TORRANCE HERALD, Torronce, California THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1937 Five Days The 'Quints* Just After a Shampoo j Sidney-McCrea That Jones Family Breaks Loose Again t H A (Takes • ^ • > '.' . ,JS* ' -. .._, TOUCHDOWN to Film Scene ^ BnM^f^.^ro^ I Star in "Dead Ail. alii-, C^h. - KK-, i.oges 2, OF VALUES! Free Auto Park opp. th...S [Killing Gangster End" on Screen Frl., Sat, Oct. 29, 30 LOOK FOR BIG 4- It took Joel McCrea and 20 "Dead End," Samuel Oold- PAGE CIRCULAR Bobby Breen In "MAKK A WISH" and or 30 people five days to "kill" wyn'n film production based on AT YOUR DOOR "THE DKVII. IS DRIVING" Humphrey Bogart. playing the the Broadway stage hit by Sid­ igster "Baby Face" Martin ney Kingsley, comes to the BKOMO-SELT/EB, mcd. 2flc 3iin.,Mon..Ttin., Oct.SI, Nov.1,2 In Samuel Goldwyn'u "Dead Torrance theatre with Sylvia Pulvcx Flea Powder ...... ..47c "T1U5 KOAD BACK" and End," In which McCrea is co- Sidney and Joel McCroa in the r\Iiirricd_ Before Hrc.ikfaMt" tarring with Sylvia Sidney at starring roles. ~ Wed., Thurs., Nov7~3, 4 thc Plaza theatre in Hawthorne This powerful drama of a day Clark Giiltle, U'ni. Powell, itartlng Saturday. ii the lives of a handful of M.vrim Ixiy in McCrea started killing Bogart humans who inhabit a "dead DOLLEY "Manhattan Melodrama" also on n Friday. Saturday he was end" city street, where fashion­ DRUG COMPANY "The Great Hospital Mystery" still at it. Sunday he didn't able apartments rub elbows Frrn Harrkpr Hot Ovemvnro to k. Thc following Wedncs- with the squalid tcncmpnts of EL PRADO and SARTORI HIP l-nilles Both Nights :lay, Bogart was dead, killed the waterfront, which set rec­ from every possible camera ords in Its Broadway run and ingle. was cheered from Const to Thc Bogart killing started in Coast, reaches even greater height;; In the film version. in alley on thc "Dead End" set. on thousands of theatre M one end of the alley was Dl- Sylvia is seen as Drina, the The Irrepressible unit known .slum girl who is battling des­ screens as the Join's Family breaks loose again anil this ector William Wylcr. McCrea, comedy of < wet, "blood" perately to raise herself and her lllu, ln -f Io| Water," a rib-tickling oinpllcaUon.s. his clothes soaking at the Torrance theatre, from a knife wound In small brother Tommy to a bet-1 |t , o|)CI,j ng tonight Gripping , . ,_ . .._.___ __ -. ..._..-... his shoulder, was hiding around ter lite; McCrea plays Dave, i I the poor architect she Icwcs, - PHONE,TORRANCE 132 n-ner waiting- for, Bog.irt, j McCrea was wet bccau: "who,~tn turn, loves Kay, (Wendy Powerful Stage Hit Now on Screen ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 10c found a way not Yvonne, Cecile, Emilie, etc., but the Barrio), v,-ho ha:; just climbed out of East Their names are Into luxury and 29 Face" Mar- j 2-months-old Boston bulls are listed as the "Dionne Qiiin- out of the slums THURSDAY and FRIDAY ONLY—October 28 r, where "Baby even for .love; |tin had thrown him after stab- . tuplct8" of cxciusjvo canine circles. They arc shown being and won't return jjbing him. ..__._-.-_." " Humphrey Bogart is seen as Jones Family in "HOT WATER" | hung out to dry by Miss Mickey Flanagan, who has just Baby Face Martin, the gangster Down the alley came _Dogart; g,ven thcm a sharnpOO fn preparation for the Silver Iln^ with ,1 price on his head, who u- n-i^h m a riu Tu'nll^ McCrea j Kennel Club dog show in San Diego. Cal. _ ' braves death in the slum where "IT CAN'T LAST FOREVER" he was spawned only to find EDGAR BERGEN and CHARLIE MCCARTHY ] jumped on them, knocked Bo- that his own mother hates him |gart down and grabbed Jcnklns, and that Franccy- (Claire Tre- FRIDAY NITE PLAY NITE!! I who had a gun in his hand. The Lomitans Enjoy vor), his boyhood sweetheart, WL'nt off ami Bognrt ran has taken life the easiest way. [away. < Alien Jrnkins Is seen as Hunk, The next day,, McCroa pursued "Baby Face's" henchman, and The Healer," featuring Ralph The Outstanding HUH IJBogart down the alloy and up Opening scries of " three ', the Dead End kids from the |l on the I'ooftops. He was still , ncllamy, Karen Morley and cast, nts, a large num-1 Mickey Rooncy, is a deeply hu- original. New York stage ' pursuing him, taking .111 occa-! community Rnfcriel Dell, Bob­ in- Billy Halop, nal pot-shot at him on Mon- i bcr of Lomitans turned out to j man story gripping in its by Jordan. Huntz Hull, Leo 1> "DEAD END" v. Tuesday, McCrea got down j enjoy the "Night of "Fun," 'tensity and Inspiring in theme Gorcey and Bernard I'unsley, o. business and started hitting j sponsored by tnp Kiwanifi It will be sho at the Metho- famous charactcri- Nov. relive their Bogart with his bullets. Wed-.Wcd- of that Iocality Tuesday night. dlst church hci Tucsday, | zations of Tommy, "T.B.," JOEL McCREA — HUMPHREY BOGART 2, at 7:30 p. m jrjday he fou:.d a fatal spi The next community attraction ' "Angel," "Dippy," "Spit," and and SYLVIA SIDNEY ind Eogart tumbled off a tene- 111 be the Lomita Chamber of This film was adapted from ncnt building into the center Robert Herrick's famous novel I SATURDAY — SUNDAY — MONDAY and Commerce dinner meeting. Dec if the dead end street. 6 and the third event will be of the same name, and is the TUESDAY — 4 DAYS — Oct. 30. 31, Nov. 1, Like nil screen dead men, Bo- the annual Christmas-tree-party story ot a hard working young 53ft was able to go to dinnc.- on Christinas Eve. physician , who maintains a Penney Store to also iftcr the death blow. That modest health resort where he The gathering Tuesday night miraculous STU ERWIN and GLENDA FARRELL in his final scone in "Dead End" i began with a banquet given by performs almost Hold Toy Show (iabrinl Dell, . Leo Uorcey. Sylvia Sidney, Uenmnl ml he went back home to Kst. the Klwanis club with Dr. M. cures on youthful victims of the in a scene most virulent of childhood dis­ ljnnsley and Hobby Jorduu are shown above "DANCE, CHARLIE, DANCE" as chairman. It's still 57 days off but Man­ C. Woods serving eases. from "Dead Bud," which opens Saturday at the Pluza President John Holm presided ager Hillman II. I^ee of thc local theatre in Hawthorne. Jones1 Family is business session Ralph Dellamy g J. C. Penney store is -already NITE ONLY at the short WEDNESDAY—Nov. 3—ONE in "Hot Water" before the program is started. his pcrform- preparing . for Christmas. H ¥$$-SURPRISE NITE $$$. Jimmlc Sands, versatile and hu­ whllc he has planned a g pre-hollday Dad's running for Mayor, morous after-dinner speaker is ably aided by the outstand- showing of .the latest product CRAIG REYNOLDS and ANN SHERIDAN in Mother's running Dad, Roger's was the. chief entertainer ing work of Judith Alien, Rob- j Of Santa Claus' workshops at Around Hollywood Film Lots McWade, Bruco Warren, J. for Friday ] unning a scandal sheet while afterwards the Kiwanians the Civic Auditoriui (U.P.I -Filmland knitting. A recent lettel "FOOT LOOSE HEIRESS" blonde L-ll MacDqnald and DLLYWOOD ack's running after a their guilts attended the sc night. No i receive enough gifts from I formed Tuvlor n fifth sw< and SMITH BALLEW — HEATHER ANGEL in n tfye most action-filled, hilar- Every youngster in ond show at the Lomita theatre.! Fanell. and'vicinity"is:"inVited toTttc'nd i thclr, followers to fill a depart-1 is on its way. GOLD" DUS and human hit the Jones Robert E. Gu 11, manager .of The public is invited l"K on Usually the gift. star re- "WESTERN "Hot the toy display and enjoy the! mcnl stolv- thc Slfts com paniily has ever made, the Lomita theatre, will be in vill offering will be collected. wedding anni- i wives are based on his hobbies, tonight starrl their birthdays, $$$ COME EARLY SSS Water," picture opening charge' of the Christmas tree entertainment program Christmastime and Clark Gable, he-man of . the theatre. Meglin kiddies. There versaries, at t the Torrance party.,_..,. _.. Lomita chamber Is the famed in smaller quantities all thru- great outdoors, is deluged u-ith Jed Prouty is boiling, the kids cxpected to finance this event- will be no charge of any kind fishing tackle, camping goods can, store staff hopes out the year. are in a stew and the whole | and furnish ndy and nuts for Townsend Club and the Penney in re-1 and the like. that thc Auditorium will be The donors as:k nothing family's steamed up over t! the youngsters. are highly elated if ( Eleanor Powoll has been tho tosses ti jammed when the toy show turn ami- election when Dad tl«>y receive even a note of recipient of many pairs of what Activities begins at 7 o'clock that night. I hat in the ring, and Read Our Want Ads! thanks from their favorites, dancing shoes and bottles of tossing around he gets. By BETH PAIGE • Many of thc gifts arc so valu- perfume, which she loves. able that thc ;. hesitate tc Franchot Tone, an avid chess Tonight at 8 o'clock in Ele- !T.H.s7. Cafeteria High accept them.
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