Wi Annual Back-to-School Edition SEE PAGES 7-13 The Weather Becoming partly cloudy ana FINAL ' mild this afternoon, clearing Red Bank, Freehold and cooler tonight. Tomorrow - Long Branch EDITION 30 PAGES: Monmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO.36 RED BANK, NJ. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15,1972 TEN CENTS uimmm Harbor Pollution Curb Pact Set NEWARK <AP) - A step treatment plant in Newark. Bennett said he would de- July 17 by the EPA and three EPA. and 700 Industries in Hudson, has been taken toward the. Gus J. Bennett, regional en- termine if any such problems U.S. Attorneys in New Jersey In announcing the suit in Bergen, Essex and Passaic first settlement in the federal forcement director for the are likely to arise and set a and New York. Named in July, U.S. Attorney Herbert J. Counties. The area has a pop- government's wide-ranging EPA, said at hearings here formal deadline in two weeks. court suits aimed at halting Stern said the present PVSC ulation of 1.2 million. court action aimed at stop- yesterday that the federal The EPA will give the com- pollution in New York Harbor primary treatment plant pro- The |300 million improve- ping all sources of pollution of agency would be satisfied if mission a schedule of steps were the PVSC, New York vides only partial treatment ment program agreed to in New York Harbor. the PVSC built the plant by leading to completion of the City, eight New Jersey munic- of sewage. He said it has a ca- the hearing includes construc- The step came with an in- the end of 1976. The commis- facility, Bennett said.. He ipalities, the State of New Jer- pacity of about 250 million tion of the secondary treat- formal agreement yesterday sion and the state Department added the schedule probably sey and several other govern- gallons a day, but that flows •ment plant with a capacity of between the federal Environ- of Environmental Protection will be incorporated as a set- mental agencies. during storms sometimes 600 million gallons a day and mental Protection Agency and agreed to the date, providing tlement to the suit against the The federal action also or- reach 500 million gallons a improvements to interceptor the Passaic Valley Sewerage there are no new deadlines PVSC in the form of a consent dered the defendants to agree day, much of which goes enti- sewers and the outfall line Commission on a 1976 dead- caused by new federal regu- decree in federal court. to- cleanup schedules within rely untreated. through which treated sewage line for the commission to lations for project or funding The settlement would be the 180 days. The other defend- The 48-year-old plant treats is discharged into New York build a secondary sewage approval. first in the court action begun ants have yet to meet with the waste from 29 municipalities Harbor. GOP Airs Dissents Today MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) McCloskey of California, was vention, promised a "less car- state "the scene of Richard The national committee's witness at the full Platform — Preliminaries for next scheduled for 15 minutes be- nival-like atmosphere" m the Nixon's greatest defeat." rules panel scheduled an af- Committee session, declared week's Republican National fore one of seven subcom- park. Little Dissent ternoon session today to con- that "never before has the Convention are rolling along mittees. Formal selection of Presi- This week's GOP sessions sider the proposals which are prestige of the United States on schedule as top Nixon ad- .As the convention neared, dent Nixon and Vice Presi- on platform and rules, like being pressed by GOP moder- been greater" and said the ministration officials proclaim the local City Council took a dent Spiro T. Agnow as the next week's convention, gave ates. President's policies may pave administration achievements step considered important in Republican ticket still was a little indication of dissent As for the platform, the the way for a full generation to the full'Platform Com- heading off trouble by voting week away, but Democratic among Republicans from Nix- GOP managers have confined of world peace. mittee and potential dis- 4 to 3 to permit protesters to nominees George McGovern on's policies. virtually all testimony at He took another slap at crit- senters appear before sub- camp out in palm-fringed Fla- and Sargent Shriver already Disagreement exists in the morning sessions of the full icism by McGovern and Shriv- committee sessions. mingo Park six blocks from were out campaigning. Rules Committees of both the committee to administration er of administration Vietnam Three members of Presi- the Site of the GOP gathering. McGovern began his first convention and the GOP Na- officials and beads of pro-Nix- policies, declaring that the " ' APWirwtnt* dent Nixon's Cabinet and bis Asked by City visit to the politically crucial tional Committee, but it deals on organizations. Almost ev- Democratic contenders bam CAMPING IN - Youths make themselves at- Council of Economic Advisers City officials had requested midwestern states of Ohio and with proposals to follow the eryone else appears before af- an "Alice in Wonderland'? home. In Flamingo Park on Miami Beach late last' went before today's session of the action. Demonstration Illinois. Shriver, who charged Democrats' lead and require ternoon -meetings of seven view of the war. flight. Earlier in the day Miami Beach City Coun- the Platform Committee. In leaders, declaring next week's In West Virginia that the Nix- increased representation of widely scattered subcom- The Platform Committee .cll voted to allow camping in the park, six blocks the afternoon, a leading GOP protests would be more on administration had ignored women, young people and mi- mittees.. , did get to hear from one dis- ^rom Convention Hall, during the Republican Na- critic of the Vietnam war. serious than those during last the nation's workers, vowed nority groups at the 1976 Re- Secretary of State William senter, conservative Rep. 'tlonal Convention. Rep. Paul N. "Pete" month's Democratic con- in California to make that publican National Convention. P. Rogers, yesterday's top John Ashbrook of Ohio. ' Travel Firm to Pay Return Trip Fares of MGAP Tour Students • LONG BRANCH - The Action Program (MCAP). has done they're not going to the federal Office of Econom- quested a copy of the report trips home of 62 area high Wilbert C. Russell, MCAP let the kids sit around the ic Opportunity, that he was prepared by OEO in- Sdjopl students still abroad on head, said he had received the world, even if it is a financial rescinding a $60,000 grant in vestigators on the foreign an antipoverty program will assurance from officials of burden," Mr. Russell told re- federal antipoverty funds for trips program that led to be paid for by the firm that Youth for Understanding, the porters at a news conference the trips abroad. Sanchez's directive to rescind made their travel arrange- Ann Arbor, Men., based firm at MCAP headquarters here Had Been Approved thegrant ments despite cancellation of that made the travel arrange- yesterday. The grant had been ap- (At OEO headquarters in a $60,000 federal grant to fi- ments, during conservations The contact with YFU was proved by the New York re- Washington, a spokesman nance the project, according with them over the weekend. prompted by the announce- gional office of OEO and was said it-was the responsibility to the executive director of "Their position is that be- ment in Washington Friday by Intended to reimburse YFU, of the OEO regional office in the Monmouth Community cause Of what the government Phillip Sanchez, director of which had advanced the mon- New York to inform MCAP of ey for the project A total of the grant cancellation. The 67 Monmouth County students spokesman said Mr. Sanchez were sent abroad for two had sent his directive rescind- months this summer to 13' ing the grant to Angel Rivera, Federal Judge Refiiises countries in South America, regional director in New Europe, Africa and Asia un- York, who in turn should AP WlrapM* der auspices of the program, relay the word to the MCAP VISITING THE BIG CITY — Glna Dietrich, 16, left, Miss Pennsylvania, and all but five are'still over- office.) and Jane Boldridge, 16, Miss New Jersey, play with a small toy on the seas. back of a truck In mid-Manhattan during their visit for the Miss American ToStayAbortionProbe File Is Forwarded Teen-Ager contest being held In New York City tomorrow night. Miss "They'll be brought home In addition to cancelling the Dietrich Is from Fountain Springs, Pa. and Miss Boldridge is from Free- NEWARK (AP) - A federal Goldberg said late yes- tion law violations without by YFU," Mr. Russell said. grant, Mr. Sanchez said he hold. THe said they were scheduled was forwarding the file in the Judge has refused to block a terday he was preparing an seeking prosecutions pending 1 • Bergen County grand jury in- emergency notice of appeal of an appeal of the federal rul- to return later this week and MCAP case to the Depart- vestigation of an Englewood Angela's decision. He said the ing. next week. ment of Justice for review Cliffs gynecologist who has appeal would be filed Tuesday Augelli said he denied Gold- Mr. Russell said MCAP had and possible legal action. He admitted performing abor- with the U.S. 3rd Circuit berg's motions on grounds received no letter or other also ordered Mr. Rivera to B52s Stage Heavy Raids tions.
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