-/fi: • A~G~~~~~~~~ THE NEW SMALL PONTIAC E ACADIAN ..:··' s . .• ' ' ~ Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS ~ ' t. ---· 13 -------------------·-·- .-:-----------------'----·-"'r-HE DAILY NEWS, ST. J0HN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1962 (Price: 7 Cents) I' I I. 'j ~ I :i j'I I' 1! 1an .•I' ! . HOLLANDER (AP)- Dutch patrol ships caught a small flotilla· of In· 'donesian torpedo b: .is off West New Guinea's' invasion-menaced sou· The Congo thern coast, sank one and may have sunk another The Netherlands navy ~st said today. liO~OLllLU-Crewmen from the Japanese fishing vessel Hiro­ A navy s'pokesman said the torpedo boats, three or more, were •n- ~hima :\lal'll No. 2 lea\'.:! the vessel to wade 800 yards to shore after tercepted inside Dutch territorial waters near Etna Bay :ers the shi11 went aground on a reef off Waikiki Beach early Jan. 6th. 1• Monda~. p. t The Dutch radio reported, · -· ~ .. I that 70 Indonesian survil'ors i (The D u t e h news agency T D 1la ar amen had heen picked up by The'quoted the navy commander al' urns own • · Netherlands navy.) Hol!andia as saying it was ~ Aside from s!;irmishes with thought the Indonesian naval' ( Indonesian infiltrators, this was craft might have been the van· .ens u· res 1 the first armed clash since In· guard for an invasion. At The $5 000 donesian President S u k a r n o Hague, a Dutch defence minis- . warned last month he would try spokesman would not com- 1 take West New Guinea by force ment on. this possibility. The to stat:c · Cease-Fire May Be • Off F· unless The Netherlands handed general belief, however, is that 0 laic .. Izen ga over administration of the wild any big invasion would be post-~ er r ·d a week and forbidding region. paned unltil late this year. · 1 or four G [,ee )lOIJfi·K'\"1 •r of the 1'pection Announced Soon .LEOPOLDVILLE - AP- LnmnmM•t tmccment v;,. .. Britons ·seek Smallpox ! LEJC~:.. ES: ,.~, .\~llRt:ll' nnnoWIEC 1 In tr,v to forestall a French po~tmasler for the Ora~ ar~a IPremier Antoine Gizenga was c. ens.ured in Parlia- · ers) _ The widow of the y?ung- I' GUSted 1 1 ·.\P - rrench 1 agreement with the rebel Mos· wans shot to death outstde hts • . l I. d f · I • t• est Second World War wmner military authoritiesllcm nation'alists. 'fhe secret qffice in the centre of the city lment Monday Ill a qi~IC~ se~ue to llS. e eat m arm- mmuntza ·ton or the Victoria Cross-Britain's · werr informed by a1·my claims it will do anything, when he arrived for work. Po· : .~d battle at Stanleyvdle, Onental provmce. highest award for hraver)'-has that a cease-fire el'en plunge France into. civil lice said ·four young __ Europeans I The central government planned a reorganization 1 • turned down a Sii.OOO offer by hetll'cen France and I war, to prevent Algcl'inn lode- acting for the secret at·my fired ' · f I b' ·G' f I · · • t • 1 · LONDON (Reuters) - Thous· they dtcd of smallpox. an American for the medal be- nrnr s~id ti'A rebels may be• an-~ pendencc. The right • wlngers n! the of(icial, Vidor Demm·c, : 0 t le ca met to oust IZenga rom us milliS cria u~1ds. of pe~s?ns _lined up at vac- ~hi~s and aircraft _arriving in. cause she docs not want it to~ If SCI'Cn m the oc11r future. contend an' independent Algeria 46, as he was about to get out i IJOSt. cmatwn cl1mcs m many. p~rts Bntam no;v_ were bemg n:ct b) leave the country. llyun. ni, 1 mult, a powerful French would become a Communist of his car. I Congolese and Un~lcd ~at10.ns of ~ngl~nd Mo~day seekmg tm·l health of~tcJal_s who vaccmated Mrs. Janet Hannah. widow or otganization apparolus in :\l~eria's state. , troops surrounded G1zenga s nv- talion in the Oriental capital. mumzat10n agamst an outbreak ·any Pak1stams who could not . , John Hannah advertised 1 5 1 nc Chang's cities \\'as again ordered WEEKEND llLOODY ~cattcrcd, viole.nce w:1s re- , erside rcs~den~e in Stanleyville Gizenga, who claimed to be or sm~lipo~ that has taken at 1prove previous vaccination, I th"c · c~vertcd medal· lot· sale to nt. Choo Alert to ·'defend the re- Monday's events accompanied l~mted else\\ here m Algena dur·1 to. keep h!m Isolated untll ~re- the late premier Patrice Lum· least five hves so _far. I . ! ohtain money for the education in thr I<tee of rising i by new tension and fear, came mg the day, mter Cyr1lie. A~oula dec1des umba's legal heir,. had been ab- In the northern mdustrwl c1ty: ONE CALL . 'of heJ' children and to establish o! armen action by the; on the heels of one or the blood- what to do wtlh htm. I . sent without ieave and spurned of Bradford, scene of four of the i On_ly one call was received herself in a hairdressing busi· Europ~an Secret Mmy icst wekends in Algeria's his· I . ~he ~overmpent PI an s :.to t:overnment d~mands that he re- d~aths, 30,0~0 persons were vac-, by CitY ftrcmcn ~esterday. ness. · lory. AI least 50 persons were p • • G brmg ~1m bac~ to Leopold~1llc turn to tJ1e central capital since cmate~ durmg the. weekend and At 4.45 p.m .. firemen were "It is the memory that counts, of f:urope;m reserve killed and more than 100 were 1 r1ests 0 ~t a hme. of It~ own choosmg, last October. lo.n~ lines formed m front of the; called to the mtcrsechon .o.f not a piece of metal," said 40· lil'ill~ _in Ai)(iers have wounded in terrorist raids and I 1 Exactly w~at Will happen then :\doula's official spokesman cl1mcs ~londay. , Blackmarsh Road and Blacl, year-old i>lrs. Hannah. warnm~ card' from mob clashes. ·was not ,disclosed, after a two-. said the censure vote means In London. cab dm•ers hc~ded: mars!1 Avenue where some She said she will accept about army ln In Oran Monday, r:3ional hour cnhmet mcetmg M_onday\ I Gizcnga's immu- the hncs, _fearful ther rubh1sh had caught f1rc. There : Sl,BOO for the to shan On ~~,~d read~ ~he 1 On T • I ~arliamentary ~mght: meda~ llowe~er unclear Gt~enga s 1 nit from arrest has been lifted. have come lll co~tact wtlh 1mn:_t·j was no damage. 1 amon• her three daughters and ·I ria stat!IS m l~w may be, m facti lome of Gizcnga's oldest SUI}- grants from Pak1st;1n where 2oll ! hcrseU, hut she will not lake th& h~ 1s a pnsoner, defeated and porters took the floor against p~rso.ns were. rcp~rtcd to have 1 Ct\NCEL FLIGH'f , s;.ooo offer b~· a New York . 11 Agai . sse m ~IOSCOW (Reuters\ - Two <hsgt·aced. I him. died : an epidemic that starlerl RCMP yesterda)' cancelled a . man. ~~ A bIv ~ Roman Catholic priests go on CAPTUIIE GUAitDS , . 'last i';ol'emher. propo<cd flight to Labrador to j Her husband was 18 when he • ; trial today in Lithuania on Ncarl,v 300 of his pa!a~e I .~est~rn diplomats Judged th~ I The contagion is be!iel•cd to: investigate the January 7th. 'put out a .fire !n a bombel' OI'Cl' 'charges of speculating in goods guards were captured and d!s· dls!llustonmcnt . came when 11 · have arrived in Britain with two i drowning of John Campbell, 1Holland WJth h1s bare hands. He k' ' . • ' 1947. Irecel\ ·ed (!'Om an "a't1t'1 So1'1'et armed Sundayr byd centrnlG go\'·\'' I·became ,,. clear Gtzenga was tpush·j f . P a ·1s 1am 1mm1·g ran 1s wh o 11 ew Jr· . :'died , of tuberculosis in • · ernmcnt orccs .un cr. en. JC· mg .,1s o1~n persona 1 ques ot , into London from Karachi at Weather conditions yesterday. i b ·es ng 0 a I committee" in the United States. lor Lundula. actmg \\'l~h _the full power agamst th_e best mterests i Christmas and were in contact were not favorable for the s K at A I The Soviet Communist party. support or the UN Etluopmn bat- I or Congolese umt:;._____ Iwith hundreds of- people before flight of the police plane. 0 reans · newspaper Pravda reported that 1 / • \'.\Tli!\'S l('f'l -:the situation in ,\n~ola was de·· the unidentified American com-/ ld H•t i ·o kh b f d F• 0 o't~. Fnited Na:'teriorating and 'cited alie~ed:m~ttee sent c.on.tl'ibulions to help c0 . wave I s. ou 0 ors OUfl Ire n . rt Mulri \-rh~~~ ~;d tat~ act~ of Portugue~e represston j wtlh the bulldmg of a new 1 • :n deb~lc on alleged Por· ag~mst Angola nahvcs. church. G •It Of B b. J ; or OIL terro~i~:o~~~~:~~:~~m~~ . M.d .I : t u s Ul y i om ~ngs i apanese S or OIL lthe tl}l-nation Gene~al Se~e~k -Changes In I wes ern . NELSON, B.C. ICPI -not true, If they're guilty, then! TOKYO lAP\- A Japanese , a\ two Commumst CHICAGO lAPl-A cold wave In the south, Texas ci(rus ami Twenty screaming women had I we're guilty.'' .
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