FEBRUARY,1930 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 65 TRADITION VERSUS HISTORY IN AMERICAN METEOROLOGY ERICR. MILLER The claims of the biographers of Matthew Font,aine The incident referred to in the foregoing quotat)ions, Maury that he was the founder of our national weather the initiation of meteorological telegrams for the benefit of service have been discounted by Charles F. Brooks (l), commerce and navigation as a function of the Signal but in trying to avoid Scylla, Brooks runs into Charybdis Service of the Army, is easily accessible in the official when lie says that Cleveland Abbe’s forec,asting service at records. Cincinnati grew into the national weather servke.’ A memorial written by Increase A. Lapham, of Mil- Inasmuch as the intere.st in the history of science and wauke,e, Wis., on December 8, 1869, and addressed to in the lives of scientists is now inc.reasing, it may be of Gen. Halbert E. Paine, Member of Congress from the interest to writers of test,books and of enayclopedias, t’o congressional district in which Milwaukae is located, learn of other c,lrtirns that have no more basis than those induced Paine to prepare a bill (H. R. 603) whic.h he just ment,ioned. The following have been estracted from int,roduced on December 16, 1869. Paine obtained let- sources that would naturally be regarded as of the highest t,ers in support of his bill from the following persons: authority: J. K. Barnes, Surgeon General, United States Army. James Pollard Espy “organized a sen7ic.e of daily Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. synchronous observations which became subsequently the Elias Loomis, professor in Yale University. Albert J. Myer, Chief Signa1 Officer of the Army. meteorological bureau of the Signal SerGc,e” (2). (‘* * * the e.lec.tric te.legraph * * * wns first The niemoiial and accompanying list of marine dis- employed in the United States at the suggestion of Henry, asters from La.pham and the letters from these gentlemen Secretary of the Smiblisonian Institution, in 1849, to were printed as Executive Document No. 10, parts 1 transmit to the Signal Service an indication of the wea.ther and 2, Forty-first Congress, second session. In binding at each telegraph 0ffic.e at the opening of business for the t>heybeca.me separated, the first appears in the volunie day” (3). bearing se.ria1 No. 1431, the second in serial No. 1416. Joseph Henry ‘(was the * * * organizer of t,he House bill 603 becoming pigeonholed in committee, Weather Bureau ” (4). Gene.ra1 Paine originated a joint resolution (H. J. Res. Joseph Henry “was the organizer of the C‘limn tological 143), which was int,roduced by him in the House and by Service, a branc,h of the Weather Bure~u,which collec,t,s Senator Wilson, of Massac.husetts, in the Senate, on the weather observations of nearly .5,000 c.ooperat,ire February 2, 1870, passed and received the signature of observers located in all sections of t,he United Stat,es” (5). bhe President on February 9, 1870. “He [Joseph Henry] personally orgnnizecl the great The execution of this act, which appropriated $25,000, system of meteorological observers with it,s army of vol- was assigned by the Sewetary of War bo Gen. Albert J. untary observers and its daily telegraphic. report,s, which hiye,r, Chief Signal Officer of the Army. The Signal formed tBhe beginnings of t,he present, United St,at,es Service had been organized June 87, 1560, was renamed Weather Bureau” (6). Signal Corps on February 24, 1880, lost the civil meteor- CZevelu.nd Abbe. “It fell to the lot of this modest man ological work by transfer to the newly constituted to initiate the national systems of weat,her forecasting Weather Bureau on June 30, 1891, and continues in which are to-day maintained by nearly every civilized existe.nce to-day. Myer engaged and trained the nec.es- nation of importance” (7). sary personnel, purchased instruments, arranged tele- ‘(TObe known, for a quarter of a century, as the dean of graph circuits, and started t,he meteorological service on American mete,orologists; to be recognized as the c.hief November 8, 1870, when lie hired Laphain as the first factor in bringing about the inauguration of our national meteorologist) of his service. system; * * * these are no slight distinct’ions” (8). According to the usual custom in nanling legislation- The Marc,ellus Hartley memorial medal (‘awarded to e. g., ((Volstead Act,” McKinley bill,” etc.-credit for Cleveland Abbe for distinguished public service in estab- e.stablishing the national weather service belongs to Hal- lishing and organizing the weather ser\-ice of the United bert E. Paine. The initial stimulus was supplied by States ” (9). Imrease A. Lapham, whose list of disasters on the Great “The Smithsonian Institution * * * began n Lakes furnished the “punch” that enabled Paine to series of meteorological observatiops at the end of 1847.” put the 1e.gislationthrough Congress, where the ‘(hammer- “The * * * nest event * * * was the orgnni- ing” of Maury and Joseph Henry had been ineffec.tual. zation of t)he Signal Service * * * in February, The credit of organizing the meteorological service 18’70.” “The Signal Service began t,o function on Feb- belongs solely t6 Chief Signal Offic,er Albert J. Myer. ruary 9, 1870, and cont,inued until June 30, 1891.” No refe,rence to Abbe or the Cinc.innati observatory ‘(* * * the United State.s Weather Bureau, at first oc,curs in these rec.ords of Congress. Abbe had been called the United States Signal Service, had its inception studying astronomy at Poulkova when national weather in this State [Ohio].” “In 1868, Mr. Frank A. Armstrong, services were being developed in Europe following the local manager of the Western Union Te,le.graph Co., at lead of Le Verrier at Paris, in 1862 and 1863. Abbe Cinc.innati * * * began the daily collecting and came to Cincinnati as director of the astroiioniical ob- publishing of weather reports. This soon attracted the servatory in 1868. In 1869 he obtained promise from attention of Prof. Cleveland Abbe.” t.he Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce of financial sup- “Professor Abbe and Mr. Armsbrong * * * on port for three months for a telegraphic weather service. February 2, 1869 issued the first curre,nt weather map The first bulletin was issued September 1, 1869. After ever published in this country ” (10). three months’ trial the support of the chamber of coni- merce terminated, and Abbe maintained the bulletin Brooks C. F. Matthew FOntaine MaurY Recant hiographias of, ahstracted from for six months himself. In the meantime Mr. Arm- reviews by’ Roscoe Nunn. Mo. Wea. Rev. 67:’472. ’[Thewriter probabably meant in 811 adminia trative sease.-Ed.] strong, of the Western Union, began publishing a weather Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/29/21 01:22 PM UTC 66 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW FEBRUARY,1930 map in February, 1870; and in May, Abbe’s bulletin was observers over in 1872, and this wns accomplished in 1874. combined with this, and c.ontinued until December, when They were continued without change unt,il Myer died and the Signal Service oEc.e in Cincinnati began to issue was succeeded by W. B. Hazen as Chief Signal Officer in weather maps (11). 1881. In that year Hazen addressed the governors of all In November, 1869, Lapham prepared a resolution the St,ates a circular letter urging the establishment of which was introdwed by the delegate from Milwaukee, Stat,e we.ather services. This was afterwards placed in Mr. E. D. Holton, at the second convention of the Na- the hands of H. H. C. Dunwoody, who traveled through- tional Board of Trade, at Richmond, Va., on December out the country organizing what has now become the 3. It is solely in connec.tion with this resolution that cliniatological service of the Weather Bureau. The credit Abbe claimed connection with the initiation of the na- for this development, beginning in 1881, should go to tional weather service, writing “In November, 1869, Hazen and Dunwoody. occurred at Richmond the annual meeting of the National The official history of James Pollard Espy is somewhat Board of Trade. Several of the Cincinnahi delegabes obscure. He obtained an intmnational reputation by the (and espe.cially Mr. John A. Gano, president of the publica.tion of his book The Philosophy of St,orms. After- Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce) had been the hearty wards he was employed under the dire.ction of the Sur- supporters of my Weather Bulletin, and were desirous of geon General of the Army, and still later under the bringing the subject to the attention of that body. Secretary of the Navy. Four reports from his pen were Their action was, however, anticipated by that of the published in 1543, 1849, 1551, a,nd 1557. The last of Hon. C. D. Holton, of Milwaukee, who presented n these marks the end of his connec,t.ion with the Govern- memorial drawn up by the Hon. I. A. Lapham” (12). ment, and he died about the bime that the Signal Service The same matte.r was referred to lat,er by Abbe (13, 14). was organized, in 1S60, and 10 years before the Signal This memorial led to a resolution by a subcommit,t,e,e Service was concerned with met,eorology. Espy organ- ‘(that .the execut,ive c.ounc.ilbe empowered t,o reconinlend ized a corps of observers, numbering 163, in his second t,o Congress to afford suc.h aid t,o the different observa- report. Joseph Henry records in his annual reports that tories of the country as will enable t,he astronomers in he had obtained the cooperation of Espy.
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