slender, .soft-spoken Today. Jones experiences minor See JONES, page A6 See JENIFER. page A6 Rape prevention seminar marked Bombs by disappointing student attendance • • , By' TYYA N. TURNER for the small male turnoU.t and sug­ that onl)' big. strong. brutish men arc Away!! gested that if a male speaker addressed . m<1.sculine and desen.•e respect. This HiNtop Staff Repot1er t~e topic in the future. it might serve as notion "Can fuel the idea tha1 the ''mas­ an incentive to get more males to par­ culine·· men ha\'e a right to exen their Faculty threatens to As ' 'iolence in \Vashington O.C. in­ ticipate. ph~·sical po"'erover other people. Also. tensifies. one student organiza,tion gath­ Darrius Gourdine, a senior zoology it can create feelings of inadequacy in hold exams on yard if ered Tuesday evening to discuss what i.s major. attended the seminar and \\•as men " ·ho are seen as effen1inate, which bomb threats persists considered an unlikely source of attack­ also disappointed with the loW turnout, may make ihem want to seek revenge on friends or acquaintances. but stated that lack of publicil)' and poor women. By SHAUlff.AE BROWN The Alpha Sweetheart Court of tin1ing were probably factors. FinlC)' also warned that thinking Howard University sponsored a rape ''I le arned a lot about \vhat exactly only certain types of women get raped, Hilltop Staff Reporter crisis seminar in the School of Business rape is, but I think the end of school \vas such as those who dress provocatively I Auditorium to a low student turnout. a bad time to ha\1e this. especially the or who are fro n1 lower income back­ If you think taking a!l exam on the The puri)ose of the seminar. was to same ni&ht that Chris Rock was here.·• grounds, can lead 10 a false sense of fifty yard line of the Greene Memorial • ,;d iscuss date, gang. and f ratemity rape.,. said Gourdine. security. Stadium could never happen. you better said Sweetheart LaKisha Brown, \\'ho Mary Finley, Comn1unily Education Contrary to popular belief, Finley thin~ again. especially, if you arc a organized the seminar. · Director of the D.C. Rape Crisis Center, said, some date rapes are planned be­ • student in the School of Business. Brown. a freshman ~sychology ma­ was the guest speaker. In addition to cause. in many cases. the male plans for Because of the continuous fire alanns jor. said she wanted ··~ lot of men to date, gang, and fraternity rape. Finley. the evening to end in some type of and OOmb threats in the school within attend because. in maifY cases of date also addressed sexual harassment and sexual acti,·ity. Participants in the the last few weeks. faculty meritbcrs say rape, the guy doesn't think he's doing common myt hs abou1 rape . seminar suggested that comm unication they may resort 10 an alternative that anything wrong. I \\·as disappointed ''Sexual harassment or assuault can about the expectations of both people could find students taking exams on the with the number of guys tha1 came.
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