NOVEMBER 2011 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL NOVEMBER 2011 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Anglican family mourns Diocesan Treasurer Fred Scott BY ANA WATTS Canon (Leeman Frank) Fred Scott , Treasurer of the Diocese of Fredericton Synod and Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, died suddenly on Friday afternoon, Sept. 30 in Fredericton. During his 27 year Synod Office career many New Brunswick Anglicans knew him through Diocesan Council and myriad other com- mittees, especially finance and investment. He was also friend to several generations of parish treasurers. He served four bish- ops — Archbishop Harold Nutter, op Miller. “Earthly superlatives Bishop George Lemmon, Bishop pale when set against the essence Bill Hockin and Archbishop of his true loyalty and devotion Claude Miller. It was Bishop to God and the Church. God saw Lemmon who made him an fit to enable Fred with the gift of Honorary Lay Canon of Christ generosity; we were privileged Fred Scott’s wife Nancy is secretary to the Fredericton Fire Chief and a friend to the entire Church Cathedral in January of to witness it every day in his department. Here some of the many fire fighters who attended the funeral at Christ Church 1996, an honour he shares with leadership. A true personal and past chancellors Ron Stevenson corporate servant has gone from Cathedral waited outside for their comrades to arrive so they could file in as a group. and Charles Ferris. However, the us. God was and is glorified in the the enormous gift he has been he spoke he did so with a depth by we will discover even more New Brunswick Anglicans who lives of the faithful. Well done to the diocese over his time of of knowledge and understanding ways he helped us all. It will knew him best were his close good and faithful servant.” service. The honour of lay canon about matters in and around the take a considerable amount of colleagues at the Synod Office. Archdeacon Geoffrey Hall, the bestowed on him only began to diocese and of the practicalities time for us to return to business “Words are limited when re- Bishop’s executive assistant and recognize his contribution to of our Christian Faith. I’ve al- as usual, if we ever do. He is ir- flecting on Fred’s relationship the Secretary of Synod, called God and his Church. Fred was ways maintained that Fred did replaceable.” with God, family, fellow workers Fred a dear friend, confidant and never anything but a stabilizing, the work of three or four normal See He accomplished on page 2 and the diocese,” says Archbish- brother in Christ. “I recognize common sense presence. When people. I’m certain as time goes Oasis: Refreshment for the Journey Archbishop appoints BY BOB BRITTAIN Wesleyan churches were also represented. Mr. Buchanan The Rev. Mark Buchanan of has a strong ministry to na- Vancouver, Baptist pastor and tive people and addressed the acting treasurer, assistant author, was keynote speaker gathering on two evenings and at Oasis, the three-day annual at the closing Communion. He gathering of the Convention of talked about being still to avoid BY ANA WATTS Mr. McLeod, a vestry member Atlantic Baptist Churches, at conditions which can lead to an in the Parish of Renforth, is a Acadia University in August. It “unrested soul.” He also told On Oct. 12 the Rev. Canon Da- Certified Management Accoun- was my privilege to attend the us that through prayer God vid Kierstead and Mr. Norman tant who served several terms large meeting (920 registered restores our unrested souls, McLeod were appointed acting as a member and then chair of delegates) as the Anglican ob- and how Christians need to be treasurer and acting assistant the diocesan finance committee. server. Pentecostal, United and See Much like Synod on page 3 treasurer respectively, for the He has also chaired the diocesan Diocese of Fredericton. The investment committee. appointments are for an initial “Neither Norman McLeod period of 90 days. Archbishop nor I can step into Fred’s shoes,” Claude Miller made the appoint- said Canon Kierstead. “But we ments following a diocesan exec- both, with God’s grace, are using Back to Church Sunday utive committee meeting on Oct. the gifts he has given us to help Advent 1, Nov. 27 7 in order to fill the treasurer’s keep the diocese functioning position vacated with the sud- financially for the short term. den death of Canon Fred Scott We need the prayers and help of on Sept. 30. everyone in the diocese to do this “It is our hope that these The Rev. Canon David Keirstead until permanent appointments appointments will begin to ad- can be made.” dress our short-term financial as treasurer of many diocesan Archbishop Miller also asks administration needs and allow organizations and spent several for the continued prayers and us time to plan a way forward,” terms on the finance and prop- patience of the diocese as it said Archbishop Miller. “I have erty committees. He currently comes to grips with the chal- complete confidence in these volunteers as treasurer of the lenges before it, especially as it individuals and am most grateful Parish of Victoria in Saint John approached synod. they are willing to serve.” West where he served as rector During his 35 years in parish for 14 years until his retirement ministry Canon Kierstead served in 2010. 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN NOVEMBER 2011 P A R I S H N E W S He accomplished the work of three or four Continued from page 1 humour. He made it a pleasure to The Bishop’s Secretary Phyl- come here and work. I can’t say lis Cathcart worked with Fred enough about him, and I feel lost longer than anyone. “We had without him.” lunch together for more than 23 Diocesan Canon for Youth and years and shared stories about Youth Action Director George our families. His family was Porter appreciated Fred’s quiet always precious to him, and ways and sharp wit. “Fred was mention of his grandaughters an amazing person who lead Rose and Laura made his eyes without presumption, most of light up. He always had time to the time quietly and behind listen, whether I talked about the scenes. Unless one was re- work or my personal life. I never ally observing, one would miss once heard him raise his voice or most of his service/ministry. His get irritated, even when it was sense of humour and the love we warranted. shared for classic cartoons often “He was also incredibly will- lightened my days. He was an ing to do whatever he could — ongoing support and encourage- first in the office every morning ment to me both personally and he turned up the heat in winter, in my role with youth ministry in turned on the air conditioners the diocese. Fred cared on many (which he also installed) in the levels.” summer. He took out the gar- Camp Medley director Liz Family, friends and colleagues from near and far attended Fred Scott’s funeral at Christ bage, shoveled and salted the Harding acknowledged Fred was steps and walkways, even took an incredible support to her and Church Cathedral. Diocesan clergy were especially well represented, as were parish treasurers. care of the spiders, bats and encouraged her and her staff in birds who found their way into camp ministry. “He understood parishes. Fred was straight as an them! Whenever I asked him Officer for the diocese and editor the building. that Camp Medley, the Christian arrow, never given to spin — the about something that he couldn’t of the New Brunswick Anglican “When someone in the office camp experience, was changing essence of integrity. He carried remember ‘off the top of his — retired he wrote hilarious poems kids lives.” His family’s decision an incredible workload, was head’ he would say ‘My memory As a colleague of Fred’s I want about them, I was looking for- to include Camp Medley as an extremely competent, and was a has gone wherever my hair went.’ to add just some brief comments ward to hearing what he would option for memorial donations truly dedicated Christian. Fred’s “Not too long ago we were of my own. His wit was razor write about me and now I will underscores that commitment passing means a great hole in talking about something and sharp, he smiled most of the time, never know. The diocese has lost Fred had great respect and the Diocesan Anglican Family. I mentioned I was 72. He said knew the lyrics of every rock a rare gem, and I have lost a very admiration for Gerald (Gerry) I’ll miss him, and the Anglican ‘Well, I hope I’m like you when I and roll song from 1960s and 70s dear friend.” McConaghy, current chair of the family will miss him terribly.” get to 72.’ I am so sorry he won’t and loved to go to a good concert Diocesan Administrative Of- Diocesan Finance Committee. Although not a New Bruns- do that now. at Magnetic Hill. But his most ficer Maureen Vail is the new kid The feeling was mutual. “It was wick Anglican, Diocesan Insur- “I feel lost just knowing he is amazing talent was the ability to on the Synod Office block — she a privilege and honour to work ance Advisor Jarvis De Condé no longer in his office doing the zero-in on the nub of a Scripture was appointed in 2006 — but it with Fred,” said Gerry.
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