WXLS-FM WNLK-FM-1965: 95.9 Mhz;

WXLS-FM WNLK-FM-1965: 95.9 Mhz;

Connecticut, Delaware Radio Waterbury mat: Progressive. Spec progs: Fr 1 hr; farm 1/2 hr; Pol 2 1 1 hr, .See page C -1 for explanation of listings, hrs; Sp hr; Ukranian all wkly. Herbert C. Rice, WATR -June 15,1934: 1320 khz; 5 kw -D, I kw -N, DA -2. chmn; Michael C. Rice, Ares; David M. Evan, gen & Broadcast Centre (06702). (203) 755 -1121. WATR Inc. coml mgr; David Evan, prog dir; Mark Roy, news dir; Communications (acq 1975). Format: MOR. Spec Net: MBS. Rep: Dore; Kettell- Carter. Format: MOR. Wayne Norman, mus dir. Colin K. Rice, chief engr. progs: Ger I hr; It 2 '/z hrs; Pol Ihr; Black 2 hrs; Sp 81/2 Spec progs: Pol 2 hrs; talk 20 hrs, both wkly. B. Rates: $12; 10; 12; 8. hrs; Hungarian I hr, all wkly. Fred Grossman, pres; Preston Gilmore, exec VP; Fred Erwin, stn mgr; Lou Richard Buonerba, prog dir; E. Sanford Arnn, A. Morton, prog dir; Robert Gillespie, news dir; Tony Tary, Napoleon, news dir; Frank Montgomery, chief engr. chief engr. WXLS-FM WNLK-FM-1965: 95.9 mhz;. 3 kw. Ant 130 ft. Dups WIOF(FM) -Dec 25,1967:104.1 mhz; 12.5 kw. Ant 600 Young and Beautiful AM 100%. ft. Box 2719 (06720). (203) 758 -4459. WIOF a division of January Enterprises Inc. Group owner: Griffin. Net: Norwich ABC /E. Rep: Eastman Radio, Knight Sales. Format: WXLS(FM) -June 16, 1975: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 C &W Mery Griffin, pres; Stephen B. Labunski, Group ft. Box 98 (06226). (203) 456 -2251. Windham Broad- WCTY(FM)- Listing follows WICH. VP; Robert C. Ardrey, Group FM VP and gen mgr; Rich casting Group. Format: MOR, beautiful music. Ken- Shae, prog dir; Tom Reynolds, news dir. neth Dawson, pres; Peter R. Aucoin, gen mgr; James September 1946: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, I kw -N, WICH- Esposito, coml mgr; Bob Scott, prog dir; Jason Mc- DA -2. Box 551 (06360). (203) 887 -1613. WICH Inc. WQQW- November 1934: 1590 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-I. 499 Carter, mus dir; Bob Summers, prom mgr; Corey (acq 7- 1 -65). Rep: Masla. Format: MOR, talk. Robert Boyden St. (06704). (203) 753 -2121. Waterbury Radio Chapin, news dir; Peter Gowen, chief engr. Rates: M. Hall, pres; Donald Lawfer, exec VP; Richard P Reed, Inc. (acq 5- 21 -72). Net: CBS. Rep: Creed. Format: $15; 12; 15; 12. gen & coml mgr; John London, prog dir; Bruce Contemporary, progressive. Spec progs: Black 41/2 hrs, A Dubenetsky, chief engr. McDonald, news dir; Lithuanian I hr, both wkly. Marshall Pite, pres & gen Windsor mgr; Tom Coffey, stn dir; Tony Autuore, mus dir; Fred with WICH. May 1968: WCTY(FM) -Co -owned 97.7 Santore, chief engr; Jay Crawford, prog dir; Ben Freid- mhz; 3 kw horiz, 2.95 kw vert. Ant 300 ft. Prog sep from land, VP Rates: $18; 15; 18; 13. WICH. Net: ABC /FM. Rep: PRO /Meeker. Format: Good WKND music. WWCO -1946: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box 2777 (06720). (203) 758 -2468. Winnepeg Corp. (acq Total Black Experience i Old Saybrook 3- 21 -73). Audio news; APR. Rep: Masla, Northeastern Spot Sales. Format: Contemp. Spec progs: Dis -co 8 WKND -May 4, 1961: 1480 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Box WLIS- Sept 27, 1956: 1420 khz; 500 w -D. Drawer W hrs wkly. Peter Marcus, pres; William Raymond, gen 1480 (06095). (203) 688 -6221. KND Corp. (acq (06475). (203) 388-3546. Radio Conn. Inc. (acq 3- mgr; Joe McCort' prog dir; Steve Thomas, news dir; 8- 20 -69). Format: Black. Kenneth Dawson, pres & II-70). Net: MBS. Format: MOR. John M. Powers, Danny Loyns, mus dir; John Tomasiewicz, chief engr; gen mgr; Phyllis J. Segalman, coml mgr; Rick Foy, pres, gen & coml mgr; Ann C. Powers, asst mgr; Ken Ed Maglio, coml mgr. Rates: 519; 16.50; 19; 14.10. prog dir; Louis Brown, news dir; Marion Thornton, prom Griffin, news dir; Ron Allen, chief engr. Rates: $7.20; mgr; Peter Gowen, chief engr; Gregory Dixson, mus 6.70; 7.20; 6.70. WWYZ(FM) -Aug 1,1961: 92.5 mhz; 16 kw. Ant 790 ft. dir. Rates: $20; 19; 20; 19.. Broadcast Centre (06702). (203) 755 -1121. WNAB Inc. Putnam Net: ABC. Format: Good mus. WINY -May 3, 1953: 1350 khz; I kw -D. 237 Kennedy West Hartford c C/"TA\/"l` P Dr. (06260). (203) 928 -2721. Nutmeg Bcstg Co. (acq r 9 -60). Group owner: Nutmeg. Net: MBS, Connecticut WEXT -Feb 1946: 1550 khz; I kw -D. 630 Oakwood Public Information Network. Format: Top 40 Paceset- Ave. (06110). (203) 527 -1878. WEXT Inc. (acq 8 -72). 2607 River Road ter. Spec progs: Talk 2' hrs; C &W 3 hrs, both wkly. Net: ABC /I. Rep: Natl Time Sales. Format: Modern Cinnaminson, New Jersey, 08077 Michael Rice, pres; Herbert C. Rice, chmn; Michael Country. Spec progs: Talk 1 hr wkly, Ethnic (all day Gerardi, gen mgr; Peter Walsh, sls mgr; David Melen- Sunday). Harold Reiner, pres; Mike Blumberg, VP & Telephone:(609) 786 -1060 dy, news dir; Frank Carroll, mus dir; Ernest A. Brochu, gen mgr; Mort Roberts, asst gen mgr & opns mgr; Lee chief engr. Rates: 512; 10; 12; 8. Kaplan, sls mgr; John Parks, prog dir; Bill Albert, news dir. Southington WRYM -See New Britain, Conn. Delaware WNTY -990 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Sept 2,1969. Box 990, Old Turnpike Rd. (06489). (203) 628 -0311. Nutmeg *WWUH(FM) -July 15, 1968: 91.3 mhz; I kw. Ant 520 Bcstg Co. Group owner: Nutmeg. Net: MBS. Rep: ft. Stereo. 200 Bloomfield Ave. (06117). (203) Bethany Beach McGavren -Guild, Northeastern Spot Sales. Format: 243 -4703. Archibald Woodruff. Format: Progsv. Spec Golden contemp. Spec progs: Ital 4 hrs; Pol 3 hrs; talk progs: Black 81/2 hrs; jazz 12 hrs; Czech I hr, all wkly. WWTR -FM -June 20, 1974: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 mgr. 21/2 hrs, all wkly Michael C. Rice, pres; Craig Car- Mel Yates, gen ft. Box 366 (19930). (302)539 -4046. Connor Bcstg ragan, gen mgr; Lee F. Manilla, news dir; George Ber- Co. Audio news: APR. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Farm mgr; C. noski, prog & mus dir; Thomas Cawett, chief engr; West Haven 1 hr wkly. J. Parker Connor, pres & gen Susan James B. Coffey, com; mgr. Rates: $10.50; 8.50; Connor, asst gen mgr; Mason Stone, mus dir; Ronald 10.50; 8.50. *WNHU(FM) -1973: 88.7 mhz; 1.7 kw. Ant 150 ft. 300 Jones, coml mgr; J. Parker Connor Jr., chief engr. Orange Ave. (06516). (203) 934 -9296. University of Stamford New Haven Inc. Format: Progressive, black. Spec Dover progs: Classical 6 hrs; jazz 6 hrs; Natl pub radio 4 hrs, -U Drawer "B" all wkly. Richard L Gelgauda, gen mgr; Thomas G. WDOV -1948: 1410 khz; 5 kw DA-N. WSTC 18, 1941: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. -Sept (19901). (302) 674 -1410. Dover Bcstg Co. (acq 1956). 117 Prospect St. (06901). (203) 327 -1400. Western Kuser, stn mgr; Donald G. Fertman, prog dir; Robert Russo, chief engr; Thomas Sabellico, mus dir. Group owner: Rau Radio. Net: MBS. Rep: Carpenter. Co. (acq 1- 1 -46). Net: ABC /I, E & Connecticut Bcstg Format: Contemp. Spec progs: Black 3 hrs wkly. He- FM. Suburban. Rep: Torbet; New England Sls. Spec nry Rau, chmn; Lloyd Smith, pres; Thomas J. Miles, progs: It 1 hr; Pol 11/2 hrs; black 1 hr, all wkly. Westport gen mgr; Donald Culver, coml mgr; Ernest Colburn, Lingsley Gillespie, pres; Robert McCullough, gen mgr; prog dir; Les Daffin, mus dir; Gary Laing, news dir; Lisle Dorrian, chief engr. WDJF(FM) -See listing following WMMM. George Rond, chief engr. Rates: $12.94; 18, 8.24;10.59;8.24. WYRS(FM) -Co- owned with WSTC. Oct 1947: WMMM -April 15, 1959: 1260 khz; I kw -D, DA. Box 511 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 280 ft. Dup AM 78 %. (203) (06880). 227-5133. Westport Bcstg Co. (acq 2- WDSD(FM) -Co -owned with WDOV. 1956: 94.7 mhz; 15-60). Rep: Market 4. Format: Easy Istng. Spec prog: 50 kw. Ant 360 ft. (302) 734 -5816. Progs sep from AM. Ital 3 hrs wkly. Gary Flamm, gen Stockbridge mgr; Terry Smith, Stereo. Format: MOR. Pete Adlam, mus dir. Rates: prog dir; Gary Zenobia, news dir; Larry Cohen, chief $10.59;10.59;10.59;10.59. `WCWL(FM) -1975: 91.3 mhz; 1.45 kw. Ant 4 ft. engr. Berkshire Christian College. WKEN -Aug 2, 1957: 1600 khz; 500 w -D, I kw -N, DA- WDJF(FM) -Co -owned with WMMM. Sept I, 1962: N. Box 553 (19901). (302) 674 -1234. Capitol Bcstg Storrs 107.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 245 ft. Stereo. Format: Adult Corp. (acq 1- 22 -63). Net: ABC/ E. Format: MOR. Spec contemporary. prog: Farm I hr wkly. Philip G. Adams, pres; Jin Stayton, 'WHUS(FM) -1956: 91.7 mhz; 3.16 14/. Ant 360 ft. coml mgr; Joan Adams, prom mgr; Howard Redman, Box U -8 (06268). (203) 429 -3100. Board of Trustees, *WWPT(FM) -1975: 90.3 mhz; 330 w. Ant 110 ft. Sta- chief engr. Rates: S7.70;5.50;7.70;5. U of Conn. Net: ABC /I. Format: Progressive, jazz. Spec ples High School, 70 North Ave. (06880). (203) progs: record review 1 hr; talk 1 hr, wkly. Robert N. 226 -9772. Board of Education, Town of Westport. For- Markle, pres and gen mgr. mat: Variety, progressive. Spec progs: classical 15 Georgetown hrs; jazz 8 hrs; pub aff 3 hrs, all wkly.

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